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Posts posted by viquing.8254

  1. >My warrior going 100-0 in a single hit

    You mean you spam 4K imblocable evade, random 5k and you 100-0 the mes ?


    >And as many said before, the fight between mes vs anything else is decided by mesmer skill. The skill of the opponent is irrelevant at this point.

    Did you have any video or name of this king of mes , thoses skilled mesmers who win every 1c1 that I never saw in PvP ?


    >Thief+Mesmer= Anet Favorite's since Gw2 Alpha beta

    Gardian, Nec, Ele, War (you know the GWEN WvW meta of thoses 5 years.) = Anet Favorite's since Gw2 Alpha beta.


    >Skills which are causing dmg when moving or acting somehow have no place in a game where it is about these two things.

    Agreed, they remove on death clones, now we have :

    * Evade condi spam thief.

    * 4k unblocable evade spam war.

    * 3*2k spam engi bombs.

    But that's ok it's not cheesy cause it's not mesmer.

    (pot calling the kettle black.)


    >but there´s a lot of mesmers out there bcs it´s mostly easy win.

    There is a lot of mesmer beacause of the mobility and the easy escape when things go bad.

    Past it was many thieves because of the op perma speed + jump + condi mvt dispell trait who got nerfed recently.




    Things should be done on every professions to cut the global powercreep.

    Today nearly every professions can burst non-tank builds down in few sec if they stake doing nothing .

  2. I'm the kind of people who chose a main during 2 month of testing multiple class 5 years ago and it's really hard to move to something else after. (bad in diversity but more immersive.)

    To say more about me, I adapt to my team by swaping between chrono tank, shatter burst and condi mirage builds for the moment and I don't see that much mirage on solo ranked Q.

    I agree that with WvW equipment, condi can hit way better than in PvP.

  3. @all cry about mesmer op, just three questions :

    - How many mesmers did you see in top tier pvp (let say 250 as we can see the names) ?

    - On top tier pvp mesmers, how many are playing axe ?

    - Ok if you stay as pole, you can got 30 confu stacks, done by ultra telegraphied skills. What bout 30 unrealistic confusions stacks in1 sec versus 8-10 k damages done on shorter coldown on many other professions ?




    >Inspiring Distortion: This trait now grants 5 seconds of aegis instead of 1 second of distortion.

    Some people around me shearch why this change was done.

    Is it because of PVE to add more diversity in raid compositions ?

    Or because of a side effect on PVP, WvW ?


    >Chaos Vortex: This skill now attempts to face the selected target before firing when it's targeted on foes beside or behind the caster.

    Nice QoL.


    > Ether Clone: Torment duration has been adjusted from 2 stacks for 5 seconds to 1 stack for 9 seconds.

    On Patch line.


    >Portal Exeunt: This skill now performs a range check before activating to prevent unusable portals from being created.

    **Very nice QoL !**


    >Arcane Thievery: In addition to its previous effects, successfully hitting a target now inflicts slow on the target for 4 seconds while granting quickness to the mesmer for the same duration.

    Hard to choose in PvP because of ulititary slots needed for mobility/portal/sustain.

    Can produce good directs bursts with chrono and slow traits.


    >Mantra of Resolve: This skill no longer grants resistance when fully charged. Instead, it now removes all conditions.

    The strongest dispell skill in the game ?


    > Other mantras changes.

    Ok they are up, probably because they aren't used.

    But the main problem with mantras isn't their usefulness (ok it's a little about it ;) .) but the fact that we are free-kill during casting times (think about random CC and random aoe dammage.).

    The things that hurt me really hard during the last big mantra's review wasn't the 3rd charge lost but the +600 toughness lost in a PvP/WvW context.

    Also if one day we can get back the synergy with centaur's runes who proc on Mantra of Recovery incantation, it would be really great !


    > Tides of Time: Improved the consistency of the returning wave in situations where the outgoing wave impacts walls or terrain.

    Haven't tested it much yet but probably nice QoL.


    >Imaginary Axes: Increased the confusion stacks applied by the player from 2 to 3. Increased the duration of confusion stacks applied by both the player and clones from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.

    >Phantasmal Seeking Axe: Increased torment duration from 3 seconds to 4.5 seconds.

    Probably up because not many people used axe in PvP/WvW (personnal view) due to the facts that :

    - axe attacks are easily predictable.

    - other weapon better fit the game mode.




  4. >the clunkiness of charging them up

    That's the whole point.


    One per one mantra where buffed **but** with the lost of the 3rd charge and +600 toughness while channeling, at the end, they were not buffed or nerfed, they were just "changed".

    (And with other changes like torch dispell, Mender's Purity and so one i didn't see more mantra than before.)

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