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Posts posted by yefluke.3168

  1. Comparing to GW1, we are only able to access the top right part of the Istan isle.


    How about the rest. Is there any mentioned about other part of the area that I probably missed?

    I think the area is the important historical settlement. It shouldn't be scrubbed out from Tyria history.

  2. > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > Its been cut and dry that they have FOUR full content teams working on the game now. Which means when their development cycles rotate we'll be getting regular content.


    > Saying Living World is maintenance mode is laughable, because PvE content is the lifeblood of the game. Getting entire map expansions every few months is phenomenal for an MMO. Also alliances is a WvW feature so isn't a priority for the main teams.


    > My hype for "Season 5" is still stronger than the finale to Season 4 because of how its bringing out all the stops for player accessibility. Using all the content and features all masteries provide is another layer on that cake. When they are ready to bring out another set of elite specs and collection sets, we'll get an expansion.


    For casual player like me...

    I don't think it bring the life that much in reality. We got living world episode for every 3-4 month... but finish it within 2-4 hours and some collaborative grinding repetitive map events...... which questionable reward...

    ... unlike expansion pack. there are more to explore and new play style to experiment.

    The living world content doesn't really match the expansive mechanic of the expansion.


    This year my 4 of 5 guilds disbanded, a lotttttt of my friends gradually permanently leave the game ....


    Good sign of bright future??? I'm really 99% sure that there are unlikely 3rd expansion soon.

    People patience will wear out... and yeah one of you here might already leave the game in mid 2020.



  3. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > All ot needs to be better than s4 is to have a consistent cadence. It lessened my enjoyment of the game massively how se4 had more than half its episodes delayed.


    > to be succesful and build a strong audience you need consistency and se4 was a huge let down in that regard.



  4. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

    > > Hmmm just fired 100 devs [...]


    > It was 146 devs, if not more. And some of them _did_ work on GW2.


    > Anyway, I really hope for an announcement soon that they will start working on the next expansion. Otherwise, I will definitely play this game less, which includes spending less or no money at the Gem Store, and possibly quit if LWS5 disappoints as much as the last episode did and/or continues to bore the audience with elder dragons _and_ there is no expac on the horizon.



    Yeah, at least announce about it a little bit.

    Do they talk about new expansion at all????? no? may be E3? (probably talking about LS5)


    I am playing the game less now because of the laid off incident and tired of delaying LS episode / a little replayablilty of the new maps / unsure future of the game.


    well... any answer Anet? will there be new expansion pack?

    i bet they can't answer at all because they are also still unsure about the game future.

    Am i right Anet? Mike O'Brien?


  5. > @"Clara.9631" said:

    > I think they need to: put out their roadmap, starting hinting at content further out than the next LW season, and to start implementing what is laid out. Bonus points if they drop an x-pac confirmation, which would go a long way to assuage concerns as expansions usually mean a resurgence of interest, players and income. Unfortunately, for gaming in general, words don't mean much anymore, and silence causes excessive concern. Gotta show results to get faith.



  6. > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

    > > @"yefluke.3168" said:

    > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

    > > > > @"yefluke.3168" said:

    > > > > well,,, at this rate i think the possibility of getting new expac is only 30%

    > > > Holy necro dude... lol.

    > > >

    > > > It really depends on which way it goes. It's possible that the remaining staff will not be enough to bring out any more expansions, however, as the studio was 300 before and it seems that the studio hasn't been focused as much on GW2 recently, there is a real possibility that the chance of getting another expansion has actually increased now. I could see both sides but as more information comes to the surface I'm actually now favoring the latter.

    > > >

    > >

    > > I still have faith in Anet, I hope they solve this bad situation soon (and wisely)

    > > Still... 4 more dragons to beat!!!

    > >


    > Ugh, I'm so done with those dragons... this is Guild Wars, not Dragon Wars. They are the most overused creature in fantasy games and I wish they'd go onto something else now. I really hope that Kralkatorrik is the last one we have to deal with and that the others get the picture and Aurene can leave with them to the Dragon Dimension or something.


    The number is so powerful in the our intuitive. olympus 12, elite 4 ... at least they are really got me and attention.

    I kind of like 6 dragons as a collection of villain. At least we can know the possible 'range' of the story.




  7. > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

    > > @"yefluke.3168" said:

    > > well,,, at this rate i think the possibility of getting new expac is only 30%

    > Holy necro dude... lol.


    > It really depends on which way it goes. It's possible that the remaining staff will not be enough to bring out any more expansions, however, as the studio was 300 before and it seems that the studio hasn't been focused as much on GW2 recently, there is a real possibility that the chance of getting another expansion has actually increased now. I could see both sides but as more information comes to the surface I'm actually now favoring the latter.



    I still have faith in Anet, I hope they solve this bad situation soon (and wisely)

    Still... 4 more dragons to beat!!!


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