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Posts posted by gavyne.6847

  1. > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > @"gavyne.6847" said:

    > > 20-25 players


    > You're self limiting due to your guild's size.

    > try running less people if you _actually_ want more fights.



    Used to run 15-20, but more and more guilds run 30+ now it becomes harder to stay small. Times have changed, seems like skilled players are consolidating into less guilds on less servers, hence creating this problem. When facing certain servers you are expected to fight multiple guilds running 25-30+ next to each other, which makes it even harder for you to compete as a small group.

  2. What makes WvW stale is you take a squad of 20-25 players out there to raid for 2 hours, and finding no good guild groups to fight. You end up either ending raid early or run around chasing cloud or banging your head into siege filled T3 keeps that are not possible to break. Due to the tiered system, this happens way too often. There are only a handful of servers that have enough guild groups to fight during NA. And they are all spread out in different tiers, giving you potentially weeks of boring matchup before you finally find one matchup with good NA content.


    There are too many servers that have only offhour or odd hour content. There's nothing more frustrating than having people show up wanting to play GW2 WvW, but having no content to fight other than cloud or frustrating siege filled keeps. Or there is content, but they are on a queued map that you can't move your guild onto. So again, people log frustrated and slowly become uninterested in GW2.


    The key to fixing WvW staleness is to simply give me content to fight, don't make me waste 2 hours looking for content. None of the ideas posted in the original post would solve this problem. Sure, change up the meta, tweak balance, etc.. are all no brainers that the devs should already be doing. But too often you could spend weeks stuck in boring matchups. This has to be fixed, server stacking only makes the issue worse as there are now less servers with competitive content to make raiding daily worth while.



  3. Doesn't matter how much Tempests cleanse, Scrappers flip everything they cleanse into boons thanks to Purity of Purpose. So even if a Tempest is "competitive" with Scrappers, it doesn't matter, Scrappers still win due to the single fact that they keep your whole squad with a full bar of boons with their cleanses. Why take a class that erases condi's when you can take a class that turns all the condi's into boons? Simply you wouldn't.


    A nerf to Purity of Purpose would bring Tempests back into meta. Tempests already got their 10 target shouts slapped. We're all waiting to see what Anet is going to do with their rumored 2nd round of support balance nerfs. Until then, if you want to play useful meta support, go with either a minstrel firebrand or support scrapper.

  4. Purity of Purpose is the main issue with scrappers, it's too op to not carry 1 scrapper per party. Even if another class, such as Tempest, get anywhere near a scrapper's cleanse numbers, the scrapper is still better because all those cleanses are flipped into boons. A scrapper hits 1,000 cleanse? That's 1,000 boons the scrapper just gave to his/her party. Where as Tempest simply cleanse, there are no boons coming out of the cleanses. Not to mention scrapper's sneak gyro which is very valuable in WvW. But the main reason why scrappers are preferred over others is how their cleanses turn condi's into boons.


    There was a time when you could say "but Tempest can 10 target..." but that already got nerfed. An adjustment to Purity of Purpose is long overdue.

  5. Feels like his stay was always limited and timed. He went from having a great time progressing through fractals and doing pvp with his friends, even playing with his gf in pvp. To spending a whole night dueling, solo queuing, not talking, when group queuing with his friends they weren't talking at all just doing their own things, etc.. Plus he openly talked about how he doesn't have much time left in this game, and how he needs to move away from MMO to get back to the "twitch race" (one can assume he's taking about viewership & subscribers). A strange 180.



    I don't think it's a problem with the game as much as he realized he needs to get back into FPS to get his viewership back up. He would've done so much better in pvp if he simply learned to focus target with his friends, and finished downs. They get so many downs but he just moves off to chase some random target, then they get rallied or rezzed.

  6. He's getting better and his friends seem to enjoy other aspects of the game so he's probably going to keep playing. Because of him other streamers like teapot are seeing double the viewerships. So like it or not, he's getting people interested in GW2. Honestly devs should take note how confusing the game can be for brand new players jumping into pvp, and make improvements if they care to grow the game.

  7. Lower targets per shade also mean less corrupts going out, less barriers going out to friendlies, it's not just dps where scourges are hit. They shaved too much and unfortunately scourges will lose out on that meta spot. Scourges were not meta because they topped dps, they were meta because they provided barriers, topped corrupts, and they had a good spike damage. Top of the meters belonged to weavers, bomb kit scrappers, burnguards, and heralds. Now they provide less barriers, less corrupts, and less damage in just 1 day.


    I'm ok with shaking things up, but I'm not a fan of making a class unwanted in just 1 day just because Anet made a boo boo and overtuned the class that no one asked them to touch. Shows you Anet devs do not test things in WvW, and clearly shows you some of the posters that just had to respond don't really know what they're talking about.

  8. Nerfs were needed, we knew the cd to Wells were going back up, but reducing shades to 2 targets per? Even for big shades? That effectively erases scourges from any organized squads. Scourges needed to be nerfed, not removed.


    Pre-patch scourges had a spot, they gave barriers, did corrupts, and had decent damage but not top of the meter (those belong to weavers, bomb kit scrappers, burnguards, etc). Most organized squads ran at a max of 1 scourge per party, sometimes even less. They were "meta" but not "overperforming". The patch made them overperfoming, they needed to be tuned down, but 2 shades effectively removes them from being wanted at all in organized squads. Now they're trash tier.


    cmc, why do you guys tune things without playing these classes in WvW in the first place?



  9. All great changes, but Dragon Banner 3 and 5 should've gotten adjusted. Dragon Blast and Dragon's Breath are the real issues. A knockback should not do this much damage, and Dragon's Breath damage modifier too high for the number of targets it hits. There should also be a cap how many Dragon Banners can be picked up at once on a given map. Facing a server with a map queue while they're using 5 Dragon Banners is pretty ridiculous. And this isn't even an exaggeration.


    Warclaw stomp removed, finally, this is one of the best changes in a long time. People don't get to just sit on their mounts waiting to stomp a clump of downs. They actually have to *gasp* play their class and help out. A quick test today shows support classes actually have a chance to revive downed players. They are not insta mount stomped with zero counter-play. Ty Anet.

  10. If they care to grow the PvP game mode, then yes, 3v3 and 2v2 should be alternating permanents. 5v5 conquest is quite difficult for players of other MMO's to get into. Deathmatch on the other hand, that's something everybody can jump into and enjoy, maybe learn a bit about classes and builds. Plus it's different than conquest, allows for different builds, variety is always a good thing when it comes to PvP.


    None of this matters though if they don't support it properly. It needs more maps, its own leaderboard and ladders, tournaments, etc.

  11. I get the knock on people caring about scores in 2020, but people don't care about scores for reasons you think. In a 1 up 1 down system, scores matter because you could potentially get into a boring matchup and end up taking a week off from WvW. For an example some servers have heavy offhour coverage that keep them in certain tiers, but they lack NA presence. So for servers with heavy NA population they may opt to try to avoid matchups with those servers.


    Some servers have little to no organized guilds, so if you're in an organized guild squad that enjoys fighting other organized guild squads, you would try to avoid getting into a matchup with those servers. If you're a roamer type (and this forum seems to be full of them), you probably don't care either way.


    People don't really care about scores for notoriety, it's really just trying to get into an ideal matchup for fights so you don't have to call your guild raids early or skip them completely for a whole week. For a lot of the people in guilds, this kills people's interest in WvW more than anything. Sometimes it's better to not finish 1st, or 2nd, depending on the matchup you're looking for.

  12. Speaking only WvW, why is power scourge more meta than power reaper in wvw zergs? Because they provide barriers for the whole party, corrupt a lot of boons, and on top of it all they have a good spike that can be dropped at 900 range. They can also pop breach and trail to help stop an enemy push. Reapers are more selfish, no barriers for party (barriers help prevent people from getting one banged), and low corrupts. Reaper's biggest spike comes from shroud 4, and if interrupted at all, such as your stab gets corrupted into fear or you get bombed out of your shroud, you lose that spike and find yourself struggling to output respectable damage.


    It's not even that reapers are bad, they aren't bad. But there are better melee cleave options than reapers. Bomb kit scrappers have one of the highest melee cleaves ingame at the moment, and they have access to sneak gyro for squad stealth, or they could swap to mortar kit for ranged pressure. Heralds also have higher melee spikes than reapers due to roads & hammers, and they at the same time provide secondary stab, dwarf elite (50% reduction in damage), and they provide good boons. Reapers seem unnecessarily selfish and they don't even output the best melee cleave damage. That's the main issue and why reapers aren't meta for wvw zergs and organized guild squads.


    Reapers are great for solo/small scale roaming however, they're much better at roaming than scourges imo.

  13. Hit camps, especially t2/t3 camps, they will come. If you sit outside of their keeps they are just people running back to their squads, they aren't built to fight roaming builds there's zero reason for anybody to dismount and fight 2 gankers they have no chance against. If you want to fight actual roamers, look for upgraded camps.

  14. Whatever dragonbanner was supposed to do for the weaker teams, it is absolutely being abused by the larger dominant teams that don't need them in the first place. So not only do you have to fight outnumbered under siege, you are forced to eat multiple dragonbanners, making the already lopsided fights ridiculous and not fun. There are no checks and balances to dragonbanners. They were already being abused pre-patch, but now post-patch when everybody's doing less damage, dragonbanners seem completely out of place.


    Just avoid the huge red marks? Yes after you've already burned your double dodges (sometimes triple) when fighting the actual zerg so you can have a fighting chance, the red carpets come out marking the whole ground red. And more often than not it's being abused by the dominant side with the larger presence on the map. The teams that do not need them are using them, that's part of the larger problem along with the damage it deals.


    Please anet...

  15. How does the OP get 10 thumbs up? No wonder this forum is not worth reading anymore. OP talks about firebrand/necro duo like this is the PvP forum. Then goes on to complain about roaming, and quickly jumps to zerging and complains that you're useless unless you play either a firebrand or necro.


    ps. Support Scrappers and Tempests are the real carries for cleansing & heals, Firebrand is mostly good for stab these days and stab is quite scarce post-patch.


    pps. If you think necros do good damage, wait until you get in a guild squad running bomb kit scrappers, weavers, and burnguards. Because all these specs can make necro dps look like childs play.

  16. It's very obvious to anybody that runs with guild squads that bomb kit scrappers, burnguards, dragonbanners, and siege are overtuned currently. There are simple tweaks that can tone these things down and make WvW an overall more fun place for every one. The issue is that since these are not problems to the PvP community, Anet don't find the urgency to make adjustments right away.


    And don't worry scrappers & burnguards, adjustments would simply put you more in line with other heavy hitting cleave classes. If you haven't seen the damage potentials of these builds recently, there are vids out there you can watch. You would likely still top dps meters in squad fights, you just won't be so over the top and do 2-3x what everybody else is doing.

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