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Posts posted by reddie.5861

  1. > @Zakka.2153 said:

    > As a warrior main/spellbreaker. I got pretty badly beat by a Ele today, and a thief/daredevil the other day while roaming.


    > Spellbreakers are good, but eh anyone who knows how to counter them can.


    no fucking way! i play thief / spellbreaker main and as u said on both classes i have np beating anything but ele's and scourges last 1 is prolly my mistake for not giving up when i should/.

  2. i wonder where all these rifle thiefs are nowadays?

    pre PoF so many tools where crying for rifle thief so they can snipe and balabalaaba, now barely any1 has good word about it.

    the dmg is there u can snipe perfectly fine..


    i nagged from start already that rifle thief would be beyond horrible.. well i guess i was right.


    it doesnt work in WvW, cus WvW is sadly about mass PvP mostly (if not u better of being like sPvP mobility ftw) so in mass PvP u cant really snipe cus will always be some asshat infront of what u just wanted to take down. No problem tho ull just rape the other person but it just lacks piercing every1 constantly moves as tight as possible chance u hit multiple people with for example 3 shots is much greater then being able to 1 hit some1 out of the mass.

    the build is also to slow if u make mistake by kneeling in wrong spot for example u got shadowstep to gtfo, and thats it more or less its not like we can handle a few hits we are 1 shots our self also we really cant have this "static" build with amount of armor we have been given on this class we heavily relay on movement/dodges.

  3. > @"hanabal lecter.2495" said:

    > don't have much of a problem with their damage it's just how all theives only run like wussies that'sa annoying i either ignore them and let them chase me and they usually die running after me lol...

    > let them have fun in the only thing thief can excell at, which i trolling because they really cannot do much else.


    dont know a class that can just run and not die when i play a thief..


    only 1 class is fucking annoying is thief vs thief

    then ele/engi cus of massive healing for the rest i dunno who else can keep running and give me troubles.

  4. but alot of thief things can be pre "casted", never used macro but if i get all shit right i can wreck people also in a flash.

    mesmer i never played tho i guess its same shit u just go thru a rotation where somethings are pre casted

  5. > @Inoki.6048 said:

    > > @Vova.2640 said:

    > > What is this supposed to mean? People are complaining about a BUG that lets you do unreasonable amounts of damage.

    > > You're telling people to "deal with it" because you and other dead eyes are enjoying abusing a bug.

    > > How pathetic.

    > >


    > really? so that is a bug, but spellbreakers blocking everything, having insane regen, damage, mobility, toughness and just about everything in the game along with scourges with a trillion condis on touch is perfectly fine.


    > stop taking those meds.


    wait, i play thief/warrior both equal as much..


    its not a bug to dump your malice on something and stack up why should it? if Anet doesnt want thiefs to do this add dmg to it.

    as for you dunno what ur talking about but most warriors have 2 blocks

    1 from shield and 1 from that new spellbreaker elite on adrenaline. Both are obvious but doesnt stops a thief from killing spellbreaker.

  6. > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    > I don't think roaming was ever an intended activity in wvw personally. I agree with zergs (of course) and havoc groups but roaming feels like a cheap gimmick. All I ever see from players who roam are 1v1 oriented builds that are extremely overpowered vs anything else other then 1v1 builds. They usually stack Vit + Tough so that they stay alive forever and whittle other players they come across until they finally drop. Since its not SPvP, they can reset the fight for themselves an infinite number of times through, movement skills, stealth or defensive traits and the victim has nowhere to hide (unlike spvp) because the map is so open.


    > Most of these roamers run full ascended gear, with food + utility and completely overpowered specs + stats that are completely suited for 1v1 play (even using stats combinations that are banned in spvp because they are too imbalanced and deemed OP). They tend to mostly encounter players running back to the zerg whom are not suited for 1v1 play, or in most scenarios sub level 80's or new 80's still in greens, whom they mercilessly hack away at and grief. Yes you can argue that roamers stem the tide of reinforcements to the zerg, but really the impact is negligible and it mostly amounts to trolling and griefing, then actually bringing the server a tactical advantage, especially since wvw centers around large scale zerg battles.


    > I think adding the raptor would solve this type of imbalanced bullying. It would allow players to traverse the map quicker, and get back to their zerg/havoc squads faster. It would allow them to get back into action faster, making wvw more fast paced. Lastly it would completely eliminate most roamers, because its pretty hard to stop someone running by at full speed on a raptor. I think this is a change that is needed to combat an aspect of wvw that was never really intended and would bring QoL improvements to the game mode.


    wait i like roaming, so because u dont like it u want to avoid it at all cost and have these mindless blob fights?

    i dunno exactly what ur saying about vit/tough stats on roamers? most roamers are in marauders gear but w/e..

    i stumble into roamers my self also when im on my zerg toon for some odd reason i dont have problem dealing with em, unlike u?

    maybe u should roam your self someday and figure out how to play it then u prolly have figured out how to deal with em also..



    anyway if i roam i do exactly what ur hating i stop all these zerglings from going back to their commander so my server gets a TACTICAL ADVANTAGE.. how about that?

    u get crippled my server wins and they take or deffend the object succesfully..


    stop hating just deal with it, or dont run solo like a brainless tool towards ur commander when u know roamers are around wait for more people to run in a group.

  7. > @ThomasC.1056 said:

    > I don't think the OP's issue is fight back is 1 vs 1. It's more about people that don't know how to behave, and hide behind "it's a fighting game" nonsense to be jerks.


    > For example, the one who use humiliating emotes (laugh/dance) when they down you in a not so fair fight, just like that mesmer I saw yesterday, who obviously had a macro set because he was able to land 12 skills in a split second. Like, you're minding your business, and you drop from 22000HP to 0 by the time the little "power lock" noise is over, and your log gets all those skills that hit you... And then, he comes, and proceeds to dance. Typical kind of guy running with a "chicken chaser" title. (I reported for botting).


    > I don't mind a good fight, but I don't like players with cancer builds whose sole purpose in life is pour dolyak poo in other people shoes. The game mode is toxic enough as it.


    > And yes, I know there nothing that can be done about players' behaviour. But they also can be disarmed, by removing some emotes and titles.


    i like wacking people in backline or trying to get back to their blob.

    i dont dance tho i dont do anything beside get my kill and lurk for next lonely guy.


    look at my point of view, when i run around lonely and i stumble into a blob for w/e reason and i dont gtfo within a split second whole blob will run over me.

    so why should roamers (assholes or no assholes) spare these lonely people.

    i have no mercy with any1 beside people standing at duel spot or obvious spectators in GvG.

  8. > @Pelto.9364 said:

    > The inbalance between exo and ascended gear should be removed. Ascended gear may have wvw infusions too.


    > Either forbid the use of ascended gear, or just scale down the stats accordingly.


    > Pros:

    > -The stat balance makes players more equal

    > -If the stats are scaled down to exo level, it means less power creep

    > -Exo gear is cheaper to craft which is good for players who want play with many different builds



    wait what?

    i started GW2 x years ago, i went into WvW as upscaled idiot and i never left i didnt had ANY ascended gear untill it (maybe it did for ever already) started dropping..

    so now i have ONE ! 1<<<< Ascended set all my other toons are in good old Exotic gear beside trinkets and i dont feel any difference between that one toon and all my other toons out there..


    i always loved WvW cus u can simply roll in u play few hours u got enough badges to get ur self full armor set/weapon and ur good to go.

    if u wondering why X person and same class can handle alot more beating its either he doesnt run berzerker like u or he is simply rotating better thru his skills.


  9. this is why i cant stand WvW blob fights anymore cus one that is losing just goes into their shitty keep/tower and pumps out AC's like no other and wont come out to fight unless u back off if u do back off they start chasing ur tail and if u come to close they all dash into their tower to hop on AC's again.


    just make freaking radius on DEFFENDERS siege so nothing of same can be placed near it from same siege for example.


    AC = 1000 radius meaning next AC has to be quite far away from current one. that sounds like a amazing plan.

    then u fix cannon etc by giving people invul when they are on it so these sieges will actually be used instead of getting wrecked the moment u try touch cannon

  10. just use the signet to get HP back on wacking?


    tbh i play D/P in PvE with DA/Tri/DD (basically the PvP build)

    tho if u just 1111 wack mobs to dead u could drop Trickster i suppose for crit strikes and get more HP return on dealing dmg.

    but i never really have problem with sPvP build in pve.

  11. > @Silverstone.4539 said:

    > I'm just sitting dead meat, not much more. WTH class is this? why don't they make something that is on par with current meta, not something that is so below the bar it's not even worth playing.


    > I do like the idea of deadeye, but it just does not work. People are not NPCs, they don't stop attacking when you stealth. And they now I can't really move so they just keep swinging.


    > I'll try a bit more to make this work but I'm just not seeing it.



    cus all the retarded thiefs in thief forum wanted rifle, while any non retard would have known rifle is slow as fuck thus doesnt suit a thief at all.

  12. > @FaboBabo.3581 said:

    > > @Jana.6831 said:

    > > > @xDudisx.5914 said:

    > > > If condi are supposed to be dmg over time why did they make burn hit so hard? Burn is pretty much spike dmg in the form of a condition.

    > > They said they made it hit that hard because it was so rare.

    > > Don't look at me - that's what they said!


    > Because even 20 stacks of burn on ma huge condi damage build is 8 k per second.


    > Burst is 20k in 0.1 second


    with cd off?


    top of that i dunno about you but my condi necro wont even die from full burst of a thief.

    few min ago thief bursted me i just planted all marks under my own ass stood there taking burst from thief guess who died?

    not me infact he didnt even scratch my balls. Im not even in dire gear so i dunno wtf ur talking about, i barely login to gw2 atm cus i tried to adopt to this condi bullshit but i dont like condi necro i cant play power build that i like (cus i cant cleanse like a fool) got more fun in PvE at the moment which i find boring as fuck aswell.


    i dont see the down side of condi when i play my scourge i just huehue i bleed you and now i run away and let you bleed out i stay at safe distance i can reapply in a flash i dont need to keep up anything atleast a melee need to keep wacking the amount of condi's 1 person can apply if u know the other has no condi cleanse left is insane and no way for you to walk away from these condi's alive if not cleanse.


    u see i prefer condi's to be less dmg so people need keep up condi preasure even if one doesnt cleanse or make the condis last ALOT less time so its equal to a melee that has to keep wacking your ass in order to make your HP drop.

  13. > @xDudisx.5914 said:

    > For zergs yes, 4-5 classes are the best for blobing. For roaming and small scale almost any class has a solid fighting build. Some a little better than others, but no class is trash tier. Not ideal, but In the past it used to be worse.


    no offense but i stand no chance vs firebrand/scourge if they are condi specced on my thief

    the amount of condi they poop out and reuse it has is alot less then my cleanse has.


    in the past if ur talking about pre hot.

    the "non accepted classes" would wreck any zerg class when they would be faced away from their blob.

    now it seems like every1 is being pulled together to have equal dmg out put but not equal deffence/condi cleanse.


    imagine if thiefs had same condi cleanse as scourge and deffence/hp from guardian ull see a nightmare of evade thiefs hopping around hitting for 10k+ multiple people in blobs. sadly the above is possible but one mistake and ur bunny hopping staff dreams are dead.


    gw2 since HoT for me has gotten worse and worse not saying that pre hot it was better class wise but after HoT every1 dmg out put went up to my feeling to make classes more equal. while leaving deffence as it was.

  14. > @setdog.1592 said:

    > > @Rennie.6750 said:

    > > > @setdog.1592 said:

    > > > > @Junkpile.7439 said:

    > > > > You need to go read metabattle, copy build there, follow commander and spam skills until your fingers fell off.

    > > >

    > > > i dont enjoy the game mode. its not something i think can be fixed by changing builds. there is a massive structural problem with wvw mode

    > > > has nothing to do with profession balance.

    > >

    > > So you have no idea how we play the game mode but since you saw some red circles and couldn't survive with your PvE build, you demand a major overhaul. Well, goodbye then. You're obviously not accepting suggestion so I won't make any, but these "ground marks" are not really a problem for most of us. In fact we have many ways to ignore them. But you're right, forcing you to change your PvE setup sounds like a daunting prospect.


    > You play conditions. I enjoy melee. get that thru your thick skull. but seriously, im all ears for you expert knowledge on how to melee from 900 range


    so your like me, here is what to do.


    A) dont follow the commander if he goes left u go right > 90% of the time commanders end up head to head when he goes left and u go right u get to pick on backline from enemy but u gotta get the fuck out moment the enemy commander turns or ur pretty much insta dead.

    B) play rev full zerker and use X melee + hammer so u can switch around to range/melee (i enjoy rev hammer even tho im not big fan like u of ranged toons)

    C) just solo roam or havoc with small groups.


    all in all i have to admit lately WvW is so heavy on conditions i dont really enjoy it that much anymore aswell.

    dunno what anet has with conditions i dont mind debuffs in game but the way they are applied is to easy certain classes do not have 100 cleanse a minute and they just get wrecked.


    like yesterday i fought condi thief (i main thief) on my necro man i just blown him up knownin exactly how to trigger his poor ass to use his condi cleanse and the next moment he got wrecked.

    yes WvW isnt as fun as it used to be, maybe because im a melee horny asshat like u, and cant stand conditions.

    ask some condition whore out there if WvW is more fun then it was a year ago.

  15. > @MachineManXX.9746 said:

    > I'm pretty sure these new maps are as close to core Tyria as you will ever see in GW2. Map design aside, as far as mob density goes, well it varies. Sure there are places where you don't run into a lot, and that's good. There are also places where I can barely make it to the other side without being swarmed. Fight in those areas and you will never find yourself looking for a fight.


    well i just rage logged off in elona??? map cus i got bored of trying to reach 3 skill points which where blocked off by huge wall same feeling i had in HoT maps constantly being forced to go through cliffs and use glide things etc.

    i just wanna run and smash mobs like most mmo's now i do admit i mainly play WvW but i seriously miss good old Cursed shore maps

  16. > @Conncept.7638 said:

    > > @FogLeg.9354 said:

    > > Game is not designed for WvW, so classes will never be balance there.


    > Game isn't really designed for any PvP, nor are MMOs in general, which is the reason why I tell people: if you want a PvP game, go find a PvP game, there are so many you're bound to satisfy your competitive itch with one of them.


    > It just isn't possible to satisfy both a PvE and PvP environment with the same gameplay, and not just because of balance issues from individual abilities, but entire mechanics and gameplay systems having wildly different efficacy levels and uses. And in my opinion GW2 is one of the worst in the latter area. Look at the games defense system, bunkers have ruled PvP with an iron fist since launch, while every defensive stat has been worthless in nearly all PvE content because of the dodge system.


    its tbh, but PvE shouldnt be the center of game.

    u balance a game around PvP because PvE will always be piss easy and is piss easy to "balance" u just tune mobs "power/deffence" up or down and done u cant make npc's smarter anyway u can just make em more of a punchbag and a harder hitter.



    Anet is making PvE the center of the game and trying to balance around that..

    which is simply not working if i do 2million dmg hit on npc no1 will complain if i do this in WvW or sPvP the forum will blow up. thus why balance around PvP and then turn towards PvE when u got balance right cus PvE doesnt matter.

  17. why the maps are so awfull? yes im aware some people like it, some hate it.

    i hate it.

    A) there is barely any freaking mobs cant farm anything without having to run all over the place where is good old cursed shore maps?

    B) its a freaking puzzle to go around instead of making neat flat map without freaking portals that i cant use cus no mastery or some kind of mount that i dont have to reach X point?


    i just dont want to do all these things above i never spend any time in HoT maps now i tried spend good hour in new map trying to grab some quick hero points but nope some of em i cant even reach cus i dont have X mount or dont have mastery or im just to freaking bored to find that 1 entrance hidden away in middle of freaking "jumping puzzle" (yes i dont like jumping around trying to find a hole to get through a wall/mountain w/e)


    the old gw2 maps are so much more superior to HoT and PoF update they also block off certain ways but atleast u didnt had to search for ages to find a entrance or needed shitty mastery to enter or some dumb mount.


    just comon i know many more people are hyped about this patch/expansion but i feel like gw2 is going down hill for me it feels like playing some super mario game, cus eventually in ur huge ass empty maps im getting squeezed to that 1 point that i have to go thru in order to progress mmo bro's i want freedom i dont wanna follow something u created no1 should have to follow anything in a mmo there should always be multiple ways not that 1 freaking entrance.


    just look at WvW every1 dislike red borderland because its forcing u to walk X path while people dont wanna be forced to walk X path when there could be 1000 roads to same objective nope we are Anet we give u a monster map but when it comes to point we like to ram u into that mini cliff forcing u to follow that road.


    no thnx i seriously hope next "expansion" ull use OPEN maps with SHIT LOADS OF MOBS (aka OLD cursed shore, so not cursed shore u have now which is btw still better then all crap expansion maps ;))




  18. that certain classes in WvW just outshine everything?

    no matter which way they go they will be doing either BETTER then class designed for doing that job or nearly equally good.


    isnt it becoming it damn time for some dev to just sit down and tune down certain classes dmg or deffence?

    to make them either you do X or you do Y but not shine at both while other classes designed to do X or Y cant do both at all.


    i mean in PvE all shit works out fine but WvW is whole different cake and yes i know devs havent shown their faces in here ever since gw2 release but seriously i happen to enjoy other classes that arent part of shitty blob zerg, which is okay cus i prefer roaming but got many players who play X class and simply arent accepted cus Y class can do same job and survive better and actually adds more support to squad and etc balabala take away some shit from classes all im saying no need to nerf em, just make it work only for em (heal or w/e) so they lose support they lose quality of being in squad while other class could fill this spot up mean while class that lost it heal still has something else to offer to not make it completely useless.




    all in all im just bored of 4 class squads..

    guard rev necro (dont actually need the rest but w/e so 3 man squad) ele oh and the complete try hards would say mesmer but u rly dont need mesmer

  19. no, just like stupid gliders it only promote people to run away faster.


    just die fighting or try get away normal way. wvw maps beside red crap border are small and easy enough to get from A to B within atleast a minute.

    top of that (dunno about gliding) i find it bit retarded if only people with PoF could ride stupid mounts same goes for gliding dunno if normal gw2 accounts can put points to gliding.

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