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Posts posted by Urud.4925

  1. > @Erasculio.2914 said:

    > All PC dialogue would be replaced by variations of “what what what” or “ooooh, shiny”, with a few “go go go go go” here and there. No NPC dialogue would be altered. Amazingly, this would have little impact on the plot.


    You forgot the ending "yes". "Attack, yes!".

    Also, we already have a potion to become Skritt for 15 minutes. Though we can't speak.

  2. > @hellsqueen.3045 said:

    > I am sorry for people who invite their friends to an MMO and without the 80 boost their friend "wouldn't have played it" but realistically [...] If your friend doesn't like the basic experiences of an MMO than they just aren't an MMO fan and you are kind of getting them to play a genre they don't like.


    I think the same. I was deep in love with an MMO and I convinced a friend of mine to try it out, after 3 years that I kept talking about it. She played it a bit, few levels, and didn't want any guidance. She quit after 1 day, because "it's too like this... it's not enough this...", all things that could have been changed from the option menu and the UI.

    It's not the boost's fault. I bought HoT and I didn't use the boost in months. In the meantime I leveled up 2 new alts. Without boost, because I wanted to learn the class. I'd probably use it for a ranger, one day, since it seemed the easiest class to play, so maybe it's not worth to play it for 80 levels to understand the basic.


    But few new players know that they can try all the classes in the PvP lobby at lv2 (or 21 if it's their first toon). I told it to one of my guild mates and I've been told about this opportunity by another friend of mine. That's something that could receive more visibility in game, 'cause it's a nice feature.

    For the OP.... try to link this thread to your friend somehow :) COME BACK YOU THERE! Give the game another chance! :D

  3. > @Westenev.5289 said:

    > Offing the newcommers does nothing except bottleneck a community who is already jumping ship at the top level. I mean, sure, it sucks when someone underperforms or doesn't act the way you'd expect... but there aren't any tutorials for this kitten that doesn't include montages of PERFECT circumstances, vague build guides and videos that take FOREVER to explain anything. If WE, as players, don't tell them how to play, how are they supposed to know?

    > (Flaming, Quitting and AFK'ing at spawn are another thing that peeves me off. Sure, a member of the group sucks, but is it fair on your other members who are actually TRYING?)


    Respect for you Westenev.

    I'm reading this thread to try to learn what I should NEVER do or what other players expect from my class to do in pvp, cause I'm a noob. I never played ranked matches because I know that I suck (I started to play in PvP only recently, after noticing that it's a faster way to complete my daily). However I like it, even when I find players that are even worse than me (very few). Pointing out someone in chat because s/he is not good, it's mean and soul-destroying for the people that actually want to learn, and they could likely stop to keep trying and come back to pure pve. While the ones that won't feel offended are probably the ones that will keep playing the way they always did.


    This said, I can understand the salt in automated tournaments (I would never join at my level), but in unranked arenas everyone should be able to have fun and practice. You are capped as daily gold/reward afaik, not as number of matches. So just play another match if you lost the previous one.

  4. Some epitaphs are also memorable.


    He thought tickling moas would be a joy

    And then they kicked to death that silly boy


    He thought he could

    Outrun a centaur


    Got everything for free, never satisfied with what he got

    We hope he'll be happy with this plot


    He learned an important lesson about fighting

    Don't stand in water when casting lightning


    Her passing came as a surprise to all

    Including her incompetent doctor.


    Phlunt is also funny, when he calls Taimi "progeny" and "little degenerate".

    I also loved my mentor when he said "Burn me! I'm a human girl! Whoa, I've got two hands and some lovely... apples". That cutscene was hilarious.

    These days we always hear "Whoa! You scared me! That's the most hideous mask I ever saw!". "What mask?". But it's always funny.


    Trahearne (WELL DONE!), Canach, our character itself (female human/asura, male charr, it doesn't matter that much) they all have wonderful voice actors. I'm in love with this game mostly for the quality of the dubbing (voice and lines). When you explore the map and take a rest on a random outpost and stay there minutes to listen to the dialogues of 2 random sylvari (a knight and a scholar), an asura and a naive sylvari (did you fall from a tree? no, not today), or a charr humming a song with his deep voice. It's wonderful.

  5. Hmm, that I can understand. But they were asking for a _reset_. Thus, the difficulty to _adjust_ the character's progress. Maybe it wouldn't be so problematic to just _repeat_ the choices we already made, not a real re-do.

    But true, I could keep 1 free slot; that will also bring some utility to that amount of tomes that I don't know how to use (I don't want to power-level-up a new class, when I start it).

  6. Hmm, ok! I built a quite big guild on another MMO (slowly abandoning it), so I always played alone here, to take some rest. That's also why I always refused to join my best in-game friend, who joined a guild months ago (I hope she won't be disappointed :/).

    So it wouldn't be a problem if there aren't many players during my core time. Also, there's always the week-end. And thanks for your concern :)

  7. Hi, not sure if this should go under Lore or GW2 Discussion, and idk if this has been already asked in the previous forum (probably it was) since I didn't use it.

    Anyway, is there a reason why we cannot replay the personal story? Even forcing us to remake our previous choices, for example graying-out the other options.


    I find the personal story wonderful. I cried all of the 3 times that I did it. I'm not saying it because I like to cry... but it's very well made, the words chosen by Trahearne, the efforts required by the hunt, that splendid music that starts to play while all the sounds are muffled... and I won't spoiler anything more, in case there's someone here that still has to complete it (tip: raise the volume of your stereo ;) ).

    I still have 2 characters available, so I'll cry again, that's fine. But it would be nice to know that I could repeat the last chapters with my favourite characters, if I wanted.

    Is it a choice, or there are technical reasons?

  8. > @Skorpion.4850 said:

    > i have difficulty stay in train with other people in Labyrint by foot but im fine; im not fine is with race in labyrint, is something that i tryed to do by food but even checkpoint didnt work to mark my way.


    > I feel now a little exlused, that all. Just a report for a normal player, no beg no asking for nothing.


    Players that didn't buy any of the 2 major expansions, have probably less interest in completing all the achievements. But this belongs to a "festival", an event that involves the whole community (hopefully). And it's held in Lion's Arch, fully available to everyone.

    Yesterday I also saw someone on the starting line, surrounded by a dozen of mounts, saying "this is not fair". Who cares about the single achievement in the end. I'm fine in binding some achievements to a specific mastery/expansion. But I would have avoided it during a festival, that should be the same for everyone. For the series: "let's celebrate as whole GW2 community!".

  9. Well, for the moment I'm not particularly struggling in finding people for HPs or bigger events. Sometimes I have to wait a couple of days to complete an achievement in HoT and I completed the Triple Wurms after 2 months of daily attempts. But I'm not in a rush, there are still many things to do for me, that the wait is acceptable. I'd like to see more players on Central Tyria though. This would probably attract more new players to keep playing and maybe buy the expansions.


    I didn't think about the channels. Being on the wrong map (especially for the Triple Wurms) has been a problem. I wish they can do something about it. In other MMOs it's usually possible for the players to switch channel, without being forced to log out/in continuously, hoping to be put in the right one. Maybe they could allow us to see all the channels, so we could keep trying to access those channels, or be sure that we are in the wrong map and there's no need to wait further for the meta event.


    But yeah, like Fenom said, it's not a major problem now, especially considering that PoF just came out. I was thinking on the long run, if they keep adding new maps. It could be a bigger issue in the future.

  10. Helloo. I'm a bit scared that on the long run, we'll end up having desertic maps, with too few players (to go straight to the point).


    Now preamble (so you can skip it): I really like the way GW2 is built, for my play style. I've tried so many MMOs that require a continuous grinding and farming of your gear every 4-5 months, and if you decide to take a break, you feel completely lost when you come back, overwhelmed by pages of patch notes and unspoken news/tips. The idea to have our level and (most important) gear set once and for all, it's a important bonus for all the casual players, that won't have to throw away their efforts after months/years. And I'm too old now to spend 6 hours per day on an MMO. So I like that GW2 offers something different from the majority of the other MMOs (and I really like that it encourages the exploration of the beautiful landscapes over mindless dailies and farming).

    Obviously, to keep the players busy, the devs must provide new contents here and there. And I like that these contents are not "new gear with more powerful stats", "new equip-able items", etc... but new part of the story, new skills and maps.


    End of the preamble: The problem is that by continuing to add new maps, the playerbase will be more and more scattered through the lands, leaving almost empty some maps. When I started to play, I was excited to group up with some players to escort a caravan in one of the lower maps. Now there's barely someone there, and new players might find the game a bit empty on their first impression. Moreover, many achievements in HoT require a group and it's not always easy to find enough people to complete them. Yesterday I spent 20 minutes in Dragon's Stand for example, and I only found 1 single player (and the map was even among the dailies...). I'm not saying that the game is dead. Not at all. But the whole map is so huge.


    Suggestion part! So, what about adding some perks for playing together on the same area? For example adding a weekly bonus in form of additional drop rate, every week on a different map. We already have the dailies, but they can be completed in several ways and last only 1 day per map. There's no time to complete several achievements for the new players, as veteran usually stay there for 4 events only. Maybe an additional 5% drop rate could help? Or putting some chests here and there? I wouldn't introduce other weeklies because 1 daily/weekly is already enough, we should have as much free time as possible to wander around. Just some small bonus that encourages players to stay there, without forcing them.

    I'd like to read also your suggestions, if you also think that this could be a problem, when future expansions will add even more areas.

  11. I feel the OP and it happened also what SmirkDog said. Unfortunately it's also not safe to teleport to a waypoint and stay in idle for few seconds anymore.

    I think most of the players don't do it on purpose, but it's true that I saw a lot of new/returning players (the ones glued to their mount and 6-7 mastery points) that simply rush through the maps, passing careless over downed players.

    Until few months ago, whenever I saw a downed player for example, everyone rushed to ress him, even diverting from his path (I always do it). Now it's not that common. Few players decide to unmount to help someone else :/

    Pity. But I think that these new/returning players will start to appreciate how awesome is to play a game with a good and helpful community, once they understand that no one cares about their mounts. I'll give them time.

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