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Posts posted by MokahTGS.7850

  1. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Obfuscate.6430" said:

    > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > I have one! It's called guild hall. :)

    > > Ignoring the initial gold cost of the guild hall, you need a group of people to consistently do guild missions and donate goods to give you the option to make decorations.


    > I'm having a one-woman guild for that purpose. I have the guild hall all to myself and am doing guild missions with a bunch of GW2 friends, and have no issues to upgrade and decorate by myself. ;) Yes, it's expensive, but player housing would be, too, don't you think?


    I do not think that this is an adequate or even a good idea. The guild halls are for groups...yes you can customize them...yes you could do a 1 person guild...but that is ot what they are for and there is lots that is missing. What guild halls do prove is that the personal player housing tech is possible in GW2. The engine would allow people to decorate, personalize, and maintain a home. The game already has the tools.


    The tools would have to be tweaked of course and the bigger issue would be if the game servers could handle all of the added data of every player decorating. There are decorator limits in guild halls for a reason.


    Everyone stating that the devs should use their time elsewhere just need to stop. Housing enthusiasts could say the same for your pet project.


    Personally, I think ANet should expand and leverage the personal home instances that we already have by changing one of the plots of land in the instance into a personal deco area where the player could add furniture and deco items learned in the scribing skill already in game. Trophies is the big one. Being able to add trophies to the hall of heroes was fun in GW1 and a missed opportunity in GW2.

  2. Guild only content is something that is lacking in GW2. With that said, guild activity has a lot to do with a players perception on guild fun. Large, active guilds are always doing their own content...I came across one the other day in Dragon Stand that was doing a speed run of the area trying to beat their guild record. Interesting, and there was a lot of them there. I agree that Anet could do a lot to add to guilds in game, but I also would encourage people to find active guilds to play with.

  3. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

    > > Did they give a good reason/explanation as to why we can't link our current accounts to a steam account? I'd buy EoD on Steam if I could, but won't if you can't.

    > it is easy - if you use steam account and like it - you can buy per steam one more account, if you not use it at all - nothing changes for you.


    That does not answer my question. I know how steam works...lol. I was asking WHY you can't link your steam version to an existing account. I was wondering if ANet has given any reason other than "nope"

  4. I've never disliked underwater combat. My issue has always been the skills and how they are used underwater have felt completely out of balance between classes. If ANet had actually spent a little more time on skills and how they work, people would not be hating as much.


    Underwater is a vastly underused area of the game that could have been better. The is ANets pattern however...good ideas, poor execution. There are many systems in game that suffer from this. Wooden Potatoes had a video talking about this issue at some point.

  5. I don't agree that the griffon or the skyscale is grindy. I am a casual player (1-2 hours a day) and have both the griffon and the skyscale. Playing the game gets you what you need. Granted, starting from scratch would take you longer, but it's not bad. The most annoying parts are the time gate and the 250 map currency requirements. The time gates are basically just annoying and serve no purpose. The currency is to get people playing those maps...good design? No. Hard to do? Also no.

  6. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

    > > > > I don't mind that the LW Season are extra costs...what I mind are the price points. Currently seasons 2, 3, and 4 will cost you 3200 gems which is roughly $40 US. IMO, that is too much for the content you get.

    > > >

    > > > More content than both HoT and PoF put together and that’s more or less what players paid for each expansion individually when they launched.

    > >

    > > Wait...the LW seasons came with gliders, new mounts, Elite Specs?? I guess it depends on what you call content...


    > Features are not the same as content. Those three seasons produced 20 episodes of story, 14 maps to explore (two which can be access with core game), and many metas. Other things that they came with are two new mounts, easier access to ascended gear, at least one quality of life item, and a ton of new skins and rewards.


    > Why focus on those three and completely ignore everything else that is fair obvious included in the seasons? Not to mention that you're wrong on the new mounts part.


    OK, granted, they did release two mounts with the Season 3. But I do want to point out that they did this under the model of no new expansions. That was the thinking of the time. As that did not seem to pan out, we have EoD coming which means that expansions make them money.


    Features are content. You cannot say they aren't. They are bullet points that ANet uses as marketing for the products that they create. Just because something isn't a story doesn't mean it does not factor into the value of buying something.


    OK, so you want to break it down then on cost to feature/content? Bang for buck? Buying HoT alone (back when you could) got a new player the full GW2 vanilla game (all features/content) and the added HoT + Season 2 (if you logged into the game when they were released). That was $35 that got you WAY more content then buying ALL of the seasons that we currently have. Buying PoF would get a new player the full GW2 vanilla game (all features/content), the added HoT + Season 2 (if you logged into the game when they were released), the added PoF + Season 3 & 4 (if you logged into the game when they were released. That's $30 that got you WAY more content then buying ALL of the seasons that we currently have.


    IMO buying the LW seasons is a bad value but because of how ANet has priced and managed their releases, something that some of their player base has to do to catch up.

  7. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

    > > I don't mind that the LW Season are extra costs...what I mind are the price points. Currently seasons 2, 3, and 4 will cost you 3200 gems which is roughly $40 US. IMO, that is too much for the content you get. The content to cost ratio is something ANet has always been on the high side of. Paying the cost of a full expansion for content that is marginal at best, seems like a waste of money.

    > >

    > They don't all need to be purchased at once.




    Buying them separately doesn't save you any money.

  8. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

    > > I don't mind that the LW Season are extra costs...what I mind are the price points. Currently seasons 2, 3, and 4 will cost you 3200 gems which is roughly $40 US. IMO, that is too much for the content you get.


    > More content than both HoT and PoF put together and that’s more or less what players paid for each expansion individually when they launched.


    Wait...the LW seasons came with gliders, new mounts, Elite Specs?? I guess it depends on what you call content...

  9. > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

    > > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

    > > GW2 is not that game. Stop asking for it to be something it isn't. It never will be. L2P the game that it is.


    > Thats why its also not nearly as popular as some of its competition. Because its not a "Game" its a "Cash grab" and a "Theme park" more so than WoW or ESO ever have been and im hoping that Cantha will change that. I dont want a hard trinity~ I would like tanky specs BUILT to be tanky, Id like different than what we've had as most of the E-specs really... do feel samey.


    yeah...it couldn't possibly be that the other two games have massive brand recognition before ever being released...must be because of no trinity...

  10. I don't mind that the LW Season are extra costs...what I mind are the price points. Currently seasons 2, 3, and 4 will cost you 3200 gems which is roughly $40 US. IMO, that is too much for the content you get. The content to cost ratio is something ANet has always been on the high side of. Paying the cost of a full expansion for content that is marginal at best, seems like a waste of money.


    What they really need to do is have either gem buying options (most likely) or LW Seasons for sale as DLC (less likely) on the Steam page. I'm still super salty that I can't link my current account to a Steam one.

  11. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

    > > HoT Mastery points are my problem. Very difficult and completely needed for making HoT legendaries. The problem is all of the useless living world masteries that I wasted points on without knowing any better. Being able to reskill your masteries would be a godsend. Who the heck needs the vine slinging skill anymore?


    > Reskill 2000 gems per character :)


    > I used vine slinging a good bit in Dragonfall before I obtained my skyscale. Was glad to have it for the quest. Would I use it otherwise? Probably not so much now that I have the skyscale.


    Paying $35 for something that I should just be able to do in game is a non-starter. I can change my build...but not my masteries?

  12. Can we please get the QoL feature of being able to reallocate mastery points however we wish? The mastery system tends to fill up with one-time use skills (Oakheart's Reach, Counter Magic, Siren of Orr, Etc.) that have little to no use outside of one area of the game. As time goes on, more of these turn up...I'm betting the Icebrood Saga masteries will have little use in Cantha.


    My hope is that the End of Dragons expansion comes with a full Mastery system overhaul that allows this feature. The dream would be that mastery points become universal, refundable and useable on any mastery track you want at any time...but even a refund system within mastery tracks would be enough.

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