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Aaron Forestman.4758

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Posts posted by Aaron Forestman.4758

  1. Consistently enabled novelties across game modes, please! Some chairs are allowed in some raid wings, some aren't, tonics usually aren't allowed, etc.

    I get why they should be disabled in PvP/WvW, but can we just allow all novelties and gizmos in every part of PvE? I just finished the Mystic Chromatic Ooze and was quite disappointed to find I wouldn't be able to use it in raids. It has some awesome interplay with the halloween infusions, and I'd like to be able to make it a permanent part of my character's look.

  2. If you do your daily recommended fractals, you get a free large potion of each variety. These can get you through the other fractal dailies just fine, so you should rarely (if ever) need to spend relics for extra potions. Then you can build up your regular and pristine relics over time, and if you like fractals enough you can get the infinite potions for convenience and (eventually) to get more relics back from trading in all the free potions you get. But that's all for people that enjoy regular fractal runs, of which there are quite a lot. If regular fractals aren't for you @"Ghetx.1752" , there's nothing wrong with that. There's plenty of varieties of endgame content to appeal to a nice range of people. Just don't denounce a game mode that doesn't appeal to you personally as "literal nonsense."

  3. Is this a PvP question? Druid is quite ineffective there, but remains a solid pick in may PvE areas. The issue with buffing it is the potential for it to return to being the singular choice for healing in fractal/raid groups. Anet has been working to make several equal-ish options for healing and support, so now druid is one choice among many. Now we're to the point that different support classes are freely swapped in experienced PvE settings to fit the exact situation. Personally, even as a ranger main 99% of the time, I support this strategy. Only having one class that's acceptable for healing makes the game boring and excludes people that would like to play other classes.

    As for CA skill 3, it's an AoE daze, which is certainly quite useful in some situations.

  4. > @"Abyssisis.3971" said:

    > Tried to get a condi soul beast with traps to work, but the problem is slotting traps means you aren’t slotting stunbreaks or stab and in cc wars, that means dying. I’ve done better without using skirmishers trait line and traps, but still don’t have the condi burst applications other classes have.


    Exactly this. Soulbeast condi ramp-up is very slow compared to other classes, so you'll be way better off going with power. And if you take traps to make up for the slow ramp-up, you become quite a one trick pony without important utilities to keep you functioning. Power soulbeast has been nerfed a fair amount, but remains a solid pick. Certainly head and shoulders above any core ranger build or druid. It's unfortunate, but druid is a solidly PvE spec. The moment you're out of CA, you're toast.

  5. As a regular raider and fractal cm/regular runner:

    Fractals can often be more difficult than raids, at least in some respects. Some instabilities line up to make things very difficult depending on the fractal in question. Honestly, the boss fractals (99 & 100) can be the easiest ones for raiders because their mechanics much more closely line up with avoidable raid mechanics. Mai Trin can be one of the most shocking ones with all the cannon fire potentially combined with extra AoEs from instabilities, but is also one of my favorites because it forces people to move around instead of stacking on the boss and pounding it. Fractals in general require a bit more personal responsibility and mobility, plus some definite flexibility to deal with the different instabilities each day. Keep at it and get a regular group going that's willing to learn with you, and you'll manage just fine.

  6. The mechanics on this one are somewhat difficult and possible to heal through, but that's where this strike mission is at as a stepping stone. As long as a mechanic doesn't fully kill you for ignoring it, it'll always be possible to heal more to ignore it. As this is the toughest strike mission out right now, it nicely prepares people to take the leap into raids with something like Vale Guardian, where healing to avoid doing mechanics is the standard strategy.


    So Boneskinner allows for two different kinds of practice: pressure on the healers to get them better, or individual mechanic pressure to encourage personal survivability and quick mechanic use. Both are valuable.

  7. I've mained ranger since launch and won't be changing anytime soon. We still have the problem of it being a relatively easy class to play so your average ranger tends to be a pretty weak player.


    > @"aymnad.9023" said:

    > I play ranger all the time. I still like it, think it is good BUT… it is just under every other profession. Here is what I play in every mode.


    > Open World :

    > Most of the build can work here.

    > • Power slb (sicem) : I like this build. I kill mobs fast elites / champions, even some veterans. are quite a challenge (they can even os me).

    > • Druid : Only when I am going to tag a meta because I want to be tanky. I barely care about healing / buffing allies. People run all over and so do I.



    > Raids :

    > • Power slb : It is a decent spec. But as soon as you realize that power banner zerker does better on a lot of bosses you get sad. Benchmark difference is close to nonexistent and as soon as the boss decides to move / phase or does an attack that forces you to go away your dps can be ruined (relying too much on combos/burst making you static)

    > • Druid : I like it. You are a bit dependent on your allies. The heal is ok, not enough to burst heal bad players but decent on a long run. And by god you have no idea how much people are toxic if you dare having some toughness on your druid or does use sword instead of axe…. “Druid with toughness? Lol what for?” “Druid is using sword… Noob druid is why we fail.” (really???????)


    Unfortunately ranger sword still doesn't have any place in any build, but at least it's better than OH dagger. Power SB should have a dagger for 1-2k more dps, and druid should definitely be using axe for better CA generation and ranged abilities. I miss my sword, but since PoF came out this is just how it is.


    > Fractals :

    > • Power slb : same thing as raids. But can be even worst since you have to move a lot in some fractals between the aoes + instabilities. For me it ranges from challenging to hard since the gs auto does not evade anymore.

    > • Druid : Okish. Here you feel the lack of healing or quick dispels. Not to mention healbrand lets you bypass mechanics and allows mistakes.

    GS autoattack was more of a crutch than anything, randomly evading attacks and hoping it lines up with the things you should be dodging anyway. Getting bonus endurance was honestly an upgrade. Plus, rangers are incredibly good at movement with nearly every weapon having a skill that moves you, so things like the hamstrung instability aren't a problem.


    > sPvP :

    > • Core ranger : Nice spec. You can do a lot of different things. But once more as soon as you find someone decent you feel like are lacking something… You cannot hold a point, you are often focused, you have to face all the projectiles countermeasures (some professions are overloaded with them), you have a good anti burst but weak sustain.

    > Sicem : I stopped playing it after the big nerf but I wanted to mention it. I guess it can be good with a friend with lockdowns. Otherwise you have way to many counters to be good.

    I can't stress the need for people to stop playing core ranger enough. It really doesn't do anything that a different spec can't do better. Sic 'Em continues to be a solid option, but you can't just hit a couple skills to shred someone anymore. You have to actually play carefully and work to counter what your opponents are doing.


    > WvW :

    > I barely play it and only with sicem. So you can even ignore this.

    > • Solo : I kill camps fast and pray to not meet most of the other professions in the game….

    > • Small group : Now this is fun! You have room to stay in range thanks to your allies but are still challenged because you get focused

    > • Large squads : Challenging to no fun… I like trying to find an opening but as soon as you have firebrand + spellbreaker + someone building a shield thing I might as well play somewhere else…


    > Overall :

    > Power dmg : Good damage, quite challenging since you do not have a lot of sustain but in PvE you need a static target.

    > Healing : Not fast enough to react in PvP but good in modes where you can guess what is going to happen.

    > Condi : Again good damage, not enough sustain + the close range risk (and need to trigger traps if you play with them)



    > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > I see we still are left with a mess of a class with no real use in any gamemode other than memes.

    > Well, that means i don't need to come back.


    > How many of you don't play anymore or just use other classes better designed in difficult modes (roleplay is not affected by mechanics) ?


    Ranger remains a solid pick with relatively little learning curve, but you still have to put in the effort to be good at it like any other class. No more of these LB/brown bear open world roamers. Let's see more people looking up advice and learning the profession so it doesn't get branded the noob/meme class anymore.

  8. @"guest.9472" This was a post about a fun and helpful discord for our PvP community which is constantly suffering. People like you are what's wrong with this community; constant aggression and inability to cool off and have a good time together runs rampant. I believe you stated in another post that you've been banned from the game, so good riddance. We don't need anyone that's only here to make others' lives worse.

  9. There should be a mount movement skill 2 in your controls settings. Most mounts don't need it, but the beetle, griffon, and skyscale do. I'm not sure what the default is, but you should program it as something comfortable to you. This particular beetle race is a rough one to be getting started on because the field has a ton of little bumps in it, raising you into the air for split seconds over and over. You can't start drifting while you're in the air, so that makes some annoying problems. I finally got gold by button mashing my drift key until it would actually start in several of the tight turns.

  10. 95%+ of game content is after reaching level 80, including fractals, mounts, etc. Don't let that dissuade you though; going through personal story, dungeons, and open world events will get you there quite quickly. There's a ton of options of how to play this game. I'd say you should explore the world and find out what's right for you!

  11. There are two ways to do this:

    1) Something very tanky and simple such as a minion reaper or a longbow/brown bear ranger. Preferably with something like soldier's stats for maximum survivability. These builds work for open world content because you can stay out of the major line of fire while slowly taking down enemies. However, I don't think that really trivializes open world content. It more just plays it the way it was originally intended, with a slow back and forth.

    2) Most dps builds used for high end raiding/fractals. You'll want to dedicate an hour or two to get familiar with the build in a controlled setting, but then you should be able to roll over most anything in open world. That's my interpretation of trivializing open world content. I'd suggest a class with a fair amount of automatic self-sustain such as a soulbeast or dragonhunter so you can keep yourself going while mowing targets down. Check out https://snowcrows.com/ for a variety of top tier builds. Metabattle seems to always go for the one-trick builds that are easy to play but don't actually get at what the profession is fully capable of.

  12. > @"Mr Greggles.5908" said:

    > I've found it to out dps dagger in PvE. I use Longbow, Sword/Axe in PvE and out dps most people, but I haven't looked at dagger in a while, maybe it is better now.


    Oh my. No one using longbow has any concern for dps outside of PvP. That's an unfortunate thing about ranger being such an easy class for beginners, we get a ton of longbow/brown bear rangers running around PvE and giving those of us that do our homework a bad name. That works fine if you're just trying to survive basic content without learning to dodge or avoid mechanics, but it's not a dps build.

  13. As a ranger player 99% of the time since day 1, I used to like sword. But in the current state of the game, it has only minor uses in PvP and practically no uses in PvE. Main hand dagger will outshine sword's dps by a fair margin in PvE, and greatsword has a lot more advantages in PvP. I keep trying to use sword, but it's still way behind other weapons.

  14. Don't take druid into PvP, that's just asking to get murdered. As for PvE, druid can be quite a fun option. You get some massive heals and the ability to easily cap 10 people around you on might stacks. I rarely run it in open world unless I've just come from raids and haven't changed back to a dps build, but it does help a nice amount to have healers in world boss events.

  15. Well here's some serious baiting. Most of what you've said is extremely ill-informed, almost like you've read only the worst ranting posts on the forums and then made your own without any game experience whatsoever. Play the game. Every profession and every weapon has its place except _maybe_ the occasional random offhand, which Anet still works to make better. Work for your gemstore stuff either with time at a real life job or in game time or don't buy it. All of these cosmetic things you're hating on are completely optional, so if you don't want that mini pet rock then don't buy it.


    > @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

    > 2000 gems are €30, which means a 12-14 hours daily shift, worth 2 days of work.


    Are you working for €2-3 an hour? Surely there's some minimum wage rules against that. This really seems like a trolling post.

  16. You unlock the skin for the reaper greatsword as soon as you acquire it, so you're good. In gw2 we have a wardrobe system where all skins you unlock are stored and able to be used later with transmutation charges. Since Dark Harvest only cares about you having the reaper greatsword skin unlocked, you can complete the collection normally. Besides, getting the reaper greatsword is what unlocks the Dark Harvest collection in the first place.

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