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Julischka Bean.7491

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Posts posted by Julischka Bean.7491

  1. > @"Biff.5312" said:


    > > This woman still doesn't get it. I really don't understand how there are people in this thread and elsewhere defending her.

    > > If anything she used the sexism card without any provocation, and the one that was doing the harassment was her.

    > > Funny how she chose to "mute" those she doesn't follow now. I guess now she tells her false story to the press.

    > > I really wish no company ever hires this person again :(


    > She said/did those things in a venue that is private and belongs to her.


    > The fact that you'd 'really wish' that someone would basically be impoverished and die says a lot. Let's see how you like losing your job because of a private conversation. The thought-police aren't just coming for people you don't like. They're coming for you too.


    I hate myself for responding to this. I really, really do. How was she in a venue that is private and belongs to her? She was on Twitter. Everyone knew she was an Arena Net dev. That does not sound very private to me.....even though she was off work, she was still representing her company.


    To me, private means nobody but those who you want to see your tweets see them..or... you are not under the banner of Arena Net ala using a pen name ..female Asura Rule for example.


    There, I said what I said, and I am going to play the game.


  2. > @"Mist.6217" said:

    > > @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

    > > What part of Texas are you from?

    > >

    > > I call College Station my home.

    > >

    > > Lisa.

    > >

    > >


    > Lol I'm right down the road from you a ways in Cypress, small world. (Yes I know you weren't asking me but I found it funny you were so close to where I am.)



  3. > @"Texas.4861" said:

    > Dumbing down the game to other game levels is what ruins a game.


    Is it really? What if it is the members of "The other game levels" who spend the most real money in the Gem Store? If this population leaves because the game got too hard that would cause real problems.


    What part of Texas are you from?


    I call College Station my home.





  4. Necromancer and Ranger are good for learning as they have minion/pets to help you. Warrior is good, but remember to slot a condi cleanse.


    As far as using your second boost...I, personally, would use it for mesmer.


    Below level 80, mesmer is a pretty difficult critter.


    Boost it, grab all the weapons that mesmer can use, then take it into open world and experiment. See what you like best. Once you have formed your own opinion, then go online and look for builds. Having had experience, the builds will make sense to you.


    Have fun :)


  5. > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

    > According to Chris Cleary, half of the people who unlocked the raptor have unlocked the griffon. That does seem to imply it's not beyond the majority's means.


    For what the Griffion does and looks like, I would say half represents a large number of griffonless folks.


    If half have not unlocked it by now, this half either does not want the hassle of getting it, or it indeed is beyond their means...by means, I mean finishing that kitten story as well as the expense.


    The young whippersnappers, with young whippersnapper coordination, have it for sure :)


    Lisa-Glad she is not a young whippersnapper anymore..this world is going Batcrazy...in a bad way.

  6. 63 pages and showing no sign of slowing down.


    Well...people are having a good time debating this so that is good.


    However, I think now would be a good time for a leaker to leak something about the third expansion and turn people's attention to that.


    I mean, what is done is done, and we cannot change things. All that can be done is to learn from this experience.


    Going forward, Arenanet needs to draw up new rules for social media posting, and they need to make sure every single employee knows how they are supposed to handle themselves on Social Media.


    I wish Jessica could understand the reason she got fired, and use this experience as a springboard to become a less bitter Jessica.


    I wish Peter could be brought back as he was not abusive to anybody, just defended a coworker he perceived as being attacked.


    If wishes were fishes....sigh.


    Ok, if anyone out there has anything interesting and juicy to leak..now is your time to shine :)






  7. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"Jukhy.2431" said:

    > > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

    > > > So I went over the polygon article, and the amount of irony and hypocrisy is staggering.

    > >

    > > Did the same and have to agree, it is very depressing to read.

    > > I feel sorry for all the Anet employees and O'Brien for having to deal with this kittenstorm.

    > >

    > > And your post was such a great read - much kudos for writing it!


    > Those gaming articles were an eye opener in the way they told only a slanted one sided version of what happened.


    > And great post Blood Red. ?


    People love reading about misery and unfairness.

  8. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > Ýou can also keep your eyes open for an HP train oooor the HPs where you just have to channel. PoF didn't have that many combat ones I believe, though it's been 9 months since I did them :)


    Oh my Gosh....the memory. I did follow a hero point train around for a bit. Then I fell off a cliff, and couldn't find them again. The Dorito was nowhere to be found on my map. It went poof. Still confused about that one.

  9. > @"JoEWas.1409" said:

    > Polygon article really slammed the company, but bias media outlets only look for the blood. Clearly the blood was in her words and now this publicly shames ANet and no questions to her character at all to consider the story. Another woman got fired from a job, must be sexist pig men opposing womens rights. :trollface: Way to go media :+1:


    > Maybe she should have been part for WvW team, not even ANet really cares what happens in that part of their game, lol.. :trollface:


    Some of those "mee too" accusers have admitted they lied to get attention. Bah.


    She is blaming everybody, and everything, to desperately avoid taking personal responsibility for her own actions. Bah.



  10. One last post from me on this thread...maybe :)


    Earlier, I proposed that Peter had one too many beers in him, and in a happily fuzzy state of mind, just saw that Jessica appeared to be attacked by a streamer and defended her. Hey, it was the Fourth of July...kitten happens when you have beer coursing through your veins.


    Well, I had shut down the computer, and was getting my mom's morning meds ready, when a thought struck me. What if Jessica had been chugging down beers as well, and her thought processes were muddled???


    Her happily muddled brain interpreted the streamer as attacking her, and when you are muddled with drink, your inhibitions are gone, and you say what you think..whether or not those thoughts are correct is another story.


    If that was the case, I think a stern lecture on why you do not post tipsy/or drunk on twitter, a write up and making a public apology explaining what had happened was all that was needed as a first offense. Second offense feel free to fire, as they have been warned.


    But who wants to admit they posted drunk/tipsy on twitter...




  11. I like reading happy posts.


    Some of the people here post things that make me want to reach out through the screen and give their ears a good tugging, so I can only imagine how the Devs feel.


    Positive feedback , happy posts...I like.


    Constructive, neutral toned, "I don't like this, and this is why" posts I like


    Heated, angry "Devs need to learn their game, I am quitting right now" Posts I hate.


    So yes. Keep up with the positive feedback posts. Being called a "White Knight" is the worst this community can call you...and I think being a White Knight for a company that produces your favorite game is rather nice.



  12. The mounts were well worth buying the expansion. I grinded to get my mounts and their related masteries, and do not regret it at all. The elite specs are worth it too..how worth it I am not sure as I have not gotten them yet..but that is only a matter of time and doing :)

  13. > @"Ashen.2907" said:

    > > @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

    > > Hi everybody.

    > > So sorry I had a meltdown. I am ashamed of myself. Yes, I have troubles with some of the story, but without doing much of the PoF story I was able to get my Jackal. I was also able to get a lot of the HoT masteries solo. Matter of fact, I just got the last of the gliding mastery yesterday! Not sure what I am going to do with it, but I have it :)

    > >

    > > So, hopefully, I am not too much of a kitten :)

    > >

    > > Hugs everyone.

    > >

    > > Lisa-who loves Illconceived Was Na's idea.


    > You've nothing to be ashamed of. You made some solid points.


    Thank you Ashen. I appreciate that so much....


    Now...it is 6:08 in the morning...let the day begin :)



  14. > @"Briolase.7306" said:

    > I've uninstalled. I know none of you care and will probably attack me for my disagreement. This entire thread and its contents are the reason I've left the game. I no longer feel welcome, as a woman, and as a person who disagrees with the ravening horde. I don't agree with Mike O'Brien's hasty actions in firing JP and PF, but I understand that he's human, that he might have panicked in the face of internet outrage. His statement here was a non-statement, and his statement to polygon wasn't much better. Whether or not his actions were a direct reaction to the outrage or not, he should have known that his actions would embolden the worst of the internet. It has divided the community, it has turned this community into a place where I no longer feel comfortable. The values portrayed in game - the inclusion of women, people of color, the lgbt community, and the disabled - seems to not be reflected behind the scenes. It is disheartening and depressing.


    > This thread is full of people crowing with glee over two people whose careers have been derailed, their lives upended. Anyone who disagrees with the mob is shouted down, accused of "siding with bullies" or of having political motives, or even of not being a part of the community. I've been playing since beta. I love this game. GW2 is my therapy for a stressful life and an anxiety disorder. But I don't feel welcome anymore.


    > I suppose I should not be surprised by the attitudes expressed by so many players, but I always held GW2's community to higher standards. I should have known all this ugliness was lurking beneath the surface just waiting to be unleashed by an event such as this.


    > Yes yes, I know, I'm the toxic one for daring to disagree with this morbid celebration. Yes yes, I know, you're glad I'm leaving. And no, you can't have my stuff.


    I care. This will pass when the next big problem occurs. As a customer, why don't you feel welcome as a woman???? I am a woman and I feel comfortable.


    If it makes you feel better, while I feel Jessica went over the line and deserved firing, I do not feel that way about Peter. He defended a coworker..probably had one too many Fourth of july beers in him to recognize exactly what it was his coworker was actually saying..he just defended a coworker who he perceived as being picked on. I would not be outraged if they brought back Peter. He did not say anything bad to the streamer in question, just defended Jessica in a show of maybe drunken misplaced loyalty.


    That's my story and I am sticking to it :)




  15. > @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

    > Naming one is too hard. This game has a plethora of positives, but the nuanced action-combat system would be at the top of things if I had to pick one. No game really plays like GW2. And they integrated mounts into it all very seamlessly.


    > Now mounts are a part of that and it just feels really good to run around in the world and everything goes smoothly from riding into action and vice-versa. Anet didn't need to do mounts but now that they have, they've absolutely knocked it out of the park.


    > I've not played an MMO that does mounts better. This comes from someone who thought I could do without them. I was wrong and Anet has set the bar really high up there for future games that would do the same.


    As far as names go use a title. Examples being Historian Deathwhisker, Crusader Pinknose Helga, Knight Templar Joe, Keeper Hector, things like that.



  16. > @"juhani.5361" said:

    > Congrats on your new shiny elite specs! On future characters, you can complete a full trait line if you pick the PoF elite first simply by completing all the hero points in Core Tyria, with a few left over for variety. Then once you hit the easier PoF maps, you can solo most of the hero points there to finish unlocking your PoF elite spec and almost halfway finish your HoT spec. Spend some time with Dulfy's guide to soloable HoT hero points and you can finish HoT's elite spec without breaking too much of a sweat :)


    > I mostly advise going PoF first because you can have a functional elite spec a lot earlier. It helps a lot with dealing with expansion maps, vs. unlocking entire tiers of traits one at a time for the HoT spec.


    > Personally, I've had a fairly easy time running solo with Scourge. Soulbeast is doable, especially with dagger/torch. I haven't played around much with the HoT elite specs.


    Hello Juhani.


    I am backwards I suppose.


    I do the HoT Elite hero points without breaking a sweat...it is PoF hero points which I cannot do.


    And yes, Dulfy was a lifesaver.


    I printed out her HoT Solo Hero Point guide, poured up a huge glass of tea, and went at it.


    All my new characters I am getting the PoF elite on, already have more than enough HoT hero Points for the elite. Just have to run like a mad person through Core Tyria for those Hero Points.


    So I have been doing your advice, I just did it backwards :)


    I almost have enough Hero Points to unlock Soulbeast...actually, I might have enough now. This is the small Asura Ranger, I created and ran through PoF looking for pets when I had my first hip replacement done. She has all of PoF pets and none of HoT. I need to remedy that.


    My favorite of the HoT elites has got to be Thief's Daredevil. You might want to give that one a go. She mowed through PoF's introduction...and fell on her face attempting Hero Points..sad face.


    Anyway, Soulbeast and Scourge are now placed high on my list. Thank you :)


    Holosmith is high on my list too.


    Lisa-has a lot to do ingame :)

  17. > @"Donari.5237" said:

    > Holosmith is pretty amazing at chewing up groups of mobs. Based on your past postings, I think you're leaning towards the easiest one? Though I have to say Reaper is marvelous, and you could get a Reaper up via the PoF HP. Reaper is slow, inexorable, and very tanky, you might have fun with it. I know it's my go-to for pretty much everything in the open world.

    > edit: I'd be glad to chat with you about a reasonable (and inexpensive) build and the very basic means of using it to hold your own against pretty much anything. PM me if you are interested. No worries if you aren't!


    Grin. I have two Reapers and I love them to pieces. I also have the HoT elites for everything except Mesmer. I discovered I can play Mesmer just recently. So, I have two level 80 Mesmers who have been through HoT and just need the hero points from open world.


    As far as going for the easiest, that is truth...but...I play around with things. With my Mesmers for example. I boosted both to 80...one through crafting and the other through the level 80 boost. I went through the list, and loaded him up with all the weapons Mesmer can use. I then went map completing, and saw for myself how the weapons worked.


    I chose my favorite weapons, then looked at my traits more carefully, and built around what traits support those weapons.


    My builds will probably make build makers run away screaming in horror :)


    For example, I must always use Superior Rune of Speed. When I get dismounted, I have to have speed to get the kitten away from what was powerful enough to dismount me...and it makes my Norns feel less clunky when they are on foot :)


    But yes, I do have thousands of questions involving building builds. For example, when using a combination of Knight's gear and Berserker gear, how do I know which armor piece gets what?? Do boots get Berserker, or do boots get Knights??? Same with Trinkets. Do rings get Berserker, or do rings get Knights? Or does it really matter???


    Ohhh..another question. What is it about core Guardians that makes their health go from 0 to full as soon as I hit the heal ???? How can I get other professions to do that???


    Lisa-Head full of questions.

  18. > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > You can get points for both in core tyria as well. The points can come from anywhere, it's just much easier to do when they give 10 point per hero event. I'm leveling my berserker spec in later PoF maps right now, just finished spellbreaker the other day.


    Yes...all the core Tyria points and the solo HoT points combined equals the Elite.


    I just use Verdant Brink and Auric Basin for my solo HoT points. I know the other maps in HoT have some more solo points, probably need to crack open Dulfy and find the others, but all the points I need, I get from these two HoT maps. The least number of points needed, once I get the open world points, are 5 from Verdant Brink, and 3 from Auric Basin. I now regularly get 9 from Verdant brink, and five from Auric Basin.


    One of the nine I do is not solo. It is the Frog heropoint. I always jump in when I see it active...I hate that frog soo much.

  19. > @"Frostfang.5109" said:

    > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > > > @"Frostfang.5109" said:

    > > > Afrostyles for Norn!

    > >

    > > ... no. We're vikings, not Disco Stu from The Simpsons. Give us fancy beards!

    > >

    > > EDIT: Not to mention, I'm fairy certain you can already sport a ridiclous 'fro on Norns. Males at least.


    > Then why did A-net add dark skincolor to norn?


    You can get a sunburn from skiing on a sunny day, I assume you can also get a dark tan if you do a lot of sunny day skiing. I say assume, because I really do not know. I just know I had a friend get a sunburn skiing on a sunny day in Tahoe. So yes, Norn can have dark skin...or red skin even ...ouch.

  20. Hello all.

    A couple day ago I made an eye popping discovery that I should have figured out long ago. I thought, I really thought, that I could not get the PoF elite specs because for the life of me, I cannot solo the kitten Hero Points found there.


    Well, a couple days ago I had clicked on a character to see if that one had the HoT elite spec, and I saw the two choices. HoT, and PoF.


    Somehow, I always thought there was no choice, I had to do HoT before getting PoF's elite.


    Darn...I was wrong!!!!!!!!!!!


    So I have been busy running through characters through the solo hero points on first two maps of HoT. Verdant Brink and Auric Basin. Those, and the points I get from open world, combined, grants me the spec. And yes, Arena Net made money off of me as I bought some slots :)


    So, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!


    And Please, I beg of you, let this be true of the next expansion as well : )


    Now, for my question. I am going to find myself in time with some brand new, shiny, PoF elite specs. Which ones work best in open world PVE???? Which ones might make going through the stories easier????


    I am very excited :)



  21. Hi everybody.

    So sorry I had a meltdown. I am ashamed of myself. Yes, I have troubles with some of the story, but without doing much of the PoF story I was able to get my Jackal. I was also able to get a lot of the HoT masteries solo. Matter of fact, I just got the last of the gliding mastery yesterday! Not sure what I am going to do with it, but I have it :)


    So, hopefully, I am not too much of a kitten :)


    Hugs everyone.


    Lisa-who loves Illconceived Was Na's idea.

  22. All you people who sneer with scorn about being solo in an MMO, and are against giving solo players Heroes for help....do something to help the timid players, the shy players, the clutzy players, the players who have to leave at a minutes notice, even those who solo because they hate people...help us find teams that will not kick us, or jeer at our poor skills. Among those that solo, I bet there are those who would gladly team up if they could feel comfortable doing so.


    Be part of the solution.


    People advertise Hero Point runs. Maybe a Guild could have a "run a clutz through the stories" day.


    Advertise it on the forums and in map chat. Word it such that....people like me would ...I am crying over here...people like me, would feel wanted and included...I have to log out, I truly am crying. I would love to do the stories, get the Griffon and rollerbeetle...but I am a lousy player ...and shy...

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