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Posts posted by lodjur.1284

  1. > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > > Notes are out and it's looking pretty amazing, another good balance patch following the february one.

    > > >

    > > > are you high?

    > >

    > > I wish.

    > >

    > > > they declared a new 4-6 week balance cadence, did nothing for 6 months, then pushed out this steaming kitten of a balance patch. Melee classes are completely obsolete again because of the scourge buffs, they aren't addressing herald damage and in fact made jalis even better, and no immob nerfs for rangers- they even buffed druid's immob duration.

    > >

    > > It's been like 4 1/2 months since late february. But you're right that it's been a bit slow.

    > >

    > > Melee being obsolete sounds like some zerg stuff idc about tbh. I play melee and didnt back when scourge had old shades, not really a problem. Scourge does no dmg anyway.

    > >

    > > Do you mean power or condi herald dmg? I assume Power because you mentioned Jalis.

    > >

    > > Also Jalis didn't exactly get buffed, it got some very annoying bugs fixed, the mid-air stuff that is. Then it also got the f2 fixed to work with the trait, I guess, but that's fairly minor stuff.

    > >

    > > Lack of immob nerf for ranger is awful, correct. The buff to druid condi immob feels strange as well.

    > >

    > > Mostly I am happy about.

    > >

    > > Revenant mid-air fix. Renegade Shortbow getting another skill.

    > >

    > > Scourge getting it's shade back. Even if it still does 0 dmg.

    > >

    > > Chrono getting to have real shatters again.

    > >

    > > The small supportbrand nerf (not enough and in the wrong place but it's something)

    > >

    > > But overall I like the current state of the game even if it has it's issues (like ranger and supportbrand). So I am mostly happy the game isn't reverting to the awful state that it was pre-february. Meaning minor improvements is more than good enough for me.


    > sorry for the exaggeration, 4.5 months not 6. You didn't play melee back when scourges had their personal shade because almost no one played melee then. This is how strong of an effect self based shades were, they nullified an entire game mechanic. Bringing them back reverts the wvw meta back to what it was pre-february, a pirate ship where you can't melee push until a group is almost wiped.


    I actually did. But I don't zerg and in smallscale (ie enemy groupsize of like 5-15, personal groupsize of 3-5) melee definitively isn't held back by scourge and scourge would essentially count as a melee build (or at least close ranged).


    I actually swapped from scourge because the dmg got so bad, long before the shade changes and swapped to Condi Ren (as my "main" so to speak, obviously I play a bit of everything), a very melee-y build.


    > Both condi and power herald use jalis, it's only oppressive on power. There's no reason a 900 unit long pulsing stability field should have a 1.5 power coefficient- that's the same amount of damage rev hammer 2 does.


    Condi herald generally doesnt use jalis,, Condi herald is generally Dragon+Demon.


    Condi renegade does run Demon+Dwarf generally tho (though they're extremely rare).


    I haven't had any issues with getting nuked by Inspiring Reinforcement, I have barely seen it on my dmg taken in ARC, but I honestly couldn't care less if it got 0.01 power scaling like CC skills do. I knew that it had very high power scaling, it just literally wasn't even on my mind when you mentioned jalis due to the fact that I have just never taken any real amount of dmg from it.


    Just hope the Stab/CD/Energy Cost/Weakness remains the same.


    > and idk what you're talking about with scourges, they still do great damage. I'm not even running a power setup or well of suffering




    Meh, As I said I don't really zerg.


    You do play notably better than the rest of that zerg, but I very much doubt that "you should" be outdpsing everyone in a zerg setting as condi scourge. That better players do more dmg than worse ones is kinda expected tho. I am very certain that you (or me for that matter) could get top dmg in that zerg with almost anything that has any sort of dmg.


    Either way, from my point of view it's a good thing as scourge will continue to be bad where I play anyway and could use some love.


    It will always be extremely strong in zergs tho, whether they change the shade or nah, delete AoE caps completely from all (ie all classes) offensive skills and it would probably be much less of an issue

  2. > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > Notes are out and it's looking pretty amazing, another good balance patch following the february one.


    > are you high?


    I wish.


    > they declared a new 4-6 week balance cadence, did nothing for 6 months, then pushed out this steaming kitten of a balance patch. Melee classes are completely obsolete again because of the scourge buffs, they aren't addressing herald damage and in fact made jalis even better, and no immob nerfs for rangers- they even buffed druid's immob duration.


    It's been like 4 1/2 months since late february. But you're right that it's been a bit slow.


    Melee being obsolete sounds like some zerg stuff idc about tbh. I play melee and didnt back when scourge had old shades, not really a problem. Scourge does no dmg anyway.


    Do you mean power or condi herald dmg? I assume Power because you mentioned Jalis.


    Also Jalis didn't exactly get buffed, it got some very annoying bugs fixed, the mid-air stuff that is. Then it also got the f2 fixed to work with the trait, I guess, but that's fairly minor stuff.


    Lack of immob nerf for ranger is awful, correct. The buff to druid condi immob feels strange as well.


    Mostly I am happy about.


    Revenant mid-air fix. Renegade Shortbow getting another skill.


    Scourge getting it's shade back. Even if it still does 0 dmg.


    Chrono getting to have real shatters again.


    The small supportbrand nerf (not enough and in the wrong place but it's something)


    But overall I like the current state of the game even if it has it's issues (like ranger and supportbrand). So I am mostly happy the game isn't reverting to the awful state that it was pre-february. Meaning minor improvements is more than good enough for me.

  3. > @"DiogoSilva.7089" said:

    > **1. Shortbow makes no sense**


    > When you look at all other revenant's weapons, you can tell the intended playstyle for each of them, and how each skill contributes to that playstyle. Swords? Isolate a target, and then deal more damage to isolated targets. Staff? Disrupt your opponent while defending yourself. Hammer? Keep enemies at range to gain an advantage over them (you can even trick the AI to stay away from you with the leaping #3 skill). Mace (with axe)? Pull enemies towards you and bombard them conditions once they're close to each other.


    > So, what's the style behind shortbow? Which combos can you make with it? I can only see synergy between skill #4 and #5. You put a fire field and then knock them down to make sure they stay there burning. Everything else seems completely unrelated. If #4 and #5 are all about AoE, then why are other skills so focused on single-targetting, up to the point of being anti-AoE (sevenshot)? Why are there no skills that support seven shot? No leap backwards, nothing, except an AoE knockback that seems more fitting to the fire field instead. What does this weapons wants to be or to do, exactly?


    Sevenshot is a mess but would be fine as a normal cone (like ranger shortbow 2 for example)


    The rest of the skills are fine if slightly boring. Spiritcrush being able to target behind you would make the weapon feel a lot better.


    > **2. All utilities skills sharing the same mechanic is a mistake in a profession that can't swap utility skills.**


    > While it makes sense for other professions to get an entire set of new skills that share the same type, as you are not forced to use them all (for example, dragonhunters use a combination of traps and reflection walls/ blocking heals/ quickness shouts/ power signets, etc), the same is not true to Revenant. Being stuck to the same utility skills forces Anet to make them individually more distinct for the sake of... well, making them more enjoyable? And this does happens with other revenant's specs. Jalis has a road, flying hammers, stone transformation and CC chains in the same kit. Mallyx allows you to leap into dark fields, transform into a demon, or curse your opponents by touching them. This kind of diversity makes base Revenant fun. And while Herald uses the same upkeep mechanic for all of its skills, each one of them has a second, active skill with unique mechanics, so you can breath fire into a location, knockback foes with massive wings or revert damage done to you.


    > Here comes Renegade, and you can summon charr to fight at your side, buffing you and your team as long as you stay with them. Cool! Except it's not a single skill, but all of them. Every single one is about summoning a charr and putting yourself nearby them. No matter if you want to CC, or if you want to life steal, the gameplay is always the same. There's not even a single skill that, say, inverts this situation and allows to be you the one to protect the warband, considering how frail they are. There's no single skill that allows you to interact with the warband in other interesting and creative ways other than that single mechanic copy-pasted into 5 different skills. How boring and lazy does that feels to us, players? Seems like a sign that this elite spec was rushed.


    Summons are an awful mechanic overall.


    > **3. F skills have no purpose.**


    > And no synergy with each other. Two of them are random party buffs, and the other is an... AoE nuke... hmm... Why? Were they chosen at random?


    > If you look at other professions, F skills have unique themes and purpose. Guardian's ones represent their virtues, and gives them some passive power and interesting decision-making between sacrificing their own passive benefits for the good of the party or not. Mesmer's ones also offer an interesting decision between DPS or burst/ utility, and illusion shattering is a very strong thematic quality that gives personality to that profession. Ranger's F skills are all about the different ways they have to interact with their pets.


    > When you look at renegade's F skills, they don't seem to have any single purpose or any unified thematic quality at all. Why isn't F3 a shortbow skill? It looks like one. Maybe it was meant to be once once, and Anet changed it halfway during development? And if it is meant to be a warband skill (according to its description), why isn't it a kalla's skill then, instead of repeating the same summoning mechanic 5 times? And why is such a nuke skill coupled with... alacrity on F4? Really? Only F2 seems to tie with the spec (as it allows you to make an extra use of the stacks from your new passive), even though the effect itself is bland.


    The f2-4 skills actually feel great.


    They're a great tool to dump energy, which gives you synergy with charged mists and the effects are relatively impactful.


    I could see f2 at least being made instant tho, the casttime feels weird on it and f3 getting a diet casttime and/or energy drain moved to the start of the cast instead of the end.


    > **4. Interesting ideas in theory, bad gameplay execution.**


    > Arrows that go through portals? Cool! But the only interesting thing that came out of it was an inverted cone skill in sevenshot. Why does the renegade have no portal mechanic like mesmers have? It would be fitting. Why is there no way to create your own portals and decide where arrows would hit? That would be creative and different. But nope. Outside of seven shot, the shortbow and its "cool-looking portal arrows!" concept is just a copy past of other professions' bow skillsets.


    > What about fighting alongside your warband? Cool! But other than summoning each one of them in the exact same way, with the exact same playstyle, there's nothing to it, as discussed above. No way to protect them. No way to interact with them in different ways. No way to order them to change behaviour, or to follow you, or anything like that.


    Summons bad.


    > **5. The spec doesn't addresses the core issues of the base revenant.**


    > In fact, it is completely unaware of them. Outside of offering a much needed ranged condition weapon to revenant, the designer behind this spec is or was completely oblivious to revenant's poor state of energy management in PvE in non-herald builds. Nothing was done to fix this, and in fact, it was only made worse with the new, pointless, overcosted F skills. Renegade has yet another "turn your upkeep skill, do 2-3 different attacks, then AA until your energy reaches 0. Swap legends and repeat" gameplay flow. There's no acknowledgment of this problem. There was no attempt to avoid it in the first place. Nothing.


    It does help with energy management. F2-f4 are excellent energy dumps for charged mists.


    It was a big DPS buff for condi rev in PvE (due to the awful legend and the good outsides). But there you don't even use the upkeep skill on kalla.


    It also allowed support renegade to even exist due to f4. Which does actually use upkeep skills a lot but that's just one playstyle.


    Renegade is by far the most interesting version of condi rev in WvW (assuming one doesn't use the awful legend). Giving you powerful passives and 3 extra useful skills that synergize with what condi ren wants to do.


    > **Conclusion**


    > Even if Anet buffs renegade's numbers, it will forever feel like a rushed spec that can only be fixed by a complete rework. And because we know Anet doesn't have the time or the budget to do a complete rework (or else we would have gotten something much better in its place, I bet), all we can do is hope that the next spec is actually given proper time and thought instead of being rushed through the door.


    In PvE condi renegade doesn't really miss anything and feels fine to play with a fluid rotation that isn't just upkeep skills.


    In WvW all condi renegade really misses to feel better is a decent second condi weapon (ideally 2 handed or both main+offhand) as bow is mediocre there otherwise the spec is in a good spot, if a bit overshadowed by the broken mess that is herald.

  4. > @"aaron.7850" said:

    > I just fought one and could not bring him down below 60%, meanwhile he unloaded massive amounts of burning and torment on me and no matter how much I dispelled he kept applying them to me like it was nothing.




    Couldn't get em below 60%


    Did you try dealing damage?


    > I hear there is a balance patch coming up, so I expect the appropriate nerfs to be delivered to this broken class.


    This entire post is low quality bait tbf, shouldn't have replied but did anyway.

  5. > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

    > Meh just reset wvw, drop links, drop alliances, drop 1u1d back to glicko, have all servers open, no more population level monitors, all transfers set to 1800 gems.


    I was with you until glicko and and 1800 transfers tbh.


    > Go ahead go where you want, play where you want, and don't kitten come back here complaining about population or coverage ever again.


  6. > @"Faenar.8036" said:

    > Do I understand you correctly, that you mean this as an option for ballancing the "Full" server markings by spreading the population to new servers, thus these atm "Full"-marked servers will became only "high", so ppl will be able to transfer into any server they want to transfer to?


    Mostly to fix how there's no currently no tier that is actually not very stacked and that doesn't have almost permanent queues.


    If it would mean that people are able to move more freely that would indeed be a nice bonus.


    > If yes, that is actually a nice idea, but I dont think it would actually work well, because I highly doubt any WvW-player will risk transfering to a new server because he will be affraid that server will stay empty. Maybe this can still be an option for WvW guilds, which are sometimes transfering between servers.


    I wish my server was more empty, as does my personal circle of friends, a bit anecdotal but at least there are some people who would


    > Not sure if this would happen or would work well, but an interesting option to solve WvW population disballance anyway. Imho, alliances would still be the best option to solve that.


    Tbh tiers are too "balanced" atm. T4 currently feels as bad as t1/t2 used to feel (in regards to frequency of zergs, how long they chase, how many camps have multiple omega golems etc). Last linkings had much more diverse matchups where the people who like t1 awfulness could go there and those who don't could go t4/5 to find fights

  7. > @"hobotnicax.7918" said:

    > > @"V Winter.5371" said:

    > > > @"hobotnicax.7918" said:

    > > >Got no cleanse? RIP. Power damage, if you get hit lets say 4k you can dodge the 2nd and 3rd attack, but with condi if you got no cleanse, welp, you're gonna eat 3x 4k (if 3s duration, but it's usually waaaaay longer) and there's nothing you can do about it.

    > >

    > > That is the thing though, condo spam only works _if_ you have no condi cleanse. In zerg fighting (which is the example I'll use here since that seems to be what op is referring to) you should always have condi cleanses. By your logic, if you have no healers, then you die, "power dmg op lmao". Few other things, coordinated bombs generate downs instantly, 5-6 revs using just phase smash will instantly down anyone who gets pulled. Also, immob/cc spam is a thing, boon corrupt stab into fear, and running out of dodges (yes, as it turns out that happens a lot and ppl still have stuff to hit you with) will all kill you and power does it a lot quicker than condi. Doesn't really matter to me if you can apply a 10k burn tick, condis literally take a second to tick after they're applied which is more than enough time for my zerg to down and then stomp you, and then they just hit one button and poof, the condi is gone. The only equivalent counter power has is ageis, but fb's can only pump out so much while literally at least 3 classes in each party has some sort of group condi cleanse.

    > >

    > > This is much different of course in roaming where I would say condi is better, but since op seems to be talking about zerging I'll keep the discussion there.


    > >The only equivalent counter power has is ageis...

    > Are you sure about that? Blocks, invuls, basic dodge, reflects, blinds all hard counter power damage. Not even gonna go into protection.

    > Where as for condi, you got what... cleanse, transfer (not all) and resistance? Once it's on you, it's there until you cleanse or transfer or it duration ends.


    You do realize that you can dodge, reflect, blind, block, etc all the skills that inflict conditions on you in the first place right?


    Condi has more counters. This however says nothing about whether it's stronger or not (but power is definitively stronger and has been for as long as I played (roughly since start of HoT).


    Clears are just another counter to conditions you can bring, that work after you get hit by the skills. They're not the only tool to combat condition dmg.


    > The problem in zergs is that conditions are spewed around like it's nothing... cleanse 5? Have 5 more. And it's not the damaging conditions that actually kill you, it's the soft cc ones, when you already cleansed 10+ off of you but you're still stuck with chill, cripple or immo.

    > There are too many skills that do power dmg + dish out 2-3 conditions, and a lot of them are even AOE on fairly low cds.


    This has nothing to do with condi dmg tho. CC is too strong in this game, that's fairly common knowledge, but is kinda irrelevant to a power vs condi discussion.


    You even say yourself that it's the soft CC ones that kill you, most of which comes from power builds (because they're more common)


    > I have absolutely ZERO respect for anyone running a condition build in 2020. And condi roamers get a balista and their bodies are used as a jump rope.


    Then you are my favorite type of player.

  8. > @"keenedge.9675" said:

    > Ascended utilities would be a good card up the sleeve for Jewel 500 crafting.


    Jeweler would be kind of an odd choice tbf, scribe or artificing (or separate for each kind) is what would fit the best


    > Remember, they did give us a FREE method for making utility primers.


    If you mean the flask of utility primer then not really...


    Otherwise I am very curious as this is the first I heard about it

  9. > @"Lumikki.1725" said:

    > Why not give game option where you can choose. Eat automaticly same food what you have now eaten, when the timer ends, if more of it exist in bags.


    Would be even better, felt less realistic, but I am completely in favor of such a system

  10. > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > > > There are some 1 hour versions but it is not for every utility type unfortunately.

    > >

    > > Most of the relevant ones for WvW lack 1 hour duration sadly.


    > Yea. very aware of this. We mostly only have it for the generic superior types but they are not good for most builds.



    Ye exactly, the power one is the only that is ever really relevant and even then for most builds furious is a bit better.


    > >

    > > > Maybe it's time for ascended utilities? The stations have been a meme for so long that we ought to have something more practical.

    > >

    > > I mean I am all for it but idk what they'd really do beyond just more stats.


    > Well, to me it's more for the extra duration as well as ability to share. Ascended food is affordable enough that people spam it everywhere so everyone benefits. Yes. the extra stats is nice too.


    Personally I don't really care about the sharing part as far as util goes as people generally have quite different ones they need, but I am not against it either, more options is always nice


    But ye 1 hour would be so nice so you dont have to try to remember to two different timers (even if they line up)


    > But it doesn't have to be ascended; just station versions of all existing utility items would be nice, but it just seems like that's the direction we would go with.


    I guess we do have the movement speed, 150 toughness and 10% chance on hit for weakness and stuff as far as special effects go.

  11. > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > > There are some 1 hour versions but it is not for every utility type unfortunately.

    > >

    > > Maybe it's time for ascended utilities? The stations have been a meme for so long that we ought to have something more practical.


    > The stations are fine, but they really need a serious cost reduction, then you'll see people using them more.


    I mean for PvE ye


    There aren't really any good ones for WvW tho, above 90% stuff isn't amazing there and the other ones are only for the super cheap stuff (that has 1 hour versions)

  12. > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > There are some 1 hour versions but it is not for every utility type unfortunately.


    Most of the relevant ones for WvW lack 1 hour duration sadly.


    > Maybe it's time for ascended utilities? The stations have been a meme for so long that we ought to have something more practical.


    I mean I am all for it but idk what they'd really do beyond just more stats.

  13. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > > > > > > Had to move like 5 times the last 3 months to try to get away from t1, everytime I swap to a low tier server it instantly starts moving up even tho I think at length about it before trying to avoid a server that will rise.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I don't enjoy lag or the t1 playstyle (avoiding all fights, hugging towers, multiple omega golems on each camp etc). How do I avoid being moved up to t1 every few weeks?

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I have fun and actual good fights until my server starts winning every matchup for no reason, then I get moved to t1 and it's just unplayable due to some combination of long queues, lag and an enemy playerbase that plays to "win" (ie just avoiding fights).

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I'd even pay some gems a month to be allowed to just move to a tier and be assigned to a random server within that tier every week.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > That is wvw in a nut shell. :/

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > There is no fight server right now. It's just zerging the lesser numbers and avoiding the premade group.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > If you want fights , look for a guid who focuses on fights. Whether t1 or below, a guild will be consistent.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Smallscale is anything but consistent. My entire guild (we're like 4 people lol) obviously moves with me, we're all just feeling burnt out from moving and trying to find the least zergy place.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

    > > > > > > > You need to stop carrying all these servers to T1

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Ye need to start spending a few hours on pulling tactivators, suiciding golems, wasting supply etc every week.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Let's pretend I don't already do some of that...

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > > > > > > How do I avoid being moved up to t1 every few weeks?

    > > > > > > > Transfer to Dragonbrand

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > On EU sadly. Also relinking will just nuke that every 2 months.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > > > > > You avoid it by transferring servers...

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Or, stay on a server that will bleed itself dry to just never go to tier 1.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > There are a few but, oh wait, they’re full.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I didn't even know there was any.,.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Well at least you have alliances to look forward to., Oh wait, we have been waiting for 2.5 years..

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Right that exists...

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Or, move to the other region and bang on doors during their nights.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > We did a while but encountered the same problem. Imo relinking is the biggest culprit.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Since you are four. Just transfer halfway of the relink. By then the matchup is solid in its proper tier.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > It just creates 4/8 weeks of often being locked in t1, which is unplayable, or half to move twice/reset (or more of really unlucky).

    > > > >

    > > > > Otherwise this is essentially what we try to do, it just gets very exhausting.

    > > >

    > > > :/ Not much can be said man. Just wait it out. You be in t1 or lower out of luck.

    > >

    > > Ye I know hence this whiny thread.

    > >

    > > We've been trying to solve this issue since server links started existing essentially. We've sadly tried through most of the options.

    > >

    > > It really doesn't help that there's little no reliable info on how big a server is either.

    > >

    > > Got extra salty about it cause we just had a friend join up the game and they've been unable to get their infusions for claim tickets cause of the 2 week punishment that we get for trying to avoid tier 1 and he even had to pay 200g for the reward track (it has 250 tickets in the middle) just to get the mount (well I had to lmao)...


    > Wvw isn't really something you can rush. :) It is by design a snail pace.


    Well if it wasn't for the server links...

  14. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > > > > Had to move like 5 times the last 3 months to try to get away from t1, everytime I swap to a low tier server it instantly starts moving up even tho I think at length about it before trying to avoid a server that will rise.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I don't enjoy lag or the t1 playstyle (avoiding all fights, hugging towers, multiple omega golems on each camp etc). How do I avoid being moved up to t1 every few weeks?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I have fun and actual good fights until my server starts winning every matchup for no reason, then I get moved to t1 and it's just unplayable due to some combination of long queues, lag and an enemy playerbase that plays to "win" (ie just avoiding fights).

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I'd even pay some gems a month to be allowed to just move to a tier and be assigned to a random server within that tier every week.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > That is wvw in a nut shell. :/

    > > > > >

    > > > > > There is no fight server right now. It's just zerging the lesser numbers and avoiding the premade group.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If you want fights , look for a guid who focuses on fights. Whether t1 or below, a guild will be consistent.

    > > > >

    > > > > Smallscale is anything but consistent. My entire guild (we're like 4 people lol) obviously moves with me, we're all just feeling burnt out from moving and trying to find the least zergy place.

    > > > >

    > > > > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

    > > > > > You need to stop carrying all these servers to T1

    > > > >

    > > > > Ye need to start spending a few hours on pulling tactivators, suiciding golems, wasting supply etc every week.

    > > > >

    > > > > Let's pretend I don't already do some of that...

    > > > >

    > > > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > > > > How do I avoid being moved up to t1 every few weeks?

    > > > > > Transfer to Dragonbrand

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > On EU sadly. Also relinking will just nuke that every 2 months.

    > > > >

    > > > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > > > You avoid it by transferring servers...

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Or, stay on a server that will bleed itself dry to just never go to tier 1.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > There are a few but, oh wait, they’re full.

    > > > >

    > > > > I didn't even know there was any.,.

    > > > >

    > > > > > Well at least you have alliances to look forward to., Oh wait, we have been waiting for 2.5 years..

    > > > >

    > > > > Right that exists...

    > > > >

    > > > > > Or, move to the other region and bang on doors during their nights.

    > > > >

    > > > > We did a while but encountered the same problem. Imo relinking is the biggest culprit.

    > > >

    > > > Since you are four. Just transfer halfway of the relink. By then the matchup is solid in its proper tier.

    > > >

    > >

    > > It just creates 4/8 weeks of often being locked in t1, which is unplayable, or half to move twice/reset (or more of really unlucky).

    > >

    > > Otherwise this is essentially what we try to do, it just gets very exhausting.


    > :/ Not much can be said man. Just wait it out. You be in t1 or lower out of luck.


    Ye I know hence this whiny thread.


    We've been trying to solve this issue since server links started existing essentially. We've sadly tried through most of the options.


    It really doesn't help that there's little no reliable info on how big a server is either.


    Got extra salty about it cause we just had a friend join up the game and they've been unable to get their infusions for claim tickets cause of the 2 week punishment that we get for trying to avoid tier 1 and he even had to pay 200g for the reward track (it has 250 tickets in the middle) just to get the mount (well I had to lmao)...

  15. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > > Had to move like 5 times the last 3 months to try to get away from t1, everytime I swap to a low tier server it instantly starts moving up even tho I think at length about it before trying to avoid a server that will rise.

    > > > >

    > > > > I don't enjoy lag or the t1 playstyle (avoiding all fights, hugging towers, multiple omega golems on each camp etc). How do I avoid being moved up to t1 every few weeks?

    > > > >

    > > > > I have fun and actual good fights until my server starts winning every matchup for no reason, then I get moved to t1 and it's just unplayable due to some combination of long queues, lag and an enemy playerbase that plays to "win" (ie just avoiding fights).

    > > > >

    > > > > I'd even pay some gems a month to be allowed to just move to a tier and be assigned to a random server within that tier every week.

    > > >

    > > > That is wvw in a nut shell. :/

    > > >

    > > > There is no fight server right now. It's just zerging the lesser numbers and avoiding the premade group.

    > > >

    > > > If you want fights , look for a guid who focuses on fights. Whether t1 or below, a guild will be consistent.

    > >

    > > Smallscale is anything but consistent. My entire guild (we're like 4 people lol) obviously moves with me, we're all just feeling burnt out from moving and trying to find the least zergy place.

    > >

    > > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

    > > > You need to stop carrying all these servers to T1

    > >

    > > Ye need to start spending a few hours on pulling tactivators, suiciding golems, wasting supply etc every week.

    > >

    > > Let's pretend I don't already do some of that...

    > >

    > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > > How do I avoid being moved up to t1 every few weeks?

    > > > Transfer to Dragonbrand

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > On EU sadly. Also relinking will just nuke that every 2 months.

    > >

    > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > > You avoid it by transferring servers...

    > > >

    > > > Or, stay on a server that will bleed itself dry to just never go to tier 1.

    > > >

    > > > There are a few but, oh wait, they’re full.

    > >

    > > I didn't even know there was any.,.

    > >

    > > > Well at least you have alliances to look forward to., Oh wait, we have been waiting for 2.5 years..

    > >

    > > Right that exists...

    > >

    > > > Or, move to the other region and bang on doors during their nights.

    > >

    > > We did a while but encountered the same problem. Imo relinking is the biggest culprit.


    > Since you are four. Just transfer halfway of the relink. By then the matchup is solid in its proper tier.



    It just creates 4/8 weeks of often being locked in t1, which is unplayable, or half to move twice/reset (or more of really unlucky).


    Otherwise this is essentially what we try to do, it just gets very exhausting.

  16. Kinda related.


    Ancient Seeds might actually be the dumbest design (not must overpowered or anything, just by far most toxic) I have seen in any game every.


    I don't know how someone comes up with


    "If you attack an already CCed enemy, CC them more".


    In a game where CC being spammy is one of it's biggest issues.


    From an actual balance perspective I have no idea why this trait only got 10 sec CD, it basically procs an ultimate that has 60 sec cd on your enemy with a very easy condition to meet.


    Condi druid would not be a thing without ancient seeds, just remove that trait, maybe also rework Jacaranda's embrace, roots should be limited to entangle.


    Unrelated to any of this, remove the stuns from pets that aren't of their f2 skill, random passive CC is not good design.

  17. > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

    > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > Had to move like 5 times the last 3 months to try to get away from t1, everytime I swap to a low tier server it instantly starts moving up even tho I think at length about it before trying to avoid a server that will rise.

    > >

    > > I don't enjoy lag or the t1 playstyle (avoiding all fights, hugging towers, multiple omega golems on each camp etc). How do I avoid being moved up to t1 every few weeks?

    > >

    > > I have fun and actual good fights until my server starts winning every matchup for no reason, then I get moved to t1 and it's just unplayable due to some combination of long queues, lag and an enemy playerbase that plays to "win" (ie just avoiding fights).

    > >

    > > I'd even pay some gems a month to be allowed to just move to a tier and be assigned to a random server within that tier every week.


    > That is wvw in a nut shell. :/


    > There is no fight server right now. It's just zerging the lesser numbers and avoiding the premade group.


    > If you want fights , look for a guid who focuses on fights. Whether t1 or below, a guild will be consistent.


    Smallscale is anything but consistent. My entire guild (we're like 4 people lol) obviously moves with me, we're all just feeling burnt out from moving and trying to find the least zergy place.


    > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

    > You need to stop carrying all these servers to T1


    Ye need to start spending a few hours on pulling tactivators, suiciding golems, wasting supply etc every week.


    Let's pretend I don't already do some of that...


    > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > How do I avoid being moved up to t1 every few weeks?

    > Transfer to Dragonbrand




    On EU sadly. Also relinking will just nuke that every 2 months.


    > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > You avoid it by transferring servers...


    > Or, stay on a server that will bleed itself dry to just never go to tier 1.


    > There are a few but, oh wait, they’re full.


    I didn't even know there was any.,.


    > Well at least you have alliances to look forward to., Oh wait, we have been waiting for 2.5 years..


    Right that exists...


    > Or, move to the other region and bang on doors during their nights.


    We did a while but encountered the same problem. Imo relinking is the biggest culprit.

  18. Had to move like 5 times the last 3 months to try to get away from t1, everytime I swap to a low tier server it instantly starts moving up even tho I think at length about it before trying to avoid a server that will rise.


    I don't enjoy lag or the t1 playstyle (avoiding all fights, hugging towers, multiple omega golems on each camp etc). How do I avoid being moved up to t1 every few weeks?


    I have fun and actual good fights until my server starts winning every matchup for no reason, then I get moved to t1 and it's just unplayable due to some combination of long queues, lag and an enemy playerbase that plays to "win" (ie just avoiding fights).


    I'd even pay some gems a month to be allowed to just move to a tier and be assigned to a random server within that tier every week.

  19. Possibly the only idea worse than pvp amulets.


    To elaborate. No elite specs means less build diversity and more importantly less archetype diversity, healing builds for example wouldn't really exist, which would be awful.


    Also the core specs are imo balanced worse than the elite ones.

  20. > @"Kilo.2539" said:

    > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > @"Kilo.2539" said:

    > > > Well, let's see...

    > > >

    > > > Basically, the key now days is to be as cheesy as possible. You can go-

    > >

    > > This should be good. Let's see if we can hit all the checkboxes

    > >

    > > 1. Every build listed will be condi.

    > > 2. None of them will actually be strong choices for solo/duo.

    > > 3. They will all be builds that are very easy to counter.

    > >

    > >

    > > > **Perma stealth condi thief** - this setup takes loads of skillz and the basics of it are to just load up condi, poison preferably, and then stealth. Rinse and repeat.

    > >

    > > Doesn't do enough damage to kill anything.

    > >

    > > > **Condi rev** - This class runs full trailblazer and torment runes, the idea is to stand there and pump out torment which does insane damage and sustains you to boot.

    > >

    > > No burst.

    > > No sustain (unless you're in melee with multiple enemies)

    > > Little to no mobility.

    > >

    > > Amazing choice for roaming clearly.

    > >

    > > Also full TB+Torment runes is just bad, duration caps at 100%...

    > >

    > > > **Burn Guard** - Super fun and takes some time to master. Basically just stand behind real players and spam spirit sword.

    > >

    > > Worst sustain in the game and top 3 worst mobility in the game, excellent roaming choice.

    > >

    > > When roaming you're generally no more than 2. Not really many people to stand behind.

    > >

    > > At least this one has enough damage to kill anything.

    > >

    > > > **Condi core Necro** - Again, face roll all the condis on target. When you get low go into shroud and just stand there for a few seconds while your HP rises. Once shroud is depleted, leave shroud and dodge two times, shroud will be full again. Rinse and repeat.

    > >

    > > Finally an option with sustain. Now if it only had enough damage to kill anything. Or any mobility at all....

    > >

    > > Great option if you like tanking out 1-2 people then dying to the inevitable 5+ people that come before you've killed anyone.

    > >

    > > > Also, I would suggest running double cleansing sigils, unless of course, you're a warrior... in which case I would suggest playing a different class.

    > >

    > > Warrior just needs 1 cleansing sigil actually and excels against most of the stuff you listed and also happens to be a much much stronger choice for roaming lol.

    > >


    > ^ Found the condi druid...


    Ye I played some condi drud, maybe 10-20 hours of so or it in 2016 or 2017 what of it? Let's just say it was before the shortbow buffs, it was a pretty terrible build at the time.


    Condi druid is a far better option for solo/duo than anything you listed before tho.

  21. > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > > > > That's because power/preci/ferocity need each other to be good, very simplified its PowerPrecisionFerocity

    > > >

    > > > Though that is probably why we are in the situation we are in now. Power is multiplicative and it's just hard to race defensive stats against us. But I guess this is a good thing since unlike OP I don't have that extreme difficulty of killing people.

    > >

    > > Well ye, I mean if toughness could race 3 stats that would be a bit weird.


    > Well you can argue that toughness and vit kinda work together? Not always, but there's also those annoying siphons that bypass toughness and can be kinda useful for some hybrids.


    I would rather say heal and toughness really as they're the ones "competing" against the damage, vitality is only how long they can "lose".


    Vit doesn't allow you to survive it just means you die slower. (which is ofc useful as it gives you time to kill/heal but ye)


    > In a lot of RPGs, tough and heal usually go together just because that means each point means more and your heal counts for more. That sometimes applies to Gw2, but mostly for the "trolling" builds OP doesn't like.


    Yes ofc.


    Healing becomes better the less dmg you take. As does vit as each hp becomes more "valuable"


    > >

    > > > > Adding a few hundred random vitality to a power build is called marauder and is pretty good, adding some toughness/vit/boon duration is called durability runes and is pretty strong. Demolisher would also be great if it existed in WvW. Which is a much closer comparison.

    > > >

    > > > Depends on your class. Adding 3k health to a class with only 11k base health is just huge and possibly mandatory. OTOH, my warrior doesn't really feel the need for that much vit since they start so much higher. Still good though. Add into consideration that durability runes also would give you 10% more health, and that's just an amazing investment overall. Weirdly enough Balth runes are also +10% health.

    > >

    > > Ye of course. Marauder on warriors is imo not ideal (demo would probs be meta if it existed). Durability runes is of course fantastic.

    > >

    > > But that

    > >

    > > "Weirdly enough Balth runes are also +10% health."

    > >

    > > Something tells me you don't like burnguards haha.


    > Guardian main and I actually play it a lot just because it's the only real damage option in bigger groups when I'm bored of minstrel. Also played around with stuff like Shaman and Plaguedoctor, since FB does need heal power. But I definitely have a lot of contempt for other guardians. It was already bad enough to see mediocre DHs camping traps but now we definitely have a lot of the "stand still" burn guardian trying to offload their burst and nothing else. Pretty much any ranged class destroys then though, but I'd rather just keep quiet on the matter.


    Haha, fair enough.





    > >

    > > On a more serious note I think balth got the 10% hp to be comparable to the other "buff one condi runes" like torment/perplex


    > Curiously enough, so did Durability. Thankfully these things are basically free.


    Durability getting the 10% hp really blew my mind as they were already BiS on close to every non-condi build (and even some condi builds).


    I had almost forgotten about the fact that it didn't use to give 10% hp, so long ago now



    > > Ye core burn is one of the squishest builds on the game even with full defensive stats and 10% hp from balth runes (well I guess rather the worst self-sustain build in the entire game)


    > Core burn pretty much needs to be babied by support in order to reach its full effectiveness. It's ok. You can just run wall of reflect to inflate your numbers and trick everyone into thinking you're mvp. Then again, so do necros although they have much more utility.


    In my experience, most condi builds do, with a few notable exceptions (thief, mesmer, ele primarily).



    > > PoF was a disaster in that regard

    > >

    > > FB, Scourge and Holo creates such bright visual noise.


    > For some reason their solution to reduce visual cluster was to make ele attacks look really boring. To this very day I still think allied Holos are enemies sometimes..


    My personally most hated visual nice skill is enemy firebrand f3, 4,the resistance field. So bright and not like I can do super much about it.



    > > Yep. Though I think it's prolly for the best that it stays that way as it does give everyone access to a decent personal clear without increasing group clears (which imo are a bit of a problem)


    > I suppose. Then again, literally everyone I told how to make cleansing sigils stopped crying about condi. Cept here ofc, which is why we're even having this conversation.


    Ye, I was in some other thread were people were talking about antitoxin and double anti condi traitlines but cleansing sigil was barely mentioned. Bit interesting to see always.


    > Sometimes you just can't listen to the noise. When the damage nerf came, people were like ermagawd it's all condi now and everyone switched to TB/grieving. They thought zergs would be all condis. I'll just say much regret was had.



    Ye, I mean condi will "always" be bad in zergs because of resistance/group clears.


    Only real condi guard can "bypass" that by being extremely bursty (against stacks)


    > > I mean tbh to irritates me it's enough with just the mobility as enough people worry it just never quit, even after 10+ attempts at killing you. But kind of a difficult problem to solve without completely redesigning some classes.


    > Abusing mobility is somewhat needed to distract very big groups. But, it's distinctly unfun outside of that. YMMV. The biggest meme I discovered lately is speed runes.



    It just imo enables some very annoying stuff in smallscale

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