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Julischka Bean.7491

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Posts posted by Julischka Bean.7491

  1. Err are you studying for a test, or writing a paper, and wrote this post to get your thoughts in proper working order?


    Either way...it was a good read :)


    One question though. How do you know people are in complete silence at banks and such? They might be engaging in guild chat, or whispering to the person next to them.


    Example, I stood at the bank for 30 minutes the other day outwardly quiet...but...I was not banking. I was having a hilarious conversation in whisper mode about why I use the torch on power builds :)

  2. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > 6th bonus for rune of the ogre. Its completely useless but hey if you want it go for it.


    I am not so sure it is completely useless. Many times in my solo playtime the enemy has attacked it instead of me and that alone has worth.

  3. > @"Zephyr.5382" said:

    > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > > > I hope so. Diving underwater would add as much as swim infusions did unless there is new content to explore that utilizes the dive ability.

    > >

    > > Ack, good point. It would make the swim infusion useless.


    > These are the comments I was looking for. That's why I don't think underwater skimmer will be a thing--as much as I'd love it.


    Maybe getting the Skimmer underwater will require a new Mastery , with collections to complete and a certain number of Swim-Infusions could be required for these collections.

  4. Hello everyone.

    I have been reading all the posts about the length of time Tickets are getting answered nowadays.

    What I read had me making a post of my own.


    Sunday morning I had finished The Heart Of Thorn's story with the miraculous help of a kind soul on my Friendslist.


    We had been up all night doing it and finally got it done in the early hours of Sunday morning.


    He had expressed an interest in getting the Armistice Bastion Pass.


    I have it, and, even though I do not WvW, it is my favorite of the passes...so, I decided to buy it for him as an expression of my great appreciation.


    Well, I was sleepy and in a big hurry, so, instead of Gifting, I sent the pass to myself :(


    I have always had wonderful responses from submitting tickets..some responses within hours even...so I sent in a Ticket.


    A few hours later after thinking about it, I went back and added screenshots.


    So now, it is Wednesday, and I have not heard anything other than the standard "we got your ticket email."


    The pass has only two more days in the Gemstore, and, I am, especially after reading all the horror stories about the length of time it takes for a Ticket to be answered, nervous.


    What should I do if I have not heard from support in time?


    I am leaning towards waiting until the last day the pass is in the store, buying another for my friend, reopening the ticket, and requesting my Gems back if I have not heard back by then


    Does this sound like a solid plan?


    Thank you all for reading this, and thanks in advance for any advice.




  5. Hello all.

    I had a normal playtime today. If I had lag, it was not bad. At the end of my jaunting about Tyria I noticed that my food expired.


    No problem. I went to the chef station at "Armistice Bastion" to make more and I saw that this Reaper did not have chef.


    So I crafted chef to 500 and logged out to make lunch for my family.


    I logged back in a bit ago and to my surprise my reaper was a necro again !!!!!


    My greatsword was still equipped, but my whole build was gone.


    Where my build should have been was as bare as a baby's behind.


    I do not use templates so whatever happened had nothing to do with them.


    Now I have to recreate my build again, and for the life of me I do not remember what traits I used...which angers me because I was truly enjoying what I had.


    Should I put in a ticket? The only thing I lost physically was my build. I can make another...but...but...my wonderful build, wonderful to me at least, was taken from me :(


    Oh, and the last thing I did in the game, crafting chef to 500, is still valid. My chef remains a chef :)


    Very strange.




  6. I do not have the Rollerbeetle, Griffin, or the Warclaw.


    I would like the system to check if these critters are unlocked before awarding skin.


    For example, if I buy a mount gambling ticket, I would like the system to first check to see if I have actually unlocked Warclaw, Griffon, and Rollerbeetle. If I have not, then the system will not award me with a skin for the critters I do not have.


    I bet Anet would sell more mount gamble tickets if people were assured they would get something they can actually use.

  7. Yay! I got my gloves!!!!!!!!!!!


    What I did was I got disgusted with my two lowbies and fired up my level 80 Guardian who has always gotten good drops.


    She is a Norn, so I took her to Wayfarer and beat up all the sub level 10s I came across.


    I enjoyed myself because I changed up her build a bit.


    As I was beating the snot out of everything I could beat the snot out of, I experimented with the spirit weapons.


    And, I got the Glove Box!!!!!!!!!!




    It does drop people.


    Winners are losers who try one more time :)


  8. > @"Urud.4925" said:

    > I created a new character and all the boxes dropped after 15 minutes of farming bandits in the cave of Queensdale (I was between level 5 and 8). I equipped the gear once I looted it, and I never had duplicates. Only the helm didn't drop from bandits: I got it from a veteran boar at lv10.

    > This is not to say that this is what you should do, just to say that on "normal conditions" it's not really farming.


    Thank you Urud :)


    Queensdale bandit cave here I come :)


    oh, err, should I kill off my character and start fresh again?


    Probably should...mutter, mutter, stupid kitty.


    Thank you Urud :)

  9. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > The boxes drop from level 10 and under enemies. The specific boxes (i.e. hands) will drop depending on whether you have unlocked the collection item that requires equipping them. If you equipped the gloves then you won't get the box again. If you don't equip the gloves, you'll continue to get the glove boxes as possible drops until you do.


    > > @"MysticReaper.4318" said:

    > > another thing i noticed. the regular enemy npcs normally kill are dropping nothing at all. i kill the same npcs several times and no item dropped at all.


    > It's a low drop rate.




    Many questions about this.


    (1) I had a glove box drop yet had not equipped it...could not figure out why until I suddenly remembered the reason.


    I am thinking this was the first box that dropped for me. It dropped and I had opened it while fighting my diabetic kitty for my Mexican Pizza. He is newly diagnosed and still at the stage where he HAS to eat everything his little nose says is edible. I was trying to get him away from the box while trying to pick the glove. I was in a hurry and for some very dumb reason thought they were all for my armor weight, just different designs.


    Got the "poor starving" kitty off the desk and tried to equip the gloves....could not do so.

    I had chosen Light instead of Heavy.


    Figuring I would get another shot at the right gloves I went on my merry way.




    I hear that extra boxes will drop...that is not my experience.


    I even made a second brand new character, jacked-up my magic find, and redid the map completion in all newbie zones. Slicing and dicing anything that got in my way....


    I ended up with a lot of crafting stuff and even more junk items but no boxes and no gloves.


    I then got the original character with whom I did the achievements.


    I jacked up her magic find and sliced and diced all living creatures like a homicidal maniac for about an hour so with the dismaying reality of no boxes and no gloves.


    What am I doing wrong????


    Should I send in a ticket?


    Sigh. I should have let the silly cat dive into my Mexican Pizza and actually paid attention to the choices in front of me.



  10. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > > These should be retroactively completed for people who already did the requirements in the past.

    > > > I don't have a free character slot to do some of them.

    > > Sure but only if you don’t get the AP and rewards.


    > Why shouldn't I get rewards for map completion when I did it on 9 characters in the past?

    > Why shouldn't I get rewards for reaching level 10, when I did so over 10 times in the past?


    > The only reason they don't retroactively gave out the rewards is to get some people more character slots.

    > In other words: It's merely a cheap strategy to get more money.

    > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > > There should be a vendor that let's you buy the equipment boxes on any character over level 10

    > I got five boxes (three different ones and two dupes) on my level 80. You can get them when your max level characters are down-leveled.



    ...snip...You can get them when your character is downleveled...snip


    Thank you for stating this. I somehow missed equipping the gloves, but did open the box. I went back and made a new, new character, but, by the time I got her to level 11, nothing had dropped for me. ..so I came to the forums looking for help.


    I will keep at it then because I like this character and do not want to delete.


    Thank you.

  11. > @"Aru.4156" said:

    > I'd love to have these skins! I wanted to have a nice backpack for my Engi that fits him but the universal multitool pack doesnt quite look well on him. The closest I could get is one of the scribe backpacks (lv125 I think) but that's pretty hard to get to for me. So having all of these skins available in some way so I can pick and choose would be fantastic!


    I have not looked at pricing, but the scribe backpacks are in the trading post and sometimes they drop with a black lion key.

  12. I am having fun with this. It has been a long time since I have played as a true lowbie. I usually use birthday scrolls and crafting to hit level 80, only then do I sally forth out into the world.


    Grin. For these new achievements, I am wearing level appropriate armor and weaponry. I am not flipping through my wardrobe, and I am using my Skyscale as little as possible...however, because I forgot how it feels to run slow, and, I was never good at getting to some vistas...my Raptor and Springer are getting a workout :)


    I am also taking my time and enjoying it.


    Thank you, ArenaNet.


    Edit-I also deleted a character and made another for this merry achievement chase. A true lowbie.


  13. > @"Ash.5274" said:

    > I was also hoping for some more combat orientated tutorial achievements here, but Anet have said they plan to expand on this approach, so maybe in the next phase if such a thing is on the cards. Perhaps they could add a new set for the next level of maps (Kessex, Snowden, etc.), slightly tougher or more challenging achievements with a focus on skill usage and combat mechanics - CC, combos, breakbars, and so on.


    > I do applaud the effort though, some proper tutorialization for new players is long overdue. Anet have made a start, now they need to follow through.


    Focus on skill usage? Kitten..I would never get out of Kessex :)

  14. > @"Kruhljak.2705" said:

    > For those of you that genuinely find this topic's question of interest may I suggest the following YouTube video:


    > [The Loner: Why Some People Play MMOs Alone](



    > It's a talk given at GDC 2011 by Damion Schubert (then of Bioware Austin) which I think should prove insightful to both those who are the loners in the title and those who think those loners just don't get what "multiplayer" means. I think this may be most enlightening to the latter since the former already know why they prefer soloing in a multiplayer game. The talk covers both the, I suppose you'd say, the psychology of the MMO loner and various business aspects of the topic.


    WOW!!!!!! This is long but worth listening to...too long matter of fact. However, what I listened to, was so good I plan to listen to the entirety sometime today.


    Thank you for this.

  15. > @"Graymalkyn.8076" said:

    > I agree with the OP, but for different reasons. I am in a not unknown, but relatively rare, position of being a full-time caretaker for my wife's parents. I can easily sit and play for several hours, or be called away at a moment's notice. I love the game, but this really restricts my ability to do things like raids, PvP, fractals, etc. I can do PvE at my pace (just restart an instance if I get called away), or WvW where I can come and go as needed. So having more solo stuff would be nice. Although, lately a lot of the story stuff takes 30-60 minutes to complete as well, so I frequently have to restart those. Shorter personal story instances would be my first request.


    > That being said, I know I'm in the minority, and don't expect the game to change for me, but thought this would be a good place to throw in my 2 cents.


    I am a full-time caretaker for my mom who has Dementia. I know exactly where you are coming from.



  16. The game needs what players have consistently begged for.


    We need new Elite specs..even if it leads to power creep..power creep can be fixed when you get the data on what is power creeping. Shoot, they, Anet, should test the specs internally. Put their most skilled and cunning employees in the PVP testing environment, load them up with the new elite specs, and dare them to break something...find out how much powercreep they can get out of the specs. Dangle an extra paid day off for those who find a way of breaking something.


    New hair and faces, horns and beards....we want them !!!


    Make the story path dungeons soloable.


    Give the living story a difficulty slider Some of us like the story, others like being challenged.


    Please Anet, this is a wonderful game.


    Please, do not ruin it by mucking around with making another game until this one is back on its feet...then you can muck :)

  17. > @"HardRider.2980" said:

    > > @"Abraxxus.8971" said:

    > > > @"HardRider.2980" said:

    > > > > @"Abraxxus.8971" said:

    > > > > I just want my Scarlet Briar. After her, the rest would be bonuses.

    > > >

    > > > Hands down the best

    > >

    > > Love your sig, Hardrider. Justice server here *holds up torch*


    > Union (onion) here /em Torch

    > I know it's returned, but it just doesn't feel the same ne more. Still watching it though in case it changes :D


    I know what you mean. I downloaded it, made a character, but my heart just is not into it anymore. I think it was because I was restricted to scrappers and Brutes as I played solo. In this game, I can play every Profession solo and truly enjoy it.

  18. > @"Abraxxus.8971" said:

    > > @"HardRider.2980" said:

    > > > @"Abraxxus.8971" said:

    > > > I just want my Scarlet Briar. After her, the rest would be bonuses.

    > >

    > > Hands down the best


    > Love your sig, Hardrider. Justice server here *holds up torch*


    Darn, instead of holding up a torch, go play the game. That is what my silly better half is doing right now.

  19. Everyone here has said something I agree with.


    Daddicus.6128 hit the nail on the head for me.




    "First is more achievements available for less-than-perfect gamers. It is impossible for anyone without top skills to get radiant (or hellfire) skins for all pieces. The vast majority of achievements that I don't already have are unattainable by me; I'm just not good enough to complete them."




    I would roll over with sheer delight if this became so. I too am a sorry gamer, but I very much enjoy what content there is in the game that I can do.


    Grin. I would pay real money or a lot of gold to hire someone to aid me in the hard stuffs...not do it for me, just help.

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