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  1. Hi, I'm not sure if you already know this but you can bind mounts to keys. For example I have num1,2,3 for Raptor/Springer and Skimmer respectively. Then 4 and 6 for griffon + beetle and num+ for Skyscale. Its easy and fast :)
  2. I recommend using a skyscale if you have one with the stealth skill and the launch mechanic, then some type of invuln or stealth skill on the character you are on. Not so long ago I had to be there for map completion to get the POI. Approach from Watcher's Hollow. Stick to the northern part of the map as you make your way to the tower area. You can kite/kill the few centaurs there if you make good use of positioning (line of sight). What I did was make sure my skyscale bars (green and yellow) are both full, aim for the spot I want to be, double dash, then launch off right away. When u land and there's aggro, stealth and get what you need. You may not make it out alive, though it is certainly possible. I did the achievement some years ago, so I don't recall if you need both shards (there's 2 locations on wiki) or just one, if you need 2 you probably have to do this tactic twice if u don't make it out alive. If only one, then the one at the tower itself is easier to get if you approach it like described above. Good Luck!
  3. I read that a lot of stuff meant for Heart of Thorns was cut. I'm thinking a resolution to Malyck's story was one of the things that were cut from the final product.
  4. Kinda like everything up to Champions, which was a letdown for me. Storywise it's fine, I don't have high expectations, the prologue set it up very nicely, and it was kept up with Bjora's first half, after that it sort of went up and down for me but overall nothing too bad. But with Champions things felt way too rushed, I would have liked to see more story regarding the civil war aftermath. And I feel not delving more into the lore of the Norn was a missed opportunity as well. A map or 2 to show a bit more of the Charr Homelands and the Far Shiverpeaks would have been welcome. I don't mind most of the new gameplay content and achievements, except for certain items locked behind ridiculous RNG such as the Charr Cultural Helmet. The do X achievement 10 times stuff doesn't bother me too much, I take my time finishing things anyway. But Champions, egh. Just lackluster. The 3 DRM's aren't different enough from each other, the mechanics are boring and the whole episode just feels like they rushed it. Played the story once to finish it, have no idea what actually happened as it didn't draw me in as previous releases did. Will replay it eventually just to know what's what when the new episode releases, which I really hope won't be more uninspired DRM's. Favourite map: Drizzlewood Favourite story: Prologue: Bound by Blood + Bjora 1 Also kind of want to see an entire map like the Abberant Forest.
  5. You can also always type /wiki in chat and then shift click the items you are wondering what to do with. The wiki page will tell you all the uses for them, most you can just safely sell or destroy, but the /wiki helps you be sure of it.
  6. The Bloodstone dye set gets some good results too. Bloodstone Dark Indigo makes a standard beetle mount look great.
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