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Posts posted by meepeY.2867

  1. I despise No-Downstate week. I've been solo roaming for years and these events make me want to pull my hair out.


    Sure, it makes 1vx easier and that's IMO the biggest upside as a roamer buuuuttttttt... This event makes most people join the local zerg and the only 'roamers' you tend see are groups of Thieves or Rangers trying to build as bursty as possible.


    No-Downstate makes duelling impossible too, which sucks. I've met some really great (and not so) people through duels.


    I'm aware that players like me are a small minority of WvW but it really does kill my enthusiasm to play :/

  2. > @"kiranslee.4829" said:

    > Thanks for your reply.

    > I must really disagree with you on few points.

    > Condi mesmer, i hardly see how you would have chance due to boonstrip and condi spam.

    > Thief, d/p, de rifle, and lets not forget sw/p that was nerfed now.

    > Condi rev, here i really dont see how u think war can fight one, on any build.

    > All this i mention consider same or close skill lvl of player.

    > I wish im wrong on this but i hardly think i am.

    > Cheers again for re.


    Condi mesmer actually isn't too bad to fight, so long as you've got decent condi clear, maybe Sigil of Cleansing for good measure too. We've got lots of ways to create space, evade, block, etc which prevents the condi bursts. Most of the damage comes from Torment+Confusion combo but that's only two condi and if you clear one then it opens opportunities for yourself.


    Thief D/P should kick a Warriors ass, no question. The blind spam alone is enough but then factor in that they can reset the fight whenever makes it near-impossible.

    Thief S/D... Ehhhh 60/40 for the Thief to win that one. Depends heavily on the technical skill of the Thief player's mechanics. There are some NUTTY S/D Thieves out there.


    Condi Rev is similar to Mesmer, we've got a decent toolkit for preventing their condi application but with the added benefit that almost all of the Revs attacks require melee range/are short distance. Face tanking any condi build is the fastest way to die so skill management, correctly kiting and diving for damage is key.



  3. When it comes to Warrior, post-feb patch, it's the player that hard carries the profession. Currently, yes it is a tough class to play but not because the class is tough to play, if that makes sense?


    It's a simple class, regardless of build. Land CC and then burst. Most of our skills are big wind-up, telegraphed skills which are easy to dodge, avoid or kite. Most of the skill in playing Warrior comes from our ability to bait dodge rolls, fake out utility by wep stowing, and swap cancelling so that we can then land our important skills... But none of these are Warrior specific mechanics.


    The tough part is simply being outclassed, on current patch, by every other profession you come across. If someone plays their Ranger/Engi/Thief/etc as well as you can play warrior then they should always win.


    Our sustain through Might was gutted, as well as Healing Signet which got a 30%ish nerf, so we can't really fulfil a full brawler role anymore. When a Warrior takes damage now, it really does stick. We have to hit and run so that we can slowly heal off any damage we've taken.


    Burst skills hit much lower, which means that now when we land CC it isn't as punishing for our opponents, thus we now have to land CC more often for damage to stick and stack. A lot of classes are pooping out stability left, right and centre so good luck with landing a Shield Bash.


    Overall, the class plays the same as it always has. The nerf patch just hit Warriors (arguably) the hardest, dropping it very low on the totem pole. Your outplays aren't nearly as rewarding anymore and your mistakes are far more punishing, thus making it artificially tougher to play.


  4. When I play sPvP Warrior feels perfectly fine but it's WvW where Warriors are struggling hard unfortunately.


    Copy pasta from one of my responses to another thread:

    (Talking about Roaming Warrior's sustain in WvW)


    "Core Tactics/Str (with "For Great Justice!" & Vigorous Shouts) was the only build which didn't really rely on landing skills for healing but now both MMR & Mending Might heal for very little compared to old numbers so that build has fallen off in the sustain department. For Spellbreakers, Tether only gives 1 might per tick instead of 3 + MMR only healing for 64 means that you're lucky to regenerate 1000 hp whilst you're tethered to your opponent. Prior it gave 24 might and MMR healed for 133 = 3192 healed over a full Tether duration, with an ICD of 12 seconds. Now its 512 healed over the whole Tether duration... Which is an absolute brutal nerf to sustain."


    Putting some thoughts on paper:

    - If they revert the might gain on Tether to 3 stacks per tick then you'll heal for 1536 over 8 seconds - But then you're generating too much might for recent blanket nerfs, people will complain.

    - If they keep the might gain on Tether at 1 stack per tick but increased MMR heal back to 133 then you'll heal for 1064 over 8 seconds - Which is fair enough IMO, it won't provide the necessary sustain to keep Spellbreaker afloat but it's a step in the right direction. However this then re-empowers Core Tactics/Str, so you'd have to look at nerfing how much Might "FGJ!" gives. Maybe take some might stacks away and give another boon, like Retaliation which has been outputting strong damage since the balance patch dropped.

    - I think if Tether gave 2 stacks of Might per tick with MMR healing for 96 (or around this area) then over the 8 seconds of Tether you'd heal for 1536 which seems pretty solid. It doesn't make Core Tactic/Str super strong and it gives Tether its sustain back in line with recent nerfs.



  5. I'll start by saying that Warrior in sPvP feels perfectly fine. Probably even after the F1 bug is fixed and when Arcing will do less damage. Warrior (solo) roaming however is in a really rough spot atm because of the MMR nerfs and arguably the Healing Signet being nerfed by about 30%.


    Warrior's sustain has always been through heal over time / might stacking (or a combo of both) which really helped with the general combat flow. You didn't have cast a 1 second+ healing skill but instead the warriors sustain was based on how skilled the player was. Miss your burst skills? No proper healing for you! No Adrenal health, no Tether might stacking. Signet always felt like it was 50% of your healing, the rest came from other sources.


    People have realised now that kiting a Warrior makes them extremely trivial in the open fields of WvW, lots of space and very little cover. Warriors aren't really running Healing Signet anymore, instead most are running Mending which is easily interruptible. Traited it's a 16s cooldown and it does heal more per second than old healing Signet did (by around 1000) buuuut as I said above, healing signet was never Warriors big heal. It's always either been Might stacking or Adrenal Health ON TOP of the Signet to give the Warrior good sustain.


    Core Tactics/Str (with "For Great Justice!" & Vigorous Shouts) was the only build which didn't really rely on landing skills for healing but now both MMR & Mending Might heal for very little compared to old numbers so that build has fallen off in the sustain department. For Spellbreakers, Tether only gives 1 might per tick instead of 3 + MMR only healing for 64 means that you're lucky to regenerate 1000 hp whilst you're tethered to your opponent. Prior it gave 24 might and MMR healed for 133 = 3192 healed over a full Tether duration, with an ICD of 12 seconds. Now its 512 healed over the whole Tether duration... Which is an absolute brutal nerf to sustain.


    Adrenal Health went from 1995 to 1497 per stack which actually isn't too bad but then you have to factor in that the main reason to take defence, the auto passives, are now on 5 minute cooldowns. There are still some solid trait choices in defence, as it does add a lot of toughness and retaliation which is doing NUTS damage this patch.


    Sooooo, it probably looks like Defence for sustain is a solid choice but if you want to play Spellbreaker you might have to drop Strength or run both without Discipline... idk it's weird. It'll probably take a few weeks for something solid to set in. From dueling a bunch I had mixed successes across Core, Zerker and SB, nothing ever felt complete but if I took any substantial damage then I couldn't really ever recover by outplaying my opponent and trying to play the long game. Either I blow them up early or I lose in the long run. Good luck trying to 1vX, with damage being nerfed across the board. Depending on what you're fighting. you can't even burst players quickly enough anymore, even if they don't stunbreak Bullscharge or know how to dodge GS F1.


    TLDR: Warrior/SB feels perfectly fine in sPvP but now for WvW it's struggling hard because if the Warrior takes a lot of damage, Mending alone isn't enough to sustain the Warrior in long fights. You HAVE to win quickly or lose the long game. 1vXing is now harder than ever because of this. It'll take a week or two for Warrior players to figure something solid that works.

  6. > @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

    > Right? I'm always looking for something different to try. Did you test with different skills on sun and moon style?


    No, but I jumped on my Guardian to test if it worked with the passive heal from their Elite skill Signet of Courage, which works the same/similar way as Healing Signet does... and Sanctuary Runes proc from its passive heal... So i'd assume it's a bug with Warriors passive heals.

  7. Jumped into spvp lobby and tested on the npcs.


    Doesn't proc from Healing Signet nor Adrenal Health but does proc from Might Makes Right... Weird!


    I imagine that if it did work off of those heals then Sanctuary Runes would be a somewhat decent defensive alternate to Durability for WvW. Healing Signet proc would be ~70 Barrier and Adrenal Health, 1 stack, would be ~400 Barrier from the whole duration. It all adds up in the end!

  8. For Core Warrior MMR build I use Durability (tanky choice) or Strength (damage choice) - Greatsword with Energy/Hydromancy, Axe+Shield with Intelligence/Leeching or Doom.


    Dodgeroll into my enemy, weapon swap to Greatsword before the dodge ends so I get my endurance back, hydromancy damages them and so does Reckless Dodge. It's a nice wombocombo. Weapon Swap to Axe and then Throw Axe so it crits and does extra damage from Leeching or applies the Doom Poison for Healing reduction.

  9. Thief is extremely unforgiving and as others have pointed out, has a steep learning curve. A steep learning curve for a class is fine so long as the payoff is worth the effort. In most pvp aspects Thief gameplay revolves around: A Strong opener -> short burst combos -> resetting fights to save defensive cooldowns for "ohsh.t" moments. It has a heavy focus on timing (interrupts, your bursts) and patience or else you'll end up trading damage instead, and a Thief almost always will lose a trade and will have to blow crucial defensive cooldowns. A low healthpool and low damage skills cause no viable builds to incorporate defensive gear choices ultimately forces Marauder/Zerk+Valk mixes (maybe one or two Soldier pieces). The only brawler build is Staff Daredevil which relies very heavily on evade spamming and has a pretty low skill ceiling.


    Daredevil has its dodges, DE has its permastealth gimmick, Core relies on Acro with S/D evades, but all of these specs rely pretty decently on resetting fights because Thief has little staying power in 1v1 fights. Thief runs out of steam pretty quickly when it's put under pressure. Relying on dodgerolls and evade frames or stealth and blinds for defence has its limit, distance and resetting for the most part is free. Thief can regain its resources (initiative, endurance) reasonably quickly but resetting interrupts the fight and at this point in the meta, it is a core mechanic to a Thief's survivability. Most thief builds do have great openers so resetting does make sense.


    All of this forces a sort-of cylindrical problem.


    Some proposed solutions could be


    - Increase Thief base health pool to 15922 (Same base as Mesmer, Engi, Rev) and increase the heals from healing skills by 25% to accommodate. This would make full Marauder put you on 22k hp (No runes, no food) and allows you to take a little bit more punishment. Full Zerker becomes a viable option for those who wanna do big damage. Beyond that, just in general it opens up more options for builds. More build diversity is always a good thing. This also bypasses the "buff all damage by 10%" problem with a Thief's damage.

    - Lower the cooldowns of skills like Agility Signet, Roll 4 Initiative and Blinding Powder by 5-10 seconds. They could even change Agility Signet to give 50% of total endurance instead of 50 flat endurance (buff to DD), get rid of the cast time on Blinding Powder and change the Stability to 5 seconds of Protection or Aegis (the stability doesn't do anything if there's no cast time and it blinds your enemy), increase the initiative gain on R4I to 8 or 10. A lot of other skills could use a buff too but these are the mostly used ones.

    - Preparedness BASELINE! Buff, change or rework specific traits - lets face it, we could be here all day with proposed changes but Thief traits need to be brought up current standards. Thief traits don't really do much, even the grandmaster traits can be a bit lack lustre. Incorporate more defensive slants to traits. For example Slight of Hand now also Blinds for 5 seconds, Improvisation could also give you 100 toughness for every skill recharged for 10 seconds, and so on, so fourth.



  10. > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > To be fair, you have no duties to fight the Thief in WvW, and a stealth-centric DE that can permastealth will not be able to give chase to anything other than a scourge or core necro.


    True but WvW BLs/EB aren't that large and it's not hard to find out where people are going, they'll follow you unless someone more easier to kill crosses their path.



  11. DE damage is fine and isn't the source of complaints. Almost every build has a counter to mitigate the opening burst from stealth if they're paying attention. The problem comes when the Thief who fails his opener can just reset the fight and then try again in 4 seconds. The Thief can do this forever, and that's the problem. They will never run out of stealth if they know how to stack it correctly which means they can reset and reappear whenever they want.


    I only have so many defensive's to counter the opening burst. The problem lies with DE's ability to reset the fight until they get a favourable opening or until luck is on their side. This problem is only amplified in WvW where the Thief has no duties or specific rolls to weigh them down like capping points to win a spvp match.


    To add further to this in WvW you can't always LoS. WvW has some very wide open areas that pretty much everyone walks through. I can't see DE's coming and I'm not going to actively move from cover to cover like I'm playing a hardcore military simulator.


    DE is the most anti-fun build/spec to play against. The DE dances around you, in and out of stealth, and your only options are to run away (they'll follow you anyway) or hope that you can catch them before they disappear again.


    The best part is that a large portion of these DE players are terrible at anything Thief related beyond stacking stealth and their opening combos. The build is just easy to use and attracts players who're looking just for that: Low risk - High reward gameplay.

  12. I think this event is terrible. No one should receive massive boosts to stats to the point where fights are lame. I actually didn't know that this event was a thing until I came to the forums to see if anyone else felt like WvW fights got extremely hard all of a sudden (I don't read any of the news posts, my own fault).


    If you've got the buff then things are great, you're not invincible but damn you're extremely hard to kill, for the hour or so we had the buff I had the easiest 1vx's of my entire life. If you don't have the buff then fighting someone with it is the biggest uphill battle in WvW, especially if you're vs servers with bigger populations, you just get overrun from a constant stream of +1's turning up all juiced up like they're on steroids.


    I play very late, usually midnight on wards for a few hours but I hopped on during "peak" time and we were being spawn camped in every BL by zergs for several hours. Mirage's would blink into our group of 15-20 players, instantly blow up 3-5 players, drop a portal exit and we'd get bombed. Even at my usual playtime, being the smaller sever in the match-up, we're already at a disadvantage. Try and take a camp? You'll get +3'd and they've all got 30% bonus stats. Even bad players using stupid builds get away with more; being hit for 17k from a Thief's vault spam as a Warrior is just braindead.


    Roaming fights vs players with the buff is unfair. Your 1v1/x's are an extreme uphill battle. You've got Mirage's and Deadeye's dealing even more ridiculous amounts of damage from their openers. Every time I die in a 1v1 or 1vx situation, instead of thinking "what did I do wrong so I can improve?", all I can think about is "i wonder how that fight would've gone if they had 15/30% less vitality, toughness and damage stats". It's not healthy for player improvement.


    I just had to kite a Scourge around a camp for 5 minutes just to kill him. All of his low stack condi's hit extremely hard, he stacks Dire or trailblazer gear so that 30% bonus tough/vita just juices him up so much. It's a walking super tank that if you get near to him, you melt in seconds.


    If you don't have the buff, then what's the point? The buff serves as nothing but a "win more" function for bigger servers.

  13. [https://youtube.com/watch?v=5JW9oTCJoZw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JW9oTCJoZw "https://youtube.com/watch?v=5JW9oTCJoZw")


    Hey guys,


    This is a test video for an idea I'd maybe like to work on in the future - put more effort into, make it easier to follow, maybe conduct a verbal breakdown instead of captions, ect. The idea would be to help people understand what goes into fighting specific classes and builds in 1v1 situations.


    Future videos would be longer, and go into much more depth about what I'm doing and why I'm doing it.


    I'm by no means the best warrior out there but I feel that I have enough experience in WvW roaming, dueling and 1vX to be able to create informative videos. Videos not necessarily about 1v1 duels, but 1vX rundowns, interesting warrior tricks and tips that I know and other things of the sort.


    This video was made at 3am and I'm very tired but I didn't want the idea to slip away from me; hence the scuffed quality, sorry!


    But lemme' know what you think :)

  14. I main Warrior so I understand my opinion will be slanted and bias but when I face off against someone who *knows* what they're doing against Warriors, then I struggle against them. I don't find many other Warriors very difficult to kill.


    I play Core Axe/GS when I roam but if you're against a Spellbreaker then you've gotta lookout for a few things:


    1. Don't pop my Full Counter - if you do, then you've got to evade the damage portion. If you don't then it's your own fault for popping Full Counter. You have two chances to not f-up on this skill. If this skill hits then it resets our Burst skills cooldown. This is one of the main "burst combo's"; Arcing Slice, Full Counter, Arcing Slice.

    2. I'm going to use Dagger 3 to interrupt long-cast time/animation skills, so try bait me or get ready with stability.

    3. Breaching Strike removes boons and is unblockable. People forget this. Usually Spellbreakers use Dagger 2 and Breaching Strike one after the other.


    For Warriors in general, remember that our biggest supply of HP is Adrenal Health which comes from landing our Burst skills. It's easier to stack AH on Spellbreaker than it is core because of Full Counter resetting Burst cooldowns.

    Warriors suck when it comes to Blind. A lot of our skills are important and missing them can throw us off balance or our rotations, so try to blind us a lot. You might force out any resistance giving cooldowns.

    Whenever you can, ALWAYS apply any source of Poison to warriors to ruin their healing.

    Warriors have no "big heal", it's all passive HoT's. That means that any big chunks of damage or burst against us sticks harder than all other classes. You can put serious pressure on a Warrior once you chunk them down.

    If the Warrior pops Endure Pain then use everything you can to run away. You can't damage them with power based skills and you can't stop the healing, so just kite. Same with Shield Stance (the block skill). Just walk away from us, hitting the shield gives us Might (when using the MMR trait this heals us for a lot).

    Most Warriors run Last Stand (passive stability, which also makes us immune to crits), start the fight with a cheap daze or CC to pop the trait and then just disengage until it ends. e.g D/P Thief just headshot the warrior and go to sleep for 10 seconds.

    A lot of bad players forget Defy Pain (passive Ignore Pain at 50% HP) exists and just burst through a Warriors HP and then suddenly start dealing 0 damage to the Warrior. Good Warriors know this and will bait you, use it as a chance to trade damage. The perfect time to land an Eviscerate or Arcing Slice.

    You can walk to the side to avoid Bladetrail... I still wonder how the f- people get hit by this terrible skill.


    When facing a good warrior, you have to understand that it won't be a quick fight. You can't 1-shot burst us, trading damage or cooldowns with us can be dangerous. Warriors can bait and be baited very easily. All of our big skills are extremely telegraphed and getting hit by some of them boggles my mind.


    Above all else Warriors (especially Spellbreaker) suck at range just like Scourges. Use this knowledge to kite us and to dive us.


    I can clearly say that Warriors are pretty strong, Spellbreakers more-so but we're by no means the best roamers or even then best class out there - not by a long shot. We're good brawlers and fighters. We excel in "Honorable" 1v1's or duels. If you're struggling against a Warrior in a 1v1 then just walk away. We can be tricky to fight if you don't understand the inner mechanisms/mechanics of the class but once you understand you'll see that we can be easily abused.

  15. SB getting hit decently with nerfs was kinda' expected. A lot of other classes were complaining pretty heavily about SB so it was to be expected.


    I'm liking that Rampage change though, I could see myself using it over Rage Signet in WvW roaming.


    >Defy Pain: Increased the cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only

    >Last Stand: Increased the cooldown from 40 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only


    Y I K E S, that's a pretty big nerf :o


    Those shout buffs are pretty good, no changes for "Fear me" though hmmm

  16. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > if you need energy with mmr warrior, you certainly are wasting dodges, there are never that many things to dodge....there are better options.

    > and why are you even talking about gs stuff, i never said, that i wouldnt use gs. i for sure do, and not just as defensive weapon, whirlwind attack is pretty much your second to third highest dmg source (depending on 50% hp on gs burst)

    > you can crit a single person for about 9k dmg if you do it right, while dodging and repositioning yourself


    Why wouldn't GS be your defensive weapon with the build I posted? Apart from Shield Stance Axe/Sh offers no defences innately. It just provides huge upfront damage, ranged pressure and forces out utility to deal with incoming Eviscerates, ect. GS is a great defensive weapon, might stacking for more dodgerolls, use Rush to disengage and let Healing Signet/AH proc a few more times, imo the correct/obvious way of using Whirlwind would be to use it as your opponent is lining up some kind of burst. Big damage on them and you evade what they're about to do.

    Also remember now with Strength traits that our dodges are now unblockable sources of 2-3k damage + 2 or 3 stacks of might, they're great against Aegis/Block heavy classes, so throwing out an extra dodgeroll for unblockable damage and more might can sway a fight in your favour - Lots of people forget that our dodges hit hard so they're rarely countered. This is why I use Energy on my Greatsword, it allows me to be more aggressive whilst running some Marauder/Toughness Runes. I'm innately tanky whilst pumping out large numbers.

    Hydromancy/Agility is a great choice, no one is denying that but I really enjoy having extra dodges for damage. Lots of people run Energy/Hydromancy, Energy/Agility or Agility/Hydromancy. It's all playstyle preference.



  17. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > where does it have less gapcloser? i run the physical skills trait and bullscharge and feel way more mobile than on sb, because i feel like bullscharge is not the best without it traited and that sb has better options than untraited bc


    Less gapclosers because it doesn't have Featherfoot Grace for the Super Speed and Dagger 2/Dagger Burst. Both remove immobilise, deal decent damage and are on very short cooldowns.


    I use Hydromancy instead of Strength when I play Spellbreaker but I really like Strength and Energy on Greatsword because with MMR it's your defensive weapon, it certainly isn't wasted :P . Lots of dodges, evades, healing with Might and you have a pretty large gap closer/reset with Rush. This builds never done me wrong.


  18. I've recently switched back to MMR Core build for WvW roaming and it still does surprisingly well. It's just harder to deal with condi specs. Less resistance to fallback on without Featherfoot Grace & Revenge Counter. At least if I'm the one engaging I have time to swap Endure pain to Stamina Signet.


    You have less defensive's, less gapclosers but you have much more upfront damage and ranged pressure/cripple from Throw Axe. Plus MMR heal is still really nice despite the Endurance nerf on it.


    [Here's the build, it's pretty simple.](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR3ejMdQZHWFCehAnIGICKLAigeGPhXYF0vY63CA-jVSGABGcBAkSJY9q/Y/BB489HGS5HAPAgBOCAkpbIAwBw5nn5NP48zP/8zPvtP/8zP/8zP/8zPvUAVpMC-w "Here's the build, it's pretty simple") Sigil of Absorption on Shield just so I have a chance to steal Protection when I Shield Bash before using Eviscerate, it works sometimes¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯

  19. To add to a lot of the great ideas on here, I would absolutely love to see Warriors get better ways to deal with condi other than Resistance. There's a lot of boon stripping/corruption these days and Warrior can struggle pretty hard vs those match-ups. If two equally skilled players clash, Warrior vs Condi build, then the condi guy will almost always win.




    Cleansing Ire isn't too strong with SB, it's okayish with Core and terrible with Berserker. Remember that your burst has to land for the conditions to be removed.


    How about changing Cleansing Ire to: Gain Adrenalin when hit. For every 10 Adrenalin you gain remove one condition & using a Burst Skill removes 1 condition (no ICD)?


    (Small note: If you're sat at max Adrenalin then you're not removing conditions)


    This way, Berserker Stance would remove 3 conditions over 4 seconds, Signet of Precision would remove 3 conditions instantly, Berserk (f2) would remove 1 condition, Outrage would remove almost 1 condition, Sundering Leap would remove 1 condition or 3 conditions if it lands, Wild Blow would remove 1 condition (or 3 if you include Weakness / Blind), Shattering Blow would remove 1 condition, Headbutt would remove 3 conditions. Signet of Rage would be good just to keep the passive for increased condi removal - gives the skill some actual impact/utility on whether you use it or not. It also gives a reason to take Berserker utility skills.


    This way it would give the Last Stand trait some competition for the Grandmaster trail in Defence. With this proposed change to Cleansing Ire, I would suggest a nerf to the resistance gains from Berserker Stance, Featherfoot Grace & Signet of Healing:


    Berserker Stance - Gain Resistance for 2 seconds (instead of reapplying it 4 times, 1 second each application)

    Featherfoot Grace - Gain Resistance for 4 seconds (down from 5)

    Signet of Healing - Gain Resistance for 4 seconds (down from 6)




    Brawlers Recovery is a pretty decent trait but maybe add "if you're lower than 50% HP then cleanse 2 Conditions instead of 1".


    idk, maybe these are too overpowered but I imagine they could be tweaked or worked around.




    Also it goes without saying that some of the trait lines on Warrior are downright garbage:


    Tactics sits in purgatory. It's rarely taken, it's rarely useful, it's out shined by other support classes - it needs a facelift:


    Minor - Determined Revival: When reviving a friendly you both gain Minor Determined Stance - ICD 30 seconds


    T1 #1 - Leg Specialist: When you cripple an opponent apply 2 seconds of Immobilisation - ICD 2 seconds

    T1 #2 - Quick Breathing: Warhorn skills gain additional effects, remove 2 conditions & have a 20% reduced Cooldown

    Warhorn 4: Give 5 seconds of Retaliation & 5 seconds of Regeneration (855 total heal + 0.05*Healing power) to yourself and allies

    Warhorn 5: Give 5 seconds of Fury to yourself and allies & apply 6 seconds of Blind to all(5) enemies hit

    T1 #3 - Empowered: When you apply a boon to an ally gain 2% Increased damage, give the effected ally 1% Increased damage - max 10 stacks, each stack lasts 10 seconds


    Minor - Reviver's Might: Heal for 2500, increase the might to 5 stacks, apply 3 seconds of Protection to yourself and the ally on a successful revive


    T2 #1 - Shrug it off: Increase the conditions required to 2 - increase the conditions removed to 2

    T2 #2 - Burning Arrows: Bow skills inflict 2 stacks of Burning, 1 second duration, same damage, Bow skills have 20% reduced Cooldown

    T2 #3 - Empower Allies: Increased effect to 200 power & now gives 100 precision too


    Minor - Inspire Presence: Each stack of might also gives 5 concentration in addition to the 10 healing power


    T3 #1 - Powerful Synergy: Combo finisher effects are tripled - ICD 3 seconds

    T3 #2 - Vigorous Shouts: Shouts heal for 1350, give 10 Adrenalin, 20% reduced cooldown. Enemies inside the range of shouts are now inflicted with 3 seconds of Weakness

    T3 #3 - Phalanx Strength: When you gain a boon, grant yourself and allies 2 might (3 seconds)


    Obviously, Phalanx Strength is the big one because it's out shined heavily in all aspects of GW2 by other classes. This way, your warrior is a consistent source of might but it has a short duration meaning constant boon appliance is needed to keep the might up time. This way it won't spiral out of control if the warrior is solo (pvp/wvw). Signet of Rage would give 11 Might but only for a short period of time, allowing the Warrior a window to burst. Berserker Stance, which currently applies Resistance 4 times, would give you 8 Might over its duration but you wouldn't actually reach 8 stacks due to the Mights duration - Similarly with Balanced stance. Phalanx Strength would have a good combination with traits which give you boons for solo might application.


    With these trait changes you can take several support or selfish choices which benefit yourself &/or allies whether it be PvE, sPvp or WvW




    The Arms trait line moonlights as the Condition trait line but has identity issues throughout trying to force Precision/Crit but lacks actual viability.


    Whilst some of the traits in the line are decent, I would highlight the following for changes:


    T1 #1 - Wounding Precision: Obviously this trait is meant to mean "take some power gear to compliment the condi" but running anything other than TB or Dire is sub-optimal. Spiting your damage output through Power and Condi tends to lead to lesser damage. Instead I would suggest renaming the trait to suit "Gain Expertise based off of 7% of your Power" because any might you gain would help boost power and condi damage at the same time - It has positive synergy. It also promotes the Tactics line I suggested above for Might stacking.


    T1 #2 - Signet Mastery: Why is this here? Move this to Strength and tie it into Brave Stride. If you really want to keep it in this traitline then you'll need to change it to something more utility based. "Using a Signet grants you 50 Toughness for 60 seconds, max 5 stacks" and I suppose keep the Signet of Might effect for the unblockable attacks.

    If not then rename and change it to something like: Applying a Condition to an enemy heals you for 32 (+0.01*Healing Power)


    T2 #1 - Unsuspecting Foe: Once again, trying to push this critical strike stuff but this trait has no synergy with Wounding Precision or Burst Precision. Instead change it to something like: "Conditions applied to a foe who is disabled have a 20% increase duration"


    T2 #2 - Sundering Burst: Pretty neat skill but once again trying to push the crit theme. Instead of it being a critical hit, I would make it apply the additional 5 stacks of vulnerability if the opponent has 3 or more conditions. "If your opponent is suffering from 3 or more conditions, apply an additional 5 stacks of Vulnerability"


    T3 #1 - Burst Precision: More crit pushing but doesn't work well with the way i'd change Arms. We could keep it burst related but change it from 100% Crit chance to "Burst skills apply 3 Stacks of Bleed & cripple - 5 seconds. This way it has good synergy will most condi weapons and would work quite well with Spellbreaker, potentially uprooting Berseker as the "must use" condi spec. Gives some usefulness to Tactics trait "Leg Specialist"


    T3 #2 - Furious: Change the crit to applying a condition. "Each time you apply a condition to an opponent gain 10 Condition damage and 1 Adrenalin (stacks 25 times, 10s per stack) Keeps the theme going for my proposed Signet Mastery Change & Sundering Burst. I was mulling over in my mind if it should be 1 stack of might for 4 seconds per condition instead of 10+ condi but idk, could be OP.




    Like I said above, not sure exactly how powerful these would be in practice but I hope that it would give some more viability to the trait lines.


    I've got a bunch of other things In mind but now I've only just realised that I've been typing this for over an hour :L


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