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Julischka Bean.7491

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Posts posted by Julischka Bean.7491

  1. Darn. I came to the forums to see what was new in the way of threads, and this on, not only is still open, but it has made 50 pages !!!!!




    Have not read all 50 pages as I do not have oodles of time right now, but I am amazed this is still here and postable.


    Somebody important must be holding it open.


    Lisa slurping her coffee.

  2. Hmm... I love this game because I can do so much solo. I am a klutz of a player so this aspect is key. I also enjoy the players. Many a time I have snickered at map chat. This morning, I was doing an annoying Hero Point. It was the creeping crevasse . I had gotten down to final veteran, and just could not kill it. after trying greatly and using three revive orbs, I put out an agonized pleading for help in map chat, and some wonderful soul came and helped me. I was so happy.

  3. > @"dusanyu.4057" said:

    > I have made many friends in this game, and the original some I have lost due to traffic accidents and illness one of them ArenaNet was so awesome to name a NPC after. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Douglas_Bird

    > I was always a Guild wars fan but I became a Fan of Anet the Day they did that.


    > Great game made by Grate people

    > nuf said.


    Hugs. Thanks for sharing that bit of info. I did not know he was named after a real player who passed.




  4. > @"particlepinata.9865" said:

    > Why does every character always have to die? And why does everyone or everything always got to be 'hated'. Is is me or is this forum becoming more and more immature?


    Well, it is summer and the schoolkids are on vacation. Pre-teens and teenagers love blood, violence, and gore. Hatred is the frosting on the cake to the younglings who are seated in front of their computers or laptops in complete anonymity.

  5. Ok. I am gone from that thread about "The Firing." This seems a happy thread. Thanks for making it.

    (1) For me , number one is the Raptor. I skitter all over the place at a good clip, and the animations are precious.

    (2) Springer. Great heights is nothing to this beloved companion, which comes in handy in Orr.

    (3) Skimmer. I love the airy feel of skimming over water, and, at times, I even use it on land.


    I do not have the sparkly/colorful Griffon because, alas, I cannot finish the story. But, I hear it takes skill to drive one, so I am not crying too many tears. Luckily, I love my glider.

    Roller Beetle, I have not tried to get one yet as I am occupied with other things ingame..but I hear it takes skill to use too so it might be a long while before I start thinking about one.

  6. > @"Tolmos.8395" said:

    > > @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

    > > Hello Ace. And so, we are reading the same bits of text, and have come to different conclusions, which is what makes us human. To me, Deroir was trying to keep his cool, and to you he was condescending and douchey. This is why social media is such a problem...not sure what can be about it though.

    > >


    > He wasn't even trying to keep his cool; he was trying to figure out what he did wrong. He idolized her and the work that she did, and was basically reaching out to talk to someone he looked up to about a topic he loved and got absolutely thrashed by her for it. English isn't his first language, but he was doing his best to deescalate the situation and apologize; he just didn't know what to apologize for. None of that mattered though, as it just kept making her more angry the more he tried.


    > It really kinda hurts to read.


    > @"Tolmos.8395" said:

    > > @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

    > > Hello Ace. And so, we are reading the same bits of text, and have come to different conclusions, which is what makes us human. To me, Deroir was trying to keep his cool, and to you he was condescending and douchey. This is why social media is such a problem...not sure what can be about it though.

    > >


    > He wasn't even trying to keep his cool; he was trying to figure out what he did wrong. He idolized her and the work that she did, and was basically reaching out to talk to someone he looked up to about a topic he loved and got absolutely thrashed by her for it. English isn't his first language, but he was doing his best to deescalate the situation and apologize; he just didn't know what to apologize for. None of that mattered though, as it just kept making her more angry the more he tried.


    > It really kinda hurts to read.


    I know. What I meant was here was a lady he admired, talking about subject dear to him, and she went off on him. He handled himself well which is what I meant about keeping his cool.


  7. > @"Ace Kenshader.1253" said:

    > > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

    > > I am wondering whether all the people who find JP's firing an overreaction have actually built up careers. A simple Google search on "fired because of social media" gives you a slew of examples. People fired because of inappropriate posts, racist posts, misplaced jokes, posts unrelated to their work on social media accounts and on accounts not tied to their employer. This really is not a strange or outrageous phenomenon, but an obvious one for any of us who have careers. Of course, when you display your employment on your account and post your official work there as well, the connection is a no-brainer, as are the consequences for negative and socially unacceptable behavior, and even beliefs.

    > >

    > > Claims of "having the right to sue for wrongful termination" in the case of PF I also don't understand. What do these people know of the internal goings on at ANet's office that the rest of us don't? How are they privvy to this non-public information? How do they know all the steps taken? How do they know ANet hasn't offered both of them to make an apology, and how do they know how either JP or PF responded? If you also don't understand the dangerous legal position ANet would place themselves in if they had fired only JP and not PF, in a case where sexism was used in an accusatory fashion, you are not as knowledgeable about these topics as you think you are. JP legally can't use the sexism card against her former employer anymore, because they fired both a man and a woman over this incident. She can claim it in the media, but legally she doesn't have a foot to stand on with that argument.

    > >

    > > Just stop making claims based on assumptions, for which you need information none of us are privvy to because we don't work at ANet. We don't know all the details, we don't have copies of any internal documentation regarding this case, we don't have copies of ANet's contract of employment, we don't know what legal counsel they have received (though people with a legal background, especially in employment, would know these things). Yet people still make claims that can only be made by actually having all this information. And I'm pretty sure they don't have it, any of it.

    > >

    > > Claims about an alt-right mob are even more ludicrous, if people had even done their homework. Before MO made his announcement, there was very little alt-right trolling, mob mentality or baying going on. It may have increased after his announcement, but it's typical alt-right behavior to spot a situation they can benefit from and jump in and make claims about it, or even appropriate it. Lumping all reasonable and well thought out responses taking a stand against JP's behavior together with the baying trolls is doing a disservice, it's dumb and incredibly transparent. By putting the emphasis on that you're giving them more power than they have. They're trying to incite the mob mentality where there is none and to a certain extent their tactic has worked. Let's not give them the satisfaction and give them more power and influence. JP's behavoir against a customer and official partner to ANet is unacceptable, PF publicly taking a stand with her was a mistake on his part, and public opinion is very much a factor, whether we like it or not. Without the public, most companies do not survive. Without the public, most of us wouldn't have a job. So their perception is important and should always be considered from a business point of view. It's easy to make this personal, or even ideological, while at its core it's just business and public image. Social media is not private and if you actively espouse your employer and talk about your work on such a platform, it's neither private nor personal. It is the weakest excuse in this situation, and both JP and PF know this, whether they want to admit it or not. I really don't believe either of them would be this naïve.

    > >

    > > Edit: grammar


    > The problem is the hypocrisy. After all the folks who cheered that JP was fired are also the same people who cried and protested when Subnautica fired one of their developers for stupid stuff he said on his own twitter post. No matter how one slices it, it's an alt-right mob.


    I know nothing about Subnautica. Jessica did not say just stupid stuff, she was meaner than a rattlesnake...and toward her company's customers. alt-right..,sheesh.


  8. > @"Loukious.7346" said:

    > > @"Tolmos.8395" said:

    > > Here's a really interesting piece of backstory someone posted to reddit that I didn't know.

    > >

    > > _"So, this was the last piece of the puzzle I needed to see to understand the whole thing from start to finish (at least from Deroir's point of view)._

    > >

    > > _For those who can't view this clip - Deroir absolute loves Jessica Price. That is not an overstatement. He said that he loves her responses and that "she's the God of kitten AMAs" and that "she gives great answers all the way through and that it's absolutely amazing to read through." This clip was taken before the incident on twitter occurred._

    > >

    > > _So when JP posted her essay on twitter - on a subject that Deroir was interested in (narrative development) and by someone he looked up to and admired because of her thorough, well-crafted and intricate responses in the AMA previously - he saw the chance to engage with her in civil discourse and took it._

    > >

    > > _I sincerely hope that JP does see this clip. She needs to understand that not every fan/gamer/man out there is out specifically to get her or to "mansplain" to her. In fact, she went off on a person who greatly admired her work and her intelligence and just wanted to take the chance to speak with her more about her work in narrative development only to be shut down in a very cruel and unwarranted fashion."_

    > >

    > >

    > > His response to the situation: https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/8wnkw8/deroirs_response_to_the_incident/


    > That whole Reddit line hurt my heart. Deroir seems like a cool guy and just REALLY wanted to have a discussion with a person he had HIGH regards for.


    I agree with you. He held himself very professionally under the circumstance. Wish I could give him a big Texas sized hug.

  9. I have a question. I just read the Verge article and something Peter Fries tweeted is troubling me.


    “These are our private social media accounts "


    Could someone define this use of Private? If their accounts were private, shouldn't they be under a different name than their work name? If everyone knows who they are, it can't be too private.


    Just a bit confused.



  10. Hello all. I have been busy playing and have not read Reddit, or Guildwars2 forums, so I missed out on this whole thing. To me, Jessica's firing was a good call. She was awful. I applaud that decision. But...to me, Peter Fries did not deserve being fired. He deserved to be read the riot act, and publicly apologize, but not fired. Peter Fries firing is what makes me uneasy about the future. As Linnea has said, the Trolls have now been gifted with immense power over the DEVs. If it was just Jessica who was fired, it would not have been so scary. But they fired Peter Fries!!!! He was the one with the company for over a decade!!! With a firing of that magnitude under their belts, , the Trolls are going to be out in force, poking all the buttons they can find.


    Sigh. I guess we are no longer going to have Dev interaction..except for Barefeet Matthew who appears like he can handle all the gunk the trolls sling at him.


    But, thank you Devs for ejecting Jessica. I am a woman, and I am thanking the Devs :)



  11. I read this thread early this morning on my phone and it got me interested. one of the ways I earned XP for my mounts was running one character after another through the intro, and then running across the maps doing everything to earn Xp along the way. I don't recall the intro being that bad. I need to do it again...this time I am running it with the only one of the professions I have not tried it with...the mesmer. I have only very recently started playing the mesmer and I am probably doing it all wrong but I am having fun with him, and now I am off to the PoF intro and see how he fares there. Wish me luck. Tally Ho!


  12. > @"Stoneheart.6547" said:

    > Hi. This is something I've been wanting for a long time:

    > I'd love it if GW2 were a little bit more difficult. I mean, make all PvE monsters a bit more difficult and increase their respective exp to reflect that change , to make every 1vs1 battle against monsters more fun and challenging and encourage parties to be formed since level 1 or maybe upper levels. There would be some people who'd rather playing alone, because it's also fun, but that'd be a personal challenge.


    > Another change I'd suggest is for players to feel more ecouraged not to let themselves to get killed. I mean, make death a little bit punishable. That can be achieved by reducing stats per broken armor part or charging a bit of gold on armor repair or a mix of both.


    > And finally, I'd love it if increasing a crafting skill were more rewarding. Maybe if you could sell ascended gear you make, or being able to sell more of your work. I love it when I can make myself some profit only from crafting (*Feels like a businessman*).


    > How can I make these ideas reach ANet's dev's? Would you like these changes to be made?


    NOOOOOOO......are you one of those young whippersnappers with perfect reflexes and have been playing a half a jillion years?

    My answer is no. I do not want these changes made. JDub said everything I want to say.

  13. Grin. This happened recently. I was in Dry Top when i came across an event. I joined in and, well, visibility was very poor. I started attacking what I thought everybody else was attacking. When the event was over, to my dismay, I found I had been attacking a very dark, very creepy looking, very large, warrior.


    He/she must of thought I was crazy..or had one too many beers.


    Lisa-still red faced.

  14. > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

    > I think I got all masteries within 1 or 2 weeks after HoT release. Be resourceful, check the Wiki/youtube and see it as kind of a progression. Progression is fun! I really don't see a problem here. Or do you want to finish a game within minutes?


    And check out Dulfy's site. Once I discovered her guide to Solo Hero Points in HoT I was all over it. She also has a similar guide to the Mastery Points.


    I love Dulfy.

  15. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Tatwi.3562" said:

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > I'm sorry you don't like the system, but I don't see that it's all that onerous.

    > > Why is this, "it's not a problem for me, therefore it's not a problem", sentiment so prevalent? It's rude and intolerant.

    > > Plenty of people **_can't_** take part in some aspects of the game, for no fault of their own, yet the can love a whole lot of other aspects about playing the game (and spend loads of money supporting ArenaNet in the process!). It's not OK to tell these people that their problems are not worthy of being solved.


    > It's not rude or intolerant to disagree. I'm not saying "it's not a problem for me therefore it's not a problem for anyone." I said specifically that it doesn't seem onerous, as the OP contends that it is. Of course it's not their fault that they are handicapped in what they can do. But neither is it necessarily a good idea to design a game meant to appeal to the masses in a way that is without challenge for anyone.


    > The OP is entitled to wish for the game to be easier than it is. And it's entirely fair that others wish for it to wish it to be harder. That doesn't make anyone right or wrong, rude or polite. It's simply an opinion. And like any opinion, no one else is required to agree.


    > Had the OP said, instead: "I'm finding this really challenging, what can I do, in my limited circumstances, to make this more fun...," then I would have attempted to offer suggestions. Including what I implied in the part of my message you cut off: there's no rush. It's perfectly okay — and fun — to play the game and not worry about masteries at all.


    Beautiful post. Have a thumbs up. I might take you up on the asking part. Hmmm...maybe a guild for people with physical problems but are gung ho about playing the game. We could help each other. Or maybe there could be a Guild who can offer help.. maybe the Devs could cook up a Guild Achievement for helping the unblessed among us...it could be called "The Helping Hands." Hmm this name actually sounds like a good name for a Guild.


    Anyways. I have to get ready for work. Cheers.



  16. > @"SunTzu.4513" said:


    > > Another aspect I don't really like about GW2s "solo-friendlyness" is, that - in a certain sense - it's not necessarily solo-friendly, but rather too faceroll. I'd be ok with soloable content if it would teach people basic gameplay. Most open-world- and story-content isn't though. Plus, content that forces people to learn the basics of GW2s combat-system gets nerfed really fast. Best example here would be the Eater of Souls in the PoF-storyline. There should be a clear distinction between soloable/solo-friendly content on one side and faceroll-content on the other side and people should also accept that a healthy and well-made MMORPG always should teach its players basic gameplay to set a minimum skill-level.


    > So much this! I never played a MMO where the skillcap of the playerbase is this far away from each other in terms of more or less skilled like in GW2. Imo you have one big part of the playerbase wich mostly play open world and a lot of these people struggle with LS Storybosses or mechaniks ( to be honest a few of them are pretty hard compared to ow). Then you have an other large group wich plays content like t3 fractals and upwards, wich faceroll trough anything what ANet throw at them in ow, LS and low tier fractals. I've done Eater of Souls prenerf within 5 Chars a few of them with half yellow gear before i even reconized on the forums some ppl have heavy issues with it.

    > Personally i think ANet should step up with the difficultylevel in OW overall. Everything should be doable solo. But the difficultygap between ow and story should be better balanced.



    Trouble is...if you step up the difficulty in open world...some players who are playing now, may not be able to handle this increased difficulty due to physical problems and quit. If these players are those who normally buy gems in gemstore with real life money, and quit the game, Anet is out some money.


    I think, I think, I can handle increased difficulty even with my hand-eye coordination like it is...who knows..I might even be a good player if I ever sucked up my courage and teamed to find out. Yes, I admit it, I am sensitive, some unseen person behind the keyboard telling me I am so awful I need to quit and go home would shake me up.


    Every single one of my characters are all geared in Berserker Exotics, and Berserker trinkets from the laurel store and I die only when I am not paying too much attention or when my attention craving cat jumps on the keyboard...I got off of topic... back to topic...yes, the difficulty gap should be more balanced, but why is it open world that needs a difficulty raise???? I think it is "The dratted living story" that needs it's difficulty lowered.


    Actually, I think "The dratted living world story" needs a difficulty slider :)



  17. "WIW, there are some projects in the works and in the wilds that require hardcore grouping. Solo players definitely aren't the intended audience for a lot of the stuff that's in the works. I'm dreading when games like GW2 reach their end, because none of what's in the pipeline is friendly for my play style. [see Saga of Lucimia (sp?), Shroud of the Avatar, etc.]. Heck, look at Bioware's recent project, Anthem, or Sea of Thieves. Open world, online, game as service, difficult to play solo-- these are the new trends even in the "single player" marketplace."


    Juhani-I cannot find your original post. Sit and watch. Those harcore grouping games will most likely fail. People say they want grouping, but saying and doing are two different turkeys ...

  18. > @"saye.9304" said:

    > in my opinion mmos including gw2 must encourage players to play together and group up rather than forcing them to do it, for example if you do content in group you get exclusive rewards like mount skins,armor and weapon skins and achievement, more money etc but if you go through those content as solo player you get little reward, this will encourage you to group up but at same time all the content in the game is available to you and nothing is behind any kind of wall, you can do it solo for story or whatever reason you have but if you want good stuff or high end gear then you better become social and team up with people.


    Yes, but do you really want a clutz like me in your group??????? Force the folks who solo to group, and, we will either quit the game, or do as you say and group, and a lot of us play solo because we are bad players, or have to leave game at moment's notice. But.... if you want to play with the likes of me in your groups....

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