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Posts posted by Aaralyna.3104

  1. > @"Fatalis.4368" said:

    > I'm going to play with a whole new mindset now. I wanted to level as fast as I can because usually mmos only get good at the end but this is like playing a console game.


    In this game endgame doesn't mean too much. Endgamers still do what you do atm due to automatical scaling of levels per zone (endgamers which is just level 80's still do worldbosses and metas, dungeons and fractals). Raids may be the only thing you don't do before reaching level 80 but that is because of organisation and knowing your class thoroughly. There is no need to hold back on PVP pre endgame btw. In pvp you get scaled to level 80, it doesnt work with gear (its based on traitlines, amulets and runes you set in a specific menu) and you have access to everything a level 80 has skills wise. This is since everyone is equal in pvp with only exception of maybe missing elite specialisation in case you do not have the expansion. WvW wise I do not know if you get scaled up (the wvw players could answer that) but there gear does matter so it may be a less good idea if you want to pull your weight (this does not mean that casual pve players do not enter the mode with pve sets and play a bit of wvw once in a while)

  2. I do not know what guides you saw but in Guild Wars 2 you don't level the same way as traditional MMO's (aka quests and grinding mobs of higher levels).


    The best way to level, if you want to still experience the full game (so not using tomes/booster) you have several options to do:


    - Gathering gives exp (including levelling of character)

    - Crafting gives exp (including levelling of character)

    - Do hearts (this is similar to quests but you have more variation on how to complete it than traditional quests)

    - Do events (if you see any orange circle, hop on and you will get exp when the event finishes (even if it fails)). Events can be random events, meta events, worldbosses.

    - Personal story. Every 10 levels you will get a part of personal story. This gives quite nice exp and evolves your character story wise.

    - Map completion (do vista/poi/hearts/waypoints on a map fully)

    - Participate in dungeons/fractals (this can be tricky as it needs a group. You do get scaled on the level of the dungeon (and fractal you get scaled to level 80 but still get exp). Keep in mind that with fractals you may have an issue armor wise as it is level 80 and it needs Agony Resistance on higher levels and tiers but if you have some friends asking you along and they can carry you then you could give it a try. The exp gain is similar to open world howerever I think.

    - Killing mobs always gives some exp but not the biggest amount I would say and it may get stale to grind for hours.

    - Reviving players and NPC's gives exp too.


    Basically just play the game and do whatever fancies you.


    In about 2-3 week you can get max level no problem without any foods and boosts and rather casual play.


    To buff you could grab the guild buffs from guild hall if you have one. You can also use any banner giving exp you see around (other players place them but everyone can use them). You can grab foods and utilities.


    You can skip levelling by using Tomes of Knowledge / Writs of Experience or even the lvl 80 booster but I would not advise using those on your first character since it takes away the experience of the game and you will miss learning how your character works.


    There are more zones in the game than needed when it comes to max level 80. If you complete the zones you are send to with your personal story, you will be level 80 almost streamlined with story.


    Enjoy the game :)


    P.s. The game has no kill steals and no exp steal either when you team up with other players so don't be afraid to team up with total strangers playing around you :)

    P.s. 2: If you see higher numbers on players characters it is not their level but their mastery level. This comes after level 80 when you have the expansion which basically gives you extra skills like gliding/mounts and other map specific skills like jumping mushrooms.

  3. I don't really play on PoF and LW4 maps because of the lag issue in EU. Even if it were fixed atm I wouldn't really know since I tried for months without any luck. Another factor is that dailies are no longer per map but went rotate. Like last week I wanted to do the Shatterer World Boss in Jahai Bluffs for the last item for my Requiem achievement. Only to find out this item only drops from the daily chest of said Shatterer. And by reading this topic I again forgot to do it on the right day, making me check wiki and wait again. Those things simply take the fun away from those maps and make me stick on any other maps (or dailies and log off, which is usually the case).

  4. Open your options > general options > Content Guide


    In here select which content is tracked in the upper right corner of GUI. By default, prioritizes personal story, then events, then undiscovered map locations.

    Drop-down options include "Default", "None" (disabled), "Disable Personal Story" (events then undiscovered map), and "Hide Events and Personal Story" (only undiscovered map).


    You want to have it on default for content guide and so on to show. If this does not show for you, then try change it to Off, and then back on Default.


    Another thing to look at is Dynamic HUD in options (this can also make your UI disappear). So toggle between the options there till it may pop back (i think the "always show" is the normal default one).


    If none of the above works you could try a -repair or maybe a clear cache may work.


    Am not behind my pc to check so doing this by remembering by hard. Hope you can resolve your issue. If none of this works, poke back so maybe someone else can assist.

  5. The gem store/ trading post seems to be having some issues in at least EU. If I open it then you get a black screen and things will not load. Open it a few times and at times you get a working one. Only experiencing it today as other days were totally fine and I am not the only one in guild saying TP doesn't really want to load today. Maybe its busy on the lines somewhere this xmas day. So if its this not loading but no errors "empty" trading post/gem store, it can be the same I am experiencing which is most likely due to lag / overloaded network traffic somewhere. In rest of the game (wintersday area) I experienced no lag, its just the TP/Gem Store.

  6. > @"Tanith.5264" said:

    > I was having a similar issue last night. I kept trying to join Toypocalypse for the daily and kept landing in an empty Infiniarium. Very odd.


    Make sure you enter the Toypocalypse instance and not the Infiniarium one thats close to the stairs at the waypoint (while they look the same they are 2 different things and you will always be alone in the Infiniarium unless you have a party and others from the party join in). Just wanted to rule this mistake out in case thats what happened.


    When the wintersday jump puzzle timer is under a minute or 2 I just wait for it to reset inside. Funnily today I encountered the bug that when I waited to be sent to a new map (after I had jumped 4x and then had a minute of time left), it moved everyone else but me, then I got the message that the instance I wanted to join was full and therefore I remained fully alone in the finished instance with the counter on zero. Funnily enough I could continue jumping without any timer and having the whole place to myself till I logged out of there. I would still get the rewards as usual, just the top player thing and timer didn't function. Saved me some big characters in my view, no time to worry about and a chance to try the hard mode jumping without others crashing the platforms so I am not complaining =)

  7. I experienced exactly the same thing. Previous years when notes hit the white line, this time they had to be in the blue close to hitting me (some were still hit and miss). Upon opening options I saw no higher ping (40 ping, when I got PoF it was 15 but it turned 30 not long after). More must have had same issue as the general scores seemed lower than last years. The internet on itself on my side is good (it even changed to fiber last year with higher speeds). It would not suprise me if the EU server lag hit this festival too (since a month or so I am getting them pof lags occasionally also in core tyria. While it started in Thunderhead Peaks and spread to other maps and PoF, then Icebrood Saga, Hot Maps and eventually core too and I am not alone). The clock tower this year with halloween had been fine for me but who knows what pressure they put on their servers with the latest Champions episode.

  8. Makes me think, are those robots (sentries and flying laser ones) from Rata Novus near enough to the Chak Gerent meta to hear. Those also make a sort of buzzing sound. Also some normal chak sound a bit buzzing so may it be from a normal chak making the sound. It is really hard to tell without hearing an actual sound clip of it.

  9. I guess they don't want to call DRM a strike mission because it is built to be able to solo it (and imagine the rage when players are forced to group up for story). And its more an open world event anyways (tho some strikes were similar, Visions of the Past in example). I do agree they should focus more on current and stick with it if its samey. But well devs may have some awesome idea thats completely different play in future and it would be a shame to say no directly to real innovative things.


    For WvW I agree they really have to do something. They mentioned alliances sooo long ago and kept say "more info in upcoming months" several times. I do not want to change my server but I do like to play WvW with friends which are spread out allover different servers. They should have just made some group up function like pvp teams and let you idk register for wvw so it just places you against other teams that registered or something, idk. And have solo players just fill in the empty spaces left.

  10. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"nopinopa.4861" said:

    > > I am surprised the community got t3 in the current event already. I was pretty sure that since this event has bad reward, skins from the previous and still available maps and we still need to grind drm over and over again, reaching t3 would be even harder than with crystal bloom.


    > Considering we can now earn the token quicker and easier than before via Fields of Ruin, I'm not terribly surprised.


    Actually the big difference this bonus event is that we can only purchase the new items contributing to the event with ebonguard marks and not with marks and drm currencies like last time (I know I bought half of them with the currencies last time instead of the marks). Personally I find it go slower now because I cannot buy the items with the drm currency. The items is what I care for, not the booster or banner :P

  11. Free LW episodes when just out is a sort of loyalty program (you need to own the expansions to actually access them and you paid for said expansions). But if the LW episodes are paid from the start, would you actually buy it? I surely wouldn't like paying for our current disaster of an episode and even Icebrood saga as a whole would be debateable. Expansions I would pay for IF it looks promising (and a bad living world prior makes me less likely to actually purchase it directly if at all).

  12. Seeing they had a patch to fix and a fast read over other posts the issue seems fixed. For the ones that had issues in mining locations, a gathering glyph or 2 was one of the reasons a whole map would crash when someone used it. There were more things that either caused individual crashes or mapwide ones (as in you use something and with that crash whole map) but well I don't wanna risk a forum ban when telling all that would crash things. Can be found on reddit tho.

  13. > @"Felix.9681" said:

    > > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > sucks for you

    > >

    > > what you can do is constantly pressing 1. i heard from qite alot of players who have this dc's in instanced content that it allways happen wgen they are "idle" if they are attacking it doesn't happen

    > >

    > > so it's worth a try


    > Thanks for the advice, unfortunately it's not happening when Idle :-/

    > I've just got disconnected 2 times in the same place/scenario, did restart the game between didsconnectes, but after getting all three cores and going back to the little camp in Victory or Death it's disconnected me there twice, before that it disconnected me after I disconnected the Mouth. Very frustrating. Just checked more in depth on my Norton settings also and Guild Wars 2 is set to allow through so not sure what else I can do :-/


    @"Felix.9681" It is not your Norton. I use it as well. I played before and after the patch came live and had no issues whatsoever with dc's. After I had logged off, I started to read reports of server crashes in all maps in game caused by text and item links that make whole maps crash and traits and items that make you crash as well. And ofcourse trolls will use these things to check if it really does (and same for players who don't believe it and try and thereby crash a whole map). I just logged in to Malchors Leap (tree harvest spot, and with the 3 players around there nobody seemed to crash (I logged with warrior and guardian.. Did kill a mob but I didn't touch items or traits). EU server, Underworld (altho theres a megaserver). Keep in mind its 0.50 AM on a work day where I am atm so most people went sleep here (incl trolls). If there were more players online it would have been very possible I have seen that dc as well.


    So what I advice you to do is leave all your current settings untouched and wait for Anet to fix the items that crash the servers. I am almost certain you will have no issue with your story once those bugs, introduced with the latest patch, are fixed.

  14. I like how the game looks currently in both core maps as expansion maps/living world (apart from the eyesore of effects from skills/infusions, you know the big ball of light and thereby not seeing what you fight). I don't think my laptop would be having fun with higher graphical demands and the likes. However, I would not mind if they fixed them lags and optimalised the game a little. Loading screens start to take ages these days no matter where you go to.

  15. WvW is a PVP/PVE mode and not only PVP. It is basically Drizzlewood but with other players that can be enemies or allies (on not prime time theres usually barely other players around). Theres vista's and even jump puzzles, etc in there.


    I usually just log in a map (not eternal battleground) and grab a monument for the daily (its just stand in a circle till its your colour), or buy an item for currency that also completes wvw daily. Any daily gives potions of wvw and like said those progress your reward track. If you are alone, it is also easy to escort Dolyaks (just go to one nearest to your home). The escorts are identical to Silverastes and Drizzlewood. Grabbing camps is not difficult either. Kill all mobs except 1 (its invulnerable with a timer on him). Once his timer is up you can kill it and then you wait for the camp to have your colour. If you do not feel comfortable you can always ask a friend to join you.


    From my experience WvW ain't as toxic as you think. I am not doing it much but I still remember that everyone was extremely friendly when the warclaw came out and there are lots of players like you that don't like WvW but want the Gift of Battle or the jump puzzles. Optionally you can join a zerg and actually kill other zergs (just follow the commander tag really). You do fight other players but if you set your mind that those players are mobs/npcs its really not much different from pve (they are only a little less predictable beforehand). PVP mode is a completely different thing than WvW in my experience.


    P.S If not mistaken, I have heard that WvW world completion was needed for normal world completion in the past so you can be glad you do not need this anymore.


    If you do happen to get toxic squads, why not try to team up with some players in the same boat of beeing new to WvW? I am sure there are WvW players that do not mind teaching new players (I have never seen those name call and so on). I don't know if there are WvW training groups around atm. Doing WvW with a guild or with friends is a really nice way too.

  16. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > Yes because the episode aint finished untill after we do next part next week.

    > Edit

    > So not a bug just bad implementation



    Don't get your hopes up even when the final part of the Truce part is finished... The episode is split into 4 subchapters so the episode will be as it is till July or so. The episode is named "Champions" and not Champions: Truce ;). The naming of subchapters is not noticeable in game, its probably only just used for trailer purposes.


    So while not exactly a bug, its definetly an oversight they should fix so that after each bit one doesn't loose progress so one can actually do other story bits in between now and the expansion. And so you can continue with where you were ofcourse as soon as you reactivate it. They must have some way to be able to do so.

  17. > @"radda.8920" said:

    > > @"Solanum.6983" said:

    > > > @"radda.8920" said:

    > > > as expected, there are 7 DRMs left so surely 3 for the January update and 4 for the March update

    > > > With the final episode which may have a little more content

    > > > 6 months of horror, thank you arena

    > >

    > > I highly doubt that's the case, They said there would be content released in the weeks between episodes and maps for the other missions are already in the game files with some story related assets so we'll be getting some story progress with them. I think they might be doing an update every 2 weeks.

    > > Hopefully these mission either get interesting or we can be done with them by January.




    > **Upcoming chapters feature (1:09)**

    > and we can see, thunderhead peaks, fields of ruin, bloodtide coast and snowden drifts DRM during this sentence. So we will have at least 4 DRM after the January update.


    > And '' Upcoming chapter**s** '' mean more than one chapter, So I can see them adding lots of other DRM until the end.

    > Everything is predictable about the content that will be added. It's just that people watched the trailer too quickly and didn't understand his meaning.




    By the looks of this, what we have currently is all we will get for this episode "Champions". Except they do mention Ebon Vanguard as allies at 0.48 (did we get these npcs around?) . As for the achievements, the living world that came is called "Champions" and not "Champions: Truce" on the story overview in game... So I fear this is gonna be all we get till expansion (the other parts of the Champions to be added on 2 month interval not being more than what we got this time) :/


    Am still waiting on "expansion like features" and build loadouts ain't one of them. That's a gem store thing, not a feature.

  18. I think Anet forgot that many held back playing Drizzlewood stories as well due to the no Voice Acting thing. All these players are playing this before doing Champions. For the rest, it ain't really farmable (1x a day thing as you need its currencies which only drop from dailies) and they may have set the bar too high as well. This all excluding the "its utterly boring and one can spend his/her time more fun in the same game" bit.


    Regardless of that, I think they will just autocomplete it to Tier 5 (they have autocompleted bars in the past on com events that either bugged or seemed way too slow speed to even reach the end), or who knows this tier thing continues after the day counter is gone. Like we get a new DRM or whatever added and the bonus event we are on is gonna continue till idk next release in January. We just don't know.

  19. Personally I hope they will not remaster the old content from core game. The story was nice and your actions be it in events or story still had a meaning. They had an effect on the world around you and your character. Something we don't really see anymore. It is also the only zone where lag did not infiltrate yet. Truth be told, Icebrood Saga was the worst content I have experienced in game out of all of the Living Worlds that came out so far. If they are going to do something, they should fix bugs from old content (be it poi's giving issues, events stalling, mobs/npc's running out of instance area during story, dungeon bugs, you name it). Optionally they should go back on content they had scrapped (Domain of Kourna meta comes to mind) and change the Istan meta back to "can be done several times a day" because since the 1x a day change, everytime I go there nobody will ever play it as everyone has done it at some prime time I couldn't be around. It kinda goes against their philosophy of play what you want when you want, how often as you want.

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