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Posts posted by Brokensunday.4098

  1. > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

    > > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

    > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

    > > > > Guardian? How about warrior hammer? By the time you've used all CC abilities on a group of enemies, any other melee weapon would have killed them and the next group, maybe even more. Same for maces. In PvE, they have no purpose except to break the defiance bar. Good? I guess, but i would rather use them exclusively. Besides, warrior has more than enough CC utility. Not like the bar is high enough to require more than that since they are designed for groups, and the cooldown is so long on the bar that you'll have the skills ready again before it can be broken again.

    > > >

    > > > You havent played fractal 100 cm I see.

    > >

    > > Yes, i have not, and never will. Still, if it's good in one thing, that doesn't mean it's any better in the other, now does it?


    > Guardian has the second highest number of weapons after Warrior. It can afford to have one or two that have specialised uses rather than competing for the role of top glass cannon DPS.


    Staff is utility, shileld is utility, focus is combo damage and utility, mace is utility mostly, hammer is supposed to be damage and utily but is lacking the damage excluding the skill 2.

    Guarian need a change on gammer because even as an “utility” weappon as is right now is mostly useless outside of some super rare ocassions.


  2. The hammer as right bow is borderline usless it has a fews flaws.

    The simbol is tied to the auto attack in theory this should be the best but in reality the chain is super slow and most of the times you wont land the simbol or they will just walk away. If they merge the simbol on to ring of warding it would be alot better it would be a lock on defensive area or punishement are.

    Second the auto attack chain is too slow if the last hit was same of the rest or atleast one second it would be alot better, damage is okish.


    Third banish..... no damage on a knockback (feb patch) even before that was mediocre, even if it has damage its a cc utilty that trows people away and on a guarian with practically 0 mobility it would be better if it was a kockdown so you can combo with simbols etc.

    These changes would make the weappon viable probably in all game modes.


    As of right now i find the wep as a meme tier usefull in rare ocasions but see almost no play because of the way its design.

    Even on the radiant hammer build era the hammer was just used for its skill 2 that is super fine as right now

  3. > @"RedAvenged.5217" said:

    > > @"bethekey.8314" said:

    > > > @"Terrorhuz.4695" said:

    > > > Necromancers with rune of speed, wurm and spectral walk have some crazy mobility, but this guy isn't using anything of that, it's just speed hack. Report for botting, they'll check it.

    > >

    > > No, watch the video very closely. He's using some crazy Necro ability. You're not allowed to post videos of people speed hacking, so I definitely wouldn't do that.


    > This is an out rage. Who let necro reached this point of busted ness?

    The same people pointing always the finger to keep bringing nerfs to all clases its a cicle.


  4. > @"RedAvenged.5217" said:

    > > @"Zephoid.4263" said:

    > > Ah right.. all those ppl using hammer, bow, and shield. You know, literally no one. Therefore we need to nerf them.


    > Ppl use shield excessively, bow is not bad atm for a support but hammer which could be awesome just doesnt hit much. Weapons are decent, nerf sword 100% doesn’t have to be a lot 25% nerf to damage condi + power and shield w.e nerf leave rest of them the same but wouldn’t mind hammer hitting more often

    But the problem is burn damage so lets nerf power also....


  5. 2 condi cleanse o stun breaks near 0 sustain... the build is carry by the runes plain and simple.

    Try burn dh not using the runes and you will be forced to drop zeals for a sustain trait line and that would change the build completely.

    The runes as right now gives the oportunity to set up easy burst with the sealth or easy disengage options by superspeed. So yes the build is being hard carry by the runes and dh nor guardian is the problem.


  6. > @"otto.5684" said:

    > Regardless if it is over performing or not, the fact that condi DH with trapper rune, is the only semi viable DH build says it all about the current state of spvp. A power build cannot play as power and relies on a broken rune and passive burn spam to function. F*****g trash balance and design.


    Guardian in general mate has that problem the only reliable source of damage is burn at the moment.

  7. > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > Before the mirage and chrono nerfs, mesmer was in the exact same spot of burn trapper dh now.


    > But I guess it's ok when condi mirage was a plague right? That and scourge were the most spamming nobrainer builds of the maps and I climbed from silver2 to plat1 in 1/2 weeks casually playing.


    > That being said I agree, burn trapper dh is the plague of the meta, rewards too much the player even if he is terrible and promote spam low risk gameplay.


    > Not to mention guardian has even a support spec right now which is meta and some other classes barely have something viable.


    Put a cd on the runes and see those player drop back to silver lol.


  8. > @"DoubleSway.1549" said:

    > Burn damage is obviously overpowered. It takes no skill to apply stacks of burn damage. It makes the current meta of the game terrible and completely unfun to play.


    Burn is a bit overtuned but for guard they have to hit you 5 or 3 times to trigger 1 stack of burning so it requires skill lol if you receive the same amount of hits if the guard was power you would be dead anyway... oh wait guard power damage is trash... but yes i agree burn guard needs a nerf pw needs to have its coef check.

    Edit: also trapper runes need an icd of 5 secs atleast.

  9. > @"Crozame.4098" said:

    > > @"snoow.1694" said:

    > > I agree and disagree with you - I think Guardians have been heavily punished by ArenaNets random nerfs in terms of our support (mostly heal & condition removal) and power damage capabilities (all our symbols meaning ALL our main hand damage and single target damage) - so Guardians are **FORCED** to play this degenerate build to counter the insane sustain Spellbreaker offers in a teamfight at the moment and to counter other Dragonhunters, because they mostly have bad condition removal. **I agree with you that the Trapper rune has to go (as a Guardian main since release), but only if we get better power damage back as well as mobility to land our direct hits in return or the next thing you will see are full tank decap Guardians**. I, and many other Guardians are annoyed to be forced to play this braindead build where your only job is basically to Kamikaze yourself while taking down as many people as you can. Last meta where Guardians had actual good symbols was far less oppressive, since Symbol Core Guardian never could drop 5k damage per tick and simply disappear right after. The whole Symbol nerf was a catastrophe for Guardian gameplay as well as for the whole meta by seeing how entire teams drop now while trying to capture canon in „Revenge of the Capricorn“ or clocktower in Khylo. This was NEVER possible when Symbols where still a thing - a spellbreaker could literally sit on point while you and your Symbols PLUS one other person fought for 2 minutes at mid and nothing happened. The balance patch was one big kitten up on ArenaNets side. If DH/Trapper Runes go without Guardians getting some form of damage buff, we will have not a single viable build left in PvP


    > core guard seems to do quite well in power dmg, meme burn, and support.


    Core guard is the best spec we got tat the moment but is mediocre comprare to others, support is decent but there are beter choices example, spellbreaker is better, ele is better. Because there are 2 far superior choices guard going to be irrelevant at suport.

    Power core guard has the surv on par with mes if not a little better while not having the burst potential of mes, same with every other class at the moment.

    As of condi guard has more burst than all but lacks condi re application is just a one trick ponny. ( condi in general needs a sighly nerf)

    Like the other guy said for guardian to be relevant again its going to need small buff all across the board if they are going to nerf burn( knowing anet they would do that instead of going for a icd on trapper runes).

  10. > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > The problem FB has had this year isn't the level of support it can offer its team-mates, that's always been good. The issue is that FB is incredibly easy to focus down in a team-fight, significantly easier than either Tempest or Healbreaker. That's because the Aegis mechanic, while quite strong in a 1v1, is meaningless in a team-fight, where 3+ enemies will eat through that in the blink of an eye. Imagine trying to play Healbreaker without Shield #5 or Full-Counter..... that's FB.


    > Boyce's comment after farming Naru's FB in Mota: "The problem with FB is it just dies.... it just dies".


    > That, and the fact that right now Core Virtues are actually objectively better than Tomes. Slow people can't grasp the idea that 1 skill can be better than a kit which offers 5 skills, because 5 > 1 right? Well, no. VoR offers 6k healing every 50s. ToR offers roughly 6k healing every 50s. But VoR is insta-cast, why would you take the one which requires you to cast 9 times, taking up 5+ seconds, to achieve the same result?


    The nerf the dodgeroll heal the aegis heal and the mantra heal, thats why fb cant survive like it used to. I also agree is super easy to focus

  11. > @"dani.5680" said:

    > Still not the time to destroy this class to oblivion? ATM this class has the best condi dmg/best powerdamage/best sustain via blocks/best healing!

    > Should not 1 class be able to do all these things with so little effort!

    > I think its time to kill it like you did with all the other classes, from rev/necro to engi, to warr and other classes you killed with nerf hammer!

    > So lets do one more try and kill all guardian builds so other can raise from the ashes!


    Pve class is balanced, pvp class has ok sustain low power damage high condi burst but low condi mantain scicne it only has one type of condition, fb is dead dh is a meme core is laking.

    Wvw zerg game core is good dh is for roaming or zerg ganking and fb is just heal boon bot


  12. > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

    > > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

    > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

    > > > > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

    > > > > > @"memausz.7264" said:

    > > > > > Ask yourselves this question - why is it that no other condis in the game and no other direct damage attacks in the game, even combined, match burn dmg? That's how I know all of you are wrong.

    > > > >

    > > > > Yikes, bad take. Burns are generally much lower duration and have limited access. Guardian compensate for having no cover condi by having the strongest damaging one. Bring cleanse and stop wasting it.

    > > >

    > > > Yeah but condi classes in general have been choaked out of relevance and if you take one with plenty of cover condis you actually won’t do much damage. Ppl have tried stuff like scourge condi and condi rev and while they are decent as well as being a dh counter often times- they just don’t bring enough dps to have a place in the spot light anymore and are just a tanky dh with ultra low kill potential

    > >

    > > Choked out of relevance? What does that even mean, like people aren't taking much cleanse because they don't often expect to face condi builds? If that's the case, then tough. Bring cleanse and be smart with it. If you've got other classes applying cover condi then that's called synergy, and it's a synergy that Shoutbreaker and resistance both hard counter.


    > no what it means is in the current balance burn damage is all you need to out dps other condi specs in almost every scenario

    > Take condi scourge for example- it can put bleed, torment and burn in bulk, this is harder to cleanse yes but in it’s nerfed state if you actually land a good bit it’s gonna push maybe 1 of those stacks to tick for 1-2k per meanwhile a burn guard didn’t even have to hit a full soj to do that and if they do it’ll be actually relevant damage.

    > In this case a condi scourge is much harder to cleanse and ill even corrupt boons but it’s not gonna out dps burn damage unless you tank it but then if they are tanking it burn burst will get the kill faster so win win.


    You forgot to mention fear damage and the fear cc and the fact that the scourge has more sustain than the dh or core build.


    Dh and core burn can kill more quickly but in a longer fight will lose to most builds.


  13. > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > > @"Brokensunday.4098" said:

    > >

    > > Edit also traps need to desapwn asoon as you place another.


    > They do... what do you mean?


    > Also remove trapper runes!


    If i remember correctly you can place same traps twice if you place them then wait the cd and when some one triggers place another. Traps should despawn when the cd reset.

  14. > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > > @"Brokensunday.4098" said:

    > > > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > > > Changed my mind

    > > >

    > > > No other trapper rune is this annoying

    > > >

    > > > So prolly dh needs some tunning down

    > >

    > > Seems you dont know anything of dh if your asking for nerf. The traps do need something like 5 secs cd atleast in pvp


    > I know dh has one of the highest winrates in the game for quite a while, a class flying under the radar for 6 months at least. Now team USA made it pop and a lot of ppl are playing it it's going to be nerfed, you gatekeeping it or not




    Win rates does not mean x build or x class is overperforming. Las season dh had good winrates and was not even meta. Dh in general is in a dire need of a buff. I edited my las coment scicne i saw some mistakes. the runes need a internal cd that should alone make the build less opressive for low ranked players.



  15. > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > Changed my mind


    > No other trapper rune is this annoying


    > So prolly dh needs some tunning down


    Seems you dont know anything of dh if your asking for nerf. The runes do need something like 5 secs cd atleast in pvp


    Edit also traps need to desapwn asoon as you place another.

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