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Posts posted by vyncius.6105

  1. I was like you. I had my trailblazer, mad kings runes renegade build that i really liked and i thought i can run this in fractals or raids, because i was stomping open world content. Boy i was i wrong, got my first reality check in fractals, when i did less dps than boon chrono.


    its fine if you dont want to play meta build, but dont be surprised if you get kicked out of groups for not pulling your own weight.



  2. it depends on what you consider is "big". For me "big" means alot of content, like raid wing, new wvw map, new pvp map, few dungeons, open world with good and fun metas, new especs or atleast new weapon for each class.


    If you've meant map size, then sorry, i miss understood you.

  3. > @"Jekkt.6045" said:

    > that's not condi rev. you're not allowed to talk about balance if it's not about condi rev.


    > on a more serious note: yes power rev damage is broken and people don't want to hear it. btw nade damage on holo is broken too.


    dont tell anyone about holo, he is my ticket to get out of gold and have amulet asap

  4. > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

    > I know this is going to be a heavy blow to many people, but even so, it is my sad duty to informe about it: Forging Steel is not a strike mission. Sorry, but that's the harsh truth.


    > Strike missions have two unique characteristics that define them:


    > 1) A direct access through the gate in EotN.

    > You don't find Forging Steel there, right? Well, it's not a strike mission, so it shouldn't be there.


    > 2) A message in the middle of the screen that says "**STRIKE MISSION** completed" when your group has killed the boss.

    > No no, you didn't miss that message last time you ran Forging Steel. It's simply that there wasn't any message, because, well... it's not a strike mission.


    > So please, don't list LFG for Forging Steel under Strike Mission tab, please.


    why do you care

  5. > @"Frostfang.5109" said:

    > ..... for the next expansion?

    > I know we know nothing about its content or when it will be released yet, but I have started to prepare for what I think and hope will come, and I guess I'm not the only one.


    > I have started to prepare for rolling a new character - hopefully a tengu!


    with upcoming legendary gear update in mind, ill craft all legendary weapon types, so my new especs will have something to equip. If i dont have a legendary weapon for a class or espec, i am not playing it.

  6. Story content isnt fun to me, i play once and i never playing story again. Because its boring press F simulator. Its not my thing.

    Does that mean anet shouldnt develop story content???? HELL NO! Some people like that and i respect that.


    I like my raids, i like to join discord with people and discuss strategies about raid. Doesnt matter if its new (those are hella fun first time) or just how to be more efficient on old raids.


    So please, keep your opinion to yourself, we understand its not your thing, but atleast stay silent and let us hope for wing 8.


    I also like strikes, especially new one and whispers of jormag.

  7. > @"Tren.5120" said:

    > > @"vyncius.6105" said:

    > > > @"Tren.5120" said:

    > > > Personally, I find the content design to be really bad. I hate the way you level up Classes. Everything is a puzzle, or riddle.

    > > >

    > > > You need high jump to get to mastery point. Meanwhile, every mastery point you have left on the map requires this. Oh wait... there's one I can see. Let's get it! Sorry, deadly quicksand. Can't swim around to different areas. "A current has pushed you back... oops, sorry you're dead now, so the past 10 minutes you spent riding here on your slow as f*ck mount has been wasted."

    > > >

    > > > You cannot get to other maps with out it. You're basically stuck in one area doing nothing, except the same boring kitten missions that basically give you nothing. You're basically playing the game on the Wiki. Path of Fire is really no different than HoT for me, and I'll probably end up playing it less than I played HoT before I quit - with the quickness.

    > > >

    > > > I want to play the game. I'm not looking for the MMORPG equivalent of a Rubik's Cube. The content design is laughably bad, IMHO. Waste of $30. Can we get a refund for this?

    > >

    > > you must be really bad in video games


    > Insulting me and ignoring every point I made in my post may be cute, but it's ultimately still just as worthless as a blank reply.


    > But have fun with that!


    > I asked in Map Chat, and multiple other people said they were having the same issues. They cannot move onto other areas because they don't have enough masteries, and cannot reach the masteries that are there due to them requiring mount skills that you need more masteries to obtain. One person even said they put in a bug report, because they thought something was wrong (lol).


    > It has nothing to do with "being bad at the game."


    > One person said to do Fractals, which I won't do because the dungeons in this game are @$$.


    > Another person said to replay Living World Season 2, which I did, but it didn't give any mastery points or anything.


    you know that everyone had to experience this lack of masteries? i dont remember ever thinking that is too hard or annoying, this is how game was built, so deal with it.


    Fractals are pretty good, maybe problem is not this game, but a someone that is between chair and keyboard.


    By the way, i wasnt insulting you

  8. > @"Tren.5120" said:

    > Personally, I find the content design to be really bad. I hate the way you level up Classes. Everything is a puzzle, or riddle.


    > You need high jump to get to mastery point. Meanwhile, every mastery point you have left on the map requires this. Oh wait... there's one I can see. Let's get it! Sorry, deadly quicksand. Can't swim around to different areas. "A current has pushed you back... oops, sorry you're dead now, so the past 10 minutes you spent riding here on your slow as f*ck mount has been wasted."


    > You cannot get to other maps with out it. You're basically stuck in one area doing nothing, except the same boring kitten missions that basically give you nothing. You're basically playing the game on the Wiki. Path of Fire is really no different than HoT for me, and I'll probably end up playing it less than I played HoT before I quit - with the quickness.


    > I want to play the game. I'm not looking for the MMORPG equivalent of a Rubik's Cube. The content design is laughably bad, IMHO. Waste of $30. Can we get a refund for this?


    you must be really bad in video games

  9. > @"evlover.6270" said:

    > > @"Patty.3268" said:

    > > But is it really tournament wins or is it tournament match wins? Winning 20 Tournaments would be much harder than "just" 20 matches in tournaments. Has someone already partipated in a tournament?


    > Matches, but that's already very luck based since you need to hope not to draw a dedicated pvp team while you're probably just pugging a team on lfg. Complete tournament wins would've been impossible for pretty much everyone who's not in a dedicated team (and would encourage wintrading even more). So at least they left a small ray of light to get it if you think you can get lucky with pugs 20 times but expect to have to participate in well over 40 tournaments to get it since the chances on even just winning the first match will be way below 50%.


    you play more than 1 game per tournament, you should be able to get atleast 1 win per tournament

  10. > @"Moradorin.6217" said:

    > > @"vyncius.6105" said:

    > > pre nerf condi mirage was stupid broken, it was nearly impossible to kill, had crazy amount of condi stacking.

    > > Mirage, FB, scourge shouldnt exist in pvp at all, just because they are so hard to balance. They should be nerfed to being considered as troll pick or just entirely removed from the pvp (anet will never do that), so i stay with first option.


    > Right I mean I agree. We should remove all Especs from pvp/wvw. Make is so EVERY CLASS only has core to choose from then balance. That seems like a good option. I wonder how popular an idea that would be.


    not all, just these 3. but it will never happen.


    > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > > @"vyncius.6105" said:

    > > **incompetent devs that listen to the wrong people everytime**.


    > FTFY



    its not that incompetent devs, its more about class mechanics that are very hard to balance. Example would be Ryze from league of legends, that champion had like 5 complete reworks in his lifetime, because his kit was impossible to balance. Its only broken OP or completely useless. Same with these 3 ive mentioned and that is popular opinion, not only mine.


    > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > > @"vyncius.6105" said:

    > > pre nerf condi mirage was stupid broken **imo**, it was nearly impossible ** for me** to kill, had crazy amount of condi stacking.

    > > **because l2p is too hard**.




    I am not arguing that i am good player in pvp, i am only 1500 elo scrub.

    But atleast i kinda understand what is broken just by watching AT's. Before you couldnt imagine winning team composition without FB, scourge(before nerfing to being useless), mirage (or thief) , rev, warrior. If only way to win AT was to have atleast 2 or all 3, of my mentioned classes, it means we have a problem with balancing, class design and their kit.

  11. pre nerf condi mirage was stupid broken, it was nearly impossible to kill, had crazy amount of condi stacking.

    Mirage, FB, scourge shouldnt exist in pvp at all, just because they are so hard to balance. They should be nerfed to being considered as troll pick or just entirely removed from the pvp (anet will never do that), so i stay with first option.

  12. i like idea of 2v2 and its fun, but balance is sooo bad...

    atm the most broken duos ive played was NECRO+ TEMPEST, REAPER+ TEMPEST, SCRAPPER+ CONDI THIEF. These match ups are so unfun, i actualy started calling names on these people, because it was so frustrating to play against.

    And i am not toxic one (never in my 8 years of playing league of legends, csgo i was banned, suspended or chat banned).

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