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Posts posted by DragonSlayer.1087

  1. > @"Lazze.9870" said:

    > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > > > Just take away their passive effects.

    > > >

    > > > Their actives are extremely strong, they don't really lose much from losing the passives except maybe for Burn builds and the passive Aegis.

    > >

    > > Ha! That would certainly kill DH dps builds in every mode. I think giving core an exclusive virtue would be better.


    > Ye, buffing their favorite class instead of adding an actual trade off to its elite spec is probably the most likely thing Anet will do.


    I feel like that would mess up the ‘trinity’ that is the virtues. It would be interesting what they would come up with for the guardian.


    They can make the cast times for tome skills higher. I mean if they’re goal is to promote less spammy gameplay, putting longer cast times on more powerful tome skills can make a difference.


    DH tho... idk. The thing is, equipping renewed focus negates all the increased cool downs. And that can make or break a 1v1 situation.


    > I try to play everything, mostly to know what I'm talking about. Reaper Shroud absolutely does not feel like a trade off and a straight upgrade. Ditto with DH virtues and Tomes. What _would_ be a true trade off? Given Anet's solutions the options typically include stat reductions, increased CD's, or adding something to the Core class.


    > Would a 4th virtue be cool? Sure! Make it strong, something like an AoE power based attack on active, but on passive grants 1 stack of might (5s) every fifth attack for 10 targets, 2 stacks if traited.


    I thought reaper shroud drains faster than your average shroud? I think that was added when they tweaked reaper a while back.


    The core virtues vs tomes having a ‘cast time’ doesnt really seem like a drawback when ur getting 15 more skills that are more powerful than a plain ol’ single virtue. CDs on those tome skills are short too.


    > @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

    > Dh should lose their passive virtues. Fb should lose access to a 2nd weapon. Tomes count as a swap


    Imagine the outrage when FBs cant swap weapons... even when it’s only in combat. The devs are too scared to touch their precious FBs that way lol. You’re proposal as making tomes count as weapon swaps makes a lot of sense tho, like ele elements.


  3. > @"Heibi.4251" said:

    > > @"Hadi.6025" said:

    > > Just last patch it was buffed to deal damage per risk reward , you lose stab but you also stun your self and deal more damage. The skill says it does 6 base damage so now im hitting 12. How redundant is that ? I know this post may be removed but this is by far the worse effort to balance a game ever. ![](https://i.imgur.com/PdnVTZ5.jpg "")

    > >

    > It exists so you can bang your head against the wall wondering why ANET hasn't nerfed thief stealth and gotten rid of that ridiculous portal they gave thieves.


    But it’s not gonna hurt you that much since you’d only be doing 6 damage to yourself.

  4. The current match ups sucks. I’m in a mega server full of PvE players, so when we linked up with a smaller server with no wvw guilds, we pretty much sit it out cause we fight servers with 24 hour coverage.


    Idk if ANET looks at the actual WvW population when they do these links or they just say “kitten, push the random button and forget it.”

  5. If you play a zerky light armor build then you will get one shot... not just by DE... but by pretty much everyone else.


    I play with and against DE. Rifle DE is easy to spot and dodge. Rifle is so clunky and slow even in Kneel... its actually frustrating. The Devs have completely gutted this spec since PoF, its so weak. You rely on unsuspecting targets because thats the ONLY way for you kill someone who isnt a complete noob. The initiative cost on rifle skills limits you so much, that if you miss (which is a good 80%) of the time, you’re screwed. You have no other choice but to run and hide.


    Permastealth is weak against heavy armor classes even against Engis and Rangers. Why because these classes have insane passives that protects them. Like what someone here already mentioned, DE relies on active defense which is stealth because they don’t have a lot of options for passives unless you pick Acro... which is niche to sword/pistol or core thief.


    Try fighting weavers who can tank a group.

  6. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

    > > Lol thanks for the future death of smokescreen and malicious backstab. ???. I like how you already nerf it extra and you haven’t even implemented the patch.

    > >

    > > Cheesy permastealth is not even that significant to fight with. Yes they are annoying but they dont do any significant damage to heavy armors or tanky builds. Its only effective against full zerk medium/light armor glass builds.

    > If there are other builds far more effective than permastealth thieves, nerfing permastealth isnt really a problem is it? Glad we got that cleared up.




    You just contradicted yourself. “It’s not good, so lets destroy it.”




  7. Lol thanks for the future death of smokescreen and malicious backstab. ???. I like how you already nerf it extra and you haven’t even implemented the patch.


    Cheesy permastealth is not even that significant to fight with. Yes they are annoying but they dont do any significant damage to heavy armors or tanky builds. Its only effective against full zerk medium/light armor glass builds.



  8. The meta is not going to change because ANET didnt really shake up the main culprits. FBs will still be boonspam, scourge will still be Condi Bombs, Scrapper will still be condi cleanse, SBs will still do Bubbles...


    This only reduces one shot builds, which I hate to say provides outsider profs some kind of usefulness in team fights outside of roaming.



  9. I literally just made a thread about this topic a week ago.



    This problem is just going to get worse in WvW.

    There are so many problems with the current downstate mechanic.

    1. RALLY, this just needs to be removed in WvW.

    2. Health/Res speed. Too much health for a downstate, it's basically another health bar. Also the res speed is so much faster than you can cleave. Goodluck stomping downed if you don't have stealth/stab/blind.


    Idk, I feel like the devs don't really care because they don't really play this mode.

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