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Posts posted by whoknocks.4935

  1. Hi.


    Your condi damage is pretty high in your build, but 1500 power with 20ish% crit chance is stupidly low to call it hybrid build, the power component won't do anything.


    To have a really effective hybrid build you should aim for at least 2000 power, 1000 condi damage, 35% crit chance.


    Scepter is overall a better hybrid weapon than axe.


    Try out grieving stats and remove trailblazers and dire/rabid once, maybe fit it some celestial of needed.


    But right now your build is just a condi focused build wasting stats on power.


    About runes:



    Durability (so you don't need many toughness trinkets)


    Are good choices.


    Hope I helped as a starting point.

  2. The only real problem with warriors is rampage.

    All their animations are so telegraphed and it's true they all need a dodge for the most part, and usually when they go rampage you are forced to use all your defenses and kiting abilities or else die.

    And if you wasted everything before they go rampage, rampage will be an easy win for them thanks to the Cc chains..

  3. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > > Nobody only play 1 single profession, and if happens it's your problem.

    > > > It doesn't matter how many builds you have under your belt in a system where you are locked to the class you queued on. Which is kind of the point.

    > >

    > > Ok I have to give you a real example, because you seem quite a bit slow on understanding.

    > >

    > > You queue as Spellbreaker, Your team is made by:

    > > 1: Firebrand

    > > 2: Support Tempest

    > > 3: Revenant

    > > 4: Mirage

    > > 5: Spellbreaker (You)

    > >

    > > The game started because there are 5 all different profession specializations.

    > >

    > > Now the tempest can switch to Reaper, Thief, to Chrono, to Core Guardian, to Ranger, to "anything he wants to", but he CANNOT switch to another Mirage or another Spellbreaker BECAUSE THERE IS ALREADY 1.

    > >

    > > Is it clear now?

    > > Nobody said you are locked to the class you queued on, it's not that hard to understand.

    > >

    > > This way no more double scrapper, no more double thief, no more double anything.

    > > Definitely 1 scrapper is way more easy to handle than having 2 or 3 in the same team.


    > Again, if 30-40% of the game's community is queueing on scrappers, the population of the matches has to be 30-40% scrappers. You can't have a match maker that has higher priority than matching people of similar rating. It struggles enough with that as is. People always talk "Oh this will kill PvP for good if this happens or doesn't get fixed!" but an actual real surefire way to actually kill PvP is to subject players to 30-40 minute long queues per match because they're queueing on a very popular build and the matchmaker has a hard hard limit on of only one per team so once the matchmaker puts on scrapper on a team it puts them on the sidelines until the next team gets put together, or the team after that, or the team after that. Or even worse, have the match maker completely give up on matching similarly skilled players so you're getting top 10 former professionals literally playing against bronze league players.


    > The answer is fix what is causing scrappers to make up 30-40% of the queueing population, not rewrite the match maker into an awful unwieldy mess that is either as slow as molasses or literally matching bronzes with legendary tier players.


    You fix scrapper and then there will be double chronobunk duos, you fix chrono and will be double scourge duo, you fix scourge and will be double mirage duo, you fix mirage and will be double soulbeast duo.


    By limitation on the build you solve 50% of the problem, after you can start balance overtuned specs like scrappers.

  4. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > Nobody only play 1 single profession, and if happens it's your problem.

    > It doesn't matter how many builds you have under your belt in a system where you are locked to the class you queued on. Which is kind of the point.


    Ok I have to give you a real example, because you seem quite a bit slow on understanding.


    You queue as Spellbreaker, Your team is made by:

    1: Firebrand

    2: Support Tempest

    3: Revenant

    4: Mirage

    5: Spellbreaker (You)


    The game started because there are 5 all different profession specializations.


    Now the tempest can switch to Reaper, Thief, to Chrono, to Core Guardian, to Ranger, to "anything he wants to", but he CANNOT switch to another Mirage or another Spellbreaker BECAUSE THERE IS ALREADY 1.


    Is it clear now?

    Nobody said you are locked to the class you queued on, it's not that hard to understand.


    This way no more double scrapper, no more double thief, no more double anything.

    Definitely 1 scrapper is way more easy to handle than having 2 or 3 in the same team.

  5. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > > > > If they put a limitation on specs, only one per team this kitten stop and no need to balance anything...

    > > > > it's stacking overtuned specs that make pvp so unbalanced.

    > > >

    > > > Dude stop playing defense so hard for scrapper. You aren't fooling any one. This has been put to a vote. You can't have no class swapping before the match starts because you end up with games where you have double thief, or double firebrand support, or tempest support+firebrand support and your team composition is completely unviable. Because the match maker can never be designed to be intelligent enough to understand the interplay between builds from all the players.

    > >

    > > Nobody play defense against scrapper.

    > > One scrapper in a team even if my team doesn't have one is not a big deal, same as when I had 1 condi mirage or 1 boonbeast.

    > > The problems born when you have 2 or 3.

    > > Stacking is problematic.

    > > In that game the 3 scrappers probably bunkered all 3 caps and ez win, if there were only 1 scrapper the game was toxic.

    > >

    > > You start the queue on as scrapper.

    > > The game will send you to map selection only when the matchmaker found other 4 unique professions in your team.

    > > And nobody can't switch to a profession already take, another guy can switch to holo or core engi, but not to scrapper because there is already one.

    > > In so many competitive games there is class reservation, because stacking particular classes is too overtuned and abusing.


    > Again, this match maker doesn't work. At all. Because in ranked being a Core Guardian and a Support Firebrand on one team is perfectly viable despite the same profession. They have completely different roles, they aren't problematic when stacked. But a Support Firebrand and a Support Tempest being put onto the same team and neither of them being allowed to switch onto a class that will synergize better with the other more than double freaking support is going to be completely kitten despite them not stacking professions.


    > Or getting loaded with a core thief and a daredevil and neither of them being able to switch to anything else leaving the entire team kitten with a double thief comp despite your matchmaker deciding they're "unique professions" since by your own post, elite specializations count as unique professions. Heck often times Elite Specializations have multiple builds that fulfill multiple roles. Like SD Weaver is a completely different animal in what it contributes to a game than Fresh Air Weaver and there's nothing wrong with the match maker pairing them together. Same with Support Firebrand and Condition Firebrand. Or Boonbeast and Sic Em Sniper. Or GS Roaming Mirage and Chaos Duelist Mirage.


    > The problem is scrapper, not the match maker, at least in regards to pairing the professions together. At the end of the day if 30% of the playerbase is queueing on scrappers right now, 30% of the teams in all the matches simply have to be made up of scrappers.


    What's wrong with you?

    If there is a firebrand and support tempest, one of them can switch to thief to scourge to revenant, to whatever it's needed.

    Nobody only play 1 single profession, and if happens it's your problem.

    And having a firebrand and support tempest is not that bad, the firebrand camp mid with a scourge and the tempest act like support rotational noder and goes where it's needed.


    A firebrand and a core guardian for my idea of matchmaking they are ALLOWED.

    Not only 1 guardian per team, but only 1 firebrand or only 1 core guardian or only 1 dragonhunter.

    In a team could be 1 firebrand, then a core guard, then a holosmith, then a scrapper and a revenant.

    But not 2 revs or 2 scrappers or 3.


    If you didn't understand still I don't know what to anymore to you.

  6. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > > If they put a limitation on specs, only one per team this kitten stop and no need to balance anything...

    > > it's stacking overtuned specs that make pvp so unbalanced.


    > Dude stop playing defense so hard for scrapper. You aren't fooling any one. This has been put to a vote. You can't have no class swapping before the match starts because you end up with games where you have double thief, or double firebrand support, or tempest support+firebrand support and your team composition is completely unviable. Because the match maker can never be designed to be intelligent enough to understand the interplay between builds from all the players.


    Nobody play defense against scrapper.

    One scrapper in a team even if my team doesn't have one is not a big deal, same as when I had 1 condi mirage or 1 boonbeast.

    The problems born when you have 2 or 3.

    Stacking is problematic.

    In that game the 3 scrappers probably bunkered all 3 caps and ez win, if there were only 1 scrapper the game was toxic.


    You start the queue on as scrapper.

    The game will send you to map selection only when the matchmaker found other 4 unique professions in your team.

    And nobody can't switch to a profession already take, another guy can switch to holo or core engi, but not to scrapper because there is already one.

    In so many competitive games there is class reservation, because stacking particular classes is too overtuned and abusing.

  7. The stupid mount should only be a tool to travel the map faster, not a 10k immune to cc barrier with 3 evade frames who let you avoid any fight, it's a damn warzone, not open world pve.

    Roamers now are skipped like trash mobs are skipped in pve, so damn kitten.


    1. Reduce the dodges to 1 with slower endurance regeneration.

    2. Make skill#1 dismount both players on a successful hit.

    3. Make the warclaw enter combat as soon as you get attacked, so you have reduced speed while incombat and you are forced to dismount and get the fight.


    Don't know if would solve completely the issues, but definitely it's a start.

  8. With the recent nerfs I see the meta condition sage amulet build is no longer that popular, what about switching axe for scepter?

    You still play it or maybe play chronobunker?


    For WvW solo roaming power mirage now is definitely more popular then the cancer condi counterpart, is hybrid still the best of the 3?

    What builds you run for roaming then?

    I know about kittenclaw...?

  9. > @"Kicast.1459" said:

    > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > > I'm not an engi main, but if next Tuesday they nerf heavily scrapper they will show how much profession preference they have, leaving condi mirage untouched for how many season? 4 or 5?

    > > And scrapper being nerfed after 2 weeks only...

    > > The law is not equal for everyone.


    > kitten kitten argument.


    Same as your comment.

    Lame kitten kitten.

  10. I'm not an engi main, but if next Tuesday they nerf heavily scrapper they will show how much profession preference they have, leaving condi mirage untouched for how many season? 4 or 5?

    And scrapper being nerfed after 2 weeks only...

    The law is not equal for everyone.

  11. > @"Stallic.2397" said:

    > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > > I don't play scrapper, but I prefer this bunker meta way more than a visual clutter clone oneshot burst spamming meta that we had till now.

    > >

    > > Games are probably slowed down, but this way good rotations are what matters and not kills kills over kills.


    > I'm admit this is better than mirage meta. Those trolls would one shot players, run across the map, decap, then do it all again.


    > Scrappers maybe incredible tanks, but not near OP as mirage. They seriously just need a little shaving and they'll be fine


    For example if you are defending a node you hold, and a scrappet comes (even tho he shouldn't) you can hold that node for very long, instead before if a condi mirage or boonbeast were against you, you were forced to run away or else die in 1vs1 and lose the node as well.


    Of course in PvP there is no communication except chat, but against scrapper few tips that helped me win several games even tho in my team i had zero scrappers:

    1. Never go 1vs1 a scrapper if he is sitting on a point he owns or if the cap is neutral. Leave him be there and get the other 2 caps.

    2. Never 2vs1 a scrapper unless you have 2 burst professions that force him to escape the node or unless you are sure to kill him.

    3. Fight him in 1vs1 if you own the node because you can hold him yourself a reasonable amount of time and escape immediately as you see you are about to get +1 by an enemy or even a teammate. If you can't kill him even if you own the own you still create outnumbers in the rest on the map, so it's better leave.

  12. > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

    > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > > > @"Tornjak.6425" said:

    > > > It still hits like a wet t-bag. Patch did nothing for scrapper. Mender, alch/inventions was same kitten. What is all the crying about? How is it any different from fb, condi Mirage, etc..

    > >

    > > Because recent players have no clue what a bunker profession (meta) does and how to counter it with proper rotations.

    > > They are used to press 4 buttons and see the enemy dying immediately, now it's not happening and they all freak out.


    > Some of the highest ranking players themselves are explaining why scrapper is broken right now, literally the number 2 on leaderboards who mains boonbeast is now playing scrapper because he says it's broken as kitten and nobody can win from him 1v1


    Neither you could win a boonbeast in any 1vs1, the difference is scrapper will never kill you 1vs1 unless you suck or stand still 2 minutes.

    Boonbeast was able to hold a point and plus killing you, so you were forced to leave the point.


    I just won a match against 2 scrappers and my team had zero, maybe they weren't the best top players, but still, if enemy scrapper was holding a node or neutral we ignored him and go to the other caps and thanksto thiswe were 5vs4 in the other nodes and we won.

    Just an example.


    Of course the spec is busted because it's braindead, press bullwak and medic gyro off cd and you are good to go, but rotating properly punish average scrappers a lot.

  13. > @"Tornjak.6425" said:

    > It still hits like a wet t-bag. Patch did nothing for scrapper. Mender, alch/inventions was same kitten. What is all the crying about? How is it any different from fb, condi Mirage, etc..


    Because recent players have no clue what a bunker profession (meta) does and how to counter it with proper rotations.

    They are used to press 4 buttons and see the enemy dying immediately, now it's not happening and they all freak out.

  14. I don't play scrapper, but I prefer this bunker meta way more than a visual clutter clone oneshot burst spamming meta that we had till now.


    Games are probably slowed down, but this way good rotations are what matters and not kills kills over kills.

  15. You come to WvW for the mount, you have zero clue about other professions in fights and you affirm everyone is a cheater when probably all you saw is a Blink from a mesmer or Shadowstep from a thief.


    We don't need people like you in the gamemode, go back to your safe mob hunting in PvE and bring all your friends thanks.


  16. > @"Zenix.6198" said:

    > Personally I DONT mind scrapper.

    > It just is another bunker. It kind of reminds me of Druid in HoT tbh.


    > Sure it can hold a capped node forever...but it doesn't really kill players, making them terrible at decapping, if the enemy team has any map awareness.

    > It is nothing new tbh. Literally every other 1v1 spec can stalemate them.


    > People have become so alienated by the super burst meta we had for the past ~18 months that they dont know how to play around those type of builds.

    > Sure....it is hard to kill, even with +1s and Im not saying that it doesnt need nerfs in some departments (like bulwark gyro), but it isnt as busted as people make it out to be.

    > As said ....personally I am reminded of HoT druids and eventually people will also get used to play around them.


    Problem is, high rank players already know how to deal with it and play around it, but low rank players (90% of the players) cry because they keep 2vs1 or 1vs1 a scrapper on the node he is holding and they are surprised why they lose.


    Nerf scrapper and you will have another 1 or 2 or 3 seasons full of condi mirages, boonbeast and holos again.


    Not to mention firebrand plus scourge is in fucking meta since PoF release, I would rather to see that braindead duo finally gutted and see some tempest support or some other thing to refresh the meta.


    Now only sidenoding builds determine the meta...

  17. > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

    > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > > Spellbreaker if times rampage can destroy a scrapper easily, revenant can surprise +1 a scrapper and kill him in a matter of seconds, reaper too.

    > >

    > > The problem is in low rank people don't communicate and they go 2vs1 a scrapper with a firebrand or whatever...

    > >

    > > So the scrapper carry games, rise in ranks and people comes in forums crying.

    > >

    > > Even tho it's true it's stupidly overtuned and brainless to use.

    > >

    > > Yesterday first time playing it I survived a 1vs3 kiting and LoS, easier than condi mirage and boonbeast and holo, and those are crazy braindead builds to use so...


    > I'm sorry but Revenant and reaper can not surprise a scrapper and instantly kill him, you pulled that one out of your kitten


    Reaper cannot of course, but a good revenant in +1 can.

  18. Actually roamers now can be compared to mobs in PvE, you take the aggro from a roamer, press the 3 dodges leaps and you are safe to escape because the roamer can't chase you.


    WvW was a war zone, with mounts they destroyed at least 50% of the small fights.


    Now I just roam on my feet and I wait it's a mount player to attack on me and dismount himself, no way I waste time chasing PvE chickens riding the mount.

  19. Spellbreaker if times rampage can destroy a scrapper easily, revenant can surprise +1 a scrapper and kill him in a matter of seconds, reaper too.


    The problem is in low rank people don't communicate and they go 2vs1 a scrapper with a firebrand or whatever...


    So the scrapper carry games, rise in ranks and people comes in forums crying.


    Even tho it's true it's stupidly overtuned and brainless to use.


    Yesterday first time playing it I survived a 1vs3 kiting and LoS, easier than condi mirage and boonbeast and holo, and those are crazy braindead builds to use so...

  20. 1. Just reduce the dodge to 1 or 2 with lower endurance regeneration, that's too fast.


    2. Make warclaw skill#1 dismount both players if you hit. (The enemy you hit and yourself).


    Mount problem solved.


    It's a dang war zone, not a place where chicken players can that easily avoid fights.

    Play PvE if you wanna run with your mount and don't wanna get attacked by players.



  21. > @"bethekey.8314" said:

    > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > > Hmmm.

    > >

    > > In all the videos you shared seems there is one thing in common, some sort of desync problems.

    > >

    > > Are you sure it's not a problem with your connection or something?

    > >

    > > Of course weird things and bugs happens, but those seems clearly desyncs and not a game problem, they never happened to me.

    > >

    > > The only thing happened to me are projectiles who vanish in the air without being obstructed.

    > >

    > >


    > These bugs have been happening over the 6+ year period I've played the game, through multiple internet connections, computers, and moves. I've only been able to record them easily now due to the instant replay feature on my graphics card. It is a valid concern though and if there was a solution available I'd be happy. My internet speeds are all good, I'm hooked up to ethernet (no signal issues), and my ping to the Anet servers is almost always around 60 ms.


    If they happens only sometimes might be a server desync, but if happens quite regularly maybe the problem is in your connection or something.


    When you shoot rifle2 on that thief it's clear that the game see the thief in a position where in reality he is not, so it does no damage or anything because the thief hitbox is not actually there.


    Or in the other video when the mesmer uses scepter3 beam, for him you where probably targetable and not in stealth, the beam didn't seem to do any damage on you, because your character wasn't where he casted the beam, but you were already stealthed so you did see only the visual effect of the beam, but with zero damage.

  22. Hmmm.


    In all the videos you shared seems there is one thing in common, some sort of desync problems.


    Are you sure it's not a problem with your connection or something?


    Of course weird things and bugs happens, but those seems clearly desyncs and not a game problem, they never happened to me.


    The only thing happened to me are projectiles who vanish in the air without being obstructed.



  23. > @"Fortus.6175" said:

    > Problem is longer queues, think about it, say you are playing scrapper (fairly popular right now), that means the game can fit 2 scrappers at most per game, however, you are now left with only 8 other classes to fill in the remaining 4 spots per team, however no class can be repeated per game, so say the least popular classes, el and rev have fewer people playing at that particular time, so now you put them on either team, assuming there are enough of them in that rating bracket on at that particular time, not in a game and queueing up at the same time, that means now you still need to fill 2 more spots per team but only have 6 classes left, however due to variability in population within those classes at that particular time in that rating bracket means there are significantly fewer people who fit that category at that time. All is good for the first team formed....however:


    > Now comes the second team, which we still have an overflow of scrappers, however, we have mostly exhausted eles and revs available at this time, so you need to fill 4 spots per team but only have 6 available classes, of which none can repeat, and the possibilities to find one of each class at that given time on, not already in a game, queueing up and within that rating bracket (which the lower or higher of the median you go, the smaller the total population of people within those brackets), suddenly the game has a harder time filling that game.


    > Then 3 game is ever worse since there are still no revs and eles, now you only have 3-4 classes and an overabundance of scrappers, and the issue is just worse, and so on and on and on with each respective team coming afterwards, it would reach a point that scrappers (or whatever build is popular at the time) would have ATROCIOUS queue times, even less popular builds would be affected too since as least popular ones are the first one to deplete, the total pool of available classes diminishes more, affecting the amount of class combos available.


    Yeah I pointed out the longer queues time in my thread, but yeah like right now I had 10 games straight without a single double profession in both teams, in my team 5 different professions and the enemy as well, only 1 game had double mirage in the enemy team.


    But still in my opinion this change will balance quite a lot the health of gamemode.

    1 scrapper or 1 mirage or soulbeast even tho can be an OP bunker is manageable, 2 is not.

  24. One team can only have 1 and only 1 profession/elite specialization.


    No more double scrappers, double mirages, doubles soulbeasts and anything that is broken in that particular moment.


    During the match if in your team there is a scrapper you can only swap profession to core engineer or holosmith, but can't choose scrapper yourself.


    When people complain of scrapper (right now the hated one) some people say: "Don't 1vs1 or 1vs2 and go to another node nullifying his bunker/carry abilities" and people answer: "How to do that if there are 2 or 3 scrapper in every single team!?!?".


    This problem will be solved this way.


    Many other games out there in pvp they have a class limitation usage per team due to their nature, some classes if stacked are too powerful and only one is allowed.


    This way the queue time will rise up considerably, but definitely I see outcoming games more healthy.


    This is one of the only ideas to don't make the gamemode dying, since the balance is always unbalanced, it can't be solved in another way.


    Hope Anet PvP team watch this thread and think about it seriously.


    What do you guys think?

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