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Posts posted by MonCroy.7281

  1. > @"Popocatl.2649" said:

    > Things that won't solve the problem:

    > - Change ISP

    > - Change router settings

    > - Get a new router

    > - DDU all driver and reinstall drivers

    > - Updated drivers

    > - Get a new graphic card

    > - Windows 10 update

    > - Update Windows drivers

    > - Reinstall the game

    > - Delete .dat and re-patched

    > - Use -repair on gw2.exe

    > - Use -windowed on gw2.exe

    > - Connect through VPN

    > - Open up the PC and give a vacuum blow

    > - Update and get more RAM

    > - Disable fire wall

    > - Get a new anti virus

    > - Get new processor


    > Things for future testing:

    > - Use -clientport 80 or -clientport 443

    > - Get support for Arenanet


    - Use -clientport 80 (doesn't work)

    - Use clientport 443 (doesn't work)

    - Start the game as admin (doesn't work)


  2. > @"inuraichi.6178" said:

    > to inculpatus cedo.9234

    > Thank you for the suggestion! I will definitely do that if the problem persists.


    > to popocatl.2649

    > Oh boy :( that is a mighty long list, I can imagine how frustrating it must be to have tried all those things and still have the problem. Is there a tutorial somewhere online on how to use different client ports I can follow? If there is then I can check with my housemates if they use the same ports or if I'm somehow on a different one than they are.


    > I was in the middle of my story and it just crashed again :( which is especially frustrating.

    > Thank you so much for responding, all this information is helpful. I was almost going to consider returning the pc to the store and have its componants changed. It would be discouraging to do that without avail.


    > The only things I can come up with about my computer that are different from my housemates is BIOS firmware, but I don't understand a lot about computers so I'm just guessing in the dark here, but it's good to look for differences between my computer and those of the people who don't have to problem, and to compare computers with people like you who have the same issues. :) It would be pretty amazing if we could help each other!


    I'm sure is the gw2 optimization cuz I've changed selled my laptop and then bought my actual PC Gamer and still have the problem. Oh, btw, this is the link for what you asked for:



  3. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > I haven't left, I'm not playing anywhere near as much - I used to play daily even when I had little to do in game.

    > >

    > > - Combination of there not being much to do beyond repeating content on alts. And the story is too poor for that

    > > - Episodic content is generally weaker than large scale content drops. And that applies to most games I've played as well as GW2

    > > - A directional shift by a team different from launch who seem to want to take the World of Tyria away from its roots. ( incl the ruination of Joko, the over-pushing of Aurene (who is now the central character according to the devs), a focus on touchy feely and so called shock factors which are adversely deteriorating the story)

    > > - Over reliance on unsuitable skins and effects which aren't marrying up well with the GW2 World.

    > > - A general lack of consistent comms by the devs or at least Game Directors who seem unwilling to engage with their community unlike most games I play or follow

    > > - Being worn down by the over reliance on rng, gambling mechanics and gem store. Sure these have always existed in the game and they need to fund the game, but eventually it becomes wearisome. I feel more and more we are less treated like gamers and more like something they can squeeze money from

    > > - A complete loss of every single friend who has played the game since launch

    > > - A realisation that I am missing out on too many other great games by focussing on one. Given how low the story has sunk, I've started to get back into a wider range of RPG's. So far almost all of which have been better at narrative and world building within their own contexts.

    > Basically, all of this. In addition to three more things:


    > - Difficulty level of the content. OW is too easy, while the instanced content have become to "challenging" (quotes intentional) for me to have fun. Anything occupying the middle ground has been either abandoned, or is suffering from difficulty drift in one of those directions.

    > - Heavy-handed balance changes, that seem to often make the gameplay less interesting/more annoying for reasons that seem to be more tied to some thematic vision of devs rather than actual balance.

    > - and the last, but the most important point - lack of feeling that this game still has a future. Expac abandonment and an almost total communication blackout about the future of the game causes the situation where i have nothing to look for. No expectations from the game whatsoever. Maybe the 30.08 announcement will change that, but honestly, at this point i sincerely doubt that. LS alone is just not enough to generate hype and long-term interest. And the Crystal Jesus Aurene Deus Ex Machina from the last chapter definitely didn't help.





    Basically, all of this.

  4. Things that won't solve the problem:

    - Change ISP

    - Change router settings

    - Get a new router

    - DDU all driver and reinstall drivers

    - Updated drivers

    - Get a new graphic card

    - Windows 10 update

    - Update Windows drivers

    - Reinstall the game

    - Delete .dat and re-patched

    - Use -repair on gw2.exe

    - Use -windowed on gw2.exe

    - Connect through VPN

    - Open up the PC and give a vacuum blow

    - Update and get more RAM

    - Disable fire wall

    - Get a new anti virus

    - Port forwarding for ports 80 443 6112 and 6600

    - Get new processor


    Things for future testing:

    - Use -clientport 80 or -clientport 443

    - Get support for Arenanet

  5. I have the same exact problem since november 2018 and I have not received any help from Arenanet. Someone in reddit (2017) said the problem was caused by internet inestabilities, but you said you have more than one person playing at the same time and you are the only one crashing... then I dunno whats going on. Nowadays I'm still looking for a solution. Ill help you copy/paste all info I can find.

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