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Posts posted by Fueki.4753

  1. > @"Kageseigi.2150" said:


    > Not only can Thieves not contest a point in Stealth, but they cannot counter Stealth either... they have no Revealing skills. So they are just as at risk of other Stealthed foes as anyone else, perhaps even more so. And seeing that almost all of their defenses are active, they cannot mitigate the damage coming from an invisible attack. This is especially troublesome for non-Dagger/Pistol/Rifle Thieves who cannot enter Stealth on demand simply to avoid getting hit.


    This could easily be prevented by the game not having stealth AT ALL.

    Thieves are the last who should complain about it.

  2. > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

    > lol, that's part of the problem here that I hope they will correct, why should we be guessing? Follow thru: Pre-presentate, present, inform, detail, deliver. We got stages 1&2, now how about some of the inform part. These aren't game breaking details and they already have it planned, what is a saga, how many episodes, what should we be excited for? I am working under the assumption that saga just means it would be started but not wrapped up under the season, which is fine, that could have been done under any LW season and I think people would be good with that. Living world should be your building blocks to bigger things.


    I'm not so sure they already have it planned.

    For all we know, episode one might still be in the "what could we do for the plot" phase.

    Also, it's high likely that the guy on the stage simply exaggerated the word 'saga' and it simply is part of the Season's name.


  3. I think it's more like an Episode 0.

    MAYBE we get to move to the starting hub of the next map, but that's it at best.

    I doubt we are going to see much more than the trailer they already showed us.

    The "prologue" arguably is just there to split the content drought since Season 5 into two halves.

    I think Episode one will come late Novembre or early to mid Decembre.

  4. Ask yourself: What made you play Engineer?

    Is it the beauty of the Flamethrower?

    Is it the explosives from the Grenades and bombs?

    Is it the unknown substances you keep drinking and spraying with your Elixir Gun?


    Did you fall in love with the hammer and/or gyros the Scrapper offers?

    Or is it possibly the light show that Yolosmith can put on?


    If it's any of the first three, you might want to play around with Core Engineer.

  5. > @"Revolution.5409" said:

    > So if anet doesn't do anything, people will continue to complain about how pvp is dying, but if you propose something new, it's not good because it's late? Those who have left the game can always return.

    > Gw2 has one of the biggest gaming platforms, it is not difficult to recreate a pvp community, people who now only play pve need a valid reason to start playing pvp or even wvw that is not a legendary backpack and anyway if I had to choose between the current pvp or try something new game mode, I would always choose the second one. :)


    Anet already has given up on pvp.

    Even IF they attempted to do something new, they wouldn't put nearly enough effort into it as is necessary.

    They don't even put a limit into the Matchmaker on how far apart to ratings can be matched against and you think there can be a new game mode for pvp?

    I'd rather have them spend the resources on fixing the problems if they spend resources on pvp at all.


  6. > @"knomslayer.9457" said:

    >I also forgot we need new hairstyles.


    I'd rather have them port existing hair style onto other races.

    With Norns and Humans that's an easy thing to do and Asura mostly can use them unchanged, too.

    Charr would be a bit problematic in that regard, but only Sylvari would be a major hurdle due to their leafy design.



  7. > @"Kaladel.1670" said:

    > Once everything we already have is balanced and up to date, why not. But introducing new spec will just make things more messy.

    I doubt there will ever be balance, unless their policy takes a drastic turn-around.

    I'd rather have new, possibly fun ways to play the classes than wait for the balance that'll never come.

    I don't think it can get more messy than the current kill-in-five-seconds-or-bunker-up meta.




  8. > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

    > majority of the people on the forums forget they announce every episode with a blog post and trailer that usually tells us what is included


    Actually they did not, and there-in lies the problem.

    BECAUSE Anet usually does the blog posts people thought a live event will be more.


    Where was the needs to do a live event in the first place, if it's just worth one blog post (and a second one for the merchandize).

    Where was the need to rent the stage?

    Where was the needs to invite (and pay) all the people that came on stage?

    Where was the need to announce it a month prior instead of one week or maybe two, if not to hype up people over nothing?

    Why did they have to put a 36 hours timer on the Stream, if not to hype up people over nothing?

  9. > @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

    > Lots of human, asura and sylvari revenants running around. Yet I rarely find charr, go for charr I'd say. Fits your thread title pretty well


    I see more Charr Revenants than anything other that's not human.

    I can't even remember having seen a single Norn revenant, despite their culture being based on legends and becoming a legend.

  10. > @"RUNICBLACK.7630" said:

    > Actually Anet themselves indicated that the Paragon strongly influenced the Guardian along with the Monk it's right in the Wiki below is the Quote:

    > Background

    > “

    > With the turmoil in Elona and the spread of the Order of Whispers into other lands, more Paragon teaching showed elsewhere in Tyria. These teachings melded with other traditions, and over time, the guardians and their abilities can be found throughout the world and among all the races. They are not tied to a particular race, philosophy, or group of gods but rather to a larger concept of proactive defense, of taking the fight to a foe and protecting those you fight alongside while appealing equally to humanity's defensive nature and the charr's desire to rule the battlefield.[2]


    > — Jeff Grubb


    Anet's visions don't necessarily reflect what is in the game.

    For example, centaurs weren't supposed to "pick flowers" while waiting to be slain.

    Yet, they "pick flowers" all over Kryta.


    Or the second half of the Elementalist description on the wiki: "What they lack in physical toughness, they make up in versatility and the ability to inflict massive damage in a single attack."

    Elementalists don't have a trade-off for being squishy, especially not in the damage department.


    > It's a pile of Elonian protection magic,

    > — Macha

    Protection magic is a monk thing, whether it's Canthan, Tyrian, Elonian or from the moon.



  11. > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > I hope they give us something back though if they were to reduce our OPness in those areas.

    > The nerfs might be fine for large group fights but solo/small scale is going to become even weaker for us.


    Or Scourges accept that having superior condition application AND superior barrier is a bit too much.

    Although I'd rather have Anet shove of some of the overpowered conditions instead of the sustain and convert Scourge into a support spec, as it should have been from the start.


  12. I'd like to have spears, as long they don't have ground targetting.

    But I still doubt we'd ever get it.


    Revenants with Spears would be weird though.

    I can only imagine Revenants using Spears by poking enemy butts through portals.

    Also, Revenants don't have a fitting offhand weapon to accompany spears, while Warriors and Guardians would have their shields.

    I used to be a Paragon main and I don't feel Guardian being close to it.

    Elementalist with Spear/Focus would be nice, too, but I'd rather see them getting long bow or rifle (albeit I guess Anet will just shove GS or Hammer into their next espec; can't have the squshiest class be good at range).


    In my opinion, the closest thing to Guardian in GW1 is a Monk/Warrior specializing in Swordsmanship and protective prayers.

    Monks also had the 'Spear of Light' spell, which possibly served as the base for Dragon Hunters' Spear of Justice (the only Guardian skill reminding me of Paragons).


  13. > @"Revolution.5409" said:

    > I am of the opinion that if Anet invested a minimum on pvp and not only to create only raids and pve contents they would benefit much more, they could take inspiration from the PvP of guild wars which has many game modes and reuse them as pvp events, implement ranked 1v1 2v2 etc .. Abandon the concept of casual, using it only for pve and make the game mode more varied and competitive.


    They should have done that much, MUCH earlier, like 5 or 6 years ago, before the serious pvp players left and the pvp community dwindled.

    If they were to implement a new mode now, it only serves to spread the remaining pvp population. Platinum players already regularly get pitted against silver players, with a new mode, Legends might be pitted against against bronze players.



  14. Than you have to play Dragon Hunter and use Spear of Justice.

    Given all the recent "Spear" skin being staves, I highly doubt Anet will ever introduce Javelins or melee land spears as their own weapon category.


    That aside, I feel Paragons are/were closer to warriors than to GW2's paladins.

    Warriors and Paragons were the only classes to make use of the Adrenaline system for skills, which became the GW2 Warrior class mechanic.

    Both share the yellow/golden colour theme, while Guardian is mostly blue in aesthetic.

    Both Warrior and paragons are mostly martial classes, while Guardian is more magical than martial.


    So, if they'd happen to put "spears" into the game, I think it'd be Warriors having a ranged staff e-spec, possibly with songs or arias as utilities.

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