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Julischka Bean.7491

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Posts posted by Julischka Bean.7491

  1. Ok. It is late and I should be in bed because I work in the morning, but, I couldn't sleep so I turned on my light and started to read the forums on my phone...this thread found me staggering downstairs and turning on my computer.


    I solo.


    I solo not because I am antisocial but because I am a clutz. I have poor hand-eye coordination, and this game helps with that, but teams are made up of five people..if one of those five is subpar, that brings down the rest of the group.


    Plus, I work full time, and when I am not there, I am caring for my mom who has Dementia so my free time is not my own. I can play while she is reading, or puttering about the house, but when she needs me, I leave the game in an instant which is not group friendly behavior.


    So why do I play an MMO? This is a changing, colorful world. I like reading chat, I like anticipating what is next, I like assisting people when I can..HP's and orange circle group events...things I can do.


    And...being honest here...I hate the living story which is supposedly made to solo, but has Bosses at the end which are soloable only for the young whippersnapper players with great hand eye coordination. I never understood this. The living story which takes us to new lands should should be soloable enough for the uncoordinated among us to be able to get to these new lands. I am not asking to Raid, PVP, WWW, or do other things which require coordination of all it's group members...I just want to be able to get to the Sandswept island or whatever it is called...it is late at night and my memory is foggy.


    And no, I am not in a guild. All the guilds I see advertised in Map chat all do Raids and PVP and WWW.


    And, while I am getting things off my chest, is it just me, or do the ones here howling against soloing seem like they have their own agenda? To me, they sound like they are (1) looking for a group because they cannot do the activity solo and want to be carried.

    (2) They want others to see what a truly wonderful, and awesome, player they are...they need an audience which they will not get solo.


    I wish, oh how I wish, that this game had a difficulty selector for the personal story. I think everyone would be happy then. Easy for those of us who just want to enjoy the story and finish it in our own time, and in our own way, with our own builds. Difficult for the groups who thrive on that sort of thing. By all means give them better rewards. Yes, I think a difficulty selector would solve many, many problems.


    (1) Easy-Boss is a pushover. The reward at the end is being able to get to the end, and being able to enter the new land/zone


    (2) Medium-Boss is not a pushover, but a solo player with Skillez can do it. Nice little reward at end.


    (3) Hard- Need a group, seriously need a group. Great rewards at end.


    If wishes were fishes.

    Anyway here is my contribution to the thread.

    Night all.






  2. > @"killermanjaro.5670" said:


    > Then there's Mesmer, which is the class I really want to enjoy, but I just can't seem to as I just don't seem to be able to work out how to play it very well. Whatever I seem to try I always seem really weak and it seems to take me forever to kill anything with it (even general mobs in PvE). I don't know why I can't seem to get my head around how to play it, when to shatter illusions,why I've got no dps etc. A shame because the class and weapons available to it all appeal to me.


    What level are you? People have said level 80 Mesmers are a world different than sub 80 Mesmers. My Mesmer is doing good DPS and does not die too much. If you are sub 80, you might want to powerlevel that puppy to 80.


  3. When my computer was off being repaired, I used another computer in the same household to play. You say this is not allowed???

    Lisa-All of a sudden concerned. Computers, like people, breakdown...just had my second hip replacement...If there is another computer in the house to play on while yours is at the computer hospital, you should be able to play on it.

  4. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:


    > I am still miffed how changing my ranger's body size caused [this](https://i.imgur.com/ypfiUc4.jpg "this"), because the chest piece size wasn't properly calculated/adjusted for it. I mean, that dungeon armor piece has been around since 2012, and it's 2018 now - come on!



    I like your Ranger. Have you looked at all the body sizes to find one which may not clip? I had to do that with one of my characters..and I succeeded in finding one : )


    Good luck.

  5. As far as using specializations. I hate dragon hunter, so I use a core meditation build. I also prefer Warrior as opposed to, Berserker, but only because I enjoy Sword/Axe and Greatsword. I also travel about with core Ranger , Revenant, Engineer, and Mesmer.


    Daredevil, Tempest, and Reaper I play instead of core thief, elementalist, and necromancer...so much fun.

  6. > @"cesmode.4257" said:

    > > @"Alga.6498" said:

    > > As one of those loyalist elites who has maxed out the character slots, (_71 to be exact_), I am having both PoF and HoT Elite Specs aswell Core Specs on different characters. I have now ready up for the 3rd gang, 9 characters for each profession, to gain our 3rd Expansion Elite Specs, ;)


    > You have 71 characters? Im at a loss for words :)




    I could have easily maxed out character slots too. Game is six years old. 71 spread out over six years. As it is, I have 54 and an idea for another.

  7. in order for me is...

    1. Guardian-Core Meditation build

    2. Necromancer and Reaper-Minion build

    3. Ranger-Power Ranger, core build..have dabbled with Druid

    4. Warrior-Core build, I like Berserker too, but like core more..I like off hand Axe...what can I say, it amuses me.

    5. Thief-Love Daredevil

    6. Elementalist-All my Elementalists are Tempests. Core and Tempest-Air FTW

    7. Revenant-Core build. Herald, meh.

    8. Engineer-Core build, love Flamethrower. Need to play scrapper more to form an opinion.

    9. Mesmer-But Mesmer may rise in rank. I have enough HoT HPs to unlock Chronomancer once I get a certain amount of open world HPs, so , when I am not playing my new Necro in open vanilla world, I am playing my Mesmer...and to my shock, I am enjoying him! I made my own build, but, knowledge adds on to knowledge, so I think it is time to read some guides and see if I can rework things to enjoy him even more.

  8. > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

    > > @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

    > > > @"Zet.9130" said:

    > > > As others have said this channel would attract every nutjob, sociopathic hater in the game. So the question is will Anet implement a White Power chat channel? I'm betting not.

    > >

    > > Yes. Put all the nutters on a channel all to themselves and keep them off regular game chat.


    > Wouldn't work: some of them want a bigger audience, and would stay in regular chat. Some of them enjoy upsetting people, and would stay in regular chat.


    > Plus, nobody can agree who they are. Everyone thinks they are reasonable, sensible, and correct.




    True that. It is a sweet thought though.

  9. > @"Zet.9130" said:

    > As others have said this channel would attract every nutjob, sociopathic hater in the game. So the question is will Anet implement a White Power chat channel? I'm betting not.


    Yes. Put all the nutters on a channel all to themselves and keep them off regular game chat.

  10. Hello New Players.

    I really do not have anything to add. Everything gives experience here including gathering and Rezzing, so getting to 80 is not hard to do. Just enjoy the beautiful scenery and you will be 80 before your cat can lick her ear.


    If you need help there are five options. Here they are..not in any kind of order.

    (1) Ask for help in chat,

    (2) Visit this forum,

    (3) Visit the Guildwars2 Wiki,

    (4) Visit the Guildwars2 Reddit forums,

    (5) Visit Dulfy.net.

    Hmm..there is a sixth option...Youtube. Many, many, players have made videos about how to find Pois, how to get up to Vistas, how to do the story steps, and regular gameplay.


    Enjoy and have fun.



  11. > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

    > Most are not practical, and the few that are have horrid cool down timers. However, a hand full of them are incredibly entertaining in the right type of events."




    I agree with what you said. They do have pretty bad cooldown times, but, depending on if I have conditioning cleaning on my build, I do sometimes use "Prayer to Komir" on my humans. I hate having conditions.


    I also enjoy the three racial utility skills on the Asura. Pain Inverter and Techno Babble do not last long, but, sometimes a second is all I need.


  12. I was in HoT last week, doing the HPs for my new Necro, and, there was so many people there that I got my required HPs in record time. Have not been in PoF because even though everyone here says all the HPs in PoF are soloable, I have yet to find one that is soloable for me. If I knew someone trustworthy and could help me get them, I would shower gold on them to take me about...I would really like a DeadEye.


  13. Yesterday I was doing map completion in Wayfarer Foothills on a level 80 an doing my best to tone down my firepower. While playing I noticed a player who was half dressed. She was wearing a top but panties on the bottom. She popped up several times in different parts of Wayfarer. Grin. The last time I saw her she was mounted on a Jackal or it could of been a Griffon...no it was a Jackel. That, and the lack of pants, told me she was, like me, tip-toeing through the lower level...she did it better :)

    So, you could do something like that if it is too easy. Or do not use trinkets. Or get drunk and play...


    Seriously, be glad you are such a good player and have such good gear, that the lower levels are miserably easy for you.


    Lisa-salutes her glass of sweet tea to you and hopes you find a solution.

  14. Add two more computers having this problem which happened right after the infamous window update. Two different brand computers, different brand graphics card, all drivers up to date. I did the "Turn off Focus Assist" thing..the "when I am playing a game," under Automatic rules settings must be turned off...even if you choose "Off"-get all notifications from Apps and"... whatever else, can't remember, need coffee...you still need to turn off "when I am playing a game' otherwise Focus Assist will automagically turn on.


    Yes, this is a bother, but what is making me happy, is I can play the game :)


    You cannot have a delicious cake without a few crumbs...this is real life. Kitten happens.


    It will be fixed...believe.


    Happy last two days of the Memorial Day weekend everyone.


    Lisa-who has to work these next few days.....more money for meeee :)

  15. > @"Menadena.7482" said:

    > > @Doggie.3184 said:

    > > I don't have mine yet cuz I built a boat. But I wonder;

    > >

    > > Griffon Milestones.

    > > 25,000: A heart-felt letter from Mike O'brien and Spoiler removed.

    > > 50,000: Quest for giant Turtle mounts added.

    > > 75,000: TBA

    > > 100,000: TBA


    > 75,000: cost reduced to 100 gold

    > 75,001: 74,999 players scream


    > 100,000: griffons for everyone! (or in the gem store)

    > 100,001: 999,999 players declare war on anet



    I for one would not declare war on Anet...wishful sigh.


    Actually, I would love it if the method to acquire the griffon worked the same way as acquiring the first. ..I could do that.


    Anet, clutzes and friendless folks in game should be able to acquire griffins too.



  16. > @"ananda.5946" said:

    > > @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

    > > Hello Ananda.

    > >

    > > If the Griffin skin was not included, which I do not have, I, personally, would be on board totally with what you are saying. But because I do not have the Griffin, there is a very real chance that I will get a Griffin skin....my fault of course, but I wonder how many others of the player base, like me, do not have this Griffin and thus are not buying the RNG mount skins solely because of this.

    > >

    > > On the last day of my Physical Therapy, to celebrate, I took a chance on a skin..I really, really, really wanted a new Springer skin, and gambling was the only way to get one. I ended up with a nice Jackal skin..the Crowned Ancient.

    > >

    > > I might try again , but right now I am happy with the colors I used on the Springer skin I received in the Christmas Edition Pack.

    > >

    > > Big wide grin--- Springers came from the Crystal Desert.

    > >

    > > Core Vanilla game is probably too cold for them..

    > >

    > > They need a sweater set to keep warm...

    > >

    > > That is my excuse for playing a Christmas Springer after Christmas and I am sticking to it :)

    > >

    > >


    > Oh, I didn’t think about the griffin skins and that some people won’t have that mount. If you never plan to get it, that makes the adoption thingie less fun for sure. On the other hand, if you plan to get it eventually, there are a couple of cute ones. And, I agree those winter mount skins are adorable.


    Hello ananda. Nope. I am totally lousy in team situations where I am expected to carry my weight...so I solo...and I have had great difficulty with the story, so I do not see a Griffin in my future. Wistful sigh...wish I could pay someone to help me get it, for a Griffon I would happily pay a goodly quantity of gold...oh well, If wishes were fishes...


    Lisa-Thankfully, still loves gliding.

  17. > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

    > > @"Razael.1204" said:

    > > 1. Make mount skins sellable on the TP.


    > This would devaluate my purchase, both in uniqueness and value.


    > > @"Razael.1204" said:

    > > 2. Add mount skins to the Black Lion Chests as Super Rare or Rare.


    > This would devaluate my purchase, both in uniqueness and value.


    > > @"Razael.1204" said:

    > > 3. Keep the RNG Adoption tickets but lower the price.


    > This would devaluate my purchase, both in uniqueness and value.


    > > @"Razael.1204" said:

    > > 4. Add direct sales of the mount skins but at a higher price than the RNG.

    > >

    > > Example: Direct sale of a skin = 700 gems, RNG = 200 gems. If you want to gamble on the skin you get, it will not cost as much as getting the one you really want. To me, this would add to the economy and give players more options to obtain the skins they want. Just a suggestion.


    > This would devaluate my purchase, both in uniqueness and value.


    > My point here is that nothing can be done to the current mounts added to the game without infureating the customers who bought the mounts. And lets face it, those are the customers Arenanet should value over those who find mountskins too expensive. So the only suggestion that can be made is that they should change the system for future mounts. Mo's post allready stated they will. Not the price, but by keeping the current RNG mounts exclusive to the RNG set, but not extend there and add only direct buy skins to the store.




    Mercury Ranique I would call you a "Special Snowflake" but, I see, and I agree, with your points. People spent a kitten lot of money for these existing skins, and so the celebrity of those skins should be preserved.


    Lisa-Whose flame-throwing engineer will not be hunting you down in game :)

  18. > @"DarcShriek.5829" said:

    > > @"rcs.4120" said:

    > > In case the devs/decision makers (not necessarily the same people) are curious. Yes, 1600 gems is still to expensive for a single mount skin.

    > >

    > > And yes, as a result of the overpricing on gems and pretty much blatant telling of the community to go screw yourselves with regards to their feedback, none of the four accounts in our household purchased or received gemcards this holiday season as a result.

    > >

    > > What do I think is fair and consistent?

    > >

    > > The 1600 gems for the set of 5 as in the holiday packs.

    > > 200 for random chance,

    > > 300 for random chance of a given type.

    > > 400 for specific skin of a given type.

    > > 600-800 if its really really fancy.

    > >


    > Translation - devs and artists have no right to a decent living. They are only allowed to work for a pittance.


    Not sure how to do quotes and I am tired. I was going to stamp down my thrifty Scottish blood, and buy mount skins until I got a Springer one, but reading all the posts in this thread made me too ashamed to try. They are expensive, and I do not have a Griffon...therefore, my buying chances for a Springer is...a very wrong thing to do.


    But, if they were price pointed as per the post of rcs, which is quoted above, I would try with no hesitation. Wish I could give him a million thumbs up.


    Hmm...DarcShriek, Have you ever heard of Walmart. They sell most things cheaper than other stores, and guess what, people flock to that place.


    Mounts being something everyone wants, the Devs, might in fact, make a killing if they lowered the prices.


    The "Special Snowflakes" in this game though will not like this idea as they will no longer be a "Special Snowflake" if everyone has the shiny...expect them to howl.


    Lisa- Wants to go after the "Special Snowflakes" in game with a Flame Thrower...Engineer Style :)




  19. What keeps me playing? Imagination for one. I think of my characters as alive, and I wander about the game seeing things through her eyes. I have poor hand eye coordination so doing the vistas and steering the mounts really help me in a physical way.


    This game helps me relax from a hard day. I work full time, look after my mom who has dementia..I cook, clean, shake my head at my better half whom I have spoiled too much...escaping into the game's beautiful scenery is blessing.



  20. Hello Ananda.


    If the Griffin skin was not included, which I do not have, I, personally, would be on board totally with what you are saying. But because I do not have the Griffin, there is a very real chance that I will get a Griffin skin....my fault of course, but I wonder how many others of the player base, like me, do not have this Griffin and thus are not buying the RNG mount skins solely because of this.


    On the last day of my Physical Therapy, to celebrate, I took a chance on a skin..I really, really, really wanted a new Springer skin, and gambling was the only way to get one. I ended up with a nice Jackal skin..the Crowned Ancient.


    I might try again , but right now I am happy with the colors I used on the Springer skin I received in the Christmas Edition Pack.


    Big wide grin--- Springers came from the Crystal Desert.


    Core Vanilla game is probably too cold for them..


    They need a sweater set to keep warm...


    That is my excuse for playing a Christmas Springer after Christmas and I am sticking to it :)



  21. Hello all.

    Sorry I am so late to the party on this subject. I experienced Total Hip Replacement surgery shortly after PoF came out, and between being sad that all the PoF Hero Points I tried to do solo were a no go for me, and the reality of the Hip Replacement, I just did not feel like posting.


    I do have ideas about the mounts though.


    I may not be good enough to solo the Hero Points, I but I did manage to get all the mounts with the exception of the Flying one..whose name escapes me because I need coffee. The Griffon


    I wanted to buy some new skins for my babies, but..


    (1) They are expensive

    (2) They are RNG


    I would not mind forking over some cash for new skins even though they are expensive, but this is where the RNG stumbling block comes in.


    I do not have this Griffon, and probably will never get this Griffon.


    If I buy some skins via RNG there is a terrifying chance of my getting Griffon skins which I cannot use.


    If I get Griffon skins, I just threw my money away on something totally useless for me...which does not sit well with my thrifty Scottish blood.


    Solutions...I can think of a couple.

    (1) Since the format is a money maker, keep the RNG, but, divide the packs into animals packs. All Springers, All Raptors, etc, etc. This way I can spend my cash and still know that what I buy will not be useless to me...which makes all the difference in the world.


    (2) Do what Walmart does. Lower the price and make up the difference in bulk sales. A con with this is, with me being an example, there is still a chance of getting Griffon skins...thus throwing money away on something useless...but if the price is not as expensive, that pill will be less bitter.


    (3) Throw the gates open and let us choose. You say this is bad as people will not buy the plain ones.

    This may not be true.


    (1) because if you have armor with infusions coming out the wazoo, you need a plain mount so as to not to detract from your armor creation.


    (2) Some people enjoy a natural looking animal. It fits into the environment better. To these people, plain is a plus.


    Anyway. My two cents.


    Lisa-off to get some coffee.


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