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Posts posted by RangerThings.9810

  1. As a solo Core, the only thing I am salty about is this will decrease my ability to 1) finish thieves that run/disengage and 2) dismount Warclaws.




    Core Ranger roaming is not as bad as many believe, Core has dodged many SB nerfs... except this one. IMO, the AA nerf is targeted at the continued cheese SBs looking to snipe. Not as effective as it was, but still a thing. While I don't think it's "fair" to nerf Core skills, it doesn't change the Core gameplay _that_ much. Core can't 2-3 shot anything, we'll be fighting at close range in good fights (the fun ones). It does mean it will be harder to force engagement while roaming -- less fights or overextending womp womp.



    > Interesting build, seems like the standard LB/GS SB but without the SB. And you're running all berserkers too. Don't you want something more tankier?

    > Also why do you prefer Entangle over strength of the pack?


    In my play style, Signet of Stone is tanky enough to withstand big bursts, otherwise Core struggles to create enough DPS even with Zerk. And since I'm not running BM the CD on SotP is 75 seconds. Way too long to wait for with my other quick rotations. I also often need the extra 2 condi clears.


    I played a similar NM/BM/WS build for a while with Zerk. It had great sustain, good for 1vXing PvE players, but I prefer solo fights and w/o MM couldn't generate enough damage to kill many good solo roamers.


    > I'm still undecided on the second pet and don't know if I should keep the taunt or switch it out for the lesser quickening zephyr.

    I would pick Bristleback. It's go the biggest F2 burst available. If it lands with all that might, it's gonna do the job.

    I prefer Less Zephyr b/c it allows for more active offense. Work in Protect Me for a on demand taunt and overall great choice if going BM.

  3. This is my current core MM/NM/WS solo roaming build:



    Sic Em is OP for SB and throwaway for Core (unless you're using BM Resounding Timbre, but even then...) , you don't get all the damage adds so you have to plan for longer fights (load up on protection). Your pet just doesn't hit often enough to rely on it. This is an old school LB kite/GS burst build. I often change MM traits on fly depending on what classes I'm seeing a lot of atm.

    Just wanted share as my build checks _some_ of your boxes.


    _You're not hardcore, unless you play core._ <3

  4. As a solo roamer and ganker-to-charge-bloodlust-sigil, I like the Warclaw.


    I've changed my build, I don't need all the mobility, I need to deliver a big burst to dismount, then sustain until CD, and then it's a duel. I get to try more builds now. I can adjust my build before fights. I actually enjoy the 'circling' before a fight, it's games imitating (animal) life. Those without Warclaw are the softest targets, so it's almost too easy.


    I love being able to escape and even run through the middle of a zerg. If someone really doesn't want to fight me, they can usually run away. I get it. I gank to build bloodlust, otherwise it's a waste of time. And especially w/ warclaws on the prowl, you don't want to waste time dismounted...


    That's one thing I don't like: I don't take as many sentries and camps. The price of dismounting is not worth it if you suspect adds. I used to be able to get away, now I can't. So in that regard, the actual function of roaming has diminished, but choosing 1vX fights just got easier <3 .


  5. The red side spawn of EBG has [Determined] expanded about 4000 units, about half way up the hill to keep.


    At first I thought this was a shadow nerf to spawn camping (and a pretty effective one), but Green side does not have this expansion. I couldn't make it to Blue side without being continually being run down by Warclaws. Roaming is dead / long live roaming!

  6. OP I’m with you. Gankers are mostly subpar zerglings trying to 111 the bad man. But it’s a gift: how much fun is it stalking down that siege-slinging-salt-sprayer? Otherwise it’s just random speed bumps. Cherish it.



    > Gank build =/= 1v1 build


    Xv1 builds? We’ve peaked.

  7. My internet drops for about 5 seconds every 2-3 minutes. It sucks.


    What is the best tactic to not die during that 5 seconds?


    I assume it looks like I’m just running idly in whatever direction I was in. Lately, I’ve tried to at least change directions as it seems like when I snap back in, the enemy is still following my original trajectory.


    Or is the considered exploitive? I assure you it’s not an advantage, especially as I exclusively solo roam, but trying to make the best of a bad connection ?

  8. > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

    > No, that would be a great mechanic for everyone else. It makes no sense to give the counter for a class to that same class.


    It means OP just needs a thief in the group to root out the other stealths. Makes perfect sense.

  9. > @"Sunapollo.9152" said:

    > How about making a “invisible dimension” such that if you are also invisible then you can see the other invisible players in the same dimension?


    In DAoC, the original WvW, stealth classes could spec to see other stealth classes. Higher spec, further vision. This would be a great thief mechanic imho.


  10. > @"Maven.1690" said:

    > Yes its a purprose built build to crit heavy and hard on the opening two or 3 shots. He was running a druid build staff and bow so not sure what armor but pretty sure i caught him by surprise and got the shots off before he knew what happened. You can call it cheese but its really just glass and takes a fair amount of effort to not get jumped unawares. Pretty fun watching everyone argue rock paper scissors though.




    I’m all zerk, protection and stone passive was down. You had some extra stats from Guild Aura and Keep buffs. I knew you were there, but was trying to lure you down by giving you a couple cheap shots (while I brazenly tapped keep). And then I was suddenly dead!


    Those big shots have only happen a few times. I’ve been 1 shotted by DEs fwiw.

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