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Posts posted by vyncius.6105

  1. > @"Luckster.4076" said:

    > A little bit disappointed that an aura effect isn't more focused on the hands since it's a ring--but I do love the stacking effect! I have an absolute mighty need for this ring now and need to double my efforts to get a Dhuum Kill just to get started!

    > Thank you for sharing this, OP!


    its earring not a ring, ring will probably come out with next raid, in couple weeks probably


  2. People asked for longer content, complained about empty ls4 maps, once anet gives you reason to come to these maps you all start to complain that is too hard and not worth it.... SO DONT DO IT.

    I am not doing myself, not because its time or farm gated, but because I dont like that mount, griffon is superior to skyscale anyday and anytime.

    If you so badly want that mount, so just shut your mouth and take it slowly, meet people, talk to people while farming.

    Ive done aurora and it was fun to come to old ls maps and meet people, talk to them.

  3. i am 1 trick rev, so it means i play raids as condi and power dps. Dps is not the best, but herald has nice things, like alot of cc with staff 5 and herald ultimate. On some encounters like w6b1 i find myself in top 3 dps of my squad, others like kc at the bottom of dps. I do tryhard af while playing raids.


  4. > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

    > >Increase rewards for pof meta events

    > ..or may be certain other maps with over-the-top gold income per hour need to be further nerfed (who said Silverwastes?), to reach an average income level of the rest of the maps in the game. Just saying B)


    jungle events have okay-ish rewards, dont really need any changes. But pof events are just sad... Pinnata has bad rewards, but meta is easier than lvl1 zones, so it makes sense. Serpants ire event, ive tried couple of times, have failed every time and its hard to find ppl to do this meta, but now ill go to vabbi and be there as much as i need to do this event


  5. > @"dominik.9721" said:

    > > @"vyncius.6105" said:

    > > revenants have no condi cleanse, thats biggest weakness of the class.


    > False. As many times proven correctly, Rev hardcounters condi mirage while scourge dies meanwhile in cleave.


    herald is weak against condi classes, it can be any condi class. From time to time i play core p/p engi or condi renegade just for lols and what i can tell, if i can beat 1v1 Herald as core engi or condi renegade ir really does mean, herald is weak af against condis

  6. > @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

    > > @"Heartpains.7312" said:

    > > Hey

    > > I am just wondering, how do you get this these days? xD

    > > You need to go into dead maps and try to get things done that requires many or if not many several people, either way, its like you need help of others ALL the way through dead maps, i know that it is "still" obtainable for me since i might have to ask the people i know, but what about those who doesn't have people to help them?

    > >

    > > I know that this is mmo and you shouldn't play it alone, but seriously how do you progress through dead maps in such matters?


    > I consider that Aurora is not worth the effort to craft. If you don't really need the visual appearance, then (again, only my opinion) you can very well obtain the same thing by using the Amulet you can buy from Bloodstone Fen. With 100 Unbound Magic you can change the status for this Amulet as many times as you want.


    > I have the precursor for Aurora. But being able to craft only ONE trinket, that means I will spend a lot of resources (as many as for a Legendary weapon) for an incomplete solution. I have 9 toons. So, one Aurora will solve almost nothing. Only ONE is too expensive. If we will have the possibility to craft several in the future, then I may consider to craft one for each toon. Because in this way I can solve the "Amulet Problem".


    its earring, not amulet


  7. > @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

    > Honestly - I HATE the requirements to acquire the griffon mount. I don't want to do them, and frankly - I won't, EVER do them. However, I would like the advantages of a griffon mount, and would be happy to pay real money to get them. Please offer the griffon mount on the real money transaction store for whatever you feel is an appropriate price. I am certain that many people would appreciate it. Let me reiterate - I will NEVER..... NEVER do the current requirements for the griffon mount.


    > NEVER. It actually makes me angry.



    So thats what AngryZoric have been talking about in teatime. Toxic casual

  8. > @"Leethe.3514" said:

    > Thanks lots for all the answers ?? though to be honest, it doesn't really seem worth one's while like some other events ? If there was nothing that I wanted to have myself I couldn't even sell it as everything I spotted on the vedors inventory was account bound..


    Its not a gold farm festival, like wintersday or hallowen. I dont like skins from SAB, but its fun event, it definetly worth to try for lols

  9. Renegade is so trash that makes me question my self, why dafaq i play this game. Renegade needs such a big rework, that i dont think anet are able to do it. Besides, last patch they nerfed condi revenant(renegade) for no fkn reason.

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