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Posts posted by Rysdude.3824

  1. Really good ideas. What I'd like to see, personally for Staff:


    Staff 1 - Add Cripple on the third tick

    Staff 2 - Pulse Blind every 2 seconds

    Staff 3 - Reduce recharge from 18 to 16

    Staff 4 - Lessen the impacts by 2 but steal 1 boon (or health) per target. Sort of life roots siphoning nutrients.

    Staff 5 - Dome

  2. > @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

    > So I had a random thought about WvW. WvW needs people to log in on allied and enemy sides to really reach its full game mode potential. The reason is because allied and enemy forces are supposed to fight each other at times and these fights sometimes go to the death. That means one side will end up winning the battle and the other will end up losing the battle, a group of winners and a group of losers. And to the winners go the spoils: participation level, wxp, loot bags, and maybe a reason to celebrate. To the losers: fill in the blank because I don't know, I doubt the benefits of losing an encounter are all that well known or common. I know that the losers should really take the loss as a reason to get better, but they also have a choice to just not play WvW to its full game mode potential (or at all!). I just wonder if this ever occurred to anyone else as well? To people who complain of lack of fights or activity, or an abundance of people using mobility builds, or gank squads and blobs chasing solo people and small groups. No one really WANTS to lose but someone HAS to lose when someone else wins so these behaviors people complain about just naturally occur.


    > I just think WvW isn't going to be as fun as it could be when everyone has every reason to not lose at the forefront of their mind because the fact is, someone has to lose, or no one wins. It'd be like a show that can not go on because no one wants to play the character everyone loves to hate. Or the keep lord loading way beneath the map so that the keep cannot be captured. Or a side dominates the entire match to the point there's literally nothing to capture. Apparently that has happened before.


    > @"Shadow Order.7258" said:

    > Op is from BG


    Lul enough said.


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