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Julischka Bean.7491

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Posts posted by Julischka Bean.7491

  1. > @"Westenev.5289" said:

    > I mean, I don't mean to sound heartless, but if the game was balanced around disabled people, then the game would be unsatisfying for people with better reflexes.


    > I think asking for specific changes rather than a blanket nerf would be better received. In the past, someone noted that the ball throwing part of the skyscale collection was a wee bit hard for people with disabilities... So anet made it a little easier. So they seem amenable to this argument.


    I agree. Due to brain damage, I physically have a hand-eye coordination problem which makes Jumping puzzles a pita...as well as teaming...If I get that far, I am wondering how I will fare with that ball...but I know tons of the player base love jumping puzzles and I don't want to take that away.


    Maybe Anet could give us a choice. Like with the Skyscale of power collection. One of these is the jumping puzzle which might force me out of the race for a Skyscale


    Maybe they could have us choose three out of a choice of four...something like that. The way they did with the old monthlies.


    That way, the people who can't do jumping puzzles can skip it and those who love it...that will be their first choice :)


    Just a thought.

  2. > @"mmkstarr.8935" said:

    > Give the guy/gal a break. They're in excruciating nervous pain. They're trying to play a game. Do you know how fruiting difficult that is in the first place?


    I know. It is the same as trying to work a full-time job when you need two hip replacements pronto but the waiting list is months and months long because your surgeon is so talented. Those who have never experienced chronic pain..really do not understand..and I sincerely hope you never have to.


    Kelpersey, my hip replacements are done, but the daily pain is vivid still. ...so I have to ask a question that I myself have been asking myself lately "Is the Skyscale worth the pain, both physical and emotional."


    The requirements for this mount were put in place to keep us busy so we do not notice how long the next living story will take to get here.


    I am hoping that because they made it so legendary to get, the mount will not be required in the next story.


    I took to the saddle every time I looked for Scales, Sick skyscales, and Eggs.


    When I got dismounted from the Skyscale, and I did quite a bit because I am a clutz, I got on my Rabbit and always felt a jolt of relief.


    Hmm..I am facing a jumping puzzle I am not sure I am coordinated enough to do and thus might have to stop my Skyscale hunt which kills me.


    So, I understand where you are coming from.


    Only you can make the decision about whether to keep on...there is no shame attached to deciding that you choose not to put yourself in such a position that you go to bed crying because of the pain.


    I wish I could give you a great big warm Texas hug.


    Lisa-cheering you on whichever path you take.


  3. > @"yann.1946" said:

    > > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > at fist 10,173 AP is very very small value .. some partes kick is u not have 25, 30. Ans this 25 30 is minimal input value. So if u have 10,173 AP. - this is nothing nowadays.

    > > at second - relax, drink tea and join other squad.


    > I honestly have never seen an open world squad kick based on ap


    I did not get kicked. they just vanished...and now I know why :)


  4. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > Always keep in mind that GW2 is a single player MMO. Only raids and fractals require a group to clear efficiently, meta events just happen. Bounty trains might have a squad, but only to show where to go and to coordinate some heals maybe. None of it requires a single word in chat. Trust me, that's how I played this game during my quieter months :)


    > If you like we can play together some time, maybe to make it easier? I'm usually very patient when I'm online.


    And I am not usually so emotional :)


    Thanks Blocki :)

  5. You guys are not going to believe this. When Ronan talked about a big red skull, That brought back a memory from doing the HP. There was a critter with a red skull. I thought it was just a Boss or veteran. When Cyninja said it is over fast, I went to check on my character and I GOT CREDIT!!!!!!!!!!!


    I Did the Meta Skyscale thingy and didn't even know it!!!!!!


    You guys are great.


    OMG!!!!! I have it!!!!!!


    Now, there is one more thing that makes me nervous but I can do it solo.


    I think I am crying again, but this time they are happy tears :)

  6. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

    > > Remember, I have no experience at all with teaming...these people thinking I was lying about my AP and vanishing like they did made me feel worthless.

    > >

    > > Another squad would probably do the same darn thing. See my AP and figure I know what I am doing..


    > You are making connections where there might not be any. Yes, people might have asked about how you can not know about grouping with 10k AP. That can very well be absolutely unrelated to them leaving you alone.


    > Given you are unexperienced with grouping and the fact that there was no more tag near you, chances are a lot higher that the tag changed maps and removed people who did not follow. Or a multitude of other possibilities which are completely unrelated to you or your AP. Given this meta is done quite fast, it might also have simply been over and the group disbanded having achieved its goal.


    Thank you for being a voice of reason. I really do appreciate it. And, you are probably right :)



  7. > @"Ronan.9518" said:

    > The meta is on a timer, if you want to know when it is about to spawn you can check there. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Path_to_Ascension The doppelganger event is the one you need.

    > Once the pre-event has been done https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Disperse_the_wild_magic_that_escaped_from_Augury_Rock the event you need will start https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shift_beyond_reality_to_confront_the_crazed_doppelganger. A random player within the area is targeted and a boss with his/her appearance will spawn at his/her location. Look out on the map for a "~~big~~ red skull" to know the location where you need to go.


    Seriously....find the time it starts, look for a big red skull, and join in the fray???



  8. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > No meta requires you to be part of a group or squad. Simply be present and tag the enemies in the meta event and you are good. Being member of the squad simply helps with organization or getting people on the same map.


    See, I did not know that. I thought something called META required a squad :)

    Thank you :)



  9. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Click the icon of the Commander in the mini-map, and it will say "Join Squad".

    > Or use the LFG to join a squad.


    I did. I joined the squad. That is when it all fell apart. They saw my AP and it was all over. They felt I should know how to join a squad and was playing them.


    Teaming for you is easy. For me, it is not.


  10. > @"Poormany.4507" said:

    > I don't understand what exactly happened or what the problem is here. Why didn't you just follow the squad around to do the meta instead of joining them or if they switched maps, wait for the next meta event with a different squad?


    Because teaming is so very hard for me. I am a clutz, and feel I am a terrible player. Reaching out to join that Meta team took courage on my part.


    The Meta had not started yet, I was following the squad abround..did a HP with them.


    I needed more game food, I summoned my temporary bank, and while I was grabbing my foodstuffs, they vanished.


    Remember, I have no experience at all with teaming...these people thinking I was lying about my AP and vanishing like they did made me feel worthless.


    Another squad would probably do the same darn thing. See my AP and figure I know what I am doing..





  11. I am back. Sorry for my emotional post. This is what happened. I came across a group that was getting ready for the Elon Meta. I need that for the Skyscale so I asked how to join. I was told to click on the Blue tag on the map. I did. Once I was a part of the squad they noticed how much Ap I had and thought it weird that I have that much AP and not know how to join a squad... they then proceeded to make comments that led me to believe they thought I was lying about my lack of experience.


    I followed them around as they were waiting for meta to start.


    Did a HP with them.


    Realized my game food was gone, brought out my bank, and grabbed some.


    After chomping down my food I realized I was alone.


    I did not see a single tag on the map, nor did I see my squadmates..little dots on the map.


    Gone. Poof.



  12. I come to you with tears falling my cheeks. I tried so blasted hard. I gathered up all the scales and medicine, I found all the sick skyscales, I gathered up all the eggs...I opened up all the spirit of Skyscales..then I found one part of it is a Meta.


    I , I tried anyway.


    Just now I tried to do a meta.


    I tried.


    I found a group, asked how to join a squad, joined it, a blue tag, and then it started.....


    I have been playing almost since launch...solo.


    I have 10,173 AP.


    When they found out how much API have these people thought I was lying when I said I did not know how to join a squad.


    I tried to keep close to the commander but had to stop and eat some food..game food....


    They vanished. I have no idea where they went.....I, I oh my god I am crying hard.


    I solo because I am shy, I am a clutz, and thus a bad player....but I wanted the Skyscale...and now...and now I can't have it.


    Please people....somneone can hjave 10, 173 AP and still not know how to joing a squad...

    I cn't type..Be nice





  13. > @"Thalimae.3406" said:

    > You can easily get to the top of the wing with a rented Skyscale - when you look on this map -> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/b/b8/Dragonfall_map.jpg <- it's the one at the bottom of the area marked "The Skein" right next to "Crystal Wing". Mount that one and then fly over to the wing. There's a path outside the wing (west side when you look on the map) that you can go up with your rented mount.


    > (It's the same path @NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935 eventually ends up on when he mines the Mithril at around 12:45min. When the camera pans around at 13:03 you can even see the ledge with the rentable Skyscale.)


    Going to look for it. Pretty sure I am going to repeat this story on an alt. Thank you Thalimae.

  14. Lisa comes rushing into thread with a big wide grin on her face!!!!! I did it!!!!! I completed the story!!!!!!!!


    YAY Me!!!!!!!


    Ok, I know the story was a piece of cake to you all...but for me, finishing it, is a thing to celebrate and be happy about!!!!!!


    Now on to the Skyscale collections....


    Please oh great Anet spirits..hear my plea for me to have the ability to get a Skyscale :)


    Wish me luck.


    Lisa-going into the kitchen and whomping up a delicious celebratory breakfast.

  15. Yesssss...more hair styles. I remember when we were getting new hair and faces. I felt like a child in a candy store. ..so happy.


    I never understood why they suddenly came to a screeching halt. It was if they, the hair-makers and the face-makers, had forgotten their craft.


    Those human styles and new faces prove they have regained their ability to produce more.


    So, yessss, yes, yes, yes....more hair and faces...please, please, please.

  16. I am only one slot away from max. I wonder how many people who started at launch are maxed or nearly maxed. I did not buy my slots all at once. One here, one there, oh a sale gimme...six almost seven years with 12 months per year is a long time. It adds up.

  17. Donari! You were right!! I was on the airship, just chilling, and enjoying the smooth ride, when I noticed how close I was to where I wanted to be. I took a deep breath, jumped off , and glided to the land.


    Couple of Springer hops, and I was there !!!!!!


    I completed Glory Of Dragons!




    Edit-Some kind soul announced they were on the Airship, and hauled me up there using a Teleport to Friend...which is how I got up there.


  18. > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > If after following the info above you still can't do it, please ping me. I have mesmers galore, if you haven't got a tele to friend, and can shuttle you right on up. (I am pretty sure you are on NA, if not, hopefully, an EU person will aid). Also, I don't know if this will work, but it could be that the circling airship goes close enough to that point to griffon over? Might be a chicken/egg issue, if the only way to get aboard is to go from that high spot, or the ship might circle too low. Just a wild thought I had.


    I am on NA and I have a "glory" of Teleport to Friend. Do not have Griffon, do have Glider. Have not been on Airship...on my to do list.


    Thank you so very much for the offer, but I want to see if I can figure this out first.


    Thank you, thank you, thank you....


    And if I can't, I will send you an SOS :)

  19. > @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

    > > @"NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935" said:

    > > Shameless self-promotion incoming!

    > >

    > > Here's video where I made my way up and around the wing using a mix of rent-a-Skyscale, Springer, and the Oakheart's Essence grapple. Relevant bit is about 10:05 to 16:50. Hopefully it helps!

    > >

    > >


    > Watching.



    First, I loved your video. I love how you were calm and vocalized your thoughts. I do not have Oakheart Essence though...hmm .


    Thank you for this video..I truly enjoyed it and hopefully it will help.


    Lisa-Do you have more? I will watch them.

  20. > @"NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935" said:

    > Shameless self-promotion incoming!


    > Here's video where I made my way up and around the wing using a mix of rent-a-Skyscale, Springer, and the Oakheart's Essence grapple. Relevant bit is about 10:05 to 16:50. Hopefully it helps!






  21. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > All you need to do is stay north where the several ledges underneath the plateau are, fly down to a ledge to let the Skyscale refill its endurance, then head back up, bit by bit. You can even switch to the springer to get up, no need to use the Skyscale. In order to get that high, you choose a high point west in Melandru's domain, get on a Skyscale or Griffon there (with the Griffon, you simply dive and speed boost, then skyrocket up to get to one of those ledges) and do as described before. It really doesn't take a genius to get up there ;) , just patience and the right technique. :)


    See, I was under the impression a Springer could not get up there so I did not try.


    Patience is hard to do when your inner voice is sneering at you for not being able to do such a simple thing as climb a hill, mountain, whatever it is.


    I swear I am going to slap that inner voice silly if it whispers that rubbage to me today.

    Thanks for telling me there is a way to get there without the skyscale :)


  22. > @"aspirine.6852" said:

    > Is it the part of the story to collect the blood of Kral? So you have to get to the top of the wing? I am terrible in pathing, but what works is go to the left of the map, under the wing and fly a little further until you see a mushroom you can jump on, that takes you right besides the wing and you can use the griphon(if you have it, or glider perhaps) to get to the top.

    > If I totally misunderstood your problem sorry :)


    No, you understood my problem. I do not have the griffon, which is why I want this one so much, but I do have all my mounts and all their masteries unlocked. As well as a fully mastered Glider. I will look for this mushroom.


    Thank you for the directions :)

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