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Posts posted by vyncius.6105

  1. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > @"vyncius.6105" said:

    > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > > > @"vyncius.6105" said:

    > > > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > > > > You probably should not lump all 'veteran' players into the same group. Many of us are 'veterans', and still have plenty to entertain us.

    > > > >

    > > > > we are probably different veteran players. I am hardcore and you are probably casual.

    > > >

    > > > What a silly differentiation... what makes your "hard-core "any more important than the "casual"...

    > > > What makes you hard-core? The amount of time you play, how much gold you have acquired, how much real coin you spend or how awesome sauce you think yourself to be over others. Or is it cos you can speedrun a raid or dungeon or fractal a few seconds quicker than the next player.

    > > > Yeah your veteran is worth so much more than my veteran status so ANET should panda to your silly season notions....

    > >

    > > I dont think I am better than you or any other casual.

    > > But all the content I like to play is dead or too easy or just doesnt get enough content to keep me interested.

    > > I have over 800 LI, more than 200 fractal cm kp's. I've started playing WvW alot this year, but balance is awful and way too boring.

    > > I never enjoyed sPvP, because of balance issues, ive done my backpack and left.

    > >

    > > This is how my guild feels like, mainly we are raiding guild, but no one is really playing anymore, not because its summer (I see ppl are online in discord), but simply because we have nothing to do.


    > You never answered the question.. what makes you hard-core??


    Someone who plays video games as a primary hobby. They tend to spend large amounts of time playing games, often in excess of two or three hours a day.


    Ive played only gw2, all modes, speedrunning raids etc... but not anymore

  2. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"vyncius.6105" said:

    > > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > > I don't understand the need to be spoken to every second by the developers. I've still got plenty of stuff to do and plenty of stuff to work on. We know they're working on new content. Like what can they say that's actually going to make a difference and change anything?

    > >

    > > YOU have stuff to do, not veteran players. I have only 3k hours played and ive already ran out of things to do, unless you count brainless grind of gold for legendaries, as content.


    > I have over twice the time put into the game as you. I'm at 25k achievement points.

    > I've got legendary armor, Aurora, 17 different legendary weapons. Legendary armor. An account value of 200k.


    > I've still got loads of stuff to do.


    > But go ahead, drop you 40kAP kitten on the table and show everyone you have indeed run out of things to do.


    > > PvP is dieing because of bad balance.


    > SPvP was always niche, even at it's height.


    > > WvW is dead because of bad balance, and alliances will not save that.

    > more.


    > Good.I never like WvW.




    achievments is not a content. 2 leggie sets, aurora, vision, 7 gen 2 leggies, 1 gen 1 leggie, 2 backpiece leggies. Dont flex on me, mate.

  3. > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

    > > @"vyncius.6105" said:

    > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > > You probably should not lump all 'veteran' players into the same group. Many of us are 'veterans', and still have plenty to entertain us.

    > >

    > > we are probably different veteran players. I am hardcore and you are probably casual.


    > What a silly differentiation... what makes your "hard-core "any more important than the "casual"...

    > What makes you hard-core? The amount of time you play, how much gold you have acquired, how much real coin you spend or how awesome sauce you think yourself to be over others. Or is it cos you can speedrun a raid or dungeon or fractal a few seconds quicker than the next player.

    > Yeah your veteran is worth so much more than my veteran status so ANET should panda to your silly season notions....


    I dont think I am better than you or any other casual.

    But all the content I like to play is dead or too easy or just doesnt get enough content to keep me interested.

    I have over 800 LI, more than 200 fractal cm kp's. I've started playing WvW alot this year, but balance is awful and way too boring.

    I never enjoyed sPvP, because of balance issues, ive done my backpack and left.


    This is how my guild feels like, mainly we are raiding guild, but no one is really playing anymore, not because its summer (I see ppl are online in discord), but simply because we have nothing to do.

  4. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > You probably should not lump all 'veteran' players into the same group. Many of us are 'veterans', and still have plenty to entertain us.


    we are probably different veteran players. I am hardcore and you are probably casual.

  5. I dont see how anet can fix all the problems... slow raid/fractals release, bad pvp balance, alliances w/o proper balance will be trash. Xpac lvl content is probably going to be more new mounts, more armor skins etc.. but no proper actual content for ppl to get into for months.

    I dont think we will ever see new e-specs, race or weapon types... It will be just more story that like half of players dont even care about (atleast in my guild)

  6. > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > > @"Roquen.5406" said:

    > > > @"Dami.5046" said:

    > > > Be thankful you can do raids to get the ring in the first place. There is no room in my heart to go into any elitist dungeon for the effect I witnessed yesterday. To be fair wasn't overly keen , so a good thing but still.

    > >

    > > There are so many casual groups and training runs that people have all the time. As long as you read up and come prepared (a good build and proper gear) you can hop in for even a single boss and leave when you want. You don't have to commit to every boss every week. You can do it at your own pace. I think people overstate the difficulty/elitism that goes on.

    > >

    > > Yes, there are elitists and yes there are toxic people but often those are the worst groups to be in and you wouldn't want to be there anyways - they tend to fail a lot. But these people exist in every game mode and in fact every game... /shrug


    > Thanks but it's till not my cup of tea - and I don't have the *hours* to put in to git gud. I can survive farming bitter frost a bit longer :P


    I am curious what do you actualy do in this game if farming berries for 30mins for you is already hardcore

  7. > @"Arhon.6158" said:

    > Let it be better to leave such a version of Aurora. Because the old version was too much the same with Vision. I really hope that Arena Net will forever leave such a new look.


    its not new look, its a bug, this visual effect is meant if you have all 3 trinkets

  8. > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

    > They are 1.49s insta buy 1.42s buy order and constantly going up with no decline in sight.


    > Can you please add more ways to get this item? It's making legendaries more expensive to make and the only unfarmable item for legendaries in the game.


    > It makes it very unfun to make legendaries when this items price is high.


    buy mystic clovers from fractal vendor, 2 each day. Do pvp/wvw tracks, 2 per track. Do berry farm and open boxes with a chance to get some clovers, i have about 50 clovers, just from these activitiea

  9. > @"Tripzter.8623" said:

    > Hey there,

    > I'm not a raider, but would like to get into it, I raided a bit before PoF came out meaning its been a while.

    > I've been trying to look for at least 2 picks to DPS in raids (a power build and a condi build) to start with but in snowcrows it doesn't seem to show all builds and every boss shows a different best comp so I'm having some trouble figuring out the best 2 to start with. Example: Cairn shows Mirage as best DPS but in the golems Mirage is not shown, so it's not easy to compare Mirage with other condi specs.

    > Long story short, I'd like to know which 2 specs I should start with, and with time ill be able to get the others going.

    > Sorry for the noob and confusing question.


    > Thanks



    I would say gear condi renegade and power dh or dd, condi renegade is kinda like playing piano, but it will be useful on 90% of bosses. You can also gear for alacrity renegade with diviners stats and have more flexibility

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