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Posts posted by yefluke.3168

  1. Just to be realistic...

    Anet not gonna tell us frankly that ' hey, we are in bad situation now, gw2 is doom'.. no they won't. will they?

    They just try to 'keep' everything ok and inform us that there is no problem at all , don't worry..


    if not, they gonna lose the us. This is business tho.

    They might release some expac... within these 2 years to prove that the situation now is really ok..


    We can wait and see.


  2. For me, it is not a good sign at all. Management can tell anything to keep us playing GW2.

    Then, they just shut it down when they can not gain suffice revenue anymore.


    From now on, we will get very delay LS5 and no new expansion.


    ANet never really honest to us (even their staffs). However, They don't tell exact 'yes ' or 'no' answer, only tell some vague answer. ( everything will be ok..., we have those we have that ..... , or just keep quiet) just to keep people from panicking. - well that the business and management job.


    1.5 - 2 years from now is actualy very long nowadays. the consummer behavior drastically change over a short period of times.

    They get bored more easily if the new content wasn't added enough. I don't think people can wait that long for new content. they might leave the game before.


    As i played the game for 3 years and also own Nintendo switch, iPhone ... there are so much more to choose and offer new game regularly to keep everything fresh

    but GW2 didn't ... they added mediocre map to grind every 3-4 months. (but already get bored after 1st month) ... i miss the lively environment when POF launched everything so fresh and a lot things to explore. now it is just vast deserted land.


    I think this is the sign of declining of the game. it is surely not gonna be great again. Even if there is new expansion. it is gonna just 'ok' .

    it's time to countdown folk.

  3. > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > @"yefluke.3168" said:

    > > well... that's a lot to fill.... :#

    > Not really. Primordus is below central Tyria, and Jormag is just to the north in the Far Shiverpeaks, besides us going to wherever bubbles is, they would have to expand the map by very little before GW2's story is done.


    > You also have to remember that, since planets are not flat, any attempt to make a flat map results in massive distortion. Most of the area north of Kryta is far smaller then it appears, as seen in this ideo.




    Arid, Wetland and Howling Peninsular are quite big... Arid already bigger than the whole F2P map.

    They can even make a new game base on those maps. Wondering if we killed all the elder dragons would affect those areas...


    I hope ANet would tease some rumors / details about all these unexplored area... may be by Zephyrite since they are flying all around the world?

    We already have airships (a lot of airships) in game. it makes no sense that we do not contact other places at all...


  4. The map has been expanded a lot to the east but it's never been explored before.

    Do you think ANet will do something with the eastern area at all? any lore of the eastern area of Tyria & Elona?


    What kind of theme of civilization you think will fit the are?


    For me, perhaps it is nomad/mongol Charr.

  5. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > @"rylien.3824" said:

    > > > I think so too ... in my opinion it's over expansions

    > > > Good bye Cantha ? :'(

    > >

    > > Oh please... How can people seriously believe that? :s It makes no sense at all, really, when you think about it. Neither financially for ANet, nor based on any statement or information that has been released.

    > >

    > > You guys are panicking over nothing.


    > Well, there _is_ the time factor. At least 4-6 months to end season 4. 12-18 months for season 5 (assuming it will have 6 episodes, as previous seasons). When we add up some usual delays due to things like christmas (and some break between seasons), we're looking at next expac no earlier than 2 years from _now_. So, over 3 years since PoF. That's quite a bit higher than the time between HoT and PoF. That's why some people ar getting worried.


    THIS! 3 years is too long. and i just bought some new character slot for new elites... i have to wait for 2 years...

    well... hopefully the game still healthy in next 2 years

  6. I think LS4 will fill the the remaining empty maps and then In LS5 we will explore other area... start from above of Desert Highland to Charr Homeland.

    I think it is make sense that they extend the map more to the east (poor heart maguma)


    Taimi still doesn't figure out how to cove with the elder dragons.

    No sign of new villain yet.

    Kralkatorik might be resolved in this season.


    Other villains from each races are most likely inactive ( white mantle , nightmare court, Inquest (they have done their own thing...), Flame Legion, Son of svanir looks like stupid brute - they need clever and dangerous leader)


    Other possible are:

    - Tengu in Season 5 (i think Tengu is look like tailless charr with bird head)

    - I really want new elites but... i think it they might fix and update the current elite rather than offer a new set ...however player like me, who have 20+ characters might feel bore a little bit.

    - May be some new weapon for revenant and engineer?

    - Some new pets.

    - Introducing brand new weapon. (whip, great axe , spear that doesn't use underwater)


    I don't think story and new map alone will keep people stay playing it unless they got a lot more to offer in coming LS.

  7. > @"Perisemiotics.4579" said:

    > > @"Warkind.6745" said:

    > > If the next expac takes place in Cantha I will be offended not because of the Oriental theme, but because of the recycled setting. I want something good and new.


    > I don't get the complaints about Cantha, lol... did or do we get complaints from Africans or Middle East countries and people about Elona? Have there been complaints from the Scandinavians about the Norn?

    > Seriously...




    However in east asia Japan - Korea - China . they are not like each other that much.

    NCsoft is Korean company (Are they still own ANet?), So they might find it offense.

    Since Korea used to be overshadowed by China and Japanese. (especially Japan)


    Korean might not want to merge their culture with China and Japanese (even if they shared some cultures)


    but.... Come on, It is fantasy world. They need to get a life...somehow.

    This is the reason why i want to see Cantha so bad. I want to know if this 'offensive' reason rumor is true or not.

  8. If we will go Cantha,

    I would love to see most human in cantha has been wiped out (probably extinct!)

    and tengu will be a dominant race in the continent. (yay we got tengu as new playable race!!)


    Moreover, Kaineng city has sunk under the sea all the human city were left in ruined. Tengu adopted Canthanion culture and customs.


    So, The human centric story problem is solved!!! ( i really bored of human centric story already, poor charr and norn. but asura is everywhere!!!)


    I prefer blood legion homeland/far shiverpeak peak , but Cantha might have cooler Elite Specializations and maps.

  9. There are some unused weapons so i will sticke with it

    I think we might see - Scepter, Mace , Pistol, Focus at least. (exclude all aquatic weapons)


    Mesmer - Pistol main hand DPS or Control.

    Revenant - Great Sword (Jora or Talon Silverwing) Tank spec

    Thief - Great Sword (katana) Tank or Support

    Ranger - Scepter Main hand no idea may be some kind of range and tank? we need reflect projectile at some point.

    Elementalist - Longbow no idea tank?

    Guardian - Warhorn Control / CC

    Warior - Focus Support

    Necromancer - Mace main hand Control or Support

    Engineer - Mace Tank







  10. > @"Walhalla.5473" said:

    > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > @"Walhalla.5473" said:

    > > > Also why Cantha? The last we heard of Cantha was that it went into a xenophobic isolationistic dictatorship and right now there is nothing to assume that something changed. Going there could start an intercontinental war and another war is the last thing we need with Kralkatorrik being op right now two Elder Dragons who could awaken any time and a war against elona thats coming now.

    > >

    > > Because people are bent on nostalgia. And other people seem to believe that "if we haven't heard of it yet, there's nothing there".

    > >

    > > I agree that it would be more interesting (and, to be honest, far more logical) to go explore new lands than return to Cantha ATM.


    > I don't really understand this obsession with Cantha people seem to have. Back in GW1 I had the impression that Cantha was the least favourite part of the game in the community. Big ugly ghetto, two wastelands, putting in a squishy meele class where enemies explode on death and missions were real slugfests.


    > And after playing with nostalgia in one expansion and now the Living World ( the Joko plot makes it neccesary ). It would be really nice to go somewhere else to discover new land, new lore etc. Sandswept Isles showed that it can be done and I believe that Anet can deliver new lore rich regions for an expansion.


    > > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

    > > > @"Walhalla.5473" said:

    > > > Also why Cantha? The last we heard of Cantha was that it went into a xenophobic isolationistic dictatorship and right now there is nothing to assume that something changed. Going there could start an intercontinental war and another war is the last thing we need with Kralkatorrik being op right now two Elder Dragons who could awaken any time and a war against elona thats coming now.

    > > The "war" against Elona is going to end before it begins, and Kralkatorik will be dead and replaced before we go to Cantha.


    > The war could end now, which is unlikely, it could also end at the end of the season and if it ends at the end of the season, its gonna be at least a few months long, long enough for some destruction and diminishing the number of soldiers and warriors at both sides


    > And for Kralkatorrik dying, we still need to find out how to replace him, just killing him and taking his magic isn't enough. We probably need the "weapon" that was talked about in the story of PoF, which is right now somewhere, for that.


    > And its way more likely that we go east or north in the next expansion than Cantha.




    Joko is probably really dead now (as i expected), next ep will be the transition to Krallkatorik



    I don't know why people were so confident in Joko of being main Villain of LW4. He is just another minor villain like Caudacus.... tbh

    Krak is main antagonist... We know we will end him in some way soon and move on to next expac.

  11. Ele - Longbow. I don't know it's cool tho.

    Thief - Greatsword with Katana looks alike (if we go to Cantha)

    Warrior - Focus , Vajra looks a like with electric magic (if we go to Cantha) - A lot of CC

    Ranger - Rifle - officially hunter - Range DPS

    Mesmer - May be pistol since pistol never be weapon for any elite before, probably range DPS.

    Guardian - Warhorn

    Necromancer - Mace I think we need meelee condi.

    Revenant - great sword or war horn (probably channel Jora or Savanir?) - need melee DPS

    Engineer - Mace the alchemist , or mace the golemancer. both are support.



  12. I voted yes, To have variety and flexible play style are something that make me play the game.

    I rarely play the game that has limited customization because it is lack of creativity.


    and i plan to have 26 character slots. (from a-z) so , variety is important.

    Now i already have 17 character slots, waiting for new elites to come....


    Lastly, for me, 'balance' is something abstract. Each people have their personal view of 'balance' .

    That's why i think to have new elite doesn't really ruin balance ...because it is not actually visually exist.

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