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Posts posted by Tyga.7056

  1. Hey all New PvP Players, Veterans, Casuals, PvP Content Creators and Pro's,

    I want to introduce you to my PvP Discord „Welcome To PvP“. I‘ve created this discord so everybody has the chance to gain knowledge about the gamemmode from safe and all possible sources there are.

    We have PvP guides, Twitch & Youtube content, class discussion channels, a Players finding Players category and experienced PvP players that are able to answer class-related questions anytime. The primary thought behind this Discord is that players don't need to search long for answers, it's all one click away, compact & ready to go.

    Feel free to invite anyone and don't hesitate to join, you can only gain from it!


    The Discord: https://discord.gg/fD6VxyW.


    If you are a PvP content creator, DM me on Discord to get featured!

  2. > @"XatraZaytrax.2601" said:

    > > @"Reverielle.3972" said:

    > > > @"Tyga.7056" said:

    > > > I don't see why people complain about the removal of fall damage traits. If you can't do a jumping puzzle without, you dont deserve to finish that. As simple as it is. Also who wants passive skill activation for example in WvW. Just start playing the game properly and stop complaining about things that require no active skill usage, you can easily fix that issue by using your brain while you play :)

    > > Exactly. Once again there is a portion of the community that is overreacting horribly to a change. They complain that it's hardly an important change to waste time, but certainly they have the voice to complain all the same about the upcoming changes. It smacks of hypocrisy.

    > >

    > > Sadly this is basically done by a few in response to almost every change. And then the same populous turns around and abuses development when they don't listen to them... Talk about crying wolf.


    > There are people of all ages and skill abilities who play this game. From old to young. From people with physical disabilities, such as arthritis to those with other impairments, such as having problems with depth perception, which make certain activities more challenging -- like jumping puzzles. By removing the dall damage mitigate, these people will be further penalized for wanting to take part in something ubiquitous in the game. It is (redact insult) to judge other players based on your own abilities as well as this "the mode ain't for you" mentality, especially since anet has made doing these puzzle an integral part of end game content -- such as getting said mount that supposedly negates the need for fall damage mitigators. And don't say "they can just get a mesmer port" It's not like the game has a 1-800-portmenow button people can push.


    I‘m sure the fall damage traits are not cause for not finishing it then. If you can finish the jumping puzzle with fall damage trait, it means you actually are able to make the jumping puzzle in the first place. People will always find ways how disadvantaged they are, but a jumping puzzle is not in the game because it looks so wonderful, it‘s there because it requires the player to test his skill abilities.


  3. I don't see why people complain about the removal of fall damage traits. If you can't do a jumping puzzle without, you dont deserve to finish that. As simple as it is. Also who wants passive skill activation for example in WvW. Just start playing the game properly and stop complaining about things that require no active skill usage, you can easily fix that issue by using your brain while you play :)

  4. I do think the changes are good, but its not really sustainable. Having holosmith a huge drop of stab, makes it vulnerable to other classes a lot. If I play rev with brutality or sigil of annulment, I just dominate holo easily, same as warrior. I do think making this changes would increase the game quality, but you can't attack certain builds anymore. It hasn't been a good solution since years now.

    To connect on the quickness nerf: I think that's something you guys should focus on. All the new boons and stats that initially came with HoT, had a huge impact on the pvp scene and that should be the main target to balance. It's sustainable and brings a slower damage pace/ heal pace to the game, which is a big issue right now. You don't want to get hit with 1 skill that shreds half of your healthbar. That's unrewarding and doesn't require mechanicle skill, therefore shouldn't exist in a competitive gamemode.


    I also want to say thank you for the communication you offer. It let's me think that there are good times ahead :).

  5. > @"guest.9472" said:

    > Tyga, there has never been constructive feedback on that discord. In fact, even though I'm banned I can bet 1 million USD that after getting embarrassed and out smarted here, Falan takes the insults to discord where she knows I won't be able to reply. I dare you to prove me wrong. Everything I do even if it is for the benefit of the community, will always be insulted in your discord. And unlike me, there are many people who haven't even slightly earned that treatment. What do you say to them other than "I'll do better." Lol whether you like it or not, you harbor a circle of toxic children incapable of even a mildly intellectual debate. I mean seriously @"Falan.1839" even called my vernacular half intelligent despite the fact that 5th graders are capable of this level of discourse.


    > I honestly wonder what life would be like if I had to run to an emotional support group after attempting to prove that someone wasn't intelligent; only to prove myself to be even less intelligent. :) easy


    None of this is related to what I wrote and @everyone here, I got no message frimm this dude yet and also no message from the people that feel the same way as him. Everything you state here is completly subjective and to act up, I need valid points. If you criticize my discord, do it properly or leave it as it be.

  6. Well, thats the first time I hear stuff like this, but thank you. It's actually surprising me honestly, because I rarely encounter and never got feedback on stuff like this. It's also often a subjective thing. I'm pretty sure I don't oversee things like this, it might take some time, but I often have a look in all channels, so on the "monthly mat finalist" I would like you to send me a message who was involved in this and where it took place.

    I also never statet that this discord is unmoderated and polluted, that's simply wrong. I wanted to say that I'm not 24/7 there to moderate stuff.

    There was always the opportunity to address stuff to me, you simply click on my name and criticize or report things to me. I'm sorry that I won't be inviting every single member individually to give me a whisper, but it will definetly be on my list now.

    I also wish you could give me some names of the plenty people that also think like you and left and I officially say it here: if some of those people are listening, that I gladly would like to hear some voices on this, so I can improve the discord, that everyone feels comfortable in it.

  7. Well, this is unfortunate to hear that you think like this about the discord. In the end I didn't expected it to be like it is right now, but it's doing the job it was created for. So there is something I disagree with you. There are a lot of people that get adequate feedbacks to the questions they have, it has connected players in the end and every new player has the opportunity to find a platform with this discord to get information in all different ways possible. I'm not almighty and I can't moderate everything and there are definetly parts I can't control or moderate, because everyone has the chance to vocal his opinion about things. Also everyone has and had always the chance to criticize things they disliked to me and you did not, which is also extremly unfortunate. So if you like you can do it here or in pm's.

  8. To look at the big picture is definetly important to try to make the game more skillful. Single skills shouldnt have an insane big impact in a duel, damage should get tuned down overall. It's important be succesfull, because you deserve it and you know what to do. Best example was HoT meta for this. You've had fairly long duels, which often came down to skill.

  9. Hey all New PvP Players, Veterans, Casuals, PvP Content Creators and Pro's,

    The last days I dedicated my time to a new project I wanted to push forward for a long time. As you can see in the title, it's called "Welcome to PvP".

    In addition to that I created a Discord Server that has several things featured for you to advance in PvP.

    We have PvP guides, Twitch & Youtube content, class discussion channels, a Players finding Players category and experienced PvP players that are able to answer class-related questions anytime. The primary thought behind this Discord is that players don't need to search long for answers, it's all one click away, compact & ready to go.

    Feel free to invite anyone and don't hesitate to join, you can only gain from it!


    The Discord: https://discord.gg/yt5GpeV.


    If you are a PvP content creator, DM me on Discord to get featured!


    We also started a community guild for future ingame events like tournament or inhouses! Whisper me or use the channel in the Discord for an invite!

  10. The current Revenant build is alright. It's a good build to play with, has a high skill cap, but a bit too much dps. There is actually nothing they need to change on the traits or weapons, its basically only the dps that is too high. And build diversity is always a bit hard to manage. All you guys do is talking about Solo or DuoQ, but thats actually not the original purpose conquest has. It's a 5 man game mode and I'm 100% sure that a proper 5v5 team has still a lot of room to theorycraft, the problem is: no one is doing that, so the chance to get to play a different rev build or having build diversity in general is dead atm.

  11. Hey all New PvP Players, Veterans, Casuals, PvP Content Creators and Pro's,

    The last days I dedicated my time to a new project I wanted to push forward for a long time. As you can see in the title, it's called "Welcome to PvP".

    In addition to that I created a Discord Server that has several things featured for you to advance in PvP.

    We have PvP guides, Twitch & Youtube content, class discussion channels, a Players finding Players category and experienced PvP players that are able to answer class-related questions anytime. The primary thought behind this Discord is that players don't need to search long for answers, it's all one click away, compact & ready to go.

    Feel free to invite anyone and don't hesitate to join, you can only gain from it!


    The Discord: https://discord.gg/yt5GpeV.


    If you are a PvP content creator, DM me on Discord to get featured!

  12. People here coming up with arguments that have no evidence. We literally don't know whats coming and that is alright for now. Let them take the time they need and gained out of having no rewards this season. Don't act like you know what's the best for the system, the solution is not that easy as you guys think. This stuff comes from experience not knowledge. A little pma would treat us all right, despite the past.

  13. So far > @"Kako.1930" said:

    > Aw, this sounds so nice. Is this a guild as well or just a discord hangout? I wouldn't mind participating in something like this.


    So far we are starting with the Discord, but I'd love to see guilds starting off there.

  14. Hey all New PvP Players, Veterans, Casuals, PvP Content Creators and Pro's,

    The last days I dedicated my time to a new project I wanted to push forward for a long time. As you can see in the title, it's called "Welcome to PvP".

    In addition to that I created a Discord Server that has several things featured for you to advance in PvP.

    We have PvP guides, Twitch & Youtube content, class discussion channels, a Players finding Players category and experienced PvP players that are able to answer class-related questions anytime. The primary thought behind this Discord is that players don't need to search long for answers, it's all one click away, compact & ready to go.

    Feel free to invite anyone and don't hesitate to join, you can only gain from it!


    The Discord: https://discord.gg/yt5GpeV.


    If you are a PvP content creator, DM me on Discord to get featured!

    Update: I need ele coaches.

  15. I still don't kinda see the unbalance on DuoQ's. When I que up right now it's a gamble whether I get bad or good players into my team. So what is the difference when DuoQ's are there. Either I get the better/worse DuoQ in my team, than the opponent team or my team gets a DuoQ and the opponents don't or you don't have a DuoQ, but the others. I don't see the difference to now. There are games, where you have the chance to carry and there are games you have not. You can get the top 1 and 2 Duo in your teams over 3 games or you get the opposite. It's all a question of matchmaking, isn't it?


    So let's say hypothetical: anet manages to invent DuoQ back in and you can only get a que pop, if you 100% face another DuoQ. Would that be a compromise for bringing DuoQ back for you?

    We leave out the fact that enough of you think that the population is too low for that, cuz we argue with evidence.


    Your facts are supported by your experiences too, don't act like to correct someone or do you have statistic evidence other than your experience that DuoQ is unbalanced? You can't say that, I can't say that, but there are enough players (in my experience that want DuoQ back, sure this supports not the community, but I've seen more argumentative posts in this thread in favor of DuoQ and that should mean something. I even took a count extra for and that should mean something, because people that actually care about this topic commented on this. We have 32 people commenting an opinion and for DuoQ is the majority with 18 people, where the most players against it commented just wrote their opinion like its a vote poll. Hope this is evidence enough for you.


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