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Julischka Bean.7491

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Posts posted by Julischka Bean.7491

  1. > @"Neural.1824" said:

    > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

    > > Its not Anet , its NCsoft pulling plugs, get it right. When the kitten hits the fan know where to point the finger, squarely at NCsoft.


    > The question is this: After what happened to Paragon, and with this happening to Arenanet (and let's be real, there's no facts/proof, but Arenanet could very well get the same treatment as Paragon sometime soon), what are the chances that people will finally be fed up enough to not purchase any more NCSoft products?


    Paragon made the wrong decision making the endgame team only and locking the soloers out of that content. I had a whole lot of friends, who, like me soloed the game. When we could not solo the end game, the majority of them left. I also heard rumors that Positron or whatever his name was, I forgot, had a lot of clashes with NcSoft. Then we had a loyalty thingy and people started bragging that they were not spending a penny on the game....urk.


  2. > @"style.6173" said:

    > It is disappointing to see so many talented people get impacted by poor management at ANET. GW2 has been on cruise mode since the last expansion. We get a couple of hours of content every 3 months or so. Hopefully there is a bigger focus on GW2 now instead of some match 3 guild wars game.


    > Management is even more incompetent if the rumors of no expansion in 2019 are true.


    Oh this..very much this.


    I very much doubt NCSoft told Anet to lay off certain people otherwise the more experienced people could not have volunteered to leave to spare the younger less experienced, developers.


    From what I understand, NcSoft told Anet their side project was sucking money and development time from Anet's main game. This side project was not getting done fast enough, and if it ever got finished it would probably be unprofitable, so they rightly told Anet to stop production on it and concentrate on the game that pays the bills and keeps the lights on. They probably gave Mo directives on how much Payroll they had to use, trusting Anet to know who to keep, and who to lay off. They just wanted Guildwars2 back on course.


    When making the decision who to keep, and who to "throw away" the people in charge of this at Anet probably looked at what everyone was making and used that as a guildline. This was risky because the high earners were of course not only experienced with how the game works but were also beloved by the customers....customers that Anet desperately needs to keep in order to dig themselves out of this mess.


    What I want to know is, why did Anet not see how badly this side project was hurting and draining Guildwars2, and why it took NCSoft to have to step in and stop the snowballing damage said project was doing to Guildwars2.


    Because Of CoH it is easy blame this on NCSoft...This time though, I could be wrong, but I am not sure the blame belongs there.









  3. Ok. This is a very important thread title so I am posting in it. I know the policy is not to speak of things involving Guildwars2 until things are in concrete and almost ready to roll out, but, I think it is almost mandatory that we, as customers, know what is going on.


    I will tell you why....


    Customers who do not know what is going on are uneasy.


    Uneasy customers do not spend money.


    Anet needs a cash infusion.


    Uneasy customers do not spend money.




    That said, my heart goes out to all those affected. Hugs, hugs, and more hugs.



  4. > @"Baldrick.8967" said:

    > Let's hope some real players actually tested them in solo as well as group situations...like on a public test server. Oh wait...


    Right on. Get Joe in the mailroom and some of your friends who did not develop this game to be test subjects. Buy pizza and beer and sit them down in front of some computers and see how they do....for that matter this could be a great thing to do for the personal story...see how many of your test subjects can actually solo the story which is supposed to be soloable.

  5. Hello everyone.

    First of all, I am sorry I have to come to the forums, hat in hand so to speak, to ask this question. I have looked everywhere for the answer and could not find it. I am awful at math so it is possible that the answer was buried in equations that are greek to me.


    More than several of my characters have the Superior Rune of the Traveler slotted because of the 25% movement speed in the sixth tier. I also slot a seventh rune in the breathing apparatus because I always assumed that it worked the same way underwater as well .


    I recently got one of those new-fangled swim-speed infusions..a plus 19.


    I know that if there are two swim speed bonuses, the game takes the fastest one and that is the bonus used. I also know swiftness works underwater and if you have a power that gives swiftness underwater that is what you should be using.


    But for the characters that do not have access to underwater swiftness, 25% coming from the Rune is faster than 19% coming from the infusion.


    Soooo....two questions.


    (1) Does the rune's sixth tier 25% movement speed work underwater like I thought it did????


    (2) If so, should I not be using the infusion on characters that have the 25% Rune movement bonus?


    Thank you all in advance.


    Lisa-Very befuddled...and does not like being befuddled :)


  6. Hi all. I have close to max characters on my account..buying character slots over the past 6 years adds up. I was completely happy with the superior rune of speed. Runspeed and a dollop of Vitality... I was happy. Runspeed increase without having to take powers and signets I did not want to take. The new patch took away the runspeed increase! All my characters, all of them, were now literally Runeless.


    I stared at the screen in shock...why Arenanet????? Why do you hate me???? were my first cognitive thoughts.


    I had even bought some Superior Rune of speeds in advance of the patch in case they did something so yummy to the runes everyone would want them.


    Instead, everything came crashing down.


    I like to call myself a marshmallow with a steel pit. Once I get through all the soft stuff, I am strong. I started looking for substitutions.


    Yes, there is the Traveler runes, but since I was all shaken up, I started revisiting my character's powers and traits, and also started looking at all the available Runes...see if I could find something different...I do, after all, have mounts...if I get thrown off , well, I have started carrying revive orbs with me...yes, I am in Istan a lot.


    This is why I am cheering. I am going outside my comfy build and thinking "what if?"


    Now I am going crazy. Too many choices. I have to pick the right Runes because I have a sinking feeling that things are going to get horrendously expensive before Anet throws up their hands and makes a few changes...I salvaged a stack of some sigil, whose name I forgot, looking to get the Control thingy. Runes of Cleaning are looking good to me.


    I got three. Yes, three. Out of a stack of 250.


    So...how to pick the right runes in a short period of time....sigh.


    Traveler runes are starting to look good. If I had not started thinking outside my cozy box, I would have grabbed them immediately, but I now feel that there are better options out there...


    Anybody else having to revisit builds and get new runes and sigils and even traits??


    Lisa-wanders out of this post muttering things about putting Superior Runes of the Ice on her Revenants and Reapers, Dolyak on her warriors, Ogre on her Thief/Daredevil, Traveler on her Guardians, and Rune of the Stars on her Bitterfrost berry farmers...I am a sad mess.



  7. > @"OtakuModeEngage.8679" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > Yes, the market should never have to adapt 3 days into a patch.

    > >

    > > No one is storing materials currently thus reducing supply to the market thus driving up prices.

    > >



    > That's not the case. The cost will drop as players stop hoarding the new symbols and charms, however, the price drop will not be significant, as even the basic, previously cheap, runes now use expensive mats such as Globs of Ectoplasm, and other runes require multiple of the "cheaper" runes to craft. The price to craft will still cost more than they currently cost to buy on TP.


    That's not the case. The cost will drop as players stop hoarding the new symbols and charms


    By the six, people are hoarding because they can already foresee the future prices and future availability of these things if Anet does not do something about the drop rate. It is not pretty.

  8. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > You are looking at this from a pure gold to rune/sigil perspective.

    > > > >

    > > > > An increase in cost of materials means that people selling said materials will gain more gold. At the same time a more even distribution of value will be achieved across all runes and Sigils. Meaning you won't be left with 1 out of 100 runes/Sigils being worth more than vendor trash.

    > > > Nah, considering the salvage rates, the runes/sigils that were vendor trash before will be vendor trash now (well, not vendor trash, salvage trash, but trash anyway).

    > > >

    > >

    > > Yes but salvage trash which has a chance to provide crafting materials for useful runes/sigils.

    > Yes, but i already factored that in in my arguments The salvage rates of the needed materials are lower than the former trash to good runes/sigils ratio. Much lower.


    > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > > > The salvage rate will remain exactly the same once Black Lion Salvage Kits are working as intended. The ability to craft the expensive runes should not impede this.

    > > > I'm pretty sure that the runes salvaged with black lion kits were a minority out of all available on TP. There's still a ton of people using masters/mystics for exotics, because they simply do not have any black lions. The influx of runes to TP from salvage is going to drop really, really hard.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Possible, but if people seriously used inferior salvage kits to get high value Runes and Sigils (2g+) then all that has changed is that now the chance of failure is getting priced in (instead of not getting the rune/sigil in the past).

    > No, because the lower kits will now create materials, not runes. And i already mentioned how that source has a much worse rate than the original one.


    > > The interesting question is how the salvage rates compare to the past direct supply. Obviously not all runes/sigils were entering the market (since some would not get retrieved with master kits) which now experience a 100% salvage rate.

    > They are way worse. I know that, because i happen to salvage everything and keep the runes (both trash and good ones). Thus, i can tell you that the rate of trash to good ones was much lower (better) than 100 to 1. While now you need to salvage on average a hundred runes/sigils to get one charm/symbol (of which for the meta runes/sigils you need _more_ than one for crafting).


    > So, salvage rate alone will result in lowered supply and increased price, and that's even before we consider the changes to _other_ materials, that on average were increased as well, and now often use more rare and highly problematic ones.



    While now you need to salvage on average a hundred runes/sigils to get one charm/symbol (of which for the meta runes/sigils you need _more_ than one for crafting).



    Exactly this. This is the odds I got with my salvaging as well. 250 sigils of something yielded only three thingys of control.


    Anet needs to tune things or I see bad things arising.


  9. Thank you for sharing your ideas. Imagination is a treasure and the ability to think "What if" and writing it all down to share with others is a gift.


    Writing all your thoughts down, and sharing them on an internet forum is bravery because, being the unique personalities we all are, not everyone like the same things.


    That being said, If your ideas end up happening, I would be pleased because I mostly like them :)

  10. Lisa shakes her head. As others have stated, the Devs said magic find is capped at 300 %.


    Capped means capped.


    If you spent a lot of gold and time to deliberately reach that cap faster than others..then..when you reached it, and those essences of luck you lusted after are suddenly not valuable to you anymore...do not cry.


    Instead of tears, rejoice that you reached it. Lots of folks here haven't.


    And, remember, the Devs never promised anything after Cap is achieved,

  11. > @"Zaoda.1653" said:

    > I'm excited for new halloween skins, but more hyped for that hellfire looking infusion. I bet it'll be a 1 in a million drop rate chance though, and no doubt the mega-rich players will put buy orders for 10k gold for it, and the average player will never ever be able to own one. So I'm resigned to the fact I'll probably never have one.


    Mayhaps it will be a Black Lion chest drop...if wishes were fishes.


  12. > @"Glider.5792" said:

    > > @"VanWilder.6923" said:

    > > The OP's suggestion sounds like a "Pay to win" to me.

    > > Contents are exclusive to "Paid Commander Tag" players and those commander tags dictate whenever they want or feel to do the contents. And if there are non commanders tags, other players must wait or have to get their own commander tag in order to play the game.

    > >

    > > So "NO"

    > >


    > INC "Everyone send me 10s for Tag taxes, or i wont start the bounty" lel


    I would pay 10 gold per bounty if I could find a group who would not jeer at me because I am awkward and clutzy...sure would.


  13. > @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

    > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > > @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

    > > > You can already skip it if you plan to use any tomes of knowledge. Put tomes in shared inventory or use your personal banker to access them. Use a tome to level up. This will open up a local way point that you can then use to enter the "real" world.

    > >

    > > Does that lock you out of the story though? I heard that was why Anet disabled other methods of teleporting out - if you don't finish the instance your story doesn't progress and you can never get back in to complete it.


    > Hmm, I don't know. The characters I did this on were not meant to carry on with the story so I did not notice. I will check it out though.


    > EDIT: I just checked. When leaving the instance using a way point, you do get credit for completing the tutorial. I used 1 tome and the way point unlocked. I used the waypoint and got credit for the tutorial. I was then level 2. I used 8 more tomes to level 10 and my story then unlocked. I went and started the first mission just to be sure. So, it does not lock you out of the story.


    Uh Oh, hotfix on the way!

  14. What I would like added to the game is probably silly. I would like a hall added in which there are characters wearing all the different hairstyles . So often I will choose a style that looks good in the character screen, but, once I have chosen that style, something is always off once I get in the world. I would really like to see the hairstyle on a character model so I can study it. Yes, some people would buy one hairstyle and keep it forever, but there might be others, like me, who would feel more confidence in switching hairstyles if they could see what they were getting in the real world.


    Also, I have been doing so much Winterberry farming, I would like to see a farming outfit in the gem store....overalls and a winterberry on the bib :)

  15. > @"runeblade.7514" said:

    > Build Name/Class: Dagger Dancer Daredevil Adventurer

    > Rune Name: Adventurer

    > Gamemode: PvE

    > [Deadly Arts Build Version Link](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQRAoY4Yn8MBdmiNPB+OB0PhlWCbeEuCfhaBgDwCwrMcHiCA-jxhHQB0T9HNqEMAnEAypfAAPBACq8jH7PAA-e "Build Link")

    > [Acrobatic Build Version Link](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQRAoY4Yn8MBdmiNPB+OB0PhFqiqLCCgDYu67+w37CShBA-jxhHQBkT/gGVCGgTCABV+RP1f4x+DA4JAAA-e "Acrobatic Build Version Link")

    > Comments: This build is centered around spamming Death Blossom and Dodge. You can change Deadly Arts for Acrobat for more survivability.


    > Build Name/Class: Dagger Dancer Daredevil Evasion

    > Rune Name: Evasion

    > Gamemode: PvE

    > [build Link ](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQRAoY4Yn8lCdmiNPB+OB0PhlWCTLAcAWAelh7QUYeEuCfhA-jxhHQBEU5H50PQP1fAwTAIAnEANqEsZ7PAA-e "Build Link ")

    > Comments: Same as above but with Evasion runes. The difference is that you don't overheal your endurance bar, and it is more aggressive. Change the traitline to Acrobatic if you want a acrobatic traitline.


    > The above is a work in progress for me. I am currently leveling up a Thief that Dances around throwing daggers at the moment. But that is what I would build with if I fully equip it.


    > Build Name/Class: The Pirate

    > Rune Name Rune of Privateer

    > Gamemode: PvE

    > [build Link](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQRAsa6ankFDNOh1OB2NBsPhFYCTLBEAyA8Jzo51cLQtcGUA-jBSBQBU4IAgH9DJ8BAIo9HAwJBwMKBpk6PXR5HA-e "Build Link")

    > Comments: I love this build. Thanks to Payback, the long recharge timer of Thieves guild is reduced greatly by killing mobs. You get your own pirate crew to help you fight and by the time they despawn, you will have another pirate crew to help you. Thanks to rune of the privateer you get a parrot to assist you with p> @"runeblade.7514" said:

    > Build Name/Class: Dagger Dancer Daredevil Adventurer

    > Rune Name: Adventurer

    > Gamemode: PvE

    > [Deadly Arts Build Version Link](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQRAoY4Yn8MBdmiNPB+OB0PhlWCbeEuCfhaBgDwCwrMcHiCA-jxhHQB0T9HNqEMAnEAypfAAPBACq8jH7PAA-e "Build Link")

    > [Acrobatic Build Version Link](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQRAoY4Yn8MBdmiNPB+OB0PhFqiqLCCgDYu67+w37CShBA-jxhHQBkT/gGVCGgTCABV+RP1f4x+DA4JAAA-e "Acrobatic Build Version Link")

    > Comments: This build is centered around spamming Death Blossom and Dodge. You can change Deadly Arts for Acrobat for more survivability.


    > Build Name/Class: Dagger Dancer Daredevil Evasion

    > Rune Name: Evasion

    > Gamemode: PvE

    > [build Link ](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQRAoY4Yn8lCdmiNPB+OB0PhlWCTLAcAWAelh7QUYeEuCfhA-jxhHQBEU5H50PQP1fAwTAIAnEANqEsZ7PAA-e "Build Link ")

    > Comments: Same as above but with Evasion runes. The difference is that you don't overheal your endurance bar, and it is more aggressive. Change the traitline to Acrobatic if you want a acrobatic traitline.


    > The above is a work in progress for me. I am currently leveling up a Thief that Dances around throwing daggers at the moment. But that is what I would build with if I fully equip it.


    > Build Name/Class: The Pirate

    > Rune Name Rune of Privateer

    > Gamemode: PvE

    > [build Link](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQRAsa6ankFDNOh1OB2NBsPhFYCTLBEAyA8Jzo51cLQtcGUA-jBSBQBU4IAgH9DJ8BAIo9HAwJBwMKBpk6PXR5HA-e "Build Link")

    > Comments: I love this build. Thanks to Payback, the long recharge timer of Thieves guild is reduced greatly by killing mobs. You get your own pirate crew to help you fight and by the time they despawn, you will have another pirate crew to help you. Thanks to rune of the privateer you get a parrot to assist you with piracy.


    Rune Of The Pirate for Deadeye...hmmm...my Deadeye is a huge Norn woman who runs sloooww, but I want to try this idea. I have a different build, but the runes would probably work...ok, I am going to try this. Thank you.

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