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Posts posted by Kas.3509

  1. Just like that I can say exotics and Tattered Bat Wing drop rate increased dramatically from last years. duringlast years I think I did like 100 Ascents to Madness ale got like 5-6 Wings and no exotics. This year I did 6 runs and got exotic(5-6g) or Wing in every single run.

    So drop rates must increased!


    But in all seriousness -> it's RNG. It just seems this time Im lucky and OP is not. It happens.

    I'm a little disappointed by Halloween too. Maybe because I played it too many times...


  2. Sadly GW2 (as most mmos) is very CPU dependant and it feels like they're not using my GPU at all :/ That's sad.


    I purchuased new laptop like a month ago, 70 Celsius degrees on most games (like .e.g Witcher 3, Nier Automata) etc - which is good.

    Processor - Intel Core i7-8750H

    Graphic Card - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060

    SSD disc


    Yet on GW2 its almost permanent 80-84 Celsius degrees on events, crowded areas etc with fans running on max and drops to 55-60 when nothing is going on.

    It makes me sad :/. I know laptops heat easier but its obviously game optimisation fault.


    At least Im no longer lagging in Lions Arch after laptop upgrade!


    I will look on WP point you made to see if it works the same for me. Maybe it does :o

  3. I understand it feels unfair to you, but for Anet its probably not profitable to implement something else just for Belgium. Someone mentioned they could sell you statuettes directly, thats not a bad idea.


    It's the same with contests. I hate it when they release some promotion of the game or contest but some countries (usually mine too) are not allowed to participate. Make it for all your players or dont make it at all.

  4. > @"JackassTheX.6351" said:

    > > @"Kas.3509" said:

    > > I'd like the ability to buy more ingredients storage space for cheaper but for selected 5 ingredients by me or something like that. There is like 5-10 ingredients that you get thousands of, and 90% of them you get only like up to100 playing for a year.


    > kitten yes. Gobblers take care of SOME of the bloodstone dust/empyreal stars/dragonite, but there's other stuff like t5 mats that I bet everyone has a ton of. This would be great. It can still be a gemstore item like the regular storage upgrade, just way cheaper and applicable to one slot only.



    I'd probably boost some to max and end up spending a lot more than I would for what is offered now - ight now it feels like a waste so I don't want to buy it, when Im going to "throw away"/never use 90% of it. It's like buying the whole car just to get comfortable and pretty armchair.

  5. I'd like the ability to buy more ingredients storage space for cheaper but for selected 5 ingredients by me or something like that. There is like 5-10 ingredients that you get thousands of, and 90% of them you get only like up to100 playing for a year.


    I'd like more hairstyles and faces available.


    I wish LFM informed people if map is full.


    Smaller&cheaper or just smaller guild halls possible for tiny guilds would be awesome.

  6. I actually love SOME jumping puzzles. The ones when I see it's a jumping puzzle and I know in what direction to go to continue and complete them.

    Like the ones in first locations.

    I don't care about difficulty but going around wondering if Im on jumping puzzles or not and if I went into the right direction is not fun at all. Having to watch youtube to know they way is not fun either.

    I want them to be jumping game, not wandering around and guessing game.

  7. I like it, finally a griffon skin (besides Northern one) who doesn't look like griffon with creepy mask on its "face". Anything without this weird "face" would make me happy.


    Big + for dynamic movements and cat idle animations too.


    It doesnt really go that well with my mesmer theme but who cares, it looks good :)

    Dragon would be probably the only thing I could like more than cat :o

  8. The only thing about breakbar I hate is that when some events basically require you to break the breakbar to be able to complete it (Joko and his grieving followers event in the new map).

    I start it, I do it up to 30-40% of his life. 3 new players come, breakbar scales. we fail because they don't use CC at all and their dmg is poor and I can't do enough for 4 players obviously.

    I felt pretty bad then :/ Doesn't encourage grouping with other players. I can do it longer if they're weak but failing just bcs they came is sad.


    I wish more bosses, champions, elites etc had more meaningful breakbars.

  9. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:


    > If a hundred people say "I don't like it" but data shows that many thousands or tens of thousands are participating in the content, you have to wonder if we have a echo chamber effect, where a small number of people share their feelings, another member of that small group agrees, and group members come to consider that echo a form of "proof" that their *opinion* is absolute *fact*. Now, I'm not suggesting we have that sort of data at this point -- it's probably early to gather it. However, I imagine we will acquire that data, and when we do, if the statistics suggest that we might want to make changes, then those who make constructive suggestions will be of greater help than the "I don't like it (no details, no suggestions)" crowd. :D



    Well I think people who don't like it are these who are spending much time on it, just because they want achievement. but they still hate it mostly.

    I'm just unskilled at drifting so I won't voice my opinion : p But it's too hard for me to complete under 1 min even if I trained every day for 2 hours until the Halloween ends, drifting appears to not be my thing, I'll stay with my jumping puzzles.



  10. I really don't want to play in my team with someone who e.g. wished me death, even when I can't see what that person is writing. So what if I can't see it when I know he's probably still wishing me the same awful things or goes afk just to annoy me more?

    Knowing he probaly is writing nasty stuff about you to other teammates, which you might not see, but you see their replies, is awful too.


    I believe Anet is a big enough company to think about solution that won't be abusable, but will decrease the chances of you being matched with the person you blocked and/or reported.

    There is lot's of players playing pvp. Maybe sth like you won't be put with them on the team for X days after report? So you might at least forget it was that guy and what he said... and it would be not that much abusable.

    Or it puts you together in team with player you blocked only after X time of searching for teammembers and if it can't find anyone else?



    Also when we are at it -> can blocked players be unable to join squads I create and post on lfg? It's annoying when someone is taking off your squad from lfg 10 times/1 min just to make your life miserable.

  11. Every time Im at the bank in Divinity's Reach (starting Human city) I see lots of people there. Trading, roleplaying, playing music, dancing, doing stupid stuff or just afking and it IS a starting city. They're just standing close to bank and trading post. I think from all racial cities people tend to hang in Divinity Reach the most (myself included, its least laggy for me and most convenient merchants close together).

  12. I don't really care for difficulty. . I don't really care that much for our choices mattering. But Im all for revamp.


    Imo the core game needs a lot of work now, personal story included. Let's be honest for most of people personal story is very very weak... and Im sad bcs of it.

    HoT story and PoF story -> these were entertaining and I was actually interested in what was going to happen most of the time. Personal story is something I yawn every time I try to listen.


    GW2 is a great game, but 1-80 lvls can make many people resign from game before the fun part starts. Right now they're giving you boosters etc to skip the 1-80 lvl if you purchuase expansion, but that's not the good resolution. They should try to make 1-80 lvls more fun too.

    Maybe 1-80 could get some "mini fractals", a race with a mount given just for this race, some adventures with e.g. free gliding just for it, so people can actually try out things they're getting with expansions and have some fun. Right now 1-80 is basically doing maps with very medicore story along the way. I can't force myself to do it ever again now that I have tomes of knowledge and I can replay all expansion content without a problem -> that shows something with that content is wrong.

    Personal story (especially for humans... omg so boring) and LS2 could use a boost.

  13. I am a full pve player from 5 years. I hate pvp matches, I literally despise them(and I really want The Ascension but the achievements are so long...). I love raids, fractals meta's and sometimes I even enjoy doing maps.

    I started crafting Aurora and then came a moment for a Gift of Battle. I really did NOT want to get into WvW as I never stepped my foot in there before.


    I went in and got killed going alone, so I joined commander as I had no idea what any term in WvW meant and what am I supposed to even do. Commander stood before us from time to time and wrote us a playful speech how we're fighting for honor of our lands etc. That was pretty cool I must say.

    I tried to glide after my 15 people group and I fell down like a lemming and killed myself. Happily someone nice saw it and explained to me there are points I need to spend separately in WvW to get gliding and other skills there (I was suprised because I have gliding in PVE for like 2 years... Never expected to fall down, so used to having it :P).

    I build and used catapults, carried supplies, became a big golem, won a battle for the castle, towers and camps and it was all suprisingly fun even when I was dying.


    Tbh I personally had fun while fighting in groups like 2-10 people. More than that made my screen freeze and even if that wasn't the case all AOEs around me with me being melee (probably with not too good wvw build) made it impossible for me to play in larger groups.


    But honestly I never was into WvW before. But when I was "forced" to go there I had some fun and finally used my birthday booster and xp booster for something (like 90 of these in my bank) and I got the gift of battle in around 6-7 hours total I think. Considering how much time PVE achievements took me it was really quick and pleasant and now I sometimes go back there for dailies (the one with getting 40 + badges or sth in Ember Bay omg.... so boring. Chalice of Tears were actually fun even if I spend there at least 2-3 hours, but these badges even with guide.... ).

    I went from WvW hater to someone who sometimes enjoys going in there with no goal in mind at all.


    The only thing I agree with might be that people hating on commanders and other people is a problem. But imo it's a big problem in raids and pvp too.

    Also the annoying thing is having to run to your squad after you die, sometimes across the whole map, but this one cannot be balanced without making wvw a mess.

  14. There should be an option to report a player for trolling, with a description box.

    I wouldn't report someone for putting a merchant on the chest, but I really wanted to report a guy, who (with 15 of his guildies) went to meta AB on south lane just to troll and make meta unfinishable (killing octovine when other's are at 100% and not killing octovine when others can). Even people coming from other lanes to kill on their lane couldn't do it, because it was south and they kept pulling the bomb in the wrong direction...

    Yet eben if I wanted to report him there is no options that suits and no description box at all! It's not verbal abuse (even when they laugh about it on map chat, they're not calling anyone names or anything) and it's not scamming.


    It's similiar on AB. When someone put merchant on EVERY chest in AB and they laught in map about it... it's not very funny. It's frustrating. Sure someone can do it on 1 chest as a joke (and it's possible that 20 more people also got this idea) but if it's all chests and then someone laughs about doing it on map chat I feel like I wanna murder them :P Report option would help me feel better.




    Also, the priority while clickng F should be implemented long ago. It happend with merchants and chests, but it also happens when you try to res someone in raid/fractal etc and when seconds matter. You go there, try to res a friend and ... oh you got a banner (and a dead friend). Every damn time :P

  15. The problem I see with necro is it's insanely op in PvP due to AOE's, fears and great survivability with big hp pool, but in PVE it's kinda sad for "hardcore" content where dps to signle target matters most because when you take away their epi(which is great for orbs,trash etc), they're the worst pick.


    But it seems its kinda hard to balance out necro, because with their aoe's and great survivability they can't be given best dps too. They tried to take away part of their survivability with scourge (taking away shrouds) but honestly I feel like scourges are on par with surviving with reapers.


    The sad thing is, I believe at this point in game all classes should hav at least 3 viable builds:

    1) Power dps

    2) Condi dps

    3) Healer or tank or buffer

    and then at least 1 of them would be good for pve. The problem with necro is it has almost na party utility compared to other classes and has no build 3 option.

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