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Posts posted by Kicast.1459

  1. > @Furious.2867 said:

    > I like Firebrand. It's powerful in this meta yet it has plenty of counter play. Can't say the same with Mirage though. Especially those in higher tiers that know when and where to place portals coupled with 1v1 abilities. How the heck can you counter those? It's comical that their best counter atm is to play one.


    It has never been seen as a problem for thieves to be their one and only counter while countering all other direct damage prof in the last 4 years.

  2. > @AngelsShadow.7360 said:

    > If the servers were the problem, everyone would be getting kicked at the same time.


    Is the location of the server and its accessibility part of the server concern ?

    I would be tempted to say yes.

    Choosing the most powerful infrastructure is pointless when your customers cannot access it with reliability.

  3. > @TheDevice.2751 said:

    > Dragonhun- I mean Scourge.


    > My question is: what is the difference between the Scourge and DH (before PoF). When there were plenty of complaints about there being stacks of DH on each team and them deleting people who got too close to them?


    > Where are all the threads that are like "Stay out of their circles", "if you died in their circles, you deserved it", "get gud", "they are low skill ceiling" or my favorite "It's a L2P issue". The similarities are almost scary and you could pretty much say all those things about the scourge that people said about the DH as they all can potentially apply.


    > Whats the difference? Is it because Scourge is being supported by firebrand? And if thats the case, should we be disregarding all the complaints from lower-ranked players since its quite rare to see a scourge/fb duo below plat?


    > Btw, I think scourge should get nerfed. I just would like to know how this situation is different from the DH one.


    Dh was weak as fuck in fact.

    2 years after hot, people thinking DH was strong is beyond me...How can you compare both prof...

    But I assume this will remain ...and people will come back with this urban legend again and again...

  4. Dear customers,


    As POF sellings are not reaching our primary objectives, we have decided to keep our over broken profession still available for the next 3 months. Please buy.

    Note: for those who are upset with the current meta...well...sorry :). Please note that you can still buy a second (or a third) version of our expansion ... to help accelarating a bit things ;)


  5. > @Jinks.2057 said:

    > Ele mains get hysterical on two occassions


    > 1. Ele drops out of meta

    > 2. Ele isn't the most OP class in the game


    > The class is fine and once the over performing things get nerfed tomorrow we'll see it go back to the "norm"


    So much this...was so nice the 5 man cele ele winning tournaments pre hot

  6. Everything is out of meta to be honest... except spellbreakers, scourge and possibly firebrand.

    Rest is just present in tournament because of no stacking rule.

    Good to see that now elementalists start to see the issue not being meta and being totally replaced in the last role they had.(what guardians faced for a long time..I mean a very very very long time...pre hot)


  7. > @"R E F L H E X.8413" said:

    > I feel if you want true esports you gotta make the game tailored to elitists as you possibly can the people who would study everything about the game and get exceptionally good and competitive at it with really high skillfloors


    You are right

  8. > @Exciton.8942 said:

    > Firebrand is like healer tempest but more versatile in its support capability.


    > I would like to see its power level brought down to healer tempest level. This way we can see two viable team fight supporters in the meta game.


    > The reason why I think it is firebrand that needs to be brought down instead of tempest buff is simply to avoid power creep.


    > IMHO, there should be no more power creep over the old HoT meta. The boon/condi spam was already borderline too much. All new HoT specs need to brought down to HoT level.


    This will happen 3 months before next expansion.Don't expect it before.

    3 months of healthy balance every 2 years is pretty fine to be honest.

  9. > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

    > How about making Tempest an alternative to FB, instead of bringing FB down to Tempest's level?


    > FB is a proper support in pvp, it has crap damage, has limited mobility, limited CC, can be focused down, and needs coordination to shine. It's miles healthier than what druid and chrono were.


    merging hard fb now with conditions running rampant everywhere is stupidity to say the least... this is why I am expecting Anet will do it.

  10. > @Darknicrofia.2604 said:

    > What an absolute joke.


    > Balance batch once per quarter, no balance patch with expansion, new balance patch same day as new pvp season.


    > Are the balance team seriously patting themselves on the back for "5 sec cooldown reduction" "balances" every 4 months? Job well done, let's go grab a drink for the next 16 weeks?


    I think they are trolling us...well at least this they do well.

    Finally it is refreshing...

    Nice joke Anet... keep on laughing... we love it. ?

  11. > @Vyrulisse.1246 said:

    > > @psizone.8437 said:

    > > That's disappointing considering PoF and the new elites came out over a month ago and there's a good deal of bugs and broken skills in game.

    > >

    > > Is it possible to get a preview of some changes for each class in the profession forums? Including expected bug fixes and balance changes so players can debate and provide early feedback if needed.


    > No kidding. Does the team realize this glacial approach is not good? I sometimes wonder but we never hear from them about such things. Guess I expected to see a little more urgency in dealing with issues in PoF skills, some of which were discovered during the demo weekends. It's truly mind-boggling to me that we aren't really getting it. If anyone from A.net reads this thread then you all really need to be faster and more agile with this stuff than you are now. Taking the wait and see approach doesn't work in all cases and all cases should not be treated as if it does. It's not working for the player base... it's okay to take risks sometimes, put down the spreadsheets and try to be faster.


    Looking at what happens every time after an expansion I can tell honesty that I am ready to pay for them not to release the next one.


    What a nice business model... get paid for doing nothing... as obviously nothing is what they can do the best.

  12. > @Amityel.5324 said:

    > I bet no balance patch and if some only small changes like +2% -5% etc


    oh yeah...and cd reduction

    oh ... no...they will also add icd everywhere...

    and to keep our enthusiasm high we will have hundreds of tooltip fix...omg I so much love reading the never-ending list of tooltip fixes

  13. > @Chaith.8256 said:

    > Balance perception is worse than balance at this point in time in PvP. If you just solo or duo, you don't need to worry, any class, even power Revenant (arguably hardest) is viable when you're good enough at it.


    > Now when you get into 5 man comps, the balance becomes a little bit messed up.


    > *- The biggest problem is how Spellbreakers are the go-to 1v1'r because they simultaneously have the best matchups and the best 1vX (by FAR) making them a clear auto-lock for side noder. All other 1v1 builds are 2nd rate by at least a small margin, tanky Inspiration Mirage is close, due to beating everything except spellbreaker, having portal, and having best 1vX after spellbreaker. Playing 3rd rate builds for a 1v1 role (but still good) are: Sage's Weaver, Celestial Holosmith, Dragonhunter, Druid, Scrapper.

    > *- Scourge is an auto-lock because nothing competes with the amount of boon convert and AoE condition pressure. It would be awesome if Mallyx Revenant were to have it's teamfight capabilities improved to the threat that Scourge is, and relied more on receiving team support.. just to not give a monopoly on the role.

    > *- Firebrand at the moment is an auto-lock over the Tempest because it's just tuned higher in healing & condition removal, and gives the teamfight carries a huge amount of stability.

    > *- Thief is pretty well an auto-lock for spiking Scourges & Firebrands, mobility, and stealth for teamfight openers.

    > *- The 5th slot is pretty open at the moment, popular last-picks are Chronomancer, Marauder Holosmith. Anything that can teamfight well or bring lots of utility as with Chronomancer.


    > My hopes for the balance patch are:

    > *- Nerfs to Spellbreaker 1vX potential,

    > *- Nerfs to Firebrand support,

    > *- Nerfs to Scourge boon convert,

    > *- Shaves to condi mirage,

    > *- Small buffs to the bad and unused weapons/utilities/traits on: Soulbeast, Weaver, Holosmith, Scrapper,

    > *- Small buffs to Power Rev personal survivability

    > *- Buffs to Mallyx Revenant's boon rip & teamfight pressure,

    > *- Big buffs to Renegade, although I suspect it's probably a lost cause with that absolute dumpster fire that is Kalla's utility kit.



    rev spotted :-)



  14. > @"Elxdark.9702" said:

    > Next tuesday probably because new season starts in 2 weeks so we will have at least 1 week to test new amulets/runes and class changes.


    Yes it is their principle. They want the meta to settle first to avoid polluting a season...

    This why we got POF in the middle of current one ...lol


    I think they don't give a kitten now.

    You will have to wait next mid season....rotfl

  15. > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > Hi folks!


    > Starting with Season 9, legendary players will no longer be able to duo queue. Because we have so few legendary players, it’s very difficult to get legendary players into an appropriate match. When legendary players duo queue, it greatly compounds this difficulty. Our goal with this is to improve matchmaking at higher skill levels.


    > Why didn’t we restrict duo queue all-together? We didn’t want to remove this option for everyone, when the problem we are trying to solve exists within a tiny fraction of the player base.


    > We’ll be keeping a sharp eye on how this affects Season 9. This will be a fairly easy thing for us to adjust if we feel it necessary in the future.



    Anet Rule number 1

    If it is bad...let's put some more....


    The goal here is to prevent two players to manipulate match by duoing with a low rank account I assume.

    Would be so much more efficient just to take the highest rank as representative of the team level...

    By this we could even reintroduce 5 man queues (at the detriment of the 5 man queuing together)


    While we are there.. let's put some more condies at same time... just 4 fun.

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