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Posts posted by HisRoyalDudeness.8637

  1. Started with a thief which was the type of class I've always played in MMOs. Didn't enjoy the playstyle that much but continued playing it in a hope that it might start growing on me at higher levels.

    Few days into playing, my roommates and I smoked some pot (what a naughty college students we were!). In my state of enhanced cognitive disability, I decided to roll a mesmer.. Needless to say, I was so fascinated by the beautiful purple butterflies that from that moment onwards, the mesmer class and I became one.

  2. > @"Svennis.3852" said:

    > @"HisRoyalDudeness.8637"

    > How do you get such good, dynamic screenshots? ToT


    * Change your GW2 shortcut path to **"D:\Games\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe" -bmp** (example of my path) for higher quality screenshot output

    * Set your in-game details to Best Appearance (obviously)

    * Find a nice place with a suitable background and lighting to compliment your character's appearance. Find the right angle for the lighting (I like my character facing the source of light directly, with the shadow coming at my back)

    * Play with the zoom, Field of View, Horizontal Position, Vertical Position Near and Vertical Position Far to achieve the highest resolution possible for what you want to be on the screenshot. Hide your UI.

    * Spam the Print Screen button.. A lot! Try different angles, different weapon animations, different utility skills etc. Try to get a feeling for spamming the PS button (if you spam it too fast, depending on your PC, you might overload your setup and get like 6 screenshots of the same character position, only wih a slightly different lighting. Aim for maximum frames throughout the whole skill animation).

    * Go through all the screenshots (really quickly, couple of seconds for each frame to see if it's interesting in any way) and move the ones you kinda like more than the rest to a different folder. Repeat once again till you get only the best of the best.

    * Play with the colours a bit in a graphics editor. For example, Heart of the Mists location is oversaturated like hell, so if you take the screenshots there, a slight desaturation of colours might help.. Just play with different setups and see what you like.

    * Post it on forums for all of us to see how fabulous your character is!


    And remember, don't go slow on the screenshots. I took several hundred of them, reduced them to like 30 better-looking ones and picked the ones that matched thematically with what I was aiming for.


    Adding examples of unedited (and in a need of cropping) overly dynamic screenshots that didn't make it to the final cut:

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/O1m2HPN.jpg "")

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/KYh4MMc.jpg "")

  3. I have a feeling it's a visual bug of some particle effect (alacrity?) being stuck. Only you can see it, happens to me a lot with ambush skill particles (really annoying, cannot even see my character through all the purple-pinkish stuff, relog helps) and with Full Counter when fighting Spellbreakers (which is like really super sweet, fighting a spellbreaker with permanent FC effect on, not able to tell when he's actually using the skill).

  4. > @"musu.9205" said:

    > 1. reduce resummoned phantasms damage in pvp , plain and simple solution .they have to put this function in pve version too but can be easily compensated with damage increase on other mesmer skills .

    > 4.reduce signet heal cd to 15-20s , but make it work like mimic with 2 charges .everytime u use that heal , you gain 2 charges which will recharge the next phantasm skill you use . this will hurt pve build burst potential but make more interesting gameplay , it also helps its heal capability and it's much easier to balance than one button that resets all .



  5. > @"Levetty.1279" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > >

    > > Because i never claimed that it should be nerfed in pve just because its broken in pvp. Or so i dont think I did. If I did the point it out to me.

    > >

    > > Not to mention this whole post is started off of a change that only effected pvp and not pve. DO YOU REALIZE how out of place you are? I dont think you do.


    > A Necromancer comes to the Mesmer board to demand Mesmer nerfs **FOR NO REASON** and then accuses other people of being out of place here.


    Really now..


    Anyway, the change is bad. Mirage Cloak functionality (dodge when incapacitated, dodge while casting) overperforms in PvP/WvW. Elusive Mind made it overperform even more and when they reworked it in the last patch, the Elusive Mind trait become useless (even harmful to take) and the basic Mirage Cloak functionality still overperforms.

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