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Posts posted by gavyne.6847

  1. Just came back to GW2 after being away for a year. Had some extra time over the holidays so thought to give the new elites a try and to see what changed in WvW. Initially it was underwhelming because the server I was on apparently died. It had no coverage, no commanders, constantly getting rolled by larger blobs, people just ran havoc ppt. I nearly quit again, thought my return was going to be short lived. Then I made one last effort to make a server transfer in hopes I could find fun again.


    The new server I'm on still lacks coverage, but it's at least very active during NA for a few hours. There are commanders driving on discord, and with enough players you actually could get some back & forth fights. You win some, lose some, lots of fun & intense fights in keeps and on open field. It was instant nostalgia and I got addicted once again. It didn't take much really, just that the server had to be active in WvW to be fun again. Anet if you're reading, you've got to do something about server population and WvW activities. People who are either unable to pay for transfer or don't have a good option to transfer to, they aren't going to play this game for long. GW2's WvW can still be fun as long as there are organized raids you can join and there are equally organized raids to fight against. There is nothing like it out there still, which is sad since competition drives better quality content.


    As for the current meta, I hate it. As a necro I've always had a spot in WvW raids, be it ZvZ, GvG, or havoc. When I left a year ago I could still have fun on my Reaper and do reasonably well roaming either solo or with a small group. Now the Reaper got butchered, power creep got too ridiculous across the board, and the Scourge is the most support dependent class out there that can't hurt a fly solo. Yes the Scourge is needed and powerful in organized raids, but the gameplay is the most boring and one dimensional out of the 3 iterations of necromancers. Previous 2 shrouds at least gave us options and changed up the gameplay. Shades are just...spam.


    Anyways, I'm playing right now because I'm having fun with the game on a semi-active server following organized raids. How long that'll last, I have no idea. But GW2 WvW can be fun if Anet gives players the right environment to allow this gamemode to thrive. I will say though this week the server got matched up with BG and it has sucked the fun out of a lot of people. To see the difference in coverage and strength between servers just reminds me part of the reasons why I left a year ago. For this mode to work it has to have semi-balanced and semi-competitive match ups. It's so sad to see this crap still happens.

  2. I used to visit the forum a lot more often when I was happy and actively playing the game. Even game developers will tell you they are fine with people complaining or bringing up issues as long as they are constructive. Game developers have admitted before that it's better for people to complain and bring up issues on the forums because it means people still care. If people didn't care, most would've just left and not said a word. Posting about a game means people are still passionate about it, and want to see it improve. When forum activities die down, so do the games. Now that is a correlation we've seen time and time again in MMO's.


    So people say happy gamers are busy playing the game and won't bother with the forums, that's sometimes true but not always. Many gamers visit the forums, whether they're happy or not. But they visit the forums because they still care, and that's a good thing.


    On the subject of polls, before you dismiss it, polls apparently mean something to Anet. Because polls were utilized several times in the past by Anet employees to determine course of action in the WvW & PvP forums. They've made big decisions and changes in WvW & PvP based on the polls. So while people are busy nitpicking the wording of the title of this thread, keep that in mind.


    The only problem with this thread is that it's full of responses from people who don't WvW/PvP, many even openly admit they would be fine with these game modes being gone. If you are passionate about the game, and you like GW2/Anet, then you should want to see them improve on all aspect of the game. Poll results and low forum activities in WvW/PvP should come as no surprise. GW2 just had an expansion and these two game modes were not represented as part of the expansion. To many who play these game modes, the only thing the expansion did was to throw balance out of whack. Being OP in PvE might not be an issue at all, but class balance affect WvW & PvP greatly.

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