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Posts posted by thebatman.6250

  1. > @"Vena.4276" said:

    > > @"Gandarel.5091" said:

    > > > @"Meh.6419" said:

    > > > It's getting extrelemy kittening annoying the way they're forcing it to be in a meta state of the game, when it's clearly not.

    > >

    > > Idk what you're looking at, it hasn't been tagged as meta in months afaik.

    > >

    > >

    > They’ve been deleting bad ratings so they could keep the build as part of the current metagame.



    How can a build be apart of the metagame when rev isn't even meta. #metaception

  2. > @"Halikus.1406" said:


    > Said the guy who accepts everything anet does with a smile on the face. I respect you as a player Bryan but now you deserve an answer...

    > We complaint because we're tired of receiving nerfs in every single patch. I don't know about the others but I'm sick of having to adjust my build and gameplay every time anet screws us over with some unnecessary and undeserved nerf when there are thousand other things that begs for their attention desperately. They could pretty much open a channel to chat with players and discuss things over instead of "balance" things based purely on numbers, which is clearly not working, or they could, and should tbh, focus on fixing the hundreds of problems and bugs the class still carries since launch.

    > When they do something right I will praise them for sure, like the OH sword rework which was needed but carried out in a bad way, but when they don't then I will call for improvements of course. I love my class and I want it to be competitive with others but the way the class is now the only people playing are the truly skilled players, because the class is not attractive at all for new players in spvp/wvw. We need twice the effort compared to other classes to perform well and avoid dropping dead at any second by bursts with little to no tell. If they fix the terrible balance we have now while nerfing and or fixing everything not only revs then I will gladly accept it, but if they don't I just ask for them to turn their focus somewhere else and stop gutting revs in every single patch.


    Slow your roll on that first bit m80. I have my fair share of issues with whats happening to this class just as much as the rest of you. So between you, me, and anyone who reads my shitposts. I'm doing what I can with what I have and making it work to best of my ability.


    The grim reality we have to accept is that revenant will not be optimal to run in sPvP until 1 of 2 criteria are met:


    1. Nerf Scourges condition output into the ground

    2. Add more sustain to the Herald Specialization


    Once either of those are met we will be able to be optimal in the _**CURRENT**_ meta game. However we need to look at the long term and what we will be dealing with after this season. The responses on this thread are well within the hyperbolic. This is the first and only season, so far, where Revenant wasn't an optimal class to pick for sPvP. Yeah the class is in a rough spot. But so has every other class in this game.



    > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:


    > Today I learned we're supposed to celebrate every nerf our mains get in GW2


    C L O W N F I E S T A

  3. You're better off sticking to power herald for PvP. Renegade is just all around bad for PvP for a variety of reasons and shouldn't be used under any circumstance. If they want to play condi herald, which I do not recommend in any way shape or form, then you'll want something like this.


    Be advised your only defense against condi's is resistance, which can and will be immediately stripped from you when scourges or mesmers are present on the field.



  4. If you have no support Firebrand on your team = shield

    If you have firebrand support = axe


    As a revenant your primary role is team fighting and damage. Axe provides more group utility than sword, however you can make a judgement call and take sword if you believe your team is lacking damage. If you plan on team fighting and stalling Side node points vs Druids or Spellbreakers then Shield is mandatory. You will lose the trade everytime on axe/sword offhand if you try to 1v1 a semi-competent druid.

  5. The build works primarily a pubstomper and that's about it. A good thief will always interrupt Sword 3 with headshot, a holosmith will just jump on you and unload his burst combo until you can attempt a disengage with shiro dodge since you're not taking shield and have no blocks on your build. The most you can do with this build is team pressure. You can't duel druids for side nodes, as they will wait for weapon swap to sword -> Knocback + entangle then burst you down.

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