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Posts posted by Kicast.1459

  1. Bots are a way to limit population drop down. In rocket league when a player is missing...you have a bot to replace him. With this long silence and no action from Anet with all reports made on bots I am convinced that they are anet's bot.

  2. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > Thief can potentially bring damage, and they have top mobility.


    > But what other TOP does a thief have?


    > Are they a top:

    > * bunker

    > * healer

    > * support

    > * aoe

    > * burns

    > * team fighter

    > * damage

    > * ect


    > so when some one says thief can't duel because of x or y...why is the same treatment not given to everyone else when they are "top" in any one of these catagories?


    > Check it out, stealth is not the only "toxic" mechanic in the game.


    you can't be a good dueller with top mobility.

    if you are you shut down all classes weaker than you.

    this is braindead easy to understand...but Anet.is still strufgling at it.


    Why the hell thief remains top mobility since beginning of the game ?

    And nerf short bow 5...for love of god.

  3. > @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

    > > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

    > >

    > > Yep for some reason the Barrier is still pulsing 10k barrier total, might be a bug.


    > We're aware of this issue and a fix is being tested and will be out in the next hotfix.



    this is epic

    how can an adjustment in number generate such weird behavior?

    it is like there is 2 different skills and it is not parameter changing depending of the mode....

  4. > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > @"woodsnico.7426" said:

    > > Hello to all the users and developers of GW2, first of all I would like to congratulate the developers for making a great game very structured in combat, dynamics and solid graphics, noticed after playing for several years that the PVP of GW2 needs without a doubt new modes, new maps since we are in the era where the player vs. player combat has become more demanding in innovation, I hope and the GW2 developers are planning a future for what is the PvP, from my point of view they need to take new ways to increase the number of players per game with new modes, GW2 has great potential to continue growing as an MMO to be crowned as a leader in MMO of gameplay and entertainment, ArenaNet must understand that we are in new times where the player vs player combat is innovating as in other titles with this I do not want them to think that the game can turn into something commercial like other titles as a battle royale mode but you have to keep in mind that you need innovation in PvP and PvE, I think that PvE does not fill veteran players enough, the WvW is very low in playability since it is not structured from my point of view since you always have to go in a ZERG or accompanied by other players like the objectives that have to be done in the WvW are too basic, remember that this is only a point of view of a player I hope and ArenaNet promotes the game with new marketing strategies and new modes Innovative for PVP, I believe that the veteran community of GW2 wants a change to be able to see our game again as it was in its launch from the beginning, remember that GW2 is one of the best MMO in the market competes in the industry at a high level, I think that no one of us players would like to see this game at a level where it was lost due to lack of innovation and new marketing strategies, I understand that it is hard work for the developers to innovate in a community as solid as GW2 is but they have to risk and put themselves on the list as the number one MMO.


    > +1

    > You are one of too many concern player who want the best for the game: i completely understand all of what you said. You are right about many thing including Gw2 having great potential. Unfortunately, Anet had 6 years+ to turn the game around but refused to.


    > ![](https://iamfearlesssoul.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/81.jpg "")



    This... it is not the game that is dead...I feel it is a company policy issue... and I feel (fear) it will not change

  5. > @"incisorr.9502" said:

    > Despite me trying to make you understand what the real problems of this game are it still goes unnoticed and people just abuse it on a daily basis. And yes, the real problems of this game are

    > -** NO LINE OF SIGHT TELEPORTS THAT ALLOW YOU TO CAST A BURST TIED TO THEM AND HAVE NO CAST TIME** - i put it like this so people can see it clearly because it usually just gets ignored for some reason


    > Skills like STEAL and PHASE TRAVERSAL and JUDGE"S INTERVENTION are just COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS. In **any** other game having skills like these is considered BROKEN, its an " ultimate " even without being able to burst but you can burst. There isn't a single game on this planet where skills like those exist and are not considered ludicrously broken and usually have huge cooldown or some drawbacks except Gw2. Those skills are a relic of an ancient design and the game has evolved way past it and that's why they need to change.

    > Maybe in 2012 when the game was made those skills weren't problematic but now they are and it isn't just because of the skill design but also by the extra effects added to them


    > - Revenant's dmg paired with phase traversal is just absurd , a revenant with enhanced daggers and staff 5 can do 15k dmg with iframe and aoe knockdown while dodging attacks and then use a unrelenting assault to do 20k+ dmg in total while in FULL IFRAME while having NO CD STUNBREAK + IFRAME (if needed to escape, assassins retreat) while also having another low cd stunbreak (invoke legend). Phase traversal alone ok but paired up with safety and disengage and with absurd unblockable dmg is just way too much, it's way too broken, everyone fotm rerolled to revenant, revenants constantly reach 1.9k solo in soloq because the class is broken beyond any reason. The dmg is too high and that alone could be negligible but it's not alone and there are too many factors. On top of that revenant's supposed drawback is lack of condi removal but condi removal is shared so you can easily enable it with some teammates and also condi has received repeated nerfs over the years and is not good at all. Even before the last nerf condi was outnumbered 9:1 by power and now with mirage being much worse the ratio only grows

    > - I might be wrong here but i dont remember thief having poison on steal back when the game released, nor daze, those were traits added later and when steal was designed they didn't expect the skill to put a heal debuff (poison) while also soft-ccing and RIPPING BOONS (that was also added later), including stability, while also even being paired up with a damaging skill. I don't think they even expected thieves to learn to ani cancel offensive skills while using steal but it happened and such mechanics are fine in a game but the rest buffs were added later and over time the skill got ridiculous. Thief also has a ton of ways to disengage and escape fights and in general can't be punished unless random power spikes or player error so it's not like they pay a price for having such a broken skill


    > On top of all that the CD of these skills is LAUGHABLY low (5 and 20 seconds). Judge's intervention is also a problem and guardian is stupidly overstated as well but at least its mobility is much worse and it cant disengage as much so it's ARGUABLY BETTER, the cd is also much higher on it and it also got a big nerf last patch (even if its still good)



    > The only things that counter thief and rev + 1 burst are people with lots of defensive stats (scrappers) and both playing a defensive build and against a defensive build is boring for both sides. I'm not saying the game should only have offensive builds but it shouldn't be so exreme and it should stay on a middle ground.


    > Right now 90% of the builds in the game are either full damage cheese damage (sickem rangers, rev, thief, even guards with marauder, holo) etc or full tank/defense with little offense(weaver, scrapper, fb etc). So long as you can +1 people as easily as thief/rev can the game will never be competitive or good because surviving a gank by a good rev is impossible, you can't kite the class cus phase traversal is 5 sec cd and cus they have so much cc and unblockable and so much dmg. You can't play the game unless your team can perfectly match the enemy so that your temporary 1v2 buys them advantage but that's just never going to happen in soloq and even in competitive having to rely on everyone in your team to play his role perfectly is just too much just so you can have fun? Ganking is already too strong cus 2v1 is a monumental advantage but ganking with no line of sight burst teleports is stupid


    > i watched a documentary once on some katana guy or it was an archer guy or something(w/e) i forgot and he said what i already knew and what more people should know - reflex/reaction is mostly anticipation. If you expect something to happen and are ready to ' react ' then you'll be much faster. If you don't expect it then you'll be much slower and it's humanly impossible to react as fast as you can if you expect it. The only way you can react to a thief/rev is if you actually know in which window they'll approximately show up which requires huge communication which is unreasonable to ask out of soloq and again - having to rely on 4 other people just so you can have a chance of having fun is too much.

    > Ganking in league or dota for example isn't nowhere as easy and if there were champs that could just teleport up to an enemy with 50%+ of their hp burst they would be picked/banned every single game, no exception, they would be severely broken for good reason. Just imagine a thief/revenant from gw2 in league of legends, it'll break the game. 20 sec cd no line of sight steal that can be casted from fog with burst that does 50%+ of people's hp and even has a cc effect


    > either add cast time with warning (on the target, like a red circle or something) or nerf the damage or remove some aspects (cc/unblockable/whatever) and increase the cd or add line of sight requirement


    > and as a bonus while i'm talking about relics of another age and concepts designed for a game that gw2 no longer is (because it's changed and evolved over the years) - the " healing power " stat is also designed for the past and not what we have now. Back in the day regeneration and heals were actually rare so getting healing power was a trade off and it wasn't as broken as it is now. With hot/pof and rework on skills now most classes have permanent regeneration boon and healing power stat just breaks that and people have insane regeneration all the time. Regeneration itself isnt bad but with healing power it gets too much so everyone has insane sustain. When these concepts (steal,phase traversal ,healing power etc all sorts of issues like this which i wont go into in this thread) were designed we had different stats and stat scaling (damage/traits and ccs and so on) and maybe back in the day they worked but now they wouldnt


    > also in the end - i might get people disagreeing with me because i mentioned almost every class in the game and all the current meta (which is broken ganks and also never ending sustain) so it probably affects most people and most people cant be fair or subjective so they'll find ways to disagree even if they know what i'm saying is actually right


    Fully agree with what you say.

    Seing steal of thieves as by far the biggest offender.

  6. > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > I'm not an engi main, but if next Tuesday they nerf heavily scrapper they will show how much profession preference they have, leaving condi mirage untouched for how many season? 4 or 5?

    > And scrapper being nerfed after 2 weeks only...

    > The law is not equal for everyone.


    dumbass retard argument.

  7. Dear Anet ...thank you so much to give me what I have been crying for so many months other profession had and not me.

    Before I felt it was poor balance unfun to play against. Now I feel that it is funny.

    Everyone can change its mind after all.


    Scrappy scrapper

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