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Posts posted by Pockethole.5031

  1. > @"Shikaru.7618" said:

    > Here is something that a lot of the mmos youve mentioned have in common. They all have an easily identifiable gear score or damage score, so when you get a new piece of gear, you can make informed decisions at a glance and know if you're getting an upgrade or downgrade. Gw2 does not really present any of that information to you easily. It is very easy to gear and build your character incorrectly and be completely oblivious that you did so. The difference between the average player and top tier raiders is 10x according to a dev despite having the same tier of gear. Imagine if you magically dealt 10x damage right now. Would you still be struggling with open world? Thats the reality that a lot of us veterans are trying to tell you. Anything thats not a champion or bounty will basically melt in open world. You just need proper builds and proper stat combos on your gear.


    Alright, that's it.

    Why do you people insist so much that I don't know how to play GW2?

    **I told you many times, I know how to play. If you can't believe it just stop insisting.**

    I think I will take a short vacation from this forum so don't be offended if I'm not replying.

    Good bye for now.

  2. > @"Tiilimon.6094" said:

    > You can opt out of combat in OW by playing stealth builds very easily, capped concentration should let you mine a couple nodes as a thief or scrapper and should even give you time to mount up before stealth fades.


    > As combat is the only reason why we even put clothes on our characters in this game, I find it very strange that getting into brawls is perceived as a problem anyways, isn't that kinda the point of the game?


    > Are you sure that a combat focused MMO is what you actually even want to play if you find it boring?


    > I've met a lot of people in Elite Dangerous who actually wish to play Universe Sandbox but for some reason buy a game where all the space ships come equipped with weaponry when bought, then complain when anything or anyone attacks their ship. This reminds me a bit of that.



    > @"Algreg.3629" said:

    > > @"Pockethole.5031" said:

    > > > @"SunTzu.4513" said:

    > > >For me personaly would be a down tuning of HP or DPS deald by the mobs result in maybe quitting the game.

    > >

    > > And of course, I'm the opposite. I effortlessly hopped to WoW after experiencing PoF (and of course because new expansion launched). I still play but not as much. If open world mobs were to be made harder like many repliers seem to dream of (which means 1/2 playerbase dying most of the time to the mob, not just downing, outright dying), I wouldn't be able to enjoy open world anymore. Don't you get tired of whacking mobs all the time? Might as well put a target dummy or combat simulation that gives loot after it dies in middle of LA. **Don't you get enough combat satisfaction in fractals or raids?** I just don't get you people. To me whacking mobs becomes boring quickly, especially when I'm not there to whack anything. In personal stories, combat is (to me) just a way to gate my progression. What is so fun wasting time on AI? Even punching a bag irl is more understandable because it affects your body in positive ways. Maybe I just wouldn't be able to understand. Either way... what you said goes both ways.

    > >


    > This is not meant to be sarcastic at all, but this statement really makes me wonder. Do you think this here is the right genre for you? There are loads of enjoyable games that center around exploration and similar concepts without any combat. Maybe you should play those instead of a fantasy MMORPG with a focus on conflict?


    Yes, probably. But it's not that simple for me. I don't play the MMORPG genre for the sake of combat... and **I'm going to be a hypocrite and say I don't entirely despise combat.** After one-shotting mobs for a while in old content WoW, yeah, I want to go back to current content and face some difficulty. Same I could do in GW2, crawl back to core Tyria (and I actually did, started a new character).

    Let's go back a few years. Like 15 or so. My first MMORPG was RuneScape(2). The repetitive grinding was of course boring but chatting with other people made it tolerable. Quests were fun and still are. But my peanut brain couldn't crack some puzzles so I often ended up following a quest guide. I found a friend who introduced me to Maplestory. That game is a grindfest. However at that time leveling was mostly dependant on party quests, doing a mission with other people. It got me hooked anyway and I wasted time and money on it. Surprisingly the fun part for me of the game became the combos that I do when I grind mobs. Yes. However if I were to play it again (and I fucking hope not) I would watch My Little Pony from Netflix because grinding is very repetitive.

    On the internet I eventually came across WoW memes. The first image consisted of a person with acne and something negative about the person playing it. Not a great introduction to the game but I enjoyed it. I had fun chatting with other people in guild... just not always. I still remember I heard from another member the guild master said I'm annoying.

    Anyway again I heard from internet friend about this new game that is GW2. When it came out I bought a copy to myself and to a person I never met before... who later became my close friend. I don't really remember much from the beginning but I stopped playing, came back, stopped playing. Sometimes played seriously. My GW2 playing history is not very consistent. I did play alot this year though, and surpassed myself and started doing the story and maxed out HoT masteries even.


    I loved Wildstar and Maplestory 2, both games with lovely housing systems, but they were shut down.


    So to my point... I've played MMORPGS for majority of my life and... I'm in a point of life where I don't know what to do. Everything is technically fine but I don't have dreams or purpose or anything. I probably have the possibility of getting the education I want, but I don't know what I want. WoW and GW2 (well, I guess Maplestory is as well, and Runescape that I haven't played in the longest time) I'm most familiar with. Maybe the apartment I live in doesn't feel like home, it's still so new and I sometimes wonder how did I end up here even though it's been 2 years already, but **there is a soothing effect from playing games with familiar virtual realities.**


    I don't want to quit, I can do combat, but I just get quickly tired of fighting for life all the time, every minute, every hour, every day. Maybe I got burnt out on GW2, when I switched to WoW everything seemed very chill in comparison - and that's probably because I am doing old content right now, but also leveling up in it. I tried the new expansion, well depending on the place it can be aggro happy or peaceful. It's not, however, aggro happy absolutely everywhere, like in PoF. It's possible to mine a node in peace sometimes. And I don't have to kill a battallion of mobs, just one mob. Makes it seem friendlier for sure.

    I know I will return to GW2 and I still login for my daily reward, I might do a heart, but that's that right now for me.


    I can't drop these games I've played for so long. Not all of them anyway. I enjoy character customization the most and of course wish GW2 would recieve more of that as well. The combat... I can live with it, I just don't want it to be so extreme all the time. The way it is, I can live with that too, but then I can't play GW2 as the only game endlessly. Well... maybe nobody can, if that's all they do in a day. I guess it's normal.

    I enjoy the story, assuming it's good. I used to enjoy chatting with other people but now I'm anxious about it and try to not invest my personal feelings anywhere. It's nice to see others getting along though. There are things I like about both games.

    Hope this helped you to understand why I keep playing. Maybe I could try to explain more but I think I've spent at least half an hour writing this it will have to do.



    In any case I can live with combat but if it's harder I burn out faster, and if it's too easy it can become boring. (So it can be hard to determine what is the good difficulty, and perhaps it would be better to let people select their own difficulty at any given time.)

  3. > @"SunTzu.4513" said:

    > Just out of curiosity do you had a better experience in WoW regarding to the topic than here?


    I think the difficulty is a bit easier depending how scaling works at that time, and your gear matters. In my opinion mechanics in open world are more forgiving for the player. Scaling takes your gear into account and adjusts mob stats, which has resulted in complaints, because when you get better gear you are supposed to feel stronger, but you don't, and therefore getting better gear feels somewhat unrewarding in current content. Last expansion I eventually reached the gear levels that make current content a little bit easier, so I'm not sure if that's going to be the case again. There has also been complaints about how scaling works in last 2 expansions. There is definitely a scaling issue.

    However, I have the option to do old content, and that's where I can one-shot stuff.


    > In PoF i never feel threatened at all. And no we don't need a raid encounter like mob design but some challenge is really important i think. I mean c'mon Balthi is the freaking God of War or Joko he is an extreme Powerfull Lich and they presented as a serious threat to Tyria but even their best soldiers/servents feel like walking lootbags and oposes no threat at all.


    Here it's a matter of perspective. Of course, some occasional challenge is good... to me it just feels like anywhere I go I have to fight for my life (or node).


    > >To me whacking mobs becomes boring quickly, especially when I'm not there to whack anything. In personal stories, combat is (to me) just a way to gate my progression. What is so fun wasting time on AI?


    > I can agree to this to in some cases. I find most LS Story Bosses just plain boring especally in LS3/4 where they are mostly HP sponges and the ''difficulty'' is created by endless carpets of death spams. That's why i advocate for more real mechaniks in the ow to mobs. Lower the mob density but give them some more seroius mechaniks that can not be ignored by just face tanking it.


    I think that would be ok.


    > >Even punching a bag irl is more understandable because it affects your body in positive ways.


    > It's OT but funny you mention this i love doing a good bag workout after a stressfull day at work. For me this and MMA training overall is my true passion.


    > >Maybe I just wouldn't be able to understand. Either way... what you said goes both ways.


    > In the end it's just a game most important thing is to have fun the way one wants to enjoy it. If there is no more joy it's time to move on at least for me. So have a nice weekend.


    You too.


  4. > @"SunTzu.4513" said:

    >For me personaly would be a down tuning of HP or DPS deald by the mobs result in maybe quitting the game.


    And of course, I'm the opposite. I effortlessly hopped to WoW after experiencing PoF (and of course because new expansion launched). I still play but not as much. If open world mobs were to be made harder like many repliers seem to dream of (which means 1/2 playerbase dying most of the time to the mob, not just downing, outright dying), I wouldn't be able to enjoy open world anymore. Don't you get tired of whacking mobs all the time? Might as well put a target dummy or combat simulation that gives loot after it dies in middle of LA. **Don't you get enough combat satisfaction in fractals or raids?** I just don't get you people. To me whacking mobs becomes boring quickly, especially when I'm not there to whack anything. In personal stories, combat is (to me) just a way to gate my progression. What is so fun wasting time on AI? Even punching a bag irl is more understandable because it affects your body in positive ways. Maybe I just wouldn't be able to understand. Either way... what you said goes both ways.


  5. I changed my original post to describe the problem a little bit more.

    And for everyone who are against me, I wrote:

    **People who want hardcore open world experience can always wear blue grade gear.**

    I hope casuals will be at least noted when designing mobs. Not everyone likes super intense combat. If it's intense for everyone, not everyone have fun. If it's easy for everyone, those who want can choose for it to be more challenging by using lower grade gear. And if they change their mind they can always use better gear again. Result: maps are fun for everyone, hardcores and casuals alike.


    I suppose alternatively they could think of a system that let's you choose map difficulty when you enter it. That would be awesome.

  6. > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

    > I wouldn't say that PoF mobs are difficult. Rather, I would say they are antagonistically annoying.


    > Between the long lasting conditions that they can instantly reapply, the plethora of blinds, the thick goopy mob density, and the alarming respawn rate, playing solo on PoF maps is a chore. The amount of tedium involved in even basic activities compared to the potential rewards is a scale tipped all the way to "hard pass".


    That means "difficult" to me. This explains very well what I'm after. Thank you. The many conditions, lots of mobs, fast respawn, and spellbreaker harpies. They can be soloed but they are not "fun". They are too common where they are.

    My "easier" would be less mob density, -5% hp from each mob (yes, wow, **I am not asking to one-shot anything**), at least triple longer respawn rate, less shitty conditions like slow (from joko minions).

    For those wanting to blame me for being a noob, if condi open world, I try to do trailblazers and patch it with similar stats, for power, marauder. **Me dying is not the problem.** The reasons mentioned before are the problem. **The high difficulty is the problem, you have raid level trash mobs around the map.** For just wanting to roam the map for fun in PoF means you will be killing mobs 90% of the time for "fun" let me tell you it gets old, allright? Especially when it's made difficult and there is no empty space where you can just sit in peace without a mob getting triggered because of your presence.


    I hope I've cleared everything and if you don't understand why I want map roaming to be a LITTLE BIT enjoyable experience, NOT ONE SHOTTING, I repeat, NOT. NOT. NOT one-shotting. Then I don't know how I could explain it to you. I never asked for one-shotting. I just want open world to be a more pleasant and more casual experience. It doesn't have to be hard-core war zone where I am fighting every little bug and bird that wants to assert dominance simply because it's programmed to.


    Out of the box perspective:

    Imagine you take a stroll in a forest out there and you have to always do it from a tank. A tank. With shotguns and axes. Just for a stroll. In reality, when I go on a stroll in a forest I might bring backpack with me and thats that. I don't have to be afraid for my life because of trees about to whip my sorry ass. Fuck. Or zombies, even worse. Every person you pass by trying to kill you. **I just want to enjoy myself in the wild. Much like open-world.** I don't go there because I want to mash mobs, ever. If it has to be an option then majority of them can be made neutral so bloodthirsty players can mash as many mobs as they like.

  7. -L2P your build

    I am playing. I dodge and use the arsenal I have. And I still feel they are unnecessarily hard.

    -then you are lying

    Just like the rest of other humans, when something hurts me, it's my fault for existing. You always want to blame the thing least important to you.


    I didn't say I want to one-shot everything. Did you read what I wrote? I wrote like so: "wanting the game to be just a millimeter, a smidge, a tiny bit, a single pixel easier?"

    For wishing a small quality of life change, I get judged as if I'm absolutely shit at this game. Then I have no Idea how I've completed every story chapter until LS4 (and to top it off, with varying classes/specs).

    Basically everything is my fault. Ok. Let's go with that. No argument here.

  8. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > Who are you quoting here?


    Myself from reddit.


    > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > core maps


    What if I want to do the expansion content but at lower difficulty? Oh I guess I have to quit the game now for wanting to play it differently?

    How exactly is your answer a solution to my problem? If I want to feel like a god I open Control and one-shot everything.

    Why is it criminal, wrong for wanting the game to be just a millimeter, a smidge, a tiny bit, a single pixel easier? And not taking pleasure for being ganged on by mobs to death? I'm not a masochist. Difficulty is fine, but I am stating it is a bit too much.

    Actually? Don't answer. It's clear our opinions are too different for there to be any kind of discussion. I've said what I've had to say. You've said what you've had to say. Good bye.


  9. Edit: I know how to cc, how to dodge, how to cleanse conditions, which gear/build is suitable for open world yes I know it, I know how my class works, I know how to deal damage, and despite all this in my opinion (which you don't have to care about)

    mobs in PoF maps

    -Respawn too quickly

    -Are generally harder than is necessary for open world (now look at my top edit again, it begins like this: I know how to cc...)

    -Have too large aggro range

    -Gang up on you, wherever you are in the map, they will always swarm on you. Even if you just want to mine/herb/log in peace. Or want to sightsee.

    -There is not always space to fight the mob (spellbreaker harpies. Where do I dodge if I'm atop a tiny platform? )

    Also spellbreaker harpies are very annoying. I wish they would be less annoying.

    **-The amount of time you waste on PoF mobs in comparison to HoT or core Tyria is way more.** Take notes next time you go around PoF and leave your griffon, skyscale and beetle home. You gotta understand my perspective here. HoT has been designed in such way that you can most of the time glide away from the threat. But in PoF you run slowly, and then you die, if you cannot be assed to kill your enemies. Therefore you always have to kill enemies for 3 minutes straight so you can mount up and pray you will be fine or kill enemies for 3 minutes straight and die anyway. If you have ascended gear, good for you. I'm sure it makes a little difference. Well I don't. I have exotics. Fuck me, right?

    -**I would like to enjoy the scenery more than wasting time whacking mobs.**

    -Yeah, I still want that -5% hp reduction for mobs. They have hard enough mechanics for it.

    -**People who want hardcore open world experience can always wear blue grade gear.**


    Thank you people for pointing these out. I'm not good at explaining and my peanut brain only comprehends "this is so difficult it shouldn't be" and that doesn't really clarify why.





    Original post:

    I hope there won't be as many stupid mobs in EoD. It's somewhat discouraging to fight mobs and when you might be done with them they just respawn and you gotta kill them and hope you catch a window to mount up and fuck off. I love easy modes, but if the whole map is a minefield... I don't want to do that map again. I thought they are meant to be replayed later again. HoT had some annoying monsteries but for some reason PoF are worse. There doesn't seem to be your generic weak meatball mob that you can kick out of your way, no. Everything is out there to get you. Fucking everything and it's so strong. And numerous. If they weren't as numerous it wouldn't feel so horrible.

    **I am bullied by pre-programmed game monsters.** It needs to be a little easier, **this isn't the right difficulty**. And what about those Joko minions? They gonna slap all the conditions on you, even if you roll out of their red circles. Did you just cleanse a condition? Why here, have another one. So you were smart enough to bring another condi cleanse? Yup, here you go. You're welcome. There are places in PoF like the Dwarf Dungeon Rune bitch thing? I could have never had the nerve to do it alone within a day. And even if I had a partner, we still died and downed a lot. I had majority of trailblazer stuff, and still got kicked in the ass. Like holy shit. Normally I like to do this alone. But what the actual kitterino. It's too much. Maybe I got another break time coming.


    I am terribly sorry, but I just feel that dear Anet devs need to at least take a glance at this. I already regret that I developed care and love for this game by now. And a few monthly investments... But it's worth trying at least.

    **TL:DR; Please, make EoD map mobs easier than in PoF. And not as numerous. Thank you.**

  10. Why are you keen on manipulating everyone into interacting with each other? There are plenty of people wh would rather be alone by themselves. And there is no predicting if the interaction will be positive or negative. For me, too many interactions with other people have been negative, so obviously I want to be on my own. I should be offended that you would force this kind of setting into my life.

    **I don't want what you want.** Do you understand? And especially during pandemic, it is in interest of everyone's safety to stay as far away from each other as is possible. When I pass by someone in need, I might help them, and over 90% of the time they say nothing to me about it, or turn tail and run while I'm still fighting a mob. I prove this time and time again, as if I don't want to believe it. In real world, if I trusted anyone ever again, I would get hurt physically or mentally. I honestly have no time for other people's bullshit. Everyone are out there to get you or your money. Nobody can be trusted. People are selfish and hurt others even if they don't acknowledge that. In game, it would be just a longer distance and would have no purpose to me because I have personal goals and if I cannot do it alone I will seek others help in /map chat. If you would do us a favor and try to understand other points of view than just your own. Thank you for reading.

  11. > @"aspirine.6852" said:

    > I heard it is from these self proclaimed trade barons, want to spite the rest of the gamers. Anet should stop it and ban them all.


    I would be pissed to be banned just because I ordered a lot of mystic coins. Meanwhile, harrasment, stalking, even hacking goes on, but something like trading is worth banning instead? Sounds so stupid to me.

  12. > @"Buran.3796" said:

    > > @"Pockethole.5031" said:

    > > You get 25% movement speed with Dragon Hunter trait Soaring Devastation. If that's not good enough for you, and won't take Retreat either, you're just complaining for the sake of complaining.


    > That covers **some** Dragon Hunter builds. Maybe 10% to 15% of the whole spectrum of builds that a Guardian can use, counting core and specs, and exactly a 0% of what is available to both core Guardian and Firebrand. Guardiand had to deal with two weakness for ever: low base HP which forces to discard berserker and viper/griever stats in competitive modes and reduced base mobility which oftenly forces to discard the strongest runes in terms of stats in pursuit of not moving at 80% of the pace that most of other classes are capable by design. I agree with Mes since most of the time I play Guardian I run either traveller or fireworks runes due base speed is just annoying.

    One single trait doesn't fuck the whole build. Come on. If someone wants speed badly enough to make the one trait sacrifice, what's the big deal? 0.0008% dps loss? In that same line with 25% trait, "Cripple enemies that you disable" and "Traps gain reduced recharge and slow enemies" seems pretty minimal sacrifice to me. But I agree that Core and FB are missing out.


  13. Feminine Charr option. All armor would be female style, instead of male like it is usually now. Also Upright Charr option, so armor would look a little better on them. I want to play charr female but it's hard to make them look good while they are crouching. Are soldiers not straight backed? Whatever anyone else thinks, this is my wish. I hope it will be considered as an optional feature.

  14. So we got this https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lesser_Caltrops and https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trickster that, Lesser Caltrops doesn't state it's a trick but... I just want to make sure, has anyone tested it? I wonder if they could be used together.

    Edit: Well while on the field I ended up testing it on that classic old Earth Elemental... No, it's not a trick so it doesn't count as one. Too bad. I will keep the Trickster trait though and use some tricky skills.

  15. > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > First of all, you need to pay sub money on mount skins, because the original ones are ugly. After that, the character slots are just too expensive, costing $10 per slot. You realize there are people who want to play every race and sex combination? That's a lot of $10 bills. And with the expansion coming out, we'll need to upgrade our PC hardware. I think Guild Wars 2 is too expensive for me... which is a shame, because this is the best online game.


    Employees need to get paid, company needs to run, business has to be profitable. That's just how this (human) world works.

  16. > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > > @"Pockethole.5031" said:

    > > You don't have to grind anything if you don't want to. You can do it in your own pace if you feel like you can't live without something - nobody is forcing you into anything.


    > Yeah, I can just stand there feeling inferior while everyone is blocking my line of sight with their hovering skyscales.


    This is why I said "You can do it in your own pace if you feel like you can't live without something". Just do it in a pace that doesn't feel like a grind to you. That way you don't have to feel bad.

  17. For example, those that I know of (and own): Scaled Dragon Wings Backpack, Moth Wings Backpack, Largos Fin Backpack skins are not dyeable. But their glider versions are.

    So it should be easy to change back skins into dyeable versions, I hope? It's important in fashion wars if there are more options for colouring.

    Please make it possible to dye these backpack skins! Thank you for reading.

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