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Posts posted by CyberneticRanger.9170

  1. Was wondering if it was just me , too. I use a Nostromo n52 for controls mainly. I press 1 and go to a dice, press the spacebar key, and it flies out at speed. Does not seem to matter if I flap or not, 99% of the time is stops dead and fall to my death. Someone said to try V instead, so put V on the middle mouse button, still having the same issue.


    Have used the Nostromo n52 & n52 TE (no macros used) for a game crontroller across many games and prefer it. Then see others that are 30 second (or thereabout) on their griffon races, and me I get going and then this but flattens the Griffon in flight. Can't dismount in mid-air, and the griffon is only there, dead, graphically. Soon as I die, press F6 (remapped to Griffon) twice to get out of it. First F6 Griffon shows me standing on top of it, but it's still spread eagle. Press F6 again and can get out of it to resummon.


    Not sure what the issue is either. At first was able to put in a dive, pull up really hard and to my surprise had gained altitude. But on those times the stupid griffon would go into a stall - not moving forward. So I;d have to press forward again ... then it dropped. So was thinking the game had lagged and thought I stalled. Since that happened, every time I go into a dive and hit spacebar key or V it will go for some unknown amount of time. and .... drop. So when it happened again I'd flap, which seemed to cause the griffon to slow back down, and .... drop. Argh!

  2. I was having an issue with Victory or Death and sent in a ticket. Took a week to get a helpful reply that appears to also help with jackal sand portals ... however I still get the Network Disconnected error at times.


    "Click the Start Menu and search for Notepad.exe.

    When you find it, RIGHT-CLICK on it and select "Run as Administrator".Click "Yes" to let it run as Admin.

    You have to run it as admin because you'll be modifying a file which only the admin account can modify. In Notepad, click File->Open and browse to your System32 directory.


    On Windows this is at "C:\Windows\System32". Within the System32 directory is a directory called "drivers". In that directory is another one called "etc". Within that directory is a file named "hosts". Select that file to open. (Note that you may need to change the setting within the "Open File" window to have it show "All Files" instead of just text files.


    After opening the file, add this at the bottom, exactly as shown: assetcdn.101.arenanetworks.com type or pasted into that note. Or if you have it in the host file already, then just reverse what I said and delete the " assetcdn.101.arenanetworks.com" line. PS: If " assetcdn.101.arenanetworks.com" doesn't work, then replace the 101 to a 102/103. I would personally recommend 102 first it seems to help alot of people.



    GM Nasser"


    102 seems to be working better than 101.

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