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Posts posted by ButcherofMalakir.4067

  1. > @"Sparkly.9258" said:

    > Hey, I've been playing Mirage and I have a Superior Sigil of Energy equipped on both my pistol and my torch. I don't have any sigil equipped on my axe. I can't figure out why, but the sigil only activates some of the time when I swap weapons. I'm also not swapping them too quickly for the cooldown. Does anyone have any idea why it might be happening?


    Sigil works only in combat. That might be the problem

  2. > @"weaponwh.9810" said:

    > is there other good dps thats viable for twin largo other than condi purple dps? i have condi shortbow build is this fine? its simple rotation allow me concentrate on mechnic then rotation.


    From my experiance, if you are not that practised or comfident in purple gods, shortbow soulbeast will be fine.

    Although some squads might prefer only purple color

  3. > @"aspirine.6852" said:

    > > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > > it's simple, you pay them and you do the raid for them since they can't solo, but they deserve it because they have 300 KP, not a scam /irony

    > >

    > > also raiders say if 1 person is bad the whole raid die, so don't forget to follow their rules, go meta build and join a training discord before you buy from them.

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > >

    > > /creating a problem to sell a solution


    > Bit of a weird sell if you ask me. If they cannot carry should they even sell it?


    I have talked with raiders that were selling raids and raid achievments.

    Usualy they take 2-3 buyers and just do it 7 or 8 man. For some achievments (like leg. armor second part) you need to do something so there is no way around it. But that means they tell you where to stand and that is all you do.


    And they ask you to gg at the start if they can because it is actualy easier to do it with 7 players then with 10 while 3 dont know what to do.

  4. > @"Antioche.7034" said:

    > > @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

    > > Kitty can't quite see why everyone all the time make toughness tanking such an issue. Yeah, it may need a gear swap but it takes 6 key/mouse presses at max to out-toughness the soulbeasts. If you've already min-maxed to the point where you think it becomes an issue, you've most likely done fractals for enough pristines to buy 2 cavalier/knight's rings. Problem solved. (Cavalier rings are a whole 42 power lost if you already slightly overcap critrate and that obviously means that tryhard dpsing tanks lose their meaning of life.)

    > > And if you can't do that, ask the soulbeast to use Marksmanship instead of Beastmastery. But that may be a lot bigger dps loss so that tank can greed a tiny bit more. Good trade, eh?

    > > If that tiny bit of toughness makes it a kill-or-wipe situation, it could've as well been saved by minimal bit tighter gameplay and if it's a boon dps tanking, just the variables of the boss attempt make a bigger difference. If the squad is already guarateedly killing the boss, it's a "but numbers!" - type an issue. Yush, Kitty gets it. People like to skip the mechanics and then whine about lack of difficulty. Toughness tanking is a mech.

    > >

    > > Apologies if Kitty blew up peoples' snarkasm radars.


    > You, like most people in this thread, seem to miss the point of the OP, which is, in my opinion, that removing Soulbeasts's toughness and giving them the equivalent damage reduction would improve the quality of life in raids. It would avoid the /gg due to forgetting that we have a soulbeast, it would avoid miscommunications about that, and it would allow tanks to play however they want when they wish to tryhard, all that without any actual nerf to soulbeast. Where would be the harm ? I fail to understand why some people believe having two knight's trinkets instead of berserker brings "diversity" or some other equivalent of this overused word.


    > By the way, I mean no offense, I like the wording of your post.


    In my opinion, firebrand, soulbeast... toughness is also balancing factor where you need to calculate damage loss on your tank for the total dps

  5. So I will try to not be rude this time.

    In strikes, there already is some sort of matchmaking system. But it isnt working very well.

    1) it takes more time then using lfg

    2) generaly players are way worse and it takes longer time/much more fails


    Reason is this. Players that actualy do the content and are experianced want to play with experianced players. They want to decide who is "worthy" of their time. Thats why they take fate into their own hands instead of trusting the system.

    Also if you join group with some matchmaking tool, everyone might not be on the same page.

    So that means that players that will actualy use this tool are those that cannot or dont want to participate in LFG groups. This will create bad publicity for raids since new players will all see the forst parts of raid comunity.

  6. Hot is harder then rest of the game but if you have decent build you still oneshots almost everything. Only like 6 heropoints are hard to solo. Rest can be done. Again, with decent build.

    Bacon HP eat percentage of health. So your health doesmt matter. Its all about timing. But if you cannot do it you can have a friend give you alacrity or heals (i am not sure healing works but alac does)


    I know it can be tough if you come there straight from core story. But I am oneshoting 90% of mobs there with goid build. It is not unbeatable hard. Just that the diference between players is extreme. And combat system is exponential and not linear/logarithmical so that makes the diference even greater

  7. > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

    > > @"yann.1946" said:

    > > > @"Yggranya.5201" said:

    > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > > > @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

    > > > > > Strikes have better loot and they are daily

    > > > > This is the problem, IMO. If strikes are to be the steps leading to raiding, then strikes shouldn't have better loot. What's the incentive to raid, then?

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > I thought it was the "challenge"? or has that always been a lie?

    > >

    > > LIke maybe the raidcommunity isn't a monolith who have different reasons/motivations to raid.

    > > Who would have thought that


    > So, it's is the rewards again, right? That much is obvious, of course. When you see it once, you know it's true everywhere and i have seen the same in every game. Not every individual, of course but mostly, yes.


    I play only raids. I dont use gold for anything. I have my legendary armor already. Nothing to gain from raids exept the fun.

    I dont play anything else here because it is not fun for me. Maybe exept strikes sometime.


    If all raiders are thete for rewards. They learn the builds and get correct gear. Then why dont they relise that farming silverwastes while watching a movie provide more value?

  8. > @"Antioche.7034" said:

    > Please stop blaming on the community what is caused by the bad construction of the game.


    > Why are you asking to players that only wish to clear bosses decently and if possible quickly, to take by the hand and teach newer players, people that will mostly not listen anyway ? Playing this game isn't a job, it's a leisure. Don't try to force people into doing stuff that they aren't here for.


    > The people whose jobs it is to make the progression smooth so that players learn to play and access content are the devs, not the other players. Some of the playerbase are actually taking time to teach and stuff (Raid-teaching guilds and communities etc), but that is merely something that they are kind enough to do on their free time.

    > So leave the people who want to play with others of similar level to have decent kills to their LFGs, and if that is not what you seek, do respect them and do not click to join their groups. It's as simple as that.


    > It's not because /you/ only want to clear things and do not care how much time it takes and how the kill is performed that your standards applies to all players. Some people don't have much time to play, other players would rather restart the boss if the kill isn't clean enough because they like when it's well done, etc ...


    > People seem to believe "Elitists" hate new players, but the truth is that most "Elitists" only dislike people that lie, fake stuff to get in the groups, do not ever try to learn anything and generally believe that other players are there solely to carry them into the content without doing any efforts.


    > Most people I know would be happy to answer questions or even take time to help someone at the golem or on gearing and build advices provided they are asked politely in PMs and know the answers. Aslong as people are genuinly motivated to learn, content isn't hard to get into. It might be a tad long, but it isn't at all if you compare it with gearing time and stuff like that on other MMOs.


    Exactly that. If someone asks I will take time to explain. But I dont want to carry someone who doesnt try.

  9. > @"tim.4596" said:

    > > @"Vornollo.5182" said:

    > > I don't generally do PvE, but this reminds me a bit of what happens in WvW squads sometimes where you "have to do this/that, runs such/so build" etc.

    > > My opinion?

    > > Make your own LFG for like-minded people. The small amount of time spent on the forum seems to indicate there's so many of the kind of players who think just like you.

    > > If I ever feel like doing Fractals but can't find a T4 group that's looking for what I play: I make my own LFG.

    > > Squad in WvW doesn't want me as a Thief main..? Well, kitten them I'll do my own thing.

    > > You are as much entitled to these demands not to do it, as they are to do demand them, lol.

    > >

    > > Also, there's clearly a difference... If I run around in WvW with my guild (private tag, because no we don't want you around us) and we're about to jump into a 15v30 fight, but some pug comes around in our smokefields and gives our advantage away, yeah that's a good way for that 1 pug to spoil the fun of 15 others.

    > > Same thing for PvE I'd figure. You want people who know what they do, understandable, carrying dead weight is heavy work.

    > > You're fine with casuals who just want to have fun in their own way, understandable too.

    > >

    > > You do you, nothing's stopping you in any part of this game to do what you want to do, the tools are there.


    > GW2 is really not a hard game (if you're not trying to reach the top 0.1%), with a bit of explanation, most people can perform very well. I'd just wish more players would be willing to give noobs a chance to learn, and teach them. Training groups can be tedious, and Guilds can be slow to form a group.


    > To be fair, I'm not really sure what to write anymore on this topic, especially after reading all those comments. Whilst I do think that no li should be asked for strike as they are really not that difficult, I also understand players valuing their time. However GW2 is a game, and a game is made to be enjoyed, if you really value your time, I'd say just have a static for everything (raids, fractals, and even strikes), that way you can run whatever you want, and have extremely performing players.


    > I still remain strong on the idea that new players should be allowed in pug parties, and that inviting more players to discover strikes will get those player to try out raids, and hopefully more raids will be released. A few weeks ago was actually the 1 year anniversary of "NO NEW RAID".


    Yes, gw2 isnt that dificult. But the problem is same as this:

    Try to teach a child that just went to kindergarden for the first time solving linear equasions in less then 10 minutes.

    The problem is not that the game is hard. Its the oposite. The game is so easy that most players are not able to do even the basics required. You cannot teach that in 5 minutes before raid/strike/fractal/dungeon...



  10. > @"Arcaniaxs.4519" said:

    > The people u ses with 1K-3K AP are mostly playing with their second account


    I started raiding when I was sligjtly bellow 3k AP. AP doesnt show experiance. It only shows how much do you do achievments. I have around 5k AP now (2,5 years after starting with raids) and it stopped going higher because I maxed agent of entropy :D

  11. > @"Rodrick.1942" said:

    > Is it so hard for all of you to have a faith on people you don't know ? Or is it too hard for commander to fix and tell newbie what to do in the strike ? (Other than just kick )


    > Ask LI / LD in the strike mission is the stupidest things I've ever seen , either you guys are too bored, or you don't trust anyone at all. In NA it's not often, I suppose it's the issue comes from EU.


    I think that all of us had faith when we started. We just lost it as time went on.


    A year ago, I joined a raid squad of a guild that just started raiding. They were taking anyone. Very open minded. I joined the guild after.

    1 or 2 months later they were asking for Li. Low ammount but some. Their point was to learn the content and with pugs that was imposible without some requirements.

    Now they always ask for KP and kick if someone is killing the group. They are still learning some harder bosses and relised that they cannot learn with anyone.


    With strikes, it is way worse. Because in strikes, 9 out of 10 players are basicaly doing nothing. For me, li in strikes is almost as important as in raids. Strikes are easier but also there is much higher percentage of terible players.

  12. > @"Cuks.8241" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > I will try to explain the problems I have with strikes without raid players.

    > > If you want 250 Li, you will have decent dps on most of the players. Decent, not high but decent. But the main reason is that boons will be covered. And everyone would understand what his role is.

    > >

    > > As an example. Few days ago, me and 3 of my friends went to do strikes daily after our guild finished raids.

    > > We joined another squad. They were asking for a healer and dps. One of us had healer and rest took dps. I joined and saw that we probably have no quickness so I asked If I should swap to quickness chrono. Commander said yes so I swaped. Joined and put myself in separate subsquad to give quickness to 10 players. He changed me back. I thpught it was mistake when he was switching subsquads so I changed again. He put me back and locked subsquads. So I asked if he could put me in separate subsquad. He wanted to know why. I explained it and he saidit doesnt work.

    > > "Luckily" we were waiting 10 minutes for last person to join zhe instance so we manage to convince the commander to give it a shot.

    > > And during the fight, my 2 dps friends had 20k+ dps. 3rd had around 4k. I was 4th with scepter diviner chrono.

    > > Here lies my problem. We killed the boss. Yes. But we basicaly killed the boss alone. The 4 of us. While we had to wait 10 minutes for players to join the instance and argue about our builds with player s that have no idea about them. Its like that vide where american general has to justify submarines to senator.

    > > The rest of the players (6) did less damage combined then one of my dps friends. That is the reality. And sorry but carrying 6 players is not fun even when you dont get insulted that you dont know how things work.


    > For some it is fun and for some it is not fun to carry. At the end you finished the strike and you learned one commander something that will maybe make him a better player and commander.

    > Now this is completely up to you and your enjoyment and there is nothing wrong with it. But if people like you, able to carry half of the squad, welcomed everyone it would be definitely better for the community and it would help new players. While having LI requirements just discourages new players to even try.


    > In the end strikes are easy and even more important very fast. If a public group can get it done, it gets a bit comical when people ask for requirements from the pinnacle of PVE difficulty.


    Well. It would be good for comunity but not me. I know that. But I play games to have fun. Not to create comunity. To be fair, most of the people I meet in real life are completely boring and not interesting. I do not want to interact with them more then I have to. Yes, I have good friends both in game and outside. I am always happy to explain anything in details. I dont strictly follow my requirements. If someone joins and is POLITE and COMUNICATES, TRY THEIR BEST and WANT TO IMPROVE then I will always welcome them. Those are the people I like. And to be fair, I found most of them in raids and nowhere else.

    But those that cry that someone is keeping them away from content, those that lies about their experiance and those that think their enjoyment is more important then mine I despise. I take this behavior as personal insult and I treat those as such. If those things happens they are out without a word since I dont want to waste time more then they already wasted it.

  13. > @"Vilin.8056" said:

    > > @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:

    > > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > > > Well, it's a good thing me and my group would never have to play with you.

    > >

    > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > If you did that to me, you would be kicked in seconds. We asked for guardian. Why should we include you as a necro?

    > >

    > > Well I thought it was funny, and so did the group.

    > > Maybe you two shouldn't take things so seriously?

    > >

    > > > Its the same as if people ask for dps and you join as a healer.

    > > Not exactly. They asked for a dps guardian, they still got their dps.


    > And would you not take things seriously if the party decided to boot you for trolling?

    > If so, there wouldn't be this conversation.


    There was a reason for guardin. The fact that you dont see it doesnt mean it isnt there

  14. I will try to explain the problems I have with strikes without raid players.

    If you want 250 Li, you will have decent dps on most of the players. Decent, not high but decent. But the main reason is that boons will be covered. And everyone would understand what his role is.


    As an example. Few days ago, me and 3 of my friends went to do strikes daily after our guild finished raids.

    We joined another squad. They were asking for a healer and dps. One of us had healer and rest took dps. I joined and saw that we probably have no quickness so I asked If I should swap to quickness chrono. Commander said yes so I swaped. Joined and put myself in separate subsquad to give quickness to 10 players. He changed me back. I thpught it was mistake when he was switching subsquads so I changed again. He put me back and locked subsquads. So I asked if he could put me in separate subsquad. He wanted to know why. I explained it and he saidit doesnt work.

    "Luckily" we were waiting 10 minutes for last person to join zhe instance so we manage to convince the commander to give it a shot.

    And during the fight, my 2 dps friends had 20k+ dps. 3rd had around 4k. I was 4th with scepter diviner chrono.

    Here lies my problem. We killed the boss. Yes. But we basicaly killed the boss alone. The 4 of us. While we had to wait 10 minutes for players to join the instance and argue about our builds with player s that have no idea about them. Its like that vide where american general has to justify submarines to senator.

    The rest of the players (6) did less damage combined then one of my dps friends. That is the reality. And sorry but carrying 6 players is not fun even when you dont get insulted that you dont know how things work.

  15. > @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:

    > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > > Wait. Asking for a Guardian is a outrageous LFG requirement? Or did you just like wasting people's time?


    > I didn't say that. They just asked for a guardian to complete their group, and I joined and told them I was "_a Guardian disguised as a necromancer_". We then proceeded to do the mission and complete it.




    If you did that to me, you would be kicked in seconds. We asked for guardian. Why should we include you as a necro?

    Its the same as if people ask for dps and you join as a healer.

  16. > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > With the game gaining an even higher percentage of open-world-only players due to said requirements, the development would shift even further away from instanced content.


    > These people will never understand that all they're accomplishing with their gatekeeping is making ALL development stop on any type of instanced content. They're basically self-defeating.

    > > @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

    > > As long as players join groups and do 2-3k as a dps, I will keep putting requirements in my LFG.

    > >

    > > If they ever stop, I will make all welcome groups, but I dont have much hope of that happening.


    > Anet had a chance to add recommended builds and gear sets when they added templates but they did not. Giving new players something to use would've helped a ton, as they'd be running a decent build and pulling at least 10k instead fo 2-3k.




    We understand. But why should we care.


    We can take players that are bad. Since they have no reason to learn, they will never improve (because we get the kill and we are taking them anyway). The content will be updated but it will never be fun for us because we are playing with bad players all the time.


    Or we can only take some players. Then the game will not be updated but we will have fun until the end.

  17. > @"Mad Queen Malafide.7512" said:

    > > @"Hyrai.8720" said:

    > > strike missions are there to teach people basic raid boss mechanics, yes. but they are not there to get around "the harsh requirements" of raiding in terms of lfg requirements. the "harsh requirements" in this case are your personal build and gameplay.

    > > experienced players are in no way obliged to take anyone's hand and teach strikes and raids.


    > But you don't need any of that for something like Shiverpeak Pass. It is a strike mission that requires no raid experience, no knowledge of boss mechanics, and not even a good build. And yet some people ask for players who have done a lot of raids for a mission that is super simple. I've done Shiverpeak Pass hundreds of times, usually with pugs, and I have never seen it fail. Why ask for 250 LI for something so simple?




    You dont need it. But since when does want and need mean the same thing?

    Some players WANT raid squad in strikes, they dont NEED it, they WANT it. Because that makes it fun.

  18. > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

    > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

    > > > > > Dungeons, strikes, raids - you name it, you literally have no power over me putting whatever I want in the LFG as long as it within the ToS. Every now and then some sad frog joins my squad or whispers me whenever I put up high-req LFG. Getting mad over the fact that I put my own LFG and have people join it anyway, baffles ms. Nobody is forcing You to join it. You can literally make your own LFG with requirements You see fit. If I put 1k LI for raids and have people join it or 250 LI for all strikes run - It's none of your business. Make your own all welcome LFG have fun in the game the way you prefer. Thank you (:

    > > > >

    > > > > State of the game in 2020: people actively whisper others to complain that they do not play the game in a specific way.

    > > > >

    > > > > and they call raiders toxic...

    > > > >

    > > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > > > > But at the end of the day, If you don't match what a LFG is looking for though just **make your own**.. it's not hard.

    > > > >

    > > > > Exactly.

    > > > >

    > > > > Nobody is someone else's performance slave. If a player/commander wants only pink asura with curly hair in his squad, that's his decision. If you don't have a pink asura with curly hair, make your own squad.

    > > >

    > > > Raiders are toxic though, it's why no one wants to get into raids because of the well earned reputation it has.

    > >

    > > Why? Is it toxic when soneone wants to play with players of certain level of skill, they ask for that level of skill, you say you have that and then they see you dont?

    > > Because that is the most frequent argument I see in raids or strikes. Players that come so others will carry them and then they call others toxic when they dont want to.


    > its only toxic when they DON'T ask and start their behaviour where there was no preconditions set. That's the issue , not the straw-man argument about groups that define preconditions for joining a group, which isn't actually an issue at all. This OFTEN happens in pug raids.


    I have ~1500 li and i would guess around double the kills. Like 1/5 of that was with pugs and I never so anything similar to what you are saying. And I mean never. I saw some people that joined and then didnt have what was required and insisted that they do. I saw much more people that joined and apologised that they dont have enough li/kp and 80% of time they were allowed to join. And if not noone was rude.


    I dont know where you these toxic stories come from? I gues NA servers?

    My problem with players is never toxicity. It is just if they are failing too much. So then I leave. Maybe you think this is toxic? I have to say I dont know what toxic means anymore, just like feminism or racism, I think you are searching for something that isnt there

  19. > @"Daishi.6027" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > > @"Daishi.6027" said:

    > > > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > > > In every competetive game, there are 2 things that influence the balance. Actual balance and conterplay for the oponent/enjoyment for the oponent.

    > > > > > > If something has no counterplay, then it needs to be weaker so the no counterplay thing comes only when skill is diferent. From forums post, it is clear that ther was no enjoyment fkr oponents. Thats why mesmer is underpowered now

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I don't know about enjoyment but even way before any of these nerfs came Power Mesmer/Mirage in enlou of stealth has the most counter play of anything else in game, and the fairest burst. Even with stealth it does not have the same 'on demand' up time as thief or even ranger, and mes has much tighter burst windows to play around.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Also what about a mesmer players enjoyment? It's not fun to fight against anything left in the roster when you're at such a handicap that every fight is an up hill battle. Sounds like just another double standard to me.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Even in the PvP forums when they complain about condi damage numbers where everyone is doing upwards of 40k - 100k Mes barely puts out 20k, lol.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If they are going to complain no matter what they might as well make it a balanced 1v1 duelist where it can deal with anything, but anything can equally deal with it. Where bads will be bad and cry regardless.

    > > > >

    > > > > I dont play pvp here so i might not get enough information. But from other competetive games I play, i saw numerous times that if something is unfun to play against, then it should be underpowered. Also the balancing is either for "casuals" or for "tryhards". You cannot balance both at the same time because diferent classes have diferent skill requirements.

    > > > > The main problem here is that the patches are just too slow. If you want healthy pvp game then patches needs to happen at least once every month. With hotfixes if something is way out of line. It takes players a day to figure everything out but the changes comes after few months to fix that.

    > > > > Even if mesmer will be changed to something useful, then something else will be op and it will take few months to change that.

    > > > >

    > > > > The idea about your enjoyment is that if you outplay oponent with a class like this (weaker but without counterplay) then you didnt give enemy a chance.

    > > >

    > > > Unfun to fight against is subjective.

    > > > You can't balance according to "unfun to fight against", you're opening a pandora's box.

    > > > I, for example, absolutely despise fighting holos, it is extremely unfun for me. Shall we make it underpowered so no one plays it?

    > >

    > > Unfun to play against is subjective, but for majority of players in any comletetive game, if you die and there was nothing you could have done to change the outcome, than that is unfun to play against.


    > But the point is there is quite a lot of counter play, and a lot they could have done to change the outcome. However instead of learning to play, and alerting their tactic most just complain for it to be nerfed to the ground before even understanding.


    Imas I have said. I dont play pvp/wvw so I dont know. All I saw were posts about mesmer beeing too strong because there was no way to beat 20 phantasms running at you. It is true that players complain instead of learning. The problem here is that in wvw, you dont have ranks. Everyone can llay with everyone. So "bad" players are complaining because someone good beat them with some overwhelming build and did it alot. Next balancepatch will be in 2 years so buffing something back is too risky in case that would be op again and so huge part of comunity will be angry?


  20. > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > @"Krzysztof.5973" said:

    > > > Dungeons, strikes, raids - you name it, you literally have no power over me putting whatever I want in the LFG as long as it within the ToS. Every now and then some sad frog joins my squad or whispers me whenever I put up high-req LFG. Getting mad over the fact that I put my own LFG and have people join it anyway, baffles ms. Nobody is forcing You to join it. You can literally make your own LFG with requirements You see fit. If I put 1k LI for raids and have people join it or 250 LI for all strikes run - It's none of your business. Make your own all welcome LFG have fun in the game the way you prefer. Thank you (:

    > >

    > > State of the game in 2020: people actively whisper others to complain that they do not play the game in a specific way.

    > >

    > > and they call raiders toxic...

    > >

    > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > > But at the end of the day, If you don't match what a LFG is looking for though just **make your own**.. it's not hard.

    > >

    > > Exactly.

    > >

    > > Nobody is someone else's performance slave. If a player/commander wants only pink asura with curly hair in his squad, that's his decision. If you don't have a pink asura with curly hair, make your own squad.


    > Raiders are toxic though, it's why no one wants to get into raids because of the well earned reputation it has.


    Why? Is it toxic when soneone wants to play with players of certain level of skill, they ask for that level of skill, you say you have that and then they see you dont?

    Because that is the most frequent argument I see in raids or strikes. Players that come so others will carry them and then they call others toxic when they dont want to.

  21. > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > @"Daishi.6027" said:

    > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > In every competetive game, there are 2 things that influence the balance. Actual balance and conterplay for the oponent/enjoyment for the oponent.

    > > > > If something has no counterplay, then it needs to be weaker so the no counterplay thing comes only when skill is diferent. From forums post, it is clear that ther was no enjoyment fkr oponents. Thats why mesmer is underpowered now

    > > >

    > > > I don't know about enjoyment but even way before any of these nerfs came Power Mesmer/Mirage in enlou of stealth has the most counter play of anything else in game, and the fairest burst. Even with stealth it does not have the same 'on demand' up time as thief or even ranger, and mes has much tighter burst windows to play around.

    > > >

    > > > Also what about a mesmer players enjoyment? It's not fun to fight against anything left in the roster when you're at such a handicap that every fight is an up hill battle. Sounds like just another double standard to me.

    > > >

    > > > Even in the PvP forums when they complain about condi damage numbers where everyone is doing upwards of 40k - 100k Mes barely puts out 20k, lol.

    > > >

    > > > If they are going to complain no matter what they might as well make it a balanced 1v1 duelist where it can deal with anything, but anything can equally deal with it. Where bads will be bad and cry regardless.

    > >

    > > I dont play pvp here so i might not get enough information. But from other competetive games I play, i saw numerous times that if something is unfun to play against, then it should be underpowered. Also the balancing is either for "casuals" or for "tryhards". You cannot balance both at the same time because diferent classes have diferent skill requirements.

    > > The main problem here is that the patches are just too slow. If you want healthy pvp game then patches needs to happen at least once every month. With hotfixes if something is way out of line. It takes players a day to figure everything out but the changes comes after few months to fix that.

    > > Even if mesmer will be changed to something useful, then something else will be op and it will take few months to change that.

    > >

    > > The idea about your enjoyment is that if you outplay oponent with a class like this (weaker but without counterplay) then you didnt give enemy a chance.


    > Unfun to fight against is subjective.

    > You can't balance according to "unfun to fight against", you're opening a pandora's box.

    > I, for example, absolutely despise fighting holos, it is extremely unfun for me. Shall we make it underpowered so no one plays it?


    Unfun to play against is subjective, but for majority of players in any comletetive game, if you die and there was nothing you could have done to change the outcome, than that is unfun to play against.

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