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Posts posted by meepeY.2867

  1. Your build isn't very good at fighting DeadEye Rifle. Hammer is extremely telegraphed and easy to evade, hence why it's not very good for roaming (Dagger/Shield is preferred for SB roaming). Greatsword doesn't put up much pressure without any real setup from your Hammer. The DeadEye is free to dance around you all day long. Without Shield Reflect, you can't really expect to hit him very hard if you're never able to catch him.


    There aren't many builds out there which have good match-ups vs every class & build.

  2. > @"zinkz.7045" said:

    > You are about 3 years too late to experience roaming in this game, "roaming" these days mostly consists of dueling or ganking guys in zerg builds.


    Can confirm that I spend most of my days duelling or running away from small roaming blobs of 5-10 people. Good luck capping a T3 Camp guarded by 4 Hammer Revs and a Thief which will +1 you.


    Roaming wasn't anywhere near as annoying/frustrating before HoT.

  3. I mained Thief around a year ago before switching to Warrior... One of the main reasons I swapped over was because it all felt a bit 'meh'. I only found S/D DD fun to play because D/P gameplay and its Stealth mechanics sucked.


    I recently watched 2 Holosmiths dueling in WvW - Their builds had limited access to Stealth, 2 skills, both being Toolbelt skills (1 being RNG whether you get Smoke Screen). The general play style was that they were using Stealth to reposition, to safely pop their heals, to wait for cooldowns, set up bursts, ect. Their stealth had a serious purpose which impacted the duel. These skills had clean access, not where you would have to spam Heartseeker through Black Powder and not where you'd have to use a sub-par Utility skills giving up a good skill in its wake.

    The whole duel looked extremely fluid, not where they relied on blind spam to win the fight, but instead actually came down to skill-based-mechanics. I loved that they had to correctly use Stealth to get the maximum reward from your cooldown.


    For me, this is how stealth should be for Thieves. Stealthing should be an option which flows into your gameplay and not something where you have to stand still and spam a clunky skill through a smoke field. It really irks me that Stealth gameplay for Thieves could've been so much more than what it is now.


    If i could change Thief, I would make access to stealth more limiting but much more smoother and rewarding. The trait lines are all wonky and taking Shadow Arts isn't really an option anymore with most D/P running DD/Trickery/DA - - - with DD/Trickery being a must have...



    Stealthing mid fight feels clunky, momentum breaking and intrusive which really sucks. It could be so much smoother and should be easily woven into a fight.

  4. @Biguyshrooms.2051 is talking about sPVP/WVW, not PVE and losing 3 Endurance per stack _**IS**_ a massive deal. @Obtena.7952.


    [The best and pretty much only viable core build was ''Dodging Makes Right'' and now it's been gutted in the new patch.](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Warrior_-_Dodging_Makes_Right "https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Warrior_-_Dodging_Makes_Right")


    All of the other Core Builds aren't good enough in the current meta to be viable, essentially killing the only Core Warrior build that was viable in sPVP/WVW. Sure, there are other Core Builds out there, but none of them will have good consistency. There are gimmicky builds here and there which are fun but will never be meta.


    The DMR build relied heavily on the endurance regeneration from gaining Might when camping Greatsword for defensive purposes.


    To break it down, the build had


    - 100% Endurance Regeneration from Food or Stamina Signet + Vigor from Stances via the Last Stand trait. Base is 5 Endurance Per Second up to 10 Per Second with this (Remember that Vigor wont always be constant because randomly using stances just for Vigor is stupid).

    - 15 Endurance returned from Burst skills landing via the Building Momentum minor trait from the Strength trait line (Not exactly reliable for regenerating Endurance)

    - 5 Endurance per Might Stack via the Forceful Greatsword trait, Superior Sigil of Strength (WvW) or Sigil of Courage (sPVP), Shield Stance (with Shield Master trait) & Signet of Rage


    You also had 10% increased damage when your endurance wasn't full, but RIP that minor trait.


    Most of the dodgerolls came from gaining might. 10 Might = 1 Roll ~ Roughly 6 hits with a Greatsword if I get decent RNG with Sigil of Strength.


    Now 25 Might = 1 Roll ~ Roughly 15 hits if and _ONLY_ if my RNG with Crits is good for one single dodge roll.


    It's been nerfed so hard that it takes over DOUBLE the might to get the same results. Stacking up to 25 might in a fight takes a long time just to get one dodgeroll. I wont be able to Camp Greatsword for that long if I ever intend to use Shield Stance and Shield Stance requires my enemy to be stupid for me to gain might.


    I've played this build as my main spec, I know what I'm talking about and I know how hard the changes have hurt the build. Once you've played this build, you get a feel for when you should be able to dodgeroll and now I'm trying to roll but I don't have the endurance for it any more, when I would've been able to before. The build has lost one of its main ways to regenerate it's defensive condition, thus hurting the build so much that you may as well just swap to Spellbreaker for versing both Power and Condi matchups if you ever intend to be competitive.


    Core isn't exactly super duper uber dead, its just lost its only viable 'meta' build, thus making Core pretty much obsolete in any pvp situation. Every fight ends with; "If I was a Spellbreaker that fight would've been so much easier/ I would've won that fight".


  5. Yeah, I agree with Biguyshrooms.2051.


    I've been playing Core in WvW for Roaming before the patch, using the MMR build. Dodging was my primary "defensive" and is usually what helps me win 1vX fights. Endure Pain is great for countering power bursts but Berserker Stance is a sorry excuse for a condi-counter. Dodging condi skills was the only way for Core to even have a chance vs a competent Condi Players. They dump condi on you then run away/go defensive once you get Resistance then come back for more once it's gone... or they corrupt it :(


    At least with SB you have a "consistent" way of getting Resistance, but with Core it was always about not getting hit in the first place. Even vs Power Builds, Core relies on dodge rolling because any good player can abuse warriors when they pop their only reliable defensive; Endure Pain. Just run away, pop stealth, go immune, block, ect so the warrior can't take advantage of not taking damage - It just gets wasted, twice.


    Core wasn't by any means overpowered - it was just pretty darn good. Now it's been gutted.


    I'm playing SB now and the build itself is carrying me whilst I'm learning it.


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