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Posts posted by Reincarnatie.7254

  1. > @"Reincarnatie.7254" said:> Name: Viaenne> Race: Sylvari> Cycle: Dusk, Autumn> Gender: Female> Profession: Elementalist (Tempest)> Disciplines: Artificer, Tailor> Order: Whispers (Lightbringer)> Occupation: Scholar, Spy (in the Priory, shhhh)> > Her skin blushes vibrantly against the chilly breeze, like the crimson branches of dogwoods in autumn flush. As the harvest moon burns orange in the violet dusk, the vespertine breeze carries notes of sassafras—of anise, of citrus, of sweet autumn berries, and cinnamon—from the curls of knotted plum-purple branches unfurling forth from her crown. In darkness, she emits a fiery red glow that glimmers like the twinkling starlight of twilight fireflies. Her eyes are like shimmering turquoise ponds under sunset skies, she looks upon a vision of flame and frost—of a land scorched by fire and frozen by ice.>


    > > “The dragons are to Tyria as the wildfire is to the forest: destruction. Yet, the wildfire’s destruction burns away the greed accumulated by the weeds, paving paths for others to have a chance in the light and nourishing the earth with ash--such has Mother taught us. The licking flames of the fires of war do not scare me, for I am born of fire, earth, water, and wind.”>


    > > "The dream whispered to me: 'Where life goes, so too, should you.' Moss stalled my feet, and Blackberry clawed my legs. I hated to go, but was afraid to stay. > Ignorance made us vulnerable to predators, to pain. Our Dream expands with us, and growth lies out and away.”>


    > > "Watching the cycles of the world around us, night always turns to day, and dawn to dusk--it is much the same with living and non-living things. From cytogenesis to cytosenescence, what is born must eventually die and what grows must fade: what waxes must wane—it’s but a matter of time—yet, we do not know how old our kind may reach before our internal systems begin to fail. We are unlike annuals or biennials as we do not put any energy into reproduction—are we as long-lived as our perennial progenitor? Are we immortal as the trees in the forest, or is our existence more fleeting, like those of the creatures that frolic amongst the branches and the boughs?”>


    > > "I cannot stand idly by as the darkness creeps in, for the embers bite at my heels and urge me to action.">


    > > "I am sylvari; a child of the Pale Tree.">


    > > "I am a scholar, born of the cycle of dusk and autumn; harvester of light and bringer of the bounty of knowledge.">


    > > "Keep your allies close, but your enemies closer. Knowledge illuminates the path ahead so that we may see what shadows lurk in the margins.">


    > > "For the shadows bring death, and death is the cruelest teacher of all.">


    > > "So open your minds,">


    > > "Take in the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of the world around you,">


    > > "Go where the winds and tides take you. Hear the whispers of adventure in the leaves and the promises of surprise in the reeds.">


    > > "Shield your ears from the cacophony of nightmares and the symphony of shadows.">


    > > "Let the radiance of the fires you light banish the shadowy tendrils of nightmare and evil to the depths of the Mists.">


  2. > @"Reincarnatie.7254" said:> Name: Viaenne> Race: Sylvari> Cycle: Dusk, Autumn> Gender: Female> Profession: Elementalist (Tempest)> Disciplines: Artificer, Tailor> Order: Whispers (Lightbringer)> Occupation: Scholar, Spy (in the Priory, shhhh)> > Her skin blushes vibrantly against the chilly breeze, like the crimson branches of dogwoods in autumn flush. As the harvest moon burns orange in the violet dusk, the vespertine breeze carries notes of sassafras—of anise, of citrus, of sweet autumn berries, and cinnamon—from the curls of knotted plum-purple branches unfurling forth from her crown. In darkness, she emits a fiery red glow that glimmers like the twinkling starlight of twilight fireflies. Her eyes are like shimmering turquoise ponds under sunset skies, she looks upon a vision of flame and frost—of a land scorched by fire and frozen by ice.>


    > > “The dragons are to Tyria as the wildfire is to the forest: destruction. Yet, the wildfire’s destruction burns away the greed accumulated by the weeds, paving paths for others to have a chance in the light and nourishing the earth with ash--such has Mother taught us. The licking flames of the fires of war do not scare me, for I am born of fire, earth, water, and wind.”>


    > > "The dream whispered to me: 'Where life goes, so too, should you.' Moss stalled my feet, and Blackberry clawed my legs. I hated to go, but was afraid to stay. > Ignorance made us vulnerable to predators, to pain. Our Dream expands with us, and growth lies out and away.”>


    > > "Watching the cycles of the world around us, night always turns to day, and dawn to dusk--it is much the same with living and non-living things. From cytogenesis to cytosenescence, what is born must eventually die and what grows must fade: what waxes must wane—it’s but a matter of time—yet, we do not know how old our kind may reach before our internal systems begin to fail. We are unlike annuals or biennials as we do not put any energy into reproduction—are we as long-lived as our perennial progenitor? Are we immortal as the trees in the forest, or is our existence more fleeting, like those of the creatures that frolic amongst the branches and the boughs?”>


    > > "I cannot stand idly by as the darkness creeps in, for the embers bite at my heels and urge me to action.">


    > > "I am sylvari; a child of the Pale Tree.">


    > > "I am a scholar, born of the cycle of dusk and autumn; harvester of light and bringer of the bounty of knowledge.">


    > > "Keep your allies close, but your enemies closer. Knowledge illuminates the path ahead so that we may see what shadows lurk in the margins.">


    > > "For the shadows bring death, and death is the cruelest teacher of all.">


    > > "So open your minds,">


    > > "Take in the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of the world around you,">


    > > "Go where the winds and tides take you. Hear the whispers of adventure in the leaves and the promises of surprise in the reeds.">


    > > "Shield your ears from the cacophony of nightmares and the symphony of shadows.">


    > > "Let the radiance of the fires you light banish the shadowy tendrils of nightmare and evil to the depths of the Mists.">


  3. Ginger flowers as braids!



    Lantana afro!



    Tropical style!



    Blue curls up-do!



    Plant-y evening gown!



    Cream cup pixie cut!



    Peony bun!



    Leucospermum up-do!



    Maidenhair fern long hair!


  4. #SaladPride!Sylvari were the nail in the coffin, for me. Started with the four of them initially (one for each season: ranger, guardian, elementalist, and warrior) and then made two asuras (Engi & Necro). :p Recently made a charr revenenant--she's a pretty kitty xD --a white tigress who's no one's kitten!Now just waiting for tengu to become playable :# Lydaeia, Ranger of Spring's Glade


    Aedraeyna, Guardian of Summer's Knights


    Viaenne, Tempest of Autumn's Winds


    Miaera, Warrior of Winter's Solstice


    Xyrra, Engineer for Lease


    Ymrii, Reaper of the Unknowable


    Jeide Luen, Agent for Hire


    Nayerlu Vespertine, the Renegade White Tigress


    Hrijn Eivorsdottir, the Mirage of the Snow Leopard


  5. Tengu~!


    I loved how the Quetzal tengu looked when I first came across them in the jungle. So vibrant... <3


    I always thought that there would be three additions 'cause humans and sylvari are paired in their basic size and shape:

    Charr --> Tengu

    Norn --> Kodan

    Human --> Largos

    (yes, I know they're already paired to sylvari but I had never realised this until now.. maybe sylvari and asura are paired, or they have no pairs!)


    The human races never really interested me either. Human and norn were always at the bottom of the list. I have four sylvari (one for each of the seasons), two asura, and a charr. :3

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