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Everything posted by meerfunkuhtron.9725

  1. > @"len.7809" said: > They are not gonna do much about it, wvw is not what most of the players play. So it doesn't have that much weight comparing to pve. Pretty sure more people would play this game mode if it wasn't always so broken and neglected. The sad, unpopular state it's in now is directly related to how Anet has treated it.
  2. I got excited seeing the "10/10 balance patch" post earlier then realized I was being a fool :s But ooof. These WvW posts always make me sad. It seems to be a pattern they use for how they "manage" the game mode- neglect it for years, then come in with ideas they want to experiment with, send promises of further work coming our way, then... the inevitable silence and back to neglect. Someone is calling the shots for these decisions and I feel like it's time they invest in better leadership in their ranks.
  3. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: > Chapters within Episodes must be played in order (first time through only); Episodes can be played in any order. Yep, that's what I'm pertaining to. Chapters within the episode, not the episodes being in order.
  4. > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said: > a squad leader = tag in Wvw is normally there to coordinate things. you lead the way, provide stab/heals/cleanses or group ccs. that's why the common class for leads is FB, nearly any serious group is lead by those. exceptions are chrono and rarely scrouge and spellbreaker (last two rather for opentags). as comm u shouldn't be carried by your group, that's why non-selfish classes make more sense. > > rangers are rather a class that focuses on sniping lonely targets and fast bursts. lacks any real sustain under heavy pressure (only for itself, that's like the thief leads that port around and their group just dies trying to follow) > > also rangers get hardcounterd by the bubbles, which ideally a squad has in several ways. there's so much potential missile reflects around. you'll see what damage is when u fight against a strong group alike. > > also, i only talk about 20+ squads, smaller groups are just roamergroups... there's no class that couldn't "lead" a roamergroup. some people also "lead" 5-8 people groups but the impact of that sized groups is marginal. the damage caps removed the possibility that these groups can effectively do much alone. > like, a strong 20ish group can effectively kill 60, but at less than 10 u don't even have 2 parties, so u'll have hard issues with even 30 ppl on the opposing side. only winnable if the other group completely routs at the first push, but that's manage again on any of the meta dps way better. if i bomb into some not coordinated smaller group on scrouge with wells, marks, shades, people tend to panic and split up, and cleaning up needs no big abilities by the rest of your players. whereas as ranger i could only longbow2 or 5... that's no pressure compared to that herald or scrouge can dish out at once and in AoE-dps. > > ranger specs are used in raids, fractals, that's their thing. hit big hitboxes that move rather slow and in patterns. or burst things down 1v1 in spvp. > > we had this discussion here so often... idk why people don't want to accept that 2 classes are more handicaps than anything else in wvw... and u can still roam, just if roamers get too numerous during primetime, it rather cuts the fun for everyone. Sure, the ranger may not be the top of its class. I mean... It took me about 3 years of playing the class before I felt confident enough to take her out to pvp and wvw. And that's mainly because it can feel underwhelming. BUT that doesn't mean that it can't be great either, it might just take a bit more effort and tweaking. My bf commanded both small and large groups as a ranger, and so did many of my server mates. I've also mained WvW with my ranger. Whenever I played with other characters, I found myself too frustrated from dying too much, so I'd say, "Let me take out my ranger," if I wanted more success. Also, in terms of the bubble issue you mentioned, rangers don't have to just play with the longbow. I know that's the meta, but I played pretty efficiently with axe/warhorn/sword/greatsword in various combinations. I got up to people's faces and survived because of the several survival utilities a ranger's build can give. So bubbles don't really stop people like me. Couple that with the maneuverability/mobility of the class, then I was able to dip out when it got too hot, switch to my long range weapon and use my pet's skill to deliver some kind of annoyance (stun/fear/blind etc.) and to keep some pressure, then go back to melee. And yes, though core ranger is definitely a selfish dps spec, the other specs aren't. Druid for group heals and support? Soulbeast as support when sharing stances? Again, the Druid may not be the best at healing, but it doesn't mean that what they bring is moot either. Like I mentioned in my first comment, I was able to help keep my teammates alive by using the stances, or boost their dps even further. And apart from longbow's 5, its skill 4 also provides a really good punting utility that I saw worked really well against enemy players especially if they're next to a high spot lol Anyway, my point is, the things you mentioned that makes a ranger not great in WvW are just kind of narrow IMO. No disrespect intended, I just have a very different experience from what you described. There was a ton of friendly rangers that were giving enemies hell, and also a bunch of enemy rangers who were equally giving us hell. So unless something drastic has changed in the past years since I've played, I'm just going to say that we probably have a very different understanding on the ranger :) EDIT TO ADD: To turn this back around to the thread's original purpose... OP, my personal stance is, if you enjoy the class then keep going at it. They're not Anet's favorite (we're like the middle child out of a dozen kids XD), so be fairly warned that you'll most likely hit some walls more-so than you would in other classes. With that said, I've played with and fought against great rangers out there, both in small skirmishes and huge blob fights. So if the class provides the flavor of gameplay you want, then it'll be worth it regardless.
  5. > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said: > @"Vengy.6213" that'd be the spvp section then, tho. spvp builds u find @ godsofpvp for example, and Wvw builds @ gw2mists. in wvw u never fight on even terms, and > > ranger isn't a wvw class, u can at best roleplay as walking arrowcart (there is some trait or sigil that makes longbow 5 have barely cooldown)... > > @"meerfunkuhtron.9725" well, the new players make a quite big population there by now. it got way more casual, since no tournaments = no competitiveness in ppt anymore. barely anyone knows how to proper siege keeps. also shortcuts and doublegate/wall siegespots are only known by a not huge amount of the population I assumed that's how it would be. Sadly, but things change and sometimes for the worst. I'll one day have to jump in and test your statement about rangers not being a WvW class. If true, then more things have changed for the worse, I'd have to imagine. Because a few years ago, I and my fellow rangers were doing quite well both in roaming and blob fights. (Not that I can't trust your statement, but just out of general disbelief 'cause that is some sad news! XD)
  6. Hello o/ I'm a returning player but I've played ranger since launch, and mainly played WvW after I finished the main storyline (never played dungeons either). If you're going for a power build in general, LB + GS is a fine choice. You can definitely do some good kiting with your pet as a bonus annoyance, then switch it up for heavy hits on GS. You also have to consider what kind of gameplay you're interested in. If it's small-scale fights and roaming, then your build will surely differ from the large group fights. When I was still playing a few years ago, I was running a dps/tank soulbeast that relied heavily on boons that served me well in small scale fights, but I also became an off-hand support as I share my boons to other players. Saved a lot of people's necks :) I suggest going over to sites like [metabattle](https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki) and browse through their builds for pvp/WvW. There are other sites that give build recommendations, so just type in "WvW ranger roaming build" or something and it should garner you some solid sources, though metabattle is the most popular. When I was trying to tailor a build, I also often used [gw2skills.net](http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/). Play around with various combinations of skills, armor, trinkets, signets, etc. I think you running around and leveling your ranger from start is a great idea because this gives you more intimate knowledge about the class. Even the least "meta" builds out there can surprise people and most of the time, it's because that player has spent considerable time playing and learning their class. So I say, take your time. Spend a lot of it with base ranger then move on to the other specs would be my suggestion. Hope you enjoy your time in WvW! It's changed a lot from when I was active in there, but I hope all the newcomers still find a ton of enjoyment out of it :) Good luck!
  7. > @"Nuri Wurm.2496" said: > I made a stupide purchase I couldn't use. I don't even remember what it was because it was awhile ago. I think it was a bank tab or something and I was maxed out. They refunded me when I wrote them. They were very nice. They were alright. I think in this case there's more going on beyond what CS can do, unfortunately.
  8. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said: > You could try a -repair of the client. Instructions found in the Knowledge Base, accessed via the 'Support' link. > > Also, Episode 5 is set in Thunderhead Peaks, not Dragonfall. A character or player does not have to unlock and play previous Episodes to play and/or enter the next map/play the next Episode. > > Good luck. I get what you're saying but again, I remember doing the quest within that episode. If the episode wasn't previously unlocked, then there wouldn't have been a way for me to play through it. I may be remembering it incorrectly, but I thought that back then at least, you couldn't play through the next chapter if you didn't play the previous one. I'm also a completionist so I don't leave stories incomplete. I was invested in the stories and I never liked not knowing what happened previously. In any case, there's not much I can do atm. I'll just make sure that the next time I have to unlock something, that I'll check around first so that if it's a bug, I'll report the bug instead of having to deal with an issue I can't dispute.
  9. > @"Randulf.7614" said: > I have never heard of a situation where an account has unlocked an episode on some characters and not others. As far as I aware, once it is unlocked on the account, it is completely impossible to even buy the episode again on that account. > > Support should have no issues seeing that a character had previously completed an episode, ticked off an achievement or logged in during the release window to unlock it. > > I feel there's something we're missing here and I'm not certain what. You don;t have multiple accounts by chance? Nope, just one account. And that was my thoughts too, that there should be a log somewhere that a quest or achievement within that episode has been completed before yesterday (when I had to unlock the episode with gems). Especially since I haven't been playing a lot at all, then there isn't too much information to parse through, as far as my account is concerned. Thanks for the response... I'll try and bring up their logs and see where that goes.
  10. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said: > > @"meerfunkuhtron.9725" said: > > I'm a returning player so I'm not as up to date on these things anymore. What I can attest to is, Warrior was a constant issue from as long as I can remember for this game, and I played since launch. Warrior was always being called for nerfs from players, and every patch we saw (again, at least from launch to a few years ago) seemed to only make them stronger. High baseline armor, high baseline damage, high baseline mobility, so many blocks and invulns and retals, etc. etc. on one single spec always made this class so much stronger than the others. I mainly played WvW, and I remember rolling a warrior, boosted it to 80 and gave it whatever gear I thought would be good as a clueless non-warrior player then took it to the ground. Decimated players and took them far much longer to kill me on a 1vX scenario when, if I was in any of my classes that I actually geared and played well in, I would have gone down so much faster. > > > > Looks like some things haven't changed >__< > > Ummm warrior is literally one of the weakest classes right now post feb patch in pvp along side mesmer, they have a good heal support build and the rest are mediocre. Sry but if warrior seems op to someone that person needs to look to themselves, not the warrior That's why I said I can only attest to how Warrior has been in the past, between launch 'til a few years ago. Meaning their state of being OP didn't change at least for several years. So needless to say, I wasn't that surprised with another nerf warrior post. Though it's a bit counterintuitive to make them weak and... a healer class? When we say we want them nerfed, we never mean "nerfed into the ground" since many folks actually enjoy playing Warrior, we just don't want it so much of a face-roll. But I'm not surprised with this either. There doesn't seem to be a middle ground for Anet at times.
  11. Earliest memory was popping into WvW during quiet hours (usually around 2-3 AM PST in our server, when servers weren't being merged yet). I'd flip towers and camps, repair keeps and restock resources. I began getting a small following of night owls who called me "night commander", and one of them became a really good friend of mine for a few years :)
  12. I was incredibly confused when I clicked on this link, found a comment of mine from 2018, but realized this thread was on front page somehow. I came back here because WvW was my home away from home, so when my community was dismantled due to the server merges, some hope was renewed when they announced Alliances. World linking failed, like many of us foresaw, and now they seem to have gone back to their "Soon TM" mantra after they caused a wreckage. ~sigh~ So in solidarity with everyone else who's tired of Anet making promises but never delivering, or even apologizing for their own f-ups... #AlliancesWhen
  13. > @"Asrais.1205" said: > I dont think you understand the** emotional impact** games have on people's lives **especial** during **lock-down **and this **pandemic**. > By keeping server without a link and bringing them to the ground it has a big impact on people. > I know that this pandemic forced more people spend more time on games so you, Arenanet, should do your best to support communities, not tearing the apart. > Everyone needs support during this time. They kind of showed they didn't care about tearing communities apart ever since they started messing with WvW and the world linking process. So many of us were against it, while others thought the world linking was going to be temporary like they initially stated. They abandoned their one game mode that made them unique from other games (for what reason? Idk), then when they came back to it, they just flipped the tables and said "we fixed it!" and now here we are. So yeah, not sure if negotiating with their conscience or care for the community will get us anywhere.
  14. I'm a returning player so I'm not as up to date on these things anymore. What I can attest to is, Warrior was a constant issue from as long as I can remember for this game, and I played since launch. Warrior was always being called for nerfs from players, and every patch we saw (again, at least from launch to a few years ago) seemed to only make them stronger. High baseline armor, high baseline damage, high baseline mobility, so many blocks and invulns and retals, etc. etc. on one single spec always made this class so much stronger than the others. I mainly played WvW, and I remember rolling a warrior, boosted it to 80 and gave it whatever gear I thought would be good as a clueless non-warrior player then took it to the ground. Decimated players and took them far much longer to kill me on a 1vX scenario when, if I was in any of my classes that I actually geared and played well in, I would have gone down so much faster. Looks like some things haven't changed >__<
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