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Newbie (1/14)

  1. > @"gloflop.3510" said: > The build looks correct. > > I would recommend to follow a commander a bit first. Your commands still sound correct but they became a bit more sophisticated these days (small stab, big stab,...). Easiest as I said if you follow a commander and you will soon hear the commands. Thanks! I was actually going to do this already, but I wanted some additional input from other players because I still do not even know who are the "good" commanders now. Plus, my server (Desolation, EU) is currently linked with Arborstone (FR) and most open pug commanders are French and, well... I don't speak French all that well :) > @"GameTheory.8059" said: > > Hey bud! Welcome back. > > I don’t know which server you are on but you are more than welcome to hop on my guild’s discord server and we can chat. I came back to the game ~2 months ago (quit during hammer train meta). > > As a pin, there are couple of options your choice depends on the group you are running with, your comfort level with the class and what you are up against. My top there choices are: > > FB > Chrono > Warrior > > Personally, I prefer my chrono in most of situations. Hope you enjoy all of the changes! Cheers, > > Follow Hi! Thank you for the proposal! However, I inspected your post-history and it looks like you're in NA, so I regretfully cannot join you!
  2. Thanks for the input! So Guardian (Firebrand) is still the way to go it seems. Is this build the "meta" one: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Firebrand_-_Support_Firebrand ? Also, any recommendation as to what to call/avoid (again, I am left to the "Stab" "Water" "Bomb") :)
  3. > @"Westenev.5289" said: > > @"Ashen.2907" said: > > I am not sure that any of that is easier than clicking on the TP icon, selecting desired stats, and spending gold. Similarly, I don't think any of your examples are easier than spending karma at a temple heart vendor. > > Good luck finding a temple heart vendor for: > > Marauders. > Minstrils. > Trailblazer. > Vipers. > Sinister. > > Sound familiar? Probably because they're some of the most commonly used armors in WvW and PvE. And you can't buy them on the trading post. So, I ask you, without listing any of the methods I have listed... > > ... how do you buy these stats off the trading post? What is your easy acquisition method for a person who admits they hate PvE and want to WvW? If you are not aiming at min-maxing and stay with exotics, then who cares about not having access to "optimal" stats. And, regardless, you can easily get a "temporary" exotic set, and join a WvW zerg for a few hours to complete a reward track that awards you with an exotic gearpiece with all the stats you need. The point still stands: exotics, regardless of the stat-choice, is dramatically easier to obtain than any ascended.
  4. > @"Westenev.5289" said: > It seems daunting, but in reality it's one or two months of playing how I want with a variety of activities I float between whenever I want a change of location. Plus, if you get into wvw, some stats like celestial or marshals can be difficult to obtain as exotics (and if you're crafting, why not just make ascended?). That's the issue: "one or two months of playing" is simply excessive for what GW2 was intended to be. I would somehow accept it for _legendary_ equipment which allows to change stats on the spot, but what if I wanted to change gear? Do I need to spend another "one or two months" for min-maxing? That's simply too much - and way beyond what I'd define as "more easily obtainable than exotics". > @"Westenev.5289" said: > If there is one takeaway though, I really want to stress the winterberry farm in lws3 ep 3. I am a returning player and do not even know what a winterberry is, let alone how to access "LWS3 EP3" :3 > @"Westenev.5289" said: > And, I want to note that top tier players continually prove game knowledge trumps stats. So long as you have the correct exotic stats, you can easily outdps someone in ascended gear who buttonmashes, picks bad weapons and generally doesn't know what they're doing. This statement is correct and that's why - in the end - I still go around with my "unoptimized" gear and kick asses all around; but still, the few times I die I cannot avoid thinking "heh, if only I had that item...", which is silly, but it's exactly how "top tier players" like to play :) I'll be frank: I took a look at the wiki for all the ways you mentioned for achieving Ascended Gear, and my mind literally exploded. Whenever I opened one item, I had to look up something like 10 other pages just to see the "ingredients" required for that item alone. For an exotic, I just go on the trading post, spend my 1-10gold on it, and that's it. (DISCLAIMER: I am a WvW player, and I despise PvE)
  5. > @"Westenev.5289" said: > > @"hihey.1075" said: > > > @"Westenev.5289" said: > > > Depending on the stats you're after, it's actually cheaper/easier to get ascended gear rather than exotic - this is doubly true for trinkets. And outside of Fractals, you could probably do content in rare or exotic gear - the DPS isn't all that different so long as your stats are damage orientated and you can play your class adequately. > > > > > > > Can you provide examples of this? I am having a hard time figuring out how Ascended equipment is easier to obtain than Exotic. > > > > I am genuinely interested because, as a returning player who stopped right before HoT, I am in the situation where I do not know how to proceed to update my gear (which was fully ascended) with the best stat choices for min-maxing my performance. > > > > Ring: Fractals, 10 pristine for red ring of death and the other one (berserker stats). > > Ring, Backpack, Accessory (unique, any stat): Pick up lws3 ep 3 from the gem store. You will unlock bitterfrost frontieer. Farm winterberries, you should get about 70 per character per day if you do hearts + chests. More characters helps here, and the farm is fairly quick with mounts. Use the winterberries to buy accessories. > > Ring, Backpack, Amulet (unique, any stat): I recommend bloodstone from lws3 ep 1 since they're stat swappable, but takes FOREVER to farm. But, in general, lw is just great for farming at least one type of ascended accessory. PvP also has realistically obtainable stat swappable accessories if you want to casually dab into the ranked season for lols. > > Backpack: Lots of achievements give one. My personal favourite are the PoF banner support achievements. If you're stuck on what to go for, pick ad infinitum - it'll take you through the steps to make a beta infused backpack with 2 infusion slots you can keep. > > Weapons: Elite spec weapons are probably the easiest to obtain off the top of my head. If they're the wrong stat, throw them in the mystic toilet with the exotic inscription of choice. Caladbolg is also a fun miniquest and a nice send off to traehearne, and can take the form of a gs, sword, scepter, shield or dagger. > > Armour: pvp is an option, but realistically just throw money at the problem. Use gw2 crafts to get 450 tailor (light), leatherworking (medium) or armoursmithing (heavy). Begin making your daily materials. In the meantime, you can get exotic stat swappable armour from verdant brink (bladed armour) or berserkers from the cathedral of silence in cursed shore. Thanks, but I still do not see how all these are more easily achievable (in terms of time/gold cost) than exotics :/
  6. > @"Westenev.5289" said: > Depending on the stats you're after, it's actually cheaper/easier to get ascended gear rather than exotic - this is doubly true for trinkets. And outside of Fractals, you could probably do content in rare or exotic gear - the DPS isn't all that different so long as your stats are damage orientated and you can play your class adequately. > Can you provide examples of this? I am having a hard time figuring out how Ascended equipment is easier to obtain than Exotic. I am genuinely interested because, as a returning player who stopped right before HoT, I am in the situation where I do not know how to proceed to update my gear (which was fully ascended) with the best stat choices for min-maxing my performance.
  7. Thanks to all! Last question, what about the weaponset? Are Dagger or Sword mainhand viable, or should I go for something with Staff or Rifle?
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