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Posts posted by phoenixwil.6071

  1. The obvious spec would be for power which means Vizu double daggers. It would make sense especially going to Cantha next. It’s gotta be in sync with Shiro which is close combat. I waiting for greatsword too but I’m all for Vizu double daggers and is the logical next step. Glint goes well with Jalis. Kalla goes well with Mallyx. Vizu goes well with Shiro. Next would be someone to go with Ventari.

  2. Renegade obviously needs improvement. Whether my ideas are right or wrong are irrelevant. These are suggestions that may open more suggestions that could eventually solve the problem to finally have Anet say, "oh I see where you are going with this. Renegade needs mobility so what if we did it like this instead, tweak something here and there we can test it..." For all we know, Anet probably fixed it and waiting for the right time to announce it. I play devils advocate all the time. It's good because you can see both sides. The hard part is providing suggestions to improve Renegade that everyone likes. Everyone has their own version of how to the adjust the Renegade and everyone won't agree. Shadowstepping in the summon is a great idea. Too many times I cast it in the heat of combat and it ends in the wrong place even with the "show ground targeting" on then it gets destroyed. I needed that heal so i popped it but didn't meant to cast away from me and now I can't take advantage of the pulses nor condi reduction cause it is either destroyed or I can't reach it in time. Everyone can cast their heal and be done with it. This is not effective for Renegade so I suggested shadowstepping to it. It would be nice not to be destroyed but it ends up being like scourge shades. I'm trying to differentiate it.

  3. Renegade is fun. Rev is my main since release. I use a wvw zerg Shiro build and other times a zerg Mallyx build with great success (anyone can seem good with a zerg backing you) but do not attempt pvp with it. Therein lies the problem; Renegade is clunky and not combat self-sufficient. Bow damage is subpar (takes my ranger short bow 4-5 hits to kill a drake; takes 11-12 hits with renegade short bow to kill same foe). No mobility. No sustain. No spike. This is an elite spec and needs to act like one.




    **F2 Heroic Command**: Removed cast time. Also inflicts blind to 5 nearby foes. Adds break stun.

    **F3 Citadel Bombardment**: Adds 1 vulnerability (10s) for each strike. Gives 3 energy back for each missile that didn't hit. Yup all missiles don't hit. Sometimes it only hits once. If you can't fix the strikes, give energy back for those that didn't hit. If I have 10 missiles and it costs me 30 to cast, that is 3 energy for each. Thats a lot of energy spent for a skill that fails a lot. Maybe fix by adding a burn field like the wvw mortar so the cost is warranted even if some missiles fail to hit.

    **F4 Orders from Above**: Adds vigor (4s).

    **F5 Self-Destruct**: Adds F5 button (Alle/0c/0r) to destroy all your active summons and deal heavy damage plus their destruction effect(s) depending on which summon(s) was destroyed and how much energy was consumed. You heard me right, the cost is consume all energy with 0 cast and 0 recharge. How fitting for something called self-destruct. The damage/effect scales with how much energy you spent and how many summons you destroyed. F5 is inactive (greyed out) if your summon isn't active. This way you won't accidentally spend all energy for nothing. This skill synergies well with Charged Mists.


    **BOW SKILLS**


    **Bloodbane Path**: Adds quickness (1s) on critical hits. Adds fire field (1.5s) in a rectangular path. Adds Combo Finisher: Physical Projectile (20% chance). This skill is useless. Auto attack does better than this so I added these changes.

    **Sevenshot**: Adds shadowstep to convergence point if all arrows fail to strike a foe. This provides a mobility option.

    **Spiritcrush**: Adds torment. Increased duration to (5s). Can now use the mists to cast behind you. This prevents the unwanted self interrupts and energy loss.

    **Scorchrazor**: Adds fury (5s). Increased damage (burn and physical). Evades (¾s) on cast. Can now use the mists to cast behind you. This prevents that silly non-cast because you aren't faced the perfect direction.




    **Breakerazor's Bastion**: Adds Aegis (3s) when cast. Inflicts blind to 5 nearby foes when destroyed. Adds flip skill that shadowsteps you to center of summon.

    **Razorclaw's Rage**: Inflicts bleed to 5 nearby foes when destroyed. Adds flip skill that shadowsteps you to center of summon.

    **Icerazor's Ire**: Inflicts damage to 5 nearby foes when destroyed. Adds flip skill that shadowsteps you to center of summon.

    **Darkrazor's Daring**: Removed breakstun. Removed stability. Inflicts knockback to 5 nearby foes when destroyed. Adds flip skill that shadowsteps you to center of summon.

    **Soulcleave's Summit**: Reduced cast time to (¾s). Steals life and burns 5 nearby foes when destroyed. The dismiss flip changes to a shadowstep/breakstun flip that breaks stuns and shadowsteps you to center of summon with a 2 ammo usage. After all the ammo is used, it becomes a dismiss flip. The shadowstep/breakstun is usable as long as this summon is active and you have ammo. To destroy it, use F5. To dismiss it, use all the ammo first. This allows you to keep your current energy and elite without needing to destroy it unnecessarily. It's a strategic balance between spending the shadowstep/breakstun to keep the elite on immediate standby vs destroying it now. The longer you wait to decide, the less energy you have remaining and less damage for self-destruction due to the upkeep and spending other skills.


    Each summon deals damage/effect upon destruction (this is not the same as the skill ending). The new F5 button does more damage/effect and gives you more control over the summon's demise rather than waiting for a foe to destroy it or not destroy it or just walking away from it. Since summons are easily killed, cc'd, etc, dealing damage to foes caught in the summon field blast radius makes sense. That's what Kalla does.


    Each normal summon gets a flip skill to be used once per cast that lets you shadowstep to the center of the respective summon. The elite summon gets an ammo flip skill that is also a stun break. Since renegade summons can't target, are easy to kill, cursor gets lost, invalid path to target (this happens a lot and drives me crazy), etc, the summons end up in places where you didn't intend. This change puts you right in the center of the summon. This provides mobility and a slight defensive option. Renegade currently has one stun break and forces you to use the summon when it isn't warranted. Now with my change/addition, this gives another option to break a stun that shadowsteps you back in the elite summon. Soulcleave's Summit takes too long to cast, summon is easy to kill, has a hefty upkeep plus using other skills cost enough as it is. Ya gotta give it something to be effective in combat.




    **Wrought-Iron Will**: Adds stability (2s).

    **Sudden Reversal**: Increased damage. Increased knockdown to 4s. I have to wait for a foe to initiate it, have to spend a stunbreak, and they have to be adjacent to me. Too much foe reliance for this to happen and for a small effect.

    **All for One**: Adds Inflicts weakness on each pulse for (4s) to 5 foes in the summon field. Changes protection upon cast to each pulse for (4s). This allows some time to shadowstep to the summon to get some benefit instead of losing it since you may not be in the summon upon casting.

    **Brutal Momentum**: Just wanted to mention the negative aspect on this minor grandmaster that should not exist. Soon as you dodge, you lose the 33% critical chance. Um, what? That is odd. This is one reason why I added vigor to Orders from Above and fury to Scorchrazor.

    **Vindication**: Adds Missiles are now air strikes. The mist portals form above the target and functions just like the [Air-Strike Grenade](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Air-Strike_Grenade "Air-Strike Grenade") in the Mists but still see the missile animations so foes can have a tell to dodge them.

    **Lasting Legacy**: Adds 1 stack bleeding to all bow skills.


    What I wrote is from daily experience with the Renegade. So fun to play but has a lot of drawbacks. You know something isn't right when playing Renegade. You do the best you can to determine what changes can help since you can't test it. The intent is to share new ideas so anet can see where we are going with this. Others will post their great ideas too. Thank you for reading.

  4. Let's talk about the Revenant's role and the lack of synergy that still remains in some skills and traits. Other professions do what a Rev can do and do it easily and better. No need to choose a Rev when you can choose a Warrior. A Warrior has high sustain, high mobility, high passive heals, and high damage without the complications and risks the Rev endures. There needs to be a niche that makes the Revenant special. That makes sense to me. If not, everyone can just pick one profession cause it can do it all like the Mesmer which is overpowered. There are posts about why so I won't discuss that here but I will drop hints.


    I will discuss mechanics that don't have counters or have limited counters. Invulnerability has 0 counter. Evades have 0 counter. Damage zeroed has 1 counter but limited. Stealth has 1 counter but limited. Mobility has 0 counter (Rev requires energy and a target which is an inherent counter). There is no fear if you have those. It is a get out of jail free card. You are untouchable. A counter needs plenty of availability. Lets use physical damage as example. Armor counters it. Protection counters it and there is plenty of that to use. Blind counters it, etc.


    **Offense must trump defense or else there is no progression.**


    Here is what I propose just by using Shiro as an example since rev is the suckiest profession and needs serious help but so fun to play:


    Traits Major Adept

    **Vicious Lacerations** moves to row 1. Removes the sword requirement. This way you can use it with a bow, staff, trident, greatsword :) etc.

    **Jade Echo** moves to row 2. This trait is only good if I'm dead; needs to also be useful while I'm alive. Adds benefit: _This skill now allows your stomps to be affected by quickness. While you have quickness, critical hit inflicts Jade Winds (60 sec recharge) at your targets location._

    **Vindictive Blades** replaces Ferocious Strikes and moves to row 3. Skill changes to: _While wielding two swords, evade attacks (3/4 sec) (cooldown 10 sec) and siphon life from the attacker(s). Gain 5 energy when evading attacks._ This is a static evade meaning the Rev does not move to perform the evade. This also synergizes with all your evades to get a little extra energy.


    Traits Major Master

    **Assassin's Presence** moves to row 1. Changes to: _Increase your ferocity by 300 but other nearby allies increases by 150._

    **Nefarious Momentum** stays in row 2. Changes to: _While you have quickness, your critical strikes remove Protection (cooldown 1 sec). This removal effect can only occur once per interval on each target._

    **Malicious Reprisal** moves to row 3. Changes to: _When your attack is negated (evaded, blocked, blinded, invulnerability, etc), your next 3 attacks will be unstoppable (can't be negated) and siphon life (cooldown 20 sec)._ This synergizes better with Phase Traversal since together you get 5 unstoppables which Unrelenting Assault hits 5 times.


    Traits Major Grandmaster

    **Swift Termination** stays in row 1. No change.

    **Brutality** stays in row 2. No change.

    **Assassin's Annihilation** stays in row 3. Removes the behind and side restriction.



    **Unrelenting Assault**. Increased shadowstep range to 600. I am tempted to make this single target to maximize damage...


    Legendary Assassin Stance

    **Enchanted Daggers**. Removed cast time. Can now be used midair. Adds 3 vulnerability for 10 seconds on each hit. Increased damage and healing by 10%.

    **Phase Traversal**. Unblockable now becomes unstoppable.

    **Impossible Odds**. Removed initial casting cost. Follow-up strikes now siphon life.

    **Jade Winds**. Also inflicts reveal (3 sec).


    Row 1 is more for pve and damage. Row 2 is more for wvw and hinderance. Row 3 is more for pvp and sustain. Each row can be used anywhere of course but you see how I structured it. Created synergy amongst the traits. Gave some much needed sustain to Shiro plus a chance to get extra energy. Energy management sucks in its current state. Maybe make each legend a counter to other parallels like Mallyx can counter condition builds. Vintari can counter healing by having foes take damage when they heal. Jalis can counter bunkers by reducing foe's armor in half. Maybe you need to introduce hexes in the game and give them to Rev. A nemesis profession. Just some ideas.


    I don't have a problem with limited skills as long as those skills provide the right output. That didn't happen. These are much needed changes. I used Rev since it was introduced. I understand why you added energy plus cooldown. I get it. Can't spam the skills. Problem is you didn't give enough energy return to use the skills as a functioning profession plus some traits are subpar. Fun to play but damn it needs help. Thank you for reading.

  5. My achievement points are stuck at 24,043 for over a week. It could be two weeks but I got suspicious about a week ago but didn't hit me until today. I was like, "is my total not increasing?." I looked at it today as I earned my daily and it did not earn the 10 points. Let me rephrase that. It shows I earned my daily 3/3 and got my chests...just not the 10 points. This is why I didn't notice right away because everything seemed normal. Last achievement I believe I earned (about two weeks ago) were 25 points from defending supply camps in wvw and pushed me over the 24000 mark + a few achievements like bat slayer or something like that. Thats when i got the big chest (24000 mark). Maybe that is a clue for anet. My best guess is I transferred back to my server around two weeks ago. Maybe a bug happened then. Maybe related to not earning wvw pips for a week when first transferring due to not being a "citizen". I obviously didn't look at my achievement points at that time but when I see a familiar number when logging in, I scratch my head and say something doesn't look right. Lol well my achievement points stayed the same. I lost over two weeks worth of achievement points...

  6. You can’t call it a buff when you also nerf it. When the only physical attack on a weapon gets a recharge, that’s a nerf. They cut the range in half on the 1 spot which makes it almost useless especially when everyone can hit you from 1200. They did a great job with the trident. It is dependent on the active legend which works for any build. The spear didn’t get that upgrade. So if a power Shiro wanted to use the spear, it only has one option which is now nerfed. It didn’t have a cool down so you can stay in a fight. Useless as it is now. A sitting duck for the recharge. It needs an update similar to trident based on active legend. From my analysis, the spear is now towards celestial stats and the trident is for specific stats.

  7. I agree. Kraitkin is lacking visuals. Can’t tell you are weilding a legendary unless you look close. The footfalls are lacking too; subpar to other legendaries. Projectiles, damn even the attacks don’t show legendary effects. Critical strike impacts don’t do anything either but the spear is bad ass when critical striking (the spear is now useless for a power rev but that is another topic). The nighttime effect is already known so maybe Anet intends to fix soon since the underwater improvements.

  8. The Ulgoth meta event isn't working/starting. Can't get my legendary because of it. It's been bugged for at least a week but others mentioned its been longer. You can hear Ulgoth's voice and see the timer but the first event doesn't initiate. Captain Ganes is stuck at forward camp which means it hasn't reset. I talked to Ganes to see if it helps trigger the event but that didn't work. Had some rock dogs destroy mortars to see if it triggers a reset but that didn't work either. Obviously I shouldn't have to try those, it should just work. Thank you.

  9. If anyone wants to conduct and obvious test, run side by side with an ally or be near each other running to the same objective. Everyone runs at the same speed. The distance and pace between you and your ally is the same. Don’t enter combat. A simple race. Your ally doesn’t zig zag or use mobility skills or anything, just hit R to run. Now pop IO. Boom, you are now slower than your ally yet you are the one using super speed. It certainly isn’t supposed to make you slower. It was fine before the update.

  10. I first noticed it in wvw. Our Zerg was in combat. I cast IO and expected to zoom by everyone. Nope. So there are two bugs: 1) super speed doesn’t always execute even though you will see the green flurry effect, 2) when it executes, movement speed fluctuates from fast to slow to fast to slow etc.


    I just tested it again when I logged in. Didn’t expect a champ bounty boss to be beside me. Popped IO and saw the speed fluctuations. To be clear, the slow animation is not like the cripple animation. It’s about the slow movement as if time is halved moving at slo mo. Odd. Name fits.

  11. Here are some ideas for new skills:


    1. This skill can't be negated (evaded, blocked, blinded, invulnerability, etc). I can see this built into an elite.

    2. Your next skill can't be negated (e.g., if using meteor shower, each meteor can't be negated since description is for the skill, not just the first hit).

    3. Retaliation on you deals 500% more damage.

    4. Foes incur the same damage they dealt to you.

    5. Shadowstep your target to your location and steal health; range 2000.

    6. You can't be targeted.

    7. Conditions are converted into regeneration using the condition's degen rate.

    8. You are immune to x condition (condition selectable when out of combat).

    9. An aura that siphons life from adjacent foes.

    10. Pulse blindness to nearby foes.

    11. Siphon life from foes that hit you.

    12. Foes that hit you lose a boon for each hit.

    13. Siphon endurance from your target.

    14. Disable your target's weapon swap by x seconds.

    15. Foes' heals/regen/gain will now cause health loss/degen instead.

    16. You and your target switch positions .

    17. You and your target can't attack each other.

    18. When attacked, adjacent foes take damage.

    19. Target's power and condition damage are set to 0 for x seconds.

    20. Target's armor is set to 0 for x seconds.

    21. You can see stealth foes and target them.

    22. Your weapon, AoE, and skill range is increased by 300.

    23. A timer appears over target's head and must use their elite skill before timer ends or take huge damage.

    24. Pull your target and inflict Dance (new condition Dance that movement controls are randomized and heal is disabled).

    25. Target's weapon/skill 1-5 or 6-0 bar are Jumbled (new condition Jumble that randomzies positions of skills; e.g., auto attack normally in 1 slot may be in the 6 slot).

    26. Summon npcs/creatures in the area (up to 5) to be your allies.

    27. Summon a diety to fight for you. You enter stealth and can't attack until your summon dies or you unsummon it.

    28. Build a charge that detonates after x seconds.


    * Accuracy: new attribute/boon that increases your chances to hit evading foes.

    * Yank: the upgraded version to Pull (like Launch is to Knockack), it can also yank downed foes/allies.

    * Resource: All professions will have a resource (energy, initiative, adrenaline, heat, clone, etc) and are now classified under Resource. This allows us to create counterplay to these skills such as "target's resource gain is disable for x seconds".


    I have more but this is should be enough. I didn't get too detailed but anet can see where I'm going with it. I didn't specify times nor which is a trait, normal skill or elite. Some are extensions from gw1. Please be innovative. Some skills have zero counters like invulnerability and is used a lot without counterplay. In combination with traits and skills, I've seen foes that can't be hit for like 18 seconds straight and that is ridiculous. I post this because I see redundancy in skills/builds across profession. Some of the Soulbeast traits mimic the Revenant traits. Look at the ranger build which mimics a warrior build especially using Signet of Stone. I'm like, am I fighting a warrior or ranger, can't tell the difference lol. I don't know if anet is running out of ideas but lets help!

  12. When using this skill, there is a slow movement interval. The interval isn't consistent but def there. Hit a creature, use IO, see the super speed but then it slows movement by 50% as if crippled then goes to super speed then slow movement to 50%, wash, rinse repeat. Sometimes the super speed will not activate but will still see the animation (green wave flurries). Happens at random intervals. It didn't do this until the Feb 6, 2018 update. I was killed by an arrow cart because the super speed didn't kick in but the slow movement did, no energy left for Riposting Shadows to remove cripple, and the nerf to phase traversal range check didn't allow me to shadow step out of it haha. First time I was killed by a ***damn arrow cart and I'm a wvw mythril assaulter. So embarrassing. Please fix.

  13. Yup based on their tease, it is a nerf. To be fair, they certainly wouldn't do that without a way to offset it. Shiro doesn't have defenses and relies on vulernability for siphoning and higher damage potential. Spending 50 from my elite will leave me useless just to have a refresh for 5 vulnerability. Doesn't make sense unless they are implementing something for survival...stealth. If their intent is to spike on the first attack, I can see anet adding stealth to Impossible Odds. It would make sense. Fits with Shiro since he is an assassin. Anet removed our block from sword 4. Can't maintain Impossible Odds long and attacking your target will knock you out of stealth. Constant low energy then casting skills on top it. With no defense and the vulnerability nerf, Shiro needs something so yeah I can certainly see stealth added to Impossible Odds.


    On a related note, Enchanted Daggers needs to be an instant cast. It can assist with the burst in mid attack. It has a lot of drawbacks for a heal since it can be blocked, evaded, reflected (which heals your target lol wtf), blinded, stealth (requires a target), armor, time limit, obstructed, used if it hits target or not, low base heal, etc. Other professions don't have these useless restrictions on their heal. While you are at it, add stealth to it too. If you not gonna let Shiro heal with it, he may as well hide with it.


    One more thing, changes to Minor Adept is badly needed. Example, Jade Echo is only useful if I'm dead. Um, I don't plan on dying so why in the world would I consider that a choice?? Jade Echo is bad since it requires you to die which I am trying to prevent and my death needs to be nearby foes and has a 90 sec cooldown. If I'm downed, it makes no difference anyway if I stun them or not. I can't heal enough to recover before the stun is over; and that is if they are stunned since blind, stability, block, etc prevents it. The trait is subpar. Ya gotta add more to it for when I'm alive; maybe add a 1 sec stun on sword attacks (cooldown 10 sec) if target has vulnerability.


    Same for Ferocious Strikes, only useful for dual-handed weapons. What about if my swap weapon is a Hammer, Shortbow, or Staff? That means the trait is only useful sometimes. Maybe Ferocious Strikes can also apply vulnerability. For Vicious Lacerations, add blind foe (cooldown 10 sec) when wielding two swords.


    Just some ideas to help anet.

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