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Posts posted by Pockethole.5031

  1. Yes, because there are some people who block half of the playerbase (everyone they don't like a tiny bit) and then those people come to whine on forums how the game is dead, yadda yadda. If there is really a legit reason like harrasment or stalking for why you blocked the person, then YES.

    I understand you do not want to deal with _newbs_, _those who don't know english_, random bricks... etcetera. But I would hate to be left out only because one guy has me blocked, because what I meant was likely a joke, and nothing serious. It may have been sarcasm or satire as well.

    Giving other people no chances at all... that is not fair.

    It's different for those select few who repeadetly act offensively towards you.

    I hope you understand my point.

  2. Main points have been mentioned already, I'm just going to add some on it.

    I feel thankful when...

    - that random black lion chest key drops/is rolled from map completion and I open Total Makeover Kit or the Hair one - and I recall getting one on the other christmas, that was great. I'm some kind of TMK addict D:

    - I'm downed and someone helps me

    - someone talks to me, I guess. I'm a bit lonely irl so it makes me feel more normal (or better) when a little attention is given.

  3. Things that could be better in overall scale are small, I don't know any better game with good systems such as this.

    What I would like to have more:

    -Different soundtracks.

    -Character creation code, where your character model is saved into a code you can copy paste to a file. Wildstar uses this.

    -More customisation, at least for norn/human ears, perhaps tattoos, piercings, visible accessories.

    -Actual housing (unfortunately Wildstar wins completely on this part)


    That's about it, nothing else comes to mind. I'm satisfied... gem store is gem store, it's what runs the game and I'm forgiving in this case - I've seen much worse.

  4. Are mounts necessary? I think they are, yes. I still haven't bought PoF but I intend to once I have the money. People have been asking for mounts forever, and finally we get them, it also puts GW2 in a (more) better position compared to things like WoW. (because GW2 was better from the start, and mounts was a push forward)

    Oftentimes mounts jump over me or rush ahead, and events are more hectic but it doesn't really bother me. I'm not really sure what's the problem here.

  5. I don't even remember. I've even forgotten the original main theme, too. But I'm traumatized by few Jump Puzzles. They are absolutely unforgettable. Once I had sun reflect from a white wall on my screen (through the useless white curtain ofc), and the JP was a dark cave... Hmm, oh.

    There was once a talk about religions and koran was one topic in the map chat (charr starting map), it was amusing to follow and partake. I would wish for people to argue more in the chats :d ...but that's just plain evil.

    Maybe I'm just missing the party. I forget too easily, it's time for new experiences.


  6. Hmm, I actually forgot where I heard it from first, but ya, I was reading info from GW2 page before game was even released. I can remember that. The hype was real. A little bit after release I met a guy on a datesite and before I visited him I bought 2 copies of GW2 (it was not F2P back then) and gave him one as a gift. Pricey (and naive), sure, but we are still friends and he has more than repaid me. I could be dead now without him. I should win in lottery and get him HoT and PoF and PoF for myself, but unfortunately I'm plainly broke. He needs a change of pace because his main place is Silverwastes events, where you get a lot of loot and a lot of gold. I also need a change of pace, I find myself often stuck with Total Makeover Kit. I try to make everything perfect but it's impossible, I will never be satisfied unless I forget it.

    Now I've come back after a little break and I think GW2 is better than WoW. I did try it for a month but it just sucks. Not worth paying sub for. Not even Legion. Mount drop rates are as bad as ever. WoW community is going downhill... Another game for me would be Wildstar. But it does not have as much content as GW2.

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