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Posts posted by aceofbass.2163

  1. > @"Thalies.7609" said:

    > And what about concentration affect on alacrity? Because if alacrity would be a boon, concentration may just increase the duration of alacrity even more than we already have. It's cool but it breaks the whole 'balance' theme of this buff.


    that's why alacrity will only have 25% reduction on skill recharge as opposed to 33% if untraited.

  2. > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

    >In pve it serves as psychological barrier for players to constantly question and exclude others from fractals and raids. It also results in endless inquiries into whether or not you have ascended gear, and to show said ascended gear to everyone. >


    In openworld pve nobody would care what you have on and in raids even exotics are enough for you to get in as long as you know the mechanics, know your the correct build and rotation. It's really just required if you are planning to do the highest tier fractals as the slot in ascended are needed for the agony infusions.


    > In wvw it gives a noticeable advantage in what should be a somewhat fair pvp setting. 5-10% more damage on a full zerker or condi build especially on multiple targets is a lot of damage over time, enough to be noticeable, and enough to get you excluded from raiding guilds/commander squads and parties if you don't have it. wouldn't it be nice if it was all exotics, which are easy to get and nobody would really have to think about it or question whether or not your playing with max stats?


    dude 5-10% is paltry. don't blow up the difference to make it seem such a huge one. Even exos can crush ascended geared people. You can win in wvw by having tactics and/or numbers, not 5% gear difference.



    > Ascended also isn't usable in spvp, but creates endless confusion in that most new players to spvp constantly ask if their ascended gear is needed to participate in spvp or if ascended alters their stats there in some way.


    Good. It's more balanced that way. Also, new players (as in never stepped into HoTM) will be confused of course but once they ask in map chat about the pvp build or even just see that button settings it won't be a problem. Not an ENDLESS confusion at all. It's normal for new people to ask questions (creates endless confusion in that most new players to spvp constantly ask if their ascended gear is needed) and if you are annoyed by that...well that's a different problem. It's even an advantage to them that they can participate even with the most basic gear.



    > All i know is most games are gravitating towards leveling the playing field and gw2 straddles that line with ascended gear as a way of catering to people who want gear grind. Imagine playing PUBG, but some guy has 10% more health, damage and defense, simply because, he played more hours and grinded for those stats. Makes for silly game play that I'm not sure many would tolerate.



    Uhm....you know you are playing an MMORPG right? Also GW2 has the least amount of effort you have to progress gear right now, unlike WoW or BDO.



    In all honestly, this is just laziness. If you want something good, you have to work on it a at least a little bit. Ascended items are not hard to acquire considering they are the top tier gear. Don't be such a millennial man.



  3. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > @"Cynz.9437" said:

    > > > @"Egorum.9506" said:

    > > > Why then were there only a handful of scourge in the top 100 last season?

    > >

    > > Because everyone plays them and there are only so many spots in top 100 duhhh. Ther reason why we see so many FBs there is because they have incredible synergy with scourge and most teams with fb/scourge will win vs team without that combo. Simple as it is.

    > >

    > > The only true counter to scourge is insta-gib one trick pony snipers (e.g. boosted DJ) but you can take a wild guess how they fare in 5v5 environment.


    > There's 100 spots on top 100 by definition...

    > And if **everyone** plays them, then there would be 100 Scourges?


    > Well, it's a 5v5, if there's a counter to the enemy carry, you carry the counter. That's how actual "pvp" works. GW2 is long since gone from that kind of play style.

    > Ever since they added the Ascension, and other similar rewards PvP became PvE farm central, which is why people instead of using strategy and adapting the meta to the op class (which has obvious counters), they start crying foul in the forums.

    > This is why when i want competitive play i log off gw2 and go play other games.


    ohoho ain't you precious.


    > @"Razor.6392" said:


    > We're all wrong. Scourge is balanced and we all, including actual top players, SUCK at the game.


    > You just know that the people defending scourges always do this in any game, they always know better. Wearing shirts with "dont nerf, adapt", they really believe their own bs lol. Because nothing is ever unbalanced, it's always a L2P issue, and they, from the bottom of the leaderboard, have seen the light.






  4. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > @"aceofbass.2163" said:

    > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > > > @"aceofbass.2163" said:

    > > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > > > > > @"aceofbass.2163" said:

    > > > > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"aceofbass.2163" said:

    > > > > > > > > funny how only ranger mains defend this.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Defend what?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > read whole thread

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I did, there's at least two different positions being defended.

    > > > >

    > > > > that scourges are not broken because rangers can shoot them down.

    > > > >

    > > > > dude not everyone wants to play ranger nor play an all out range for that matter. If you want to play as a melee class in pvp well git gud.

    > > > >

    > > > > I don't play FB in pvp before but now I am using it exclusively because it's the only one that can survive the condi bomb in close quarters.

    > > >

    > > > 1) Actually i'm a scourge main, and there's a lot of people out there that play other classes, like ele, that say the same. And if ranger mains say that, then **there is a counter**. You wanting to use it or not doesn't invalidate the fact that it can be countered.

    > > >

    > > > 2) If you want to play melee exclusively. Well, it's a 5v5, pick a non-scourge target, or wait till yu guys are enough that you can bust them down.

    > > >

    > > > 3) I love how you complain about broken classes just to state you play one. And btw, scourge is one of the only counters to broken FB. I'm guessing your lobbying to get rid of the only build that can kill your choice of class easily?

    > > >

    > >

    > > 1. I never said there is absolutely zero counter to scourge. Right now I am countering it with support FB. It's just sad so many builds have been invalidated because of one spec.

    > >

    > > 2. Even on 4v2 I see teammates dropping dead on 2 scourge spam. This is not even low rank. I know they should play better but kitten.

    > >

    > > 3. It's the other way around. FB is one of the only counters to broken scourge. Also, I stated that because I was forced to changed to it because of the scourge meta. No I am not trying to get "rid" of scourge. I am trying to voice out on how to reduce the insane amount of condi applied in a single button click.

    > >

    > > Maybe it's not the scourge's fault, maybe it's Anet's implementation of condis. At least the balance team should have a look.


    > Ok, lets do an exercise:

    > Count the number of condis you get on a given exchange.

    > Now exclude Cripple, torment and burns.

    > Whatever you got left is not scourge, but core necro (or other classes).

    > Scourge just plays better with corruption traits because it has punishment skills pushing out a bit more condis.

    > And i'm guessing that the future changes to the corruption tables will address that, hopefully without nerfing Reaper and core necro too much.

    > Other than that, giving some counter-play to shades should tone down scourge enough so it's not overbearing.


    > Because, lets face it, compared to Mirage killing you straight out of stealth, scourge is a meek class. For a scourge to really kill you they'll have to spend most of their life force on a "shade bomb", and you only die to that if you are standing still.



    Not all classes have condi cleanses that can cleanse all types of condis applied by scourge.

    For example you have been bombed by cripple chill weakness bleed torment burn

    And you have a skill that cleanses 3 condis. And so lucky of you the ones cleansed were cripple chill weakness. Which leaves you to have the damaging conditions. Not only that, in a very short time the same 6 original conditions can be placed up again with little effort.


    At least mirage can put up 3 condis ( torment confusion bleeding ) at most times albeit being a fuck ton of stacks at a time. And no, do not do that. You are doing "if he can get away with it, why can't I" argument.


  5. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > @"aceofbass.2163" said:

    > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > > > @"aceofbass.2163" said:

    > > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > > > > > @"aceofbass.2163" said:

    > > > > > > funny how only ranger mains defend this.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Defend what?

    > > > >

    > > > > read whole thread

    > > >

    > > > I did, there's at least two different positions being defended.

    > >

    > > that scourges are not broken because rangers can shoot them down.

    > >

    > > dude not everyone wants to play ranger nor play an all out range for that matter. If you want to play as a melee class in pvp well git gud.

    > >

    > > I don't play FB in pvp before but now I am using it exclusively because it's the only one that can survive the condi bomb in close quarters.


    > 1) Actually i'm a scourge main, and there's a lot of people out there that play other classes, like ele, that say the same. And if ranger mains say that, then **there is a counter**. You wanting to use it or not doesn't invalidate the fact that it can be countered.


    > 2) If you want to play melee exclusively. Well, it's a 5v5, pick a non-scourge target, or wait till yu guys are enough that you can bust them down.


    > 3) I love how you complain about broken classes just to state you play one. And btw, scourge is one of the only counters to broken FB. I'm guessing your lobbying to get rid of the only build that can kill your choice of class easily?



    1. I never said there is absolutely zero counter to scourge. Right now I am countering it with support FB. It's just sad so many builds have been invalidated because of one spec.


    2. Even on 4v2 I see teammates dropping dead on 2 scourge spam. This is not even low rank. I know they should play better but damn.


    3. It's the other way around. FB is one of the only counters to broken scourge. Also, I stated that because I was forced to changed to it because of the scourge meta. No I am not trying to get "rid" of scourge. I am trying to voice out on how to reduce the insane amount of condi applied in a single button click.


    Maybe it's not the scourge's fault, maybe it's Anet's implementation of condis. At least the balance team should have a look.

  6. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > @"aceofbass.2163" said:

    > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > > > @"aceofbass.2163" said:

    > > > > funny how only ranger mains defend this.

    > > >

    > > > Defend what?

    > >

    > > read whole thread


    > I did, there's at least two different positions being defended.


    that scourges are not broken because rangers can shoot them down.


    dude not everyone wants to play ranger nor play an all out range for that matter. If you want to play as a melee class in pvp well git gud.


    I don't play FB in pvp before but now I am using it exclusively because it's the only one that can survive the condi bomb in close quarters.

  7. > @"artemis.6781" said:

    > The first time I saw that in GW1, I was in LA. That was so kitten awesome!

    Lion's arch was already built back then!?



    > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > When you report a player, an agent reviews your report -- in real time or after a period of time passes, depending on volume. (Don't worry, the in-game report is logged and archived, so it will be seen.) What the agent (or agents) researches is determined by what infraction was reported,so they may review chat logs or look at a character name or check out game activity logs -- things of that sort. Their first efforts go towards verifying that the report is about something that truly is a breach of the User Agreement and the Rules of Conduct. For unfortunately, as mentioned above, some reports are not factual. Someone may feel that a chat violation was more offensive than what our standards require, or may believe that someone is botting when a review shows that they are actively playing the game, or may even report out of malice.


    > Once an agent has verified a report, they will take the appropriate action. And to be clear, that action may not involve an immediate suspension or account termination. The outcome depends on what happened and our policy about that particular situation. For instance, back in the day we did not immediately suspend the account of someone for a disallowed name. Instead, the character would be blocked until the name was changed. That's one example of how things are reviewed and acted upon in a fine-grained and not one-size-fits-all process.


    > Last week, I sent a detailed message to several people at ArenaNet, mainly asking for confirmation that reports sent through the in-game system were being reviewed, and that appropriate action was being taken in response to player reports. The response I received said this: **Agents are assigned to review in-game reports 24/7, reviews are made, and appropriate action is taken.**


    > I'm sure that someone can point to an anecdote where a report wasn't responded to, or action wasn't taken. That's inevitable in a system that involves human beings handling a large volume of reports about several kinds of infractions. You should know that you always are welcome to submit a ticket, if you'd like to do so, in addition to, or instead of, submitting an in-game report. As a player, I consider the gravity of a situation, and leave most of my reports in the game. I submit a ticket only if I feel something is a major concern because I think of that priotization as doing my part to try to keep volumes reasonable (and response times short). Tickets receive a response. In-game reports do not receive a report, but again, they are reviewed and acted upon when appropriate.


    > Lastly, reports of cheats, exploits, or hacks should be e-mailed to Exploits@Arena.Net. That's the best, most direct route to get those important situations the attention they need.


    > I hope you find this info helpful!


    Thank you for the response and assurance that every report we make are being reviewed. I just hope they really get "reviewed" and not merely looked at. Especially in pvp related reports.

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