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Posts posted by jsp.6912

  1. > @"SyLaR.3628" said:

    > @"jsp.6912" said:

    > > alliance or not it will be the same thing, i mean there will be 2-3 german server, 1-2 french, 1 spain, 1 tf server...

    > > the problem atm it's there is no goal to play in wvw why we don't have wvw league like the pvp ?


    > We dont have wvw league, because of unbalanced servers population, problems with off-peak ppt(night capping) and alliances should solve some issues with population distribution. And the off-peak ppt they will try to solve with changes to matches so that scoring matters in 8 hours intervals.

    > Will this ever happen? Maybe in few years...


    > What they can also do and it has been proposed before are the in game leaderboards for player with most kills etc per matchup or leaderboards for guilds with proper rewards.



    it's impossible to have a perfect ballance of population offpeak but if u give a goal like a league, people will play more and don't rq after 1 wipe

  2. > @"ASP.8093" said:

    > > @"jsp.6912" said:

    > > full defensive stat need to be remove on wvw(trailblazer, minstrel, giver, nomade...)

    > > this kind of stat carry really hard a lot of players


    > You listed three sets of stats used by support characters who have near zero personal DPS output, and one set of stats that's popular with tedious condi bunker builds. Seems kinda pointless to talk about a Firebrand or Scrapper being "carried" by Minstrel gear when it's a whole interleaved team comp that does the work. You don't exactly see them trying to solo-cap camps in the wild.


    alone it's useless but roaming with 1-2 players it become quickly broken as fuck, imagine the healer is litterally immortal u can't focus him, he can face tank like everything it's the difference with pvp stat when fb support was meta it was more skilled because u were not immortal like wvw. for me u have to chose between toughness or vitaly and not both.(best thing for me it's they rework this kind of gear like adding an offensive stat instead of defensive stat

  3. gw2 is really good, the only problem is they change nothing so this game become boring and people rq.


    meta build are same for like min 6 month

    league is just for gold farmer

    monthly at is terrible seriously not even a bo 3 not even Swiss-system


    3 reasons why pvp is so dead

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