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Julischka Bean.7491

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Posts posted by Julischka Bean.7491

  1. I hope this is the right place to ask this. I just made a new character, and, as usual, I had to get the guild invite from "The Vape Lords" off my screen. Is this a legit guild? If so why is this guild esteemed enough to have an invite to their guild planted in the tutorial screen??? I am surprised the other guilds do not complain about this guild grabbing all the noobs before they can.




    The Vape Lords must have the largest guild in Tyria by now...

  2. Lisa gulps hard. I do not have the Griffon, but, but I want this mount....please Anet...think of your shy, less talented players...make this mount attainable by ALL your playerbase...not just the young whippersnappers with the young whippersnapper coordination that goes along with being a young whippersnapper :)


    I, umm, after six years, am doing the ascended thing. I have my Necromancer decked out in ascended armor, weaponry, trinkets, backpack, and even an ascended water breather. If this beautiful creature takes teaming to get...well...I am going to take a deep breath and do so...just need to find a team or guild...or something...please Anet...I want it. If it is in my 60 year old power, I have a birthday coming up in June and am trying to get used to being 60, I will gladly do it..even pay double what the Griffon cost.


    Tally ho the mount :)


    Lisa-Choosing to be optimistic :)

  3. All seriousness. As Vayne and everyone has said, there are many, many, many varied reasons why people play solo in an MMO.


    I am a clutz. Very poor hand-eye coordination here, and in a small forced group of five people I would probably get kicked.


    However, I have fun with the unforced grouping. Lost in a crowd I can play without feeling like I am holding back the group and I have a blast :)


    I would relish more endgame content like this.





  4. > @"particlepinata.9865" said:

    > Perfect solution. Play singleplayer games. They are made exactly for this.


    Nope. People who solo like to read and join in on mapchat, look at how other people dress their characters, we like to look forward to updates, join in on forum discussions...what solo game does all this???



  5. > @"trev.1045" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > > > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > > > > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > > > > What about world bosses and map meta events?

    > > > > > > You can do them without being in group with anyone.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > You /can/ do them without a group, but you /will/ run into people who want to do them just as much as you do!

    > > > >

    > > > > If youre looking for a solo experience why are you here? Im honestly baffled by the question...

    > > > > A single player RPG can give you a solo experience GW2 (or any other mmorpg)will never be able to compete with.

    > > > > A mmorpg should focus on MP content.

    > > >

    > > > I've seen this answer many times on forums, and it seems like people who post it are always answered in similar ways, but they ignore those answers because they believe this statement to be true. But it's not true.

    > > >

    > > > There are people who play MMOs to have other people around without desiring to group with those people. MMOs provide a completely different type of experience, almost a voyeuristic one when compared to a single player game.

    > > >

    > > > One of my sons never groups but still plays MMOs because he likes to watch what's going on in map chat while he's playing. My wife likes joining events without communicating with other players. Being in small instanced group content is very very different from the game a lot of people play which is open world. No single game I've ever played has experiences like Dragon Stand or Auric Basin meta, but you don't have to communicate or group to do those things. You're remaining isolated while still having people around. You can go to a bar alone and watch people. You're not obligated to chat or make friends.

    > > >

    > > > There are many reasons why people might want to play a multiplayer game. Some people are lonely and like having people around, just being there, but not participating actively. Some people have social phobias and don't want to talk but they still want to experience the types of content MMOs offer, in this case things like World Bosses. Feeling like you're part of something without the communication is important to some people. And there are people who feel they're not good at the game, and they're embarrassed to be in parties with people who they'd be holding back but they still like to get into a world boss event, or even regular dynamic events in the world. It's easier than soloing because other people can show up.

    > > >

    > > > Long gone are the days where people think others don't solo MMOs. Before Rift was launched, Scott Hartsman did an interview in which he said MMO developers ignore solo players at their own peril. Wildstar once released an announcement saying they apologized for not having more solo content, because they didn't realise how many people wanted that sort of thing.

    > > >

    > > > I run a casual guild and it blows me away how many people solo, never group and never get involved. I'm pretty sure far under half my guild have ever been in a fractal or a dungeon, and most don't want to. They run around the open world, doing events, completing zones, making alts. But a lot of those same people spend quite a bit of money on the game, because they want a new skin from the gem store, or they want more bank storage because they're pack rats.

    > > >

    > > > Skyrim was a great game for me, but it still doesn't provide the kinds of experience an MMO can give me, even if I'm often not playing in groups.

    > >

    > > So ..youre basically saying that there are some vouyers/creeps who wanna play around other people but not with them? Jeez I wonder why nobody cares about them and their needa/wants.


    > Did you really just call people who like MMO games but dont like formal grouping 'voyeurs/creeps'?


    > wow.....


    Lisa the Voyeur/ Creep. Has a ring to it.

  6. > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

    > > > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > > What about world bosses and map meta events?

    > > > > You can do them without being in group with anyone.

    > > >

    > > > You /can/ do them without a group, but you /will/ run into people who want to do them just as much as you do!

    > >

    > > If youre looking for a solo experience why are you here? Im honestly baffled by the question...

    > > A single player RPG can give you a solo experience GW2 (or any other mmorpg)will never be able to compete with.

    > > A mmorpg should focus on MP content.


    > I've seen this answer many times on forums, and it seems like people who post it are always answered in similar ways, but they ignore those answers because they believe this statement to be true. But it's not true.


    > There are people who play MMOs to have other people around without desiring to group with those people. MMOs provide a completely different type of experience, almost a voyeuristic one when compared to a single player game.


    > One of my sons never groups but still plays MMOs because he likes to watch what's going on in map chat while he's playing. My wife likes joining events without communicating with other players. Being in small instanced group content is very very different from the game a lot of people play which is open world. No single game I've ever played has experiences like Dragon Stand or Auric Basin meta, but you don't have to communicate or group to do those things. You're remaining isolated while still having people around. You can go to a bar alone and watch people. You're not obligated to chat or make friends.


    > There are many reasons why people might want to play a multiplayer game. Some people are lonely and like having people around, just being there, but not participating actively. Some people have social phobias and don't want to talk but they still want to experience the types of content MMOs offer, in this case things like World Bosses. Feeling like you're part of something without the communication is important to some people. And there are people who feel they're not good at the game, and they're embarrassed to be in parties with people who they'd be holding back but they still like to get into a world boss event, or even regular dynamic events in the world. It's easier than soloing because other people can show up.


    > Long gone are the days where people think others don't solo MMOs. Before Rift was launched, Scott Hartsman did an interview in which he said MMO developers ignore solo players at their own peril. Wildstar once released an announcement saying they apologized for not having more solo content, because they didn't realise how many people wanted that sort of thing.


    > I run a casual guild and it blows me away how many people solo, never group and never get involved. I'm pretty sure far under half my guild have ever been in a fractal or a dungeon, and most don't want to. They run around the open world, doing events, completing zones, making alts. But a lot of those same people spend quite a bit of money on the game, because they want a new skin from the gem store, or they want more bank storage because they're pack rats.


    > Skyrim was a great game for me, but it still doesn't provide the kinds of experience an MMO can give me, even if I'm often not playing in groups.


    Vayne said everything I wanted to.


    And Scott Hartsman is absolutely correct. "Ignore solo players at your own peril"


    We are probably the unseen, unheard, majority. I am different in that I come out and shriek every now and then :)

  7. > @"Raknar.4735" said:

    > > @"Blur.3465" said:

    > > In any case, I support OP and I truly hope we do get some content that can be done solo or with a group depending on our choice.


    > Joining in on this sentiment, I'd also add that the content should be repeatable with meaningful rewards (doesn't have to be gold, unique skins preferred).


    > I've also always wondered why some people are "against" the idea of solo-content in a MMORPG, citing the "massively", yet they defend instanced content like dungeons / fractals / raids. 5-10 man groups aren't something i'd describe as "massively", it's more or less something i'd expect in a lobby-based game, like PoE, GW1 and even shooters like CSGO, Battlefield and Overwatch.


    Darn...I was furiously typing my reply when my screen blinked a bit and my reply went poof. My wrists must have hit something bad.


    Anyways. Two reasons come to mind when I read posts from people who do not want soloing in an MMO.


    The first of my two thoughts are that they are young whippersnappers who have "Skillz" and want to show them off. If folks are busy having fun soloing, they not only do not notice this person's "Skillz" they also do not need this person's "Skillz." To someone who thrives on adulation being thrown at their young whippersnapper feets, this soloing business must stop now!


    The second of my two thoughts are the exact opposite of the above. This person cannot play. He has no "Skillz." If folks are busy having fun soloing, they are not available to carry him through the stories...or... through Queendale for that matter...remember he has no "skillz." This soloing junk must stop NOW!


    I hope my way of writing made someone smile...but I am serious about these two reasons.

  8. Hi everyone. I hope this is the correct forum to be in. This afternoon I was trying to get across the windy bridge in the Priory mission. I finally turned my gamma up/down/brighter so I could see better.


    It worked, but, afterward, when I turned my gamma back to where I thought it was, my whole game looked...off.


    So I started playing with settings, all the settings, and got very, very, very confused.


    I then looked up YouTube Tutorials on settings and got even more confused...I guess because I am not sure how powerful my system is, and the tutorials all said what settings you use depend on your the strength of your graphics card.


    I do not play in large groups, nor do I join Zergs. I play open world and enjoy the beauty of the world around me. I also like looking at other people's characters.


    So, can someone help me with which settings I am supposed to be playing this beautiful game with????


    What I have is an Omen Desktop 870-224

    7th generation Intel Core

    i5-7400 processor

    Nvidia GeForce GTX1060

    8 GB DDR4-2133 SDRam Memory


    What my settings are now...

    DPI Scaling-Unchecked

    Full Screen Gamma-0.73


    Antialiasing-SMAA High


    LOD Distance-Ultra



    Render Sampling-Native



    Postprocessing -Low

    Character Model Limit-Medium

    Character Model Quality-Highest


    The others are all checked...

    Ambient Occulsion

    Best Texture Filtering

    Depth Blur

    Effect LOD

    High Res Character Textures.


    Thank you in advance.


  9. > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

    > Id be nice if there was individual 'package updates' for the mount skin packs.


    > You could buy them for a discounted price if you already have the rest of the mounts from the pack, or for full price if you only want the skins for for warclaw.


    > For example:

    > * Branded mount pack: 2000gems.

    > * Beetle or warclaw alone: 600.

    > * Beetle or warclaw after buying the other one: 400.

    > * Both Beetle and warclaw together: 800.

    > * Complete pack: 2600 gems.


    Don't forget that mount that is locked behind both the story and teaming..the Griffon.


    Your example should be Griffon, Beetle, and Warclaw


  10. First on my wishlist is a difficulty slider for the supposedly soloable Living World story...I know, I know, the young whippersnappers among us can solo it with ease, but, there are some of us old folk here who have problems completing it.


    Second, on my wishlist is more hairstyles that are not direct copies from another race...new faces would be nice too.


    OHHH..this should be number one on my wishlist...more character slots :)

  11. Thank you all for commenting. I should have come back to this thread yesterday evening, but I was having fun dusting off all my Charrs and running them through all the branches of the Charr Personal stories.. all six of my Charr kids are now in an order :)

  12. > @"Batel.9206" said:

    > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > I'd be wary of using baby name sites to find names with a specific meaning however because there's a lot of names in the world which don't have a particular meaning other than being a name for various people, but I guess that doesn't look good on baby name sites so they'll often ascribe a meaning to it which may as well be randomly generated (and sometimes I suspect actually is).


    > There's one website that really does its research: https://www.behindthename.com/ I've gotten a lot of my characters' names from it (mostly sylvari and norn).


    OK, I can see I am going to be spending time there. Thank you

  13. > @"Eros.6801" said:

    > Thank you for the good website, this will ease up my problem with naming my characters without spending 1 hour+ at the least.

    > I also use this website for awhile now (4 years tbh) but it has Guild Wars name for all race as well, some would know this but ima put it here anyway, have fun.


    > [https://fantasynamegenerators.com/](https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/ "https://fantasynamegenerators.com/")


    I need to go there. Thank you.




  14. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

    > > When I had enough, I went into the game and ran them through the name changer. Bingo. I found a wonderful name...wonderful to me at least.

    > I dont know, "Crusader Bingo" sounds kind of dorky.


    Grin. I meant Bingo! I found a name!

  15. Hello everyone.


    Occasionally I read threads about how all the good names are taken and how people are having great difficulties finding a name.


    My solution was sticking "Crusader" in front of the name and calling it good.


    However, I was trying to find a five letter name for my Norn and I came across a fascinating site (no, it is not mine nor do I know the owners.)


    I am clueless how to add a link, but the name is "Best Little Baby"


    They have all sorts of ways to find a name...including a name scrambler.


    You input the letters you would like your name to have or a name that is taken, and the scrambler brings up every different combination of letters imaginable...after all..a name is just a combination of letters.


    Just do not capitalize the first letter of the name or you will come up with some very odd looking results...I say this from experience.


    What I did is I first invested in a name changer from the gem store, very handy thing to keep, then got a notebook and copied down all the letter combinations that caught my fancy.


    When I had enough, I went into the game and ran them through the name changer. Bingo. I found a wonderful name...wonderful to me at least.


    The name scrambler is found under "Name Games." You will see it on the site's homepage.


    Hope this helps somebody :)





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