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Posts posted by SinisterSlay.6973

  1. I like fractals well enough with random people. But sometimes it's quite rough even in the 1-25 I bother to play.

    Strikes I just don't like. Of the ones I have done, they always seem to be a matter of "everyone just attack this thing" and you get 1 hit killed a lot by the boss. No concept of anything but just spamming attacks. So a mixture of boring, yet frustrating.


    I did one time with a group that was training a raid, and I frankly understood none of it. Except that I was forced to change to a character build that I really really sucked with.


    So strikes were a funny thing for me, they convinced me to never bother trying to raid again. If strikes are to prepare you for raids. I have a bad image in my head for raids.

  2. Joke not withstanding. It would be cool if the dailies were more like a job to allow your character to role play. Allow you to pick an NPC to work for, and every day they pay you for completing a job. You can work from 3 NPCs to do 3 jobs a day. Each NPC specializes in something so you can choose what kind of dailies you want to do. JPs, mini dungeons, dungeons, Bounties (everywhere, not just PoF), Adventures, Vistas, Mining, Foraging, Woodcutting, and lets add crafting and the token "kill x and bring me y of z" quest for those former Tera players that really miss those.

    Could expand to add some cool ones like a fashion show where an NPC gives you clothes to wear and you have to do a mini game where you do fashion show like emotes? Maybe a cooking contest or chef thing?

  3. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

    > > They might be working on it as a part of the next expansion. Every expansion they have had to make major changes to the engine. It's possible this time around the graphics in the new areas are just too dense, and they finally have to upgrade the engine.


    > They could do the same as PoF. Just increase the system requirements. The result is not the best but you can still brute force a lot with faster hardware.


    POF had massive changes around the networking. Mounts moved too fast. And flying was a problem.

    It's probably partially why all story instances, not just POF, now crash frequently, especially during cut scenes.

  4. I personally find the dollar price of gems absurd. Especially once converted to Canadian.

    But honestly the price of everything in the world makes no sense. A can of coke is $2, costs 0.05 cents to make. A&W burger can be $10+. A tank of gas is $40. And a single chance at a mount skin is $20. At least you keep the skin for as long as the game lasts. So it's arguably good value?


    But I have never bought any gems, and I still have one of every character class, 3 extra banks, several outfits, build templates, skins, mounts. GW2 lets you pay the whales for the gems they bought with gold that you farmed for. Seems fair.


    I don't think we are ever going to see another micro(macro?)transaction store that doesn't specifically target whales.

  5. > @"frareanselm.1925" said:

    > This still a problem in may 2020. Just make the annoying endless balthazar fight, and when I'm in the Departing part 2 when I talk to Joko and then have to find a Grenth priest the client disconnects automatically! Im no gonna repeat the most annoying fight in the game again!

    > Its a shame that 2 years later this is still happening!


    > @"Korwind.3685" said:

    > Can we get some help please?


    > @"Swizzles.4269" said:

    > 4 times I have done this today and it disconnects. So annoying


    I just redid this. Got through first try by having my spouse to sit in the instance with me. I have no idea why having a party member sit around as a wisp fixes it, but it does. Give it a try. Maybe a guild member will agree to hang out in the instance with you.

  6. Laptops are loaded with custom poorly done drivers to enable all those soft keys like volume, brightness, back lights, etc. You should never upgrade the os on a laptop unless your certain the manufacturer actually made updated drivers that actually work.

    I have not found a manufacture that actually supports there software 5 minutes after it's released.

  7. Yeah lots of bad information here.

    Simply put, upgrading to DirectX12 would do nothing for performance. They would have to re-write the entire rendering pipeline to take advantage of it.


    They should be doing this, and I don't understand why they aren't. This game is the only thing keeping the company floating, and they don't appear to be planning for any eventualities like when AMD and nVidia stop caring about DX9 features in their cards.


    We can only hope they aren't idiots and are actually building something and just haven't told us. Maybe it will be the next expansion. It would explain why it took so long.

  8. And honestly all the open world content is soloable too, except for things clearly labeled as group content. Roll a tanky enough character and even champs are soloable.


    But GW2 is a group game. I play with my spouse all the time, basically nothing we can't do as co-op. I give credit to Anet for that. Even obviously solo stories can be co-oped.

  9. > @"ancafr.9274" said:

    > I'm satisfied with the 750 ti, now the limitation is my processor i3 4160 3,6hz that will soon be replaced by one i5 4690 3,5hz. The game runs ok now but in some parts with many players i still get lag due my processor.


    > These are my settings now http://www.imagebam.com/image/11015b1337342826


    depending on the framerate you can tolerate, you can go higher. You are running lower settings than my old 560m is running, and that card is much weaker than yours. Just keep CPU things lower like shadows, reflections, character model limit.

  10. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > @"SinisterSlay.6973" said:

    > > > What is supposed to be behind those tall yellow walls?

    > >

    > > VArious Tengu will tell you about it at areas of the wall in Kessex and Caledon. They used to shoot at people in LA too - no idea if they still do


    > They only fired arrows blindly when Scarlet was attacking. A whole time period of one month, which had dredge constantly at their gate trying to bring it down.


    Awe i missed that.

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