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Posts posted by DoomNexus.5324

  1. > @"Elementalist Owner.7802" said:

    > https://i.imgur.com/DRUdQod.jpg

    > Just want to thank whoever thought of the brilliant idea of putting a one-shot kill ability into an open world PvP battleground where fights can have dozens of players on each side and where everyone has at least 10 skills on their bar. It has created such interactive gameplay, such as getting literally one-shotted through 3300 armor and 25k health. I'm having fun just thinking about it! Thanks balance team!


    wow.. [this discussion again](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/17435/50k-hit-sad "this discussion again")..

    Yeah yeah, please keep pretending thieves/deadeye is op, ofc he's the most op class in the game because thief is anet's favorite class so they make him op af.. yeah yeah..

  2. > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

    > Would Pistol/Pistol + Shortbow be better than Pistol/Pistol + Dagger/Dagger?

    > I really like my Pistol/Pistol. I would be fine with losing the daggers.


    I usually play D/P + SB but tried P/P + SB yesterday and had 7 wins 1 Loss. I guess I'll stick with that build for a while now and check if I can continue to climb the ladder ^^


    As a side note: The enemy teams had I guess in at least 5 out of those matches reflects and projectile barriers and stuff.. you just have to be aware of those mechanics and act accordingly ^^


    PS: Imho shortbow is mandatory for every "general" thief build. There might be sooome situations where you could want to swap it out but tbh I can't think of at least one.

    Just because of the reasons stated in comments above.

  3. > @Ravezaar.4951 said:

    > Dosent matter how its built up, how long cast time, even cooldown of a skill, specc, trait anything... a dmg 0f 50k vs another player with the the HP that exist in Gw2, this is just wrong. It dosent belong in the game, to defend it, is just pathetic.


    oh pleeeeease.. it is a huge build up time for exactly 1 - One - Shot that is suuuper obvious to dodge/block/mitigate and this is far worse than say a Mirage who can almost deal this amount of partly undodgeable damage PER SECOND?

    While also being able to maintain this amount of dps for quite a while?

    This is what's really pathetic...

  4. > @Swagger.1459 said:

    > At what point does the team become accountable for this stuff? Will we need to be at 75k, 100k, 125k... damage before there is some sense of urgency to work on the problematic issues, like this, plaguing the game?


    But you realize that he has to use EVERYTHING he has (even his heal skill for stealth) in order to get these kind of dmg numbers and maintaining the stealth? Well his skills are not on cooldown but please watch his initiative, it's constantly down so he can't cast anything else.

    Like some guys stated above it also doesn't come out of nowhere since he has to cast his "Steal" on this particular target so the target knows that it is in the focus of the deadeye. Yes I know he is stealthed but if you had watched it more carefully he is not "perma stealthed". Also enemies are able to see his black powder area so they could know where he is + before he shoots a bright yellow beam appears right at his target so it's not even hard to dodge the shot + he gets revealed while aiming the shot + he has to kneel and waste all of his utilities on the dmg or close gaps which cuts every mobility a thief could have.


    Also this is WvW so he uses much more than you can have in sPvP for example and you can tell by his low HP Pool that he is maxed out on dmg so as soon as he gets a hit he's dead + this is a montage..

    Please keep that in mind.


    > @MUDse.7623 said:

    > the problem with deadeye for most people in WvW is, altho it is a trash spec against decent opponents it is also a low risk high reward spec against noobs and as we all know WvW is full of em.

    So what? Every class and every spec is good against noobs. That's why they are noobs. And in WvW you'll always come across some op guys who main their class since release and know exactely everything about their capabilites and can even control them.

  5. > @Burnfall.9573 said:

    > Truth is: (...) thief are Anet Favorite classes.




    @edit: btw.. really? I mean... REALLY?! You post a link to an article that is older than HoT? Even pre-hot-announcement... This is all bs now. I think this is in general all bs what the author said (even back then)

  6. > @CreedOfGod.9764 said:

    > Helps to know i'm not the only one thinking Thief isn't in the best spot right now though.

    I think 99.9% of all (at least competitive) thief players think thief is in a relatively bad spot rn (and not just after UC nerf)

  7. In my opinion shortbow is a must have in the thief's second weapon slot so P/P is more like an alternative to D/P for me, not an extension.

    The reason for why imo shortbow has to be in almost every thief build is that you don't profit from weapon switching dmg-wise. You only have one initiative bar and you don't have cooldowns so if you P/P Unload all of your initiative you don't have any reason why you'd want to switch to D/P.

    Also shortbow is more like a utility tool with infiltator's arrow for mobility, choking gas for reducing heals + daze and Disabling Shot for the additional evades while also giving a little bit of multitarget dmg with auto-attack.


    > @Verdis.8472 said:

    > Or is P/P just a waste of time in general?

    No it's not a waste of time I sometimes even switch my dagger for a second pistol so I can run P/P + shortbow.

    Especially against champs/world bosses and recently in fractals too where I don't want to be in melee range and I'm able to kite.

    You don't have to stick with just 1 setup, use whatever is the most useful for a given situation.


    I don't really know any "useful/good" builds in particular which don't utilize shortbow (at least I don't know a build I'd want to use because of the reason above) but I know there are some out there, so maybe you'll find one.

  8. > @Harper.4173 said:

    > GW2 never had any eSports future to begin with. First of all to make anything an eSport these days you need quite a few people watching - so you can compete with other eSports out there.

    > Problem is MMOs are horrible for this - as you have to know the game before you can even begin watching. GW2 PvP is also incredibly complex and even GW2 players in their majority can't really figure out what's going on if they're watching a high-level eSports game.

    > Not understanding what's going on mostly translates into not having fun watching.



    That's a very pessimistic point of view :D

    Also I think this is kinda wrong. While shooters are very easy to understand you'd typically have also no clue what's going on when watching Star Craft 2, LoL or DOTA2 unless you play the game yourself.


    Plus I think ppl would learn more about PvP in GW2, because I know it from myself. I was terrible in PvP until I started to watch youtube stuff and twitch streams and finally understood what my actual tasks in sPvP were with a given class. My guess would be if ppl would just know what their class is actually supposed to do there would be like 90% less "Nerf dis buff dat q_q"-mimimi threads and esport would greatly contribute in spreading this kind of knowledge.

  9. I don't think GW2 has any future as an esport title. Anet would have to put muuch more effort in PvP and balancing which is - in my opinion - not likely to happen. They didn't even do it back then when GW2 was kind of a thing in the esport scene and currently there are no signs they'll do such in the future.


    All my thoughts aside I reeeeeeeeally wish Anet could afford it to put the needed effort in PvP and bring GW2 back to the esport :)

    I honestly don't know why this isn't a primary target of Anet especially because GW2 already was an esport game so there's not only a potential. I think this would also give GW2 the attention and publicity it deserves.

  10. The thing is as condi thief the best weapon by far is shortbow and then D/D since you can spam bleeding and poison but all other weapons don't really inflict any viable amount of conditions if at all.


    If you want to use P/P I'd stay on power (I prefer marauder on power thief)

    But I can't even imagine to play my thief without shortbow ^^ Especially in PvE it adds soo much mobility and I think even as power thief shortbow is your best option because you can still deal a lot of AoE dmg - which is absolutely critical - while also being able to kite stronger mobs and have access to a few more dodges. D/D could do the same thing but I just don't like melee thief since it is faar less forgiving.


    Buut. I don't think power thief outclasses condi thief but I think D/D Shortbow is your only option then.

  11. I'm playing as D/P Daredevil (little different than the meta build) but I think everything with gap closers and escapes is viable. S/D and Staff work pretty well too especially in WvW. I found P/P was viable in PvP if there's no mobile thief (like D/P) in the match since they can reck you pretty hard (you aren't too mobile and since thief heavily relies on mobility you'll lose against a "good" D/P thief 9/10). Also be aware of mirrors, you can kill yourself pretty quickly if someone sets up a reflect.


    Especially for WvW keep in mind that you can also use buff food and enhancements and also infusions with stats.

    And for sPvP keep in mind that thief has two very specific tasks which are decapping and +1 teamfights. Thief is not supposed to 1v1 (altough I can 1v1 a lot of classes pretty viable)


    @edit: I don't want to say that thief is good in any way, we are in an incredibly bad state right now but at least thief is still somewhat playable. Hope things will get better in the future. (yes I have hopes, thieves were in a bad state before too and got buffed before last season - things just go very slow at Anet :P)

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