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Posts posted by cursE.1794

  1. GW2 pvp died when HoT turned the game into an aoe/cc spam fest. I said it 2 years ago, many others said it 2 years ago, ArenaNet didn't listen. Now it's worse. That's what happens. There are smart people out there who make good decisions. And then there is this part of ArenaNet.


    I feel like the team that made GW2 in the first place and the pve content of the addons, especially HoT, are doing a great job while the people who design the elite specs (just look at weaver being completely broken and the community feedback being ignored) and who are responsible for the live management of the game are doing a terrible job. There is such great design in the pve world, like the gliding through the HoT jungle and the map design with jumping mushrooms and different layers, the mini games etc. and then there is the pvp team. Or the people who refuse to implement a mechanic to have your map slot in pve environments reserved for 2 minutes in case you have a disconnect. Or the people who screwed up the game client in 2015 which caused the game to crash for a lot of players, another thing that hasn't been fixed so far. Such great work on one side, such a terrible job on the other side.

  2. > @MyPuppy.8970 said:

    > After some Time playing in ranked i'd Say Sword Weaver is fine and balanced. It is some other specs that are overtuned. Still, it requires much more effort to be decent at killing things.



    Yeah, weaver is fine it's just all the other specs that are too strong.


    That's one way to see it, indeed.

  3. If you've been playing ele since release then you have all the information you need. I asked because in my experience, it's usually new players coming to the forums and asking if crafting a certain legendary is worth it. If you're rather new to the game there certainly is some background the community can provide to make the decision easier. In your case it seems like everything is up to you. I personally wouldn't craft Meteorlogikus because to me it looks like a stick of cotton candy when looked at from far away, but the details of the thing are still amazing.

  4. I'd wait for the balance patch because sword might become a viable option in both pve (fractal and raids) and pvp (spvp and wvw). If this is the case, you're much better off crafting Bolt or the Shining Blade. This might not apply to all players, but I've made the experience that the longer one plays a certain class, the more likely you will use the weapon that is best suited for the situation regardless of style. And over the past 5 years, scepter was rarely the best option in a certain gamemode. Staff for example has always been top notch in pve and wvw, making the Bifrost or Nevermore a good choice to craft as an elementalist at any given time.

  5. You should take a look at the NCsoft financial report and the revenues of Guild Wars 2 in the last quarter. Its not like they are making huge revenues with GW2, quite the opposite is true. They probably had the order to release Path of Fire off schedule and this messed up the patch release timings. At the current point, I am happy that we're getting a balance patch at all - given that the changes made actually improve the game experience. They could have also just delayed the start of the season by a couple of weeks - we've had longer breaks between seasons in the past. So if the choice is to have the season start right away or another couple of weeks of waiting I'd go with the first option to be able to work on my ascension.

  6. There shouldn't be 1 shots in the game. Doesn't matter how many skills you need to pull it off, killing someone within 0,3 seconds is still a one shot. The problem is, any nerf to this build might affect the entire class in a negative way. Because ele is currently not really among the strongest classes in the game. So the problem of fixing scepter marauder weavers 1 shotting people is quite a complex one that needs to be handled with a lot of perception.

  7. > @Hiki.9310 said:

    > With the amount of cleanses flying around, conditions are far from overpowered. If you think they are too strong, it's time for you to become a warrior player and stack resistance for the whole match.


    Passive condition cleanse doesn't fix condition bombing. You have to be extremely lucky to get a passive cleanse of the right 20+ stack of conditions exactly at the 2 second time window between one getting condition bombed and one dying of condition bombing.


    Resistance can and will be corrupted btw.

  8. The most important hint for a new player is to avoid heart quests and just go for the exploration of the map. Always keep moving and uncover new areas, that's what makes you level up quickly and the open world certainly has some beautiful spots. The rest is really not that important. If you want, you can level up crafting to get some of the extra xp, but it's not necessary as well. Fire/air/arcane is a good combination of traits, for the stats go for power, precision, ferocity but mix in some vitality. And try to get the glyph of elementals and use it to summon a stone elemental, it really helps in some situations.

  9. The #2 skills of sword are nice, but I don't get why the auto attack had to be 130 range. Rev has a 2h hammer and it's a ranged weapon - why couldn't they do something similar with sword? Just because it's a sword doesn't mean it has to be a simple slash animation - we are elementalists! Also, sword hits like a wet noodle. But apart from the autoattacks and the damage, sword has some good skills.

  10. Played this build before HoT when it was even stronger with immobilize signet of earth. Extremely fun when you instagib an opponent, extremely frustrating in an actual fight because of its limited defensive capabilities. If a mesmer wants you dead, you're dead. If a thief wants you dead, you're dead. No thanks. Scepter/focus is a better option.

  11. The weaver has a lot in common with the old d/d celestial ele, including the fact that it works only with a very particular build. I guess you're also playing the sage's build of Phantaram. I tried that build for a while now too and I can confirm that it is competitive, although the skill investment to reward ratio is still way below spellbreaker, with the reward being even (at maximum), maybe lower.


    You could get even more out of the weaver if you increase your burst by using the fire/earth to earth/fire switch trick. It also gives you up to four blast finishers in your fire fields including evasive arcana and you could even double use primordial stance.

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